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Top Web & Mobile App Developer in Singapore

The trusted mobile application and software partner for enterprises, SMEs, and startups since 2010.

Vinova creates customised web apps, mobile apps, and mobile games for clients ranging from small-scale start-up individuals to large-scale enterprise corporates.

Vinova creates apps on multiple platforms

Do you need an iOS or Android app, or a web-based app as a cross-platform solution? You’ve come to the right place. We’ve created all kinds of apps - from social iOS apps, to Android productivity tools, to integrated enterprise solutions with complex backend systems. Our team will walk you through the whole process to bring your ideas to reality, including steps such as requirement gathering, app design, app development, and production launch.


Mobile apps

Vinova designs and develops iPhone, Android, iPad, and Android tablet apps in native language. This is to ensure the best app performance, user experience, and security for your mobile apps. We have extensive experience with mobile apps of all shapes and sizes, ranging from start-up prototypes to products for corporate enterprises.

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Web apps

Vinova designs and develops websites and web applications. We have worked on a great number of web projects, from simple introductory websites to complex web applications. Vinova is now the leading technology company in Singapore specialising in web-based applications for schools and SMEs.

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Social apps

Vinova designs and develops many social media platform applications. We’re living in a highly-connected world. Each of us is separated from one another by six degrees of separation at most. We help you to benefit from this connected world by maximising popular platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

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We are a reliable cryptos development company

Equipped with the experience of developing blockchain systems from scratch, Vinova has helped many clients develop their proprietary business platforms based on blockchain technology. We have a dedicated and professional team comprising a good mix of talents such as solution architects and research scientists, who can help you bring your blockchain cryptos projects to life and success.

Comprehensive Skillset

With a solid background in creating custom-made solutions from scratch, our technical prowess will ensure that the best in blockchain development technology is among our suite of available services. From blockchain protocols to network architecture to monitoring smart contracts, our extensive business experience will support your needs every step of the way.

Deep Knowledge

Our passionate team has worked with a wide range of blockchain technologies, including Solidity, ReactJS, Web3 JS, Uniswap, and Hyperledger. With experts specialised in the latest blockchain solutions, we’ll implement the right solution for you with optimal efficiency.


Bringing great app design to life is what we do.

We love working with agencies! We've often teamed up with digital agencies to implement beautiful designs into memorable mobile apps and creative websites for their clients.

Design to Functionality

As our partner, the digital agency will conduct research to analyse the audience needs, advise the best strategy for your company and brand, and came up with ideas for a great web or mobile app solution.

We then convert their ideas and designs into a complete, functional app. We work closely with our agency partners and sometimes their clients as well, to support their goals.

Launch to Production Support

“It’s not done until it ships.”, we always say. After development is complete, we deploy apps to productions and support the production launch. In long-term projects, we even help with app and server maintenance for the clients.


Startup is exciting.

Vinova is excited about new ideas. We are energetic and enthusiastic, just like you. We want to help you make your ideas a reality. We’ve enjoyed working with a number of startups in Singapore and around the world in various industries, and we look forward to meeting you!

From Ideas...

Share with us your thoughts; what you’d like to create, your stories, and your plan. We'll set aside time to listen and analyse your ideas. We'll advice to the best of our knowledge and experience. Once we have a clear understanding of what you want, we'll get started with the next step: bringing ideas to reality.

To Reality

Vinova will work with your start-up team closely. We'll support you every step of the way, from testing to launching your product to the market. Your success is our happiness.


We build and maintain Enterprise IT systems

Vinova has deep experience with corporate systems, even those with complex backend logic and integration. We’ve been developing and maintaining large-scale IT systems to serve different groups of users. We provide solutions to enterprise needs.

System implementation, technical advice and support

We use a mix of proprietary research analytics to dig deep and unearth market needs, identify key influencers and fearlessly get to the heart of what sets your company or brand apart.


We are timeline and deliverable driven.

We are proud of our core values. If we can’t deliver or the timeframe is too short, we will tell you upfront. We promise, we deliver. That’s what our clients like about us.

Expertise Offering

With our experience in the industry, our professional staff, and our non-stop learning attitude, we’ve proven ourselves in the industry as competent and trustworthy. We have expertise to offer you. Share your stories with us, and we will advise and develop the right solution together with you.

Manpower Provision

It may be that the in-house IT team is just too busy to help you with your project. Or it may be too costly or time-consuming to establish an IT department of your own because it is not your core business. We have a competent and energetic team to help you on project or head-count basis.

Our Journey to Date

We've been growing since 2010 and aren't looking to stop ;)

  • 150+
    Mobile Apps
  • 120+
    Web Apps
  • 200+
  • 100+
    Team members
  • 06