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Real-time applications using ASP.NET Core, SignalR & Angular – chsakell’s Blog

The source code for this post has been updated to the latest ASP.NET Core version (.NET Core SDK 1.0 project – can be opened using VS 2017) and angular 4 as well (Repository). Real-time web applications are apps that push user experience to the limits while trying to immediately reflect data changes to a great number of connected clients. You make use of such applications on a daily basis, Facebook and Twitter are some of them. There are several ways to design and implement Real-time web applications and of course Microsoft made sure to provide you with a remarkable library named SignalR. The idea behind SignalR is let the server push changes automatically to connected clients instead of having each client polling the server on time intervals. And what does connected clients means anyway? The answer is hidden behind the concept of the HTTP persistent connections which are connections that may remain opened for a long time, in contrast with the tradional HTTP Connections that can be disconnected. The persistent connection remains opened due to certain type of packet exchanging between a client and the server. When a client calls a SignalR method on the server, the server is able to uniquely identify the connection ID of the caller. What this post is all about SignalR has been out for a long time but ASP.NET Core and Angular 2 aren’t. On this post we ‘ll see what takes to bind all those frameworks and libraries together and build a Real time application. This is not an Angular tutorial nor a SignalR one. Because of the fact that the final...

ASP.NET Single Page Applications Angular Release Candidate

I was doing some Angular then remembered that the ASP.NET “Angular Project Template” has a release candidate and is scheduled to release sometime soon in 2018. Starting with just a .NET Core 2.0 install plus Node v6 or later, I installed the updated angular template. Note that this isn’t the angular/react/redux templates that came with .NET Core’s base install. I’ll start by adding the updated SPA (single page application) template: dotnet new --install Microsoft.DotNet.Web.Spa.ProjectTemplates::2.0.0-rc1-final Then from a new directory, just dotnet new angular Then I can open it in either VSCode or Visual Studio Community (free for Open Source). If you’re interested in the internals, open up the .csproj project file and note the checks for ensuring node is install, running npm, and running WebPack. If you’ve got the Angular “ng” command line tool installed you can do the usual ng related stuff, but you don’t need to run “ng serve” because ASP.NET Core will run it automatically for you. I set development mode with “SET ASPNETCORE_Environment=Development” then do a “dotnet build.” It will also restore your npm dependencies as part of the build. The client side app lives in ./ClientApp. C:\Users\scott\Desktop\my-new-app> dotnet buildMicrosoft (R) Build Engine version 15.5 for .NET CoreCopyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Restore completed in 73.16 ms for C:\Users\scott\Desktop\my-new-app\my-new-app.csproj. Restore completed in 99.72 ms for C:\Users\scott\Desktop\my-new-app\my-new-app.csproj. my-new-app -> C:\Users\scott\Desktop\my-new-app\bin\Debug\netcoreapp2.0\my-new-app.dll v8.9.4 Restoring dependencies using 'npm'. This may take several minutes... “dotnet run” then starts the ng development server and ASP.NET all at once. If we look at the “Fetch Data” menu item, you can see and example of how Angular and open source ASP.NET...
New Package Laravel-Searchable: Easily Search in Multiple Models – Laravel Daily

New Package Laravel-Searchable: Easily Search in Multiple Models – Laravel Daily

Spatie team is still on fire with new packages. This week they released another one called Laravel Searchable, created mainly by AlexVanderbist. I’ve tried it myself and can show you a demo, along with my opinion. What is Laravel Searchable Spatie’s package makes searching in models an easy task, without external dependencies. The main advantage, as I’ve tested it, is ability to perform mega-search in all project database, specifying more than one model to search in. Here’s an example search code from Controller: Looks pretty simple and readable, right? You would say there’s no need for another “search” package when we have Laravel Scout, Algolia, ElasticSearch and others, right? Here’s Freek Van der Herten’s official take on it: laravel-searchable does not try to replace Scout. Both packages have their place. Make your own decision what you need in your project! — Freek Van der Herten (@freekmurze) Example mini-project: preparation To test the package, I’ve created a fresh Laravel 5.7 project (the code will be available on GitHub – link at the end of article) with two database tables: categories and companies: Also, seeded some data for both tables, used make:auth to generate a simple Bootstrap template, and ended up with this list of companies: The code is really simple, here’s HomeController: Now, let’s say we want to search both Categories and Companies from one text field. This is where the package will help us. Notice a Search bar in top-right corner? Here’s HTML code for it: Meanwhile, in routes/web.php, we have the homepage, search results, and pages for individual category/company: So, “all” we need to do now, is implement...
Integrating Security Into Mobile App Development Process

Integrating Security Into Mobile App Development Process

Hackers are always on the prowl to get access to vital and personal information for vested interest. With the onset of mobile technology, the phishing activity has become rampant and new ways have been devised to attack and hack devices. It is because of this reason that companies have begun spending enormous sums of money, amenities, and time to protect their system but often fail miserably in doing so because the application layer of the system is rendered unguarded against these threats. Studies have shown that it’s the application layer that suffers most of the damage when a security breach takes place, thus, making it the most vulnerable and exposing it to risks and loss of private information. Such a situation damages the reputation of the products and services, and of the company that provides them. To avoid such incidences, the developers should do away with the practice of developing security measures after the development of the app. Instead, the security features to protect the app from such phishing attacks must be developed when the app is being conceptualized and created. This reinforces the building blocks of app against hacks and makes them reliable. With such critical security concerns, software industries have begun finding methods to shield the apps against the threats and a considerable progress has already been made. Let’s discuss a few things that can be done to enhance the security of an app while developing it. 1. Preliminary Analysis at Initial Stage At the time of sketching a rough draft for the app, the development team and the security monitoring team should collectively note the initial...

The Beauty Of React Native: Building Your First iOS App With JavaScript (Part 2) — Smashing Magazine

About The Author Nash Vail has a passion for designing building user interfaces. He is currently a Computer Science undergrad and actively looking for internship opportunities. …… April 19, 2016 The Beauty Of React Native: Building Your First iOS App With JavaScript (Part 2) Quick Summary In part 1 of this tutorial we started building our iOS app from scratch. We started out by setting up a blank React Native project. Then we pulled data from the Unsplash.it API. Because downloading data takes time, we built a loading screen. In the process we went over positioning UI elements with flexbox and styling them using CSS-like properties. Towards the end of part 1 we downloaded and included a third-party Swiper component from GitHub, which allowed us to display wallpaper data in a swipeable container. Table of Contents Smashing Newsletter Imagine you wrote a beautifully crafted newsletter and nobody read it. That would make any cat sad. Don’t let that happen! With useful tips for web devs. Sent 2× a month. You can unsubscribe any time —obviously. Smashing Job Board Great companies are looking for people like you. In part 1 of this tutorial, we started building our iOS app from scratch. We started out by setting up a blank React Native project. Then we pulled data from the Unsplash.it API. Because downloading data takes time, we built a loading screen. In the process we went over positioning UI elements with flexbox and styling them using CSS-like properties. Towards the end of part 1 we downloaded and included a third-party Swiper component from GitHub, which allowed us to display wallpaper data...

State of React Native 2018 · React Native

It’s been a while since we last published a status update about React Native. At Facebook, we’re using React Native more than ever and for many important projects. One of our most popular products is Marketplace, one of the top-level tabs in our app which is used by 800 million people each month. Since its creation in 2015, all of Marketplace has been built with React Native, including over a hundred full-screen views throughout different parts of the app. We’re also using React Native for many new parts of the app. If you watched the F8 keynote last month, you’ll recognize Blood Donations, Crisis Response, Privacy Shortcuts, and Wellness Checks – all recent features built with React Native. And projects outside the main Facebook app are using React Native too. The new Oculus Go VR headset includes a companion mobile app that is fully built with React Native, not to mention React VR powering many experiences in the headset itself. Naturally, we also use many other technologies to build our apps. Litho and ComponentKit are two libraries we use extensively in our apps; both provide a React-like component API for building native screens. It’s never been a goal for React Native to replace all other technologies – we are focused on making React Native itself better, but we love seeing other teams borrow ideas from React Native, like bringing instant reload to non-JavaScript code too. When we started the React Native project in 2013, we designed it to have a single “bridge” between JavaScript and native that is asynchronous, serializable, and batched. Just as React DOM turns React state...
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