> Team - Vinova

What To Look For When Choosing A Vancouver Web Designer

In Vancouver, every time we need to know something, we go to our trusty phone. It’s the window we have to the endless stream of pages and links. What, out of all of the possible options, gets our attention? Some of it is being on the first page, for sure. Yet how often have we had to go down the list because of how insufferable the website is? Good B.C. SEO doesn’t make a good website. What makes a good website is a good local web designer. If you’re looking to make a website but don’t have all of the utilities on hand, contacting a professional web designer can do wonders for both your website and the traffic that it generates. There are principles in play that get someone to stay on your site. Best believe the pro’s know it.  If you’re in the market to find the best Vancouver web designer you can, here are some things to look for that can make your experience as smooth and positive as possible.  They’re Local It may be tempting to check out reviews online for international design firms. That’s all well and good, but having someone that is within your radius is just as important as the resume. Having someone that kind where you’re coming from allows for them to adequately translate your business or idea onto a presentable online space. Try narrowing down the search. For instance, if you’re in Vancouver, it is ideal to check out Vancouver Web Design Companies before expanding. In a city as diverse and technologically driven as Vancouver, you’ll be sure to find a...

[Mobile Education Game] Be Hoc Van

Be Hoc Van Be Hoc Van IOS Be Hoc Van Google Play   A mobile education game developed by our very own team, Be hoc Van is an application that teach children how to spell Vietnamese in a fun, interesting and effective way. Many preschool children as well as many parents often struggle to help their kid become familiar with combining letters into words. Be Hoc Van will help kids love learning and remember the words easily The words are illustrated by many cute, funny animals. Each animal is accompanied by their respective adorable sound, brilliant colours and eye-catching animations. The game is now out on App Store, and Google...

The speech of Stefan NGUYEN, Vinova lead game developer, in Casual Connect Asia 2013 is OUT!!!

In a previous post titled “Awesome 2D Games Animation with Spine“, we had introduced Stefan NGUYEN, Vinova lead game developer, who had a speech in Casual Connect Asia 2013 to share the experiences of Spine in 2D game development. And here is the video of his speech: Bravo Stefan for his great attempt as well as the whole game team!!! Great! Spine helped us a lot when developing Ultimate Arrow – the ‘”Best of the Show” in Casual Connect Asia 2013. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us via email info@vinova.sg. Do follow us on Facebook and wait for the launch of Ultimate Arrow...

Ultimate Arrow – the “Best of the Show” in Casual Connect Asia 2013

May 23rd 2013 was an amazing day for Vinova which marks the most successful step since the day Vinova ventured into mobile game industry. We won the “Best of Show” award with the castle defense game title “Ultimate Arrow” in Casual Connect Asia 2013. The prizes come with a Blackberry Z10, US$1000 in cash and most importantly, chances to collaborate with publishers like mig33. Nearly 70 Indie game studios came to the competition of the Indie Game showcase with their greatest games. It was really tough to win the top prize. However, Vinova did it. The magical probably happened on the last day of the event when Stefan Nguyen – our Lead Game Developer had a presentation about the application of Spine in 2D game animation and invited the audiences to visit our booth for discussion. The selling point of Ultimate Arrow would probably be its unique and outstanding Asian art style. The play game is fun, easy but can be pretty challenging as the game progress. Furthermore, the legends of the ancient Vietnamese behind the game is another factor fascinated the players, especially the publishers from US and Japan. Ultimate Arrow tells a story about King An Duong Vuong from Au Lac dynasty who used a mighty crossbow to protect his country and the citizens from the ugly and fierce barbarian invaders. The players will control the crossbow, heros, soldiers and cast all kind of spells to defeat the enemies. Developed since late 2012, this is the second times Vinova introduced Ultimate Arrow to the public and received lots of great feedbacks. Vinova considers all these supports as...

The Straits Time Happenings IOS mobile app

The Straits Time Happenings is the fourth mobile app developed by Vinova for Singapore Press Holdings (SPH) – the biggest media organization in Singapore. The social app for iOS provides information on the latest happenings and events for the week compiled by The Straits Times. With The Straits Time Happenings app, users residing in Singapore can now easily and quickly update the latest events nearby with the current location or searching for other locations. A list of categories are also available for users to filter their interest of events. The Straits Time Happenings app is now published on Apple App Store. The newest version will be launched soon with some bug fixes, beautiful UI and promises to be the smoothest and fastest version of Happenings. Do download the Straits Time Happenings by Vinova and update the latest version....

The Business Time mobile app from Vinova

The Business Time is a daily broadsheet newspaper based in Singapore currently owned by Singapore Press Holdings (SPH). The Business Time App – shown in Newsstand on IOS – features the Print Edition, Breaking News and PDF edition based on the Business Time Newspaper published every morning (Singapore 06:00AM GST). The updated news throughout the day will be published under “Breaking news” section. Push notifications for breaking news are also available. Besides STOMP and Razor TV, The Business Time is the third mobile app developed by Vinova for SPH. The fact that Vinova is a client of SPH – the biggest media organization in Singapore proves that our strong technique has been confirmed and trusted not only by SMEs. The newest version for the Business Time app will be published very soon on Apple App Store with some bug fixes and brand new UI. Do support us by downloading the Business Time app by Vinova. https://itunes.apple.com/sg/app/business-times-for-iphone/id531275824?mt=8 Below are some The Business Time mobile app screen shots:...
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