> Projects - Vinova
Top enterprise mobile app development companies in Singapore

Top enterprise mobile app development companies in Singapore

Recent statistics shows that many business enterprises are now embracing the use of mobile apps to develop their business. The trend has recently brought some significant changes in app development globally. Many app developers are now deviating from targeting consumer markets to targeting business enterprises by highly embracing enterprise app development. Enterprise app development has become the new trend for developers with many apps already being showcased in Singapore. Leading app development companies are now investing in machinery and manpower to increase their marketability for business enterprises these days. We give a quick review of some of the best app development companies in Singapore that offer affordable and cutting-edge technology to develop applications for business enterprises. 1. Vinova Vinova helps Singapore companies and start-up individuals to make their ideas reality by providing our IT services and solutions. Vinova specialises in developing mobile apps, web apps and mobile games. We’ve been developing and maintaining many eCommerce and responsive websites, mobile apps and games on iOS and Android platforms, as well as complex Enterprise system. Vinova is among TOP 10 Mobile Applications Development Companies in Singapore – according to Medium.com. Awarded 1st prize “Best In Show” for our game at Casual Connect Asia, Vinova is featured on MDA site and annual report. Vinova is well-known for Speed and Quality in the industry, since their founding in 2010. Their portfolio is available for download here. And their company video is available here. 2. Buuuk Buuuk started as an experimental app but turned into a full fledged client servicing studio over a few years. They believe in honesty, respect and substance, making them a mobile app...

SG Stocks – Mobile Apps to track Singapore Stock Prices (STI / SGX)

Hooraay! Vinova team has just successfully launched its mobile app “SG Stocks” on both iOS and Android Platform. You can download the apps here: iOS version: https://itunes.apple.com/vn/app/sg-stocks/id981372388?mt=8 Android version: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=sg.vinova.sgstocks With sleek, elegant design, checking latest stock prices of the companies listed on the Singapore Exchange (SGX) could have never been easier. Seamlessly watch the market as it unfolds and quickly dive into data to uncover insights and trends on companies and sectors with informative data and graphs. SG Stock features: Real time, up-to-date data including opening price, intraday high, intraday low, traded volume, and price change. Fast, simple search/add to favourites and quickly view the price movements of the shares you are interested in General market data for overall insights into current market status Basic Charts for Technical Traders...

[Mobile Education Game] Be Hoc Van

Be Hoc Van Be Hoc Van IOS Be Hoc Van Google Play   A mobile education game developed by our very own team, Be hoc Van is an application that teach children how to spell Vietnamese in a fun, interesting and effective way. Many preschool children as well as many parents often struggle to help their kid become familiar with combining letters into words. Be Hoc Van will help kids love learning and remember the words easily The words are illustrated by many cute, funny animals. Each animal is accompanied by their respective adorable sound, brilliant colours and eye-catching animations. The game is now out on App Store, and Google...

The Straits Time Happenings IOS mobile app

The Straits Time Happenings is the fourth mobile app developed by Vinova for Singapore Press Holdings (SPH) – the biggest media organization in Singapore. The social app for iOS provides information on the latest happenings and events for the week compiled by The Straits Times. With The Straits Time Happenings app, users residing in Singapore can now easily and quickly update the latest events nearby with the current location or searching for other locations. A list of categories are also available for users to filter their interest of events. The Straits Time Happenings app is now published on Apple App Store. The newest version will be launched soon with some bug fixes, beautiful UI and promises to be the smoothest and fastest version of Happenings. Do download the Straits Time Happenings by Vinova and update the latest version....
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