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Infographic: Insight of Mobile app development process

Infographic: Insight of Mobile app development process

Developing an awesome mobile application is not an easy task, both developers and business owners struggle to understand the numerous aspects of mobile app development. Many times, business owners are not able to decide which platform to choose for their new mobile app and many times developers are not able to understand the exact requirements of their customers. This causes multiple problems and unsuccessful deployments of a mobile app. You certainly do not want your app to be unsuccessful, thus it is necessary that you understand the basic process and principles of developing a smartphone application. Nine Hertz, an iPhone app development company has recently researched about all these facets of mobile app development and designed a beautiful infographic. This visual graph describes multiple things: the whole back end and front end process of mobile application development the cost to build an app according to features the per hour rate of various countries for iOS and Android app development the latest trends that will dominate the mobile app development industry in the upcoming years...
Overview: mobile app development process

Overview: mobile app development process

Building a mobile app is a long process which involves lots of planning, researching, strategic decision-making, and testing. When decision-makers in your organization determine the need to create an app, they should be aware of the length of time, the necessary steps, and the level of involvement along this process. Building a mobile app is a long process which involves lots of planning, researching, strategic decision-making, and testing. When decision-makers in your organization determine the need to create an app, they should be aware of the length of time, the necessary steps, and the level of involvement along this process. This is why it’s important to know what to expect when you consider approaching a mobile app development company and be prepared to offer your input during all the phases. Here’s a comprehensive overview of the typical mobile app development process: 1. Initial planning Before you contact the app development team, your organization should have a clear image of what you want from the mobile app. When you present your brief to the app developers, you should include the following information: The purpose of the app: overview of core functionalities; what problem or need the app is supposed to solve; Customer personas and stories: who the typical users of the app are, how they interact with your company, their app usage patterns, and their tech-savviness; Initial sketches: hand-drawn or computer-generated sketches with a general design of how you want your app interface to look; The budget you have in mind to build the app. 2. Wireframing Wireframes are sketches or mock-ups of the actual design of your app, screen...
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