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Unit Testing in ReactJS using Jest and Enzyme – DZone Performance

According to Michael Feathers, “Any code that has no tests is a legacy code.” So as a developer it is your duty to avoid creating legacy code by using test-driven development (TDD). There are many tools available for unit testing in ReactJS but we will be going through Enzyme and Jest. What is Test Driven Development (TDD)? Test Driven Development (TDD) is a programming practice which enables developers to write code only if an automated test has failed, thereby avoiding duplication of the code. The primary aim of TDD is to write code which is clear and bug-free. As a developer, you need to write tests for every small functionality of the application. It is a cyclic process and each cycle starts by writing a unit test. Test Driven Development can easily be compiled in four easy steps: Importance of Test-Driven Development (TDD) Using TDD provides the following benefits: Why Should You Use Test-Driven Development (TDD) for ReactJS? If you have worked with ReactJS, then you probably know that code grows really fast in ReactJS. The code gets filled up with a lot of complex conditions due to service calls and change of state. Every component of your React application that lacks unit tests becomes a legacy code which is very difficult to maintain. Although we can add unit tests after we create the production code, it will be very risky as some scenarios can get overlooked which will cause the issue at the production stage. Setting Up The Environment for Test-Driven Development (TDD) The most important thing to do first is to set up the environment for writing...

Introducing Button, Faster Installs with Yarn, and a Public Roadmap · React Native

We have heard from many people that there is so much work happening with React Native, it can be tough to keep track of what’s going on. To help communicate what work is in progress, we are now publishing a roadmap for React Native. At a high level, this work can be broken down into three priorities: If you have suggestions for features that you think would be valuable on the roadmap, check out Canny, where you can suggest new features and discuss existing proposals. What’s new in React Native Version 0.37 of React Native, released today, introduces a new core component to make it really easy to add a touchable Button to any app. We’re also introducing support for the new Yarn package manager, which should speed up the whole process of updating your app’s dependencies. Introducing Button Today we’re introducing a basic <Button /> component that looks great on every platform. This addresses one of the most common pieces of feedback we get: React Native is one of the only mobile development toolkits without a button ready to use out of the box. Experienced React Native developers know how to make a button: use TouchableOpacity for the default look on iOS, TouchableNativeFeedback for the ripple effect on Android, then apply a few styles. Custom buttons aren’t particularly hard to build or install, but we aim to make React Native radically easy to learn. With the addition of a basic button into core, newcomers will be able to develop something awesome in their first day, rather than spending that time formatting a Button and learning about Touchable nuances....
Top 5 Cross-Platform Mobile App Development Tools

Top 5 Cross-Platform Mobile App Development Tools

Cross-platform mobile app development – one of the most sought-after terms in the mobile app industry. Everyone likes to code and customize the mobile app. But keeping the same time and definitely the same code. Yes, write once and run everywhere is becoming not just the trend but the demand indeed and in need of today’s world. The cross-platform mobile apps are the all-new form of mobility. Technology means there should not be the barriers resisting the mobility and power of making codes flexible as much as possible. Here are the top five imperative tools to consider for Cross-Platform Mobile App Development: Xamarin: Xamarin is the most called platform for native mobile applications. The latest and advanced. Mainly used for easy access to data and building apps for almost every mobile platforms such as iOS, Android and Windows. Xamarin uses C# as the base language. The one who enjoys coding with C sharp can surely mingle up with this platform as a developer. Also, the Swift language is fine to use with this platform for programming for cross-platform apps. The platform allows using an integrated development environment and APIs directly into the Xamarin Studio. The mobile apps built with this platform are highly seamless and device friendly for many different devices. So we can consider Xamarin as playing the most vital role in defining the cross-platform apps. PhoneGap: PhoneGap is one of the open source platforms and it is completely free for developing cross-platform apps. It builds a single app that works with several platforms and easy to handle the programming part. Because of its library functions and easy...
Clutch Names Appetiser Industry Leader in Mobile App Development

Clutch Names Appetiser Industry Leader in Mobile App Development

Recent trends have shown that both the creative and practical incorporation of mobile applications into the average person’s lifestyle is continuing to expand at a rapid rate. The role of a mobile app developer is more important now than it has ever been, making it increasingdifficult to set apart the diligent companies with proven expertise from their less effective counter parts.  This issue is exactly what the Washington D.C. located company, Clutch is aiming to improve. Clutch is an established business to business review platform that helps firms across the globe connect with the best solution providers that they need in order to improve effectiveness and increase productivity. Their platform features formal, in depth reviews from former clients as well essential information about a company including their location, number of employees, typical prices, and service focus.  Our company Appetiser, a team of mobile app developers focused on rapid agile development, is honored to announce that we have been ranked among the 2019 top mobile app developers in Australia.  The research that our company was evaluated on was based on a holistic set of criteria, including our thought leadership, types of clientele, work portfolio, and especially our expertise. In addition, the client reviews are a great tool for our company to evaluate performance and to ensure that we are continually improving.With a 5-starrating and multiple flattering reviews, we have seen strong results from Clutch’s extensive research process. Our team is excited with the positive comments so far and are excited to see what feedback awaits us in the future.  The dedication to our clients and commitment to producing quality results can also be verified through Clutch’s sister sites, “The Manifest” and “Visual Objects”. The manifest is a valuable tool...
What Are The Various Phases Of Mobile App Development?

What Are The Various Phases Of Mobile App Development?

Even with all the evidence pointing in favor of building your application, don’t decide to move forward lightly. With over 1.5 million apps each in Apple’s App and Google Play Store, it’s important to run through the mobile app development process and how your application will fit in with both your marketing goals and your market niche. Mobile App Development Lifecycle is just a representation of the conventional Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) from the perspective of a mobile device.In today’s time, making a mobile application isn’t rocket science. However, making a successful mobile application is a process involving quite an extensive pre-planning. Building your mobile application could be as easy as opening up the IDE, throwing a few things together, doing a fast round of testing, and submitting it to an App Store, all done in half day’s work. Or you can make it an extremely involved process involving rigorous up-front design, QA testing on a whole lot of devices, usability testing, a full beta lifecycle, and then deployment some different ways. The path you choose will give shape to your vision. With that said, here’s a look at the app development lifecycle and the objectives and challenges along the way. 1. The Research All apps start with an idea, even if yours is just to have a mobile app presence. Refine that idea into a solid basis for an application. Make sure your initial analysis includes actual demographics, motivations, behavior patterns and goals of your buyer persona. During each stage of the process, keep the end user in mind. Now, try to think of your customer’s lifecycle, once...
6 Ways to Reduce Mobile App Development Cost

6 Ways to Reduce Mobile App Development Cost

This column is authored by Ray Parker, Digital Marketer, Iqvis Brand recognition and reaching out to customers is the key to success for any business. The ever-changing business scenario and innovation in technology has changed the face of marketing. Imagine yourself in the early 80’s and 90’s when you were handed brochures and pamphlets distributed by brands to make consumers aware of their new product line. Today, almost every company is heading towards business app. The reason is quite simple that the people are connected to the internet all day long on mobile. Whether it be a news, updates about the company or addition of new product line, users are informed instantly without an extra effort. Whether it’s a small business, a startup or well-established company, having a mobile app is necessary. Most of the small enterprises are worried about the cost of developing a mobile app. However, mobile app development solutions vary a lot depending on the features, type of app or the platform on which it is developed. If you want to stay ahead of the competition, the catch is to get your app developed. Don’t worry about the cost because, in the long-run, you are going to reap the benefits at large. Here are some of the tips to reduce your app development cost. Document Your Requirements As discussed earlier, cost of mobile app development depends on the number of requirements. The more the requirements are, the higher the cost of app development. Before opting out for mobile development solution, make sure to have clear goals on what is required by your company. Make sure to have proper...
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