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How this web developer thrived for 10 years without learning to code

How this web developer thrived for 10 years without learning to code

Lee Hills has had a storied career as a web developer and designer. Over his decade-long career, he’s created products for himself and clients alike – all without using code! Read on to hear why Lee turned to Bubble in recent years, and how he’s used Building in Public as a tool to grow his businesses. What were you doing before you discovered no-code? I am based in the UK and have spent the last 10 years freelancing online creating animated video content for my clients. I have spent most of my career in design and web development and previously worked in tools like Dreamweaver, Flash, Adobe Director, and WordPress, somehow dodging the need (and desire) to learn to code!   I❤️ building and Launching in @bubble as it has the logic and problem solving of coding without having to write code. Why do you ❤️ building in bubble?#buildinpublic #BuildwithBubble — Lee Launches monthly NoCode Side Projects 🇺🇦 (@LeeLaunches) How did you discover no-code tools like Bubble? I discovered Bubble around 2014, when I Googled “how to build software without code.” I was trying to figure out a way to make my own explainer animation software without the need for a developer, like a DIY Canva-style animation tool. However, I did not pursue the project and went a different route, finding myself back with Bubble years later. Prior to Bubble, I also built a tool using landbot.io that helps aspiring camper van owners figure out which van to get for camper conversion. So what brought you back to Bubble? I was working on projects which required outsourcing to other...
10 Most Popular Backend Frameworks for Web App Development

10 Most Popular Backend Frameworks for Web App Development

Web frameworks are becoming critical for developing reliable and dynamic frontend/backend web apps. It contributes to simplifying the complexity of technology by facilitating the development of essential web platforms. With so many options to choose from most popular backend frameworks, selecting the appropriate one guarantees maximum performance and scalability. Web development is typically broken down into two categories: frontend and backend development. When it comes to creating the backend of a website, a backend developer is in charge of everything. When a user interacts with a frontend component, it is the backend component’s job to handle all of the backend processing and calculations.  A frontend may or may not operate without a backend. Still, for a web application to be completely functional, a must link a frontend to a backend. A client-side framework, also known as a frontend framework, facilitates the designing and development of the new UI. It has no relation to core functionality; therefore, it just evaluates browser-based activities. It is possible to create a wide range of animated features using SPAs and frontend development frameworks. Server-Side It is possible to build simple landing pages or forms using server-side or backend frameworks. While sharing data, also improves safety against cyber threats. For the framework to perform successfully, it has to focus on your project’s most important and useful elements. Overview of Backend Framework The collection of tools and modules used to construct a website’s architecture, known as a backend or server-side framework, is an essential part of every modern website.  It has a huge influence on the performance of a web application and can determine the success...
How To Automate Ruby On Rails Application Deployments Using Capistrano

How To Automate Ruby On Rails Application Deployments Using Capistrano

### Introduction — If you are not already fed up with repeating the same mundane tasks to update your application servers to get your project online, you probably will be eventually The joy you feel whilst developing your project tends to take a usual hit when it comes to the boring bits of system administration (e.g. uploading your codebase, amending configurations, executing commands over and over again, etc.) But do not fear! Capistrano, the task-automation-tool, is here to help. In this DigitalOcean article, we are going create a rock-solid server setup, running the latest version of CentOS to host Ruby-on-Rails applications using Nginx and Passenger. We will continue with learning how to automate the process of deployments – and updates – using the Ruby based automation tool Capistrano. **Note:** This article builds on the knowledge from our past Capistrano article: [Automating Deployments With Capistrano: Getting Started](https://www.digitalocean.com/community/articles/how-to-use-capistrano-to-automate-deployments-getting-started). In order to gain a good knowledge of the tool, which is highly recommended if you are going to use it, you are advised to read it before continuing with this piece. Likewise, if you would like to learn more about preparing a fresh droplet for Rails based application deployments with Passenger (and Nginx), check out the [How To Deploy Rails Apps Using Passenger With Nginx](https://www.digitalocean.com/community/articles/how-to-deploy-rails-apps-using-passenger-with-nginx-on-centos-6-5) article. **Note:** Capistrano relies on Git for deployments. To learn more consider reading DigitalOcean community articles on the subject by clicking [here](https://www.digitalocean.com/community/community_tags/git). ## Glossary — ### 1. Preparing The Deployment Server — 1. Updating And Preparing The Operating System 2. Setting Up Ruby Environment and Rails 3. Downloading And Installing App. & HTTP Servers 4. Creating The...
ComplianceMate: Software Engineer (Ruby on Rails)

ComplianceMate: Software Engineer (Ruby on Rails)

Headquarters: Lawrenceville, GA URL: https://compliancemate.com ComplianceMate is a PaaS company that is building the digital food safety platform of tomorrow – and it’s doing it today. We built the ComplianceMate platform to address a critical need for proactive food safety initiatives at growing restaurant chains. Too many hospitality brands operate without a comprehensive temperature monitoring and HACCP compliance system. As a result, they are putting guests at risk every day. They are also forfeiting a major opportunity to keep staff accountable, reduce food waste, and maintain brand integrity. Through a combination of wireless temperature sensors, mobile technologies, and easy-to-use tools built for the modern kitchen, ComplianceMate provides total control over food safety and compliance in food service establishments. We’re a distributed team, with offices in the United States and the United Kingdom. Our backend tools are fairly standard – Rails, Postgres, Redis, Rspec, Sidekiq, AWS.  Our mission is beyond standard however! We look forward to meeting you! What you would be working on? With ComplianceMate, we are building a platform that makes it easy for food service establishments to manage their food safety. We do this through IoT, Mobile, and anything else we can find that will make it easy for the job to get done and allow our customers to put their focus back on what they love, making and serving food. We are currently mandated in several large food service chains and our growth is scheduled to exponentially expand over the next year. You will help us meet that growth and help us build the best platform in the industry. 2+ years experience with Ruby on Rails...
10 Best Productive Tools for Web Developer. – DEV Community

10 Best Productive Tools for Web Developer. – DEV Community

It takes time to build an appealing and functional website. Web developers are dedicated to delivering fast, reliable, and high-quality websites. Thus, to improve our productivity, we need tools that help us provide the best quality software and make our lives easier at the same time. In this article, we will discuss tools that can be used to improve our productivity and manage some of the challenges we face in web development. 1. Animista Animista is a great tool for creating custom CSS animations with various effects. Customize any animation in their collection, including a background, exit, text, etc., with their diverse effects. Once you have done that, you will be able to find the code to create the animation. Then you can integrate it into your website. 2. Responsinator Responsinator is easy to use and free. The tool shows you the most popular screen sizes and shapes for your webpage when you enter the URL of your page. 3. ExtractCSS By using this tool, you can extract elements’ id, class, and inline styles from an HTML document and output them as CSS stylesheets. The Meta Tag is a tool for debugging and generating meta tags for any website. If you use Meta Tags, you can edit and experiment with your content, then preview the way it appears on Google, Facebook, Twitter, and more! 5. WhatRuns With this tool, you can check out other sites’ themes, plugins, and server information. WhatRuns is compatible with Chrome and Firefox. 6. Grabient For creating linear gradients for your website, Grabient offers an easy-to-use UI. Choose your color and adjust the angles as...
Roadmap to Become a Web Developer in 2022 – GeeksforGeeks

Roadmap to Become a Web Developer in 2022 – GeeksforGeeks

Web Developer/ Full Stack Web Developer – How do you feel when you tag yourself with such titles? A long journey takes place to be called by such names. In the beginning, you might feel bored or terrified, but, trust me, this is the most popular and interesting field one should work on. You can also become a web developer provided you know why you want to learn it. According to a study, there are approximately 23 million software developers worldwide and the population growth is going to increase day by day. Now if you don’t know about web development, no worries! All your doubts will get cleared here.  Who’s a web developer? Those websites which you scroll to are created by none other than web developers. A person who creates amazing websites for businesses and startups. A full-stack web developer looks after both the front-end and the back-end parts. The front-end deals with how the websites look when delivered to the customers while the back-end stores and processes all the data safely.  Also, to bring to your notice, web developers are highly paid professionals. Most Software Developers work as Web Developers. MNCs also hire professionals/freshers based on their interest in web development. No matter what the situation would be web developers will always be in demand and for this, you don’t have to care whether it’s WFH (Work From Home) or WFO (Work From Office). This job requires dedication, patience, and eagerness to learn every day and play with technology. From Big MNCs to startups, everyone needs web developers to see growth in their business. But before we...
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