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Your first app using ASP.NET Core 6 and Visual Studio 2022 | BinaryIntellect Knowledge Base

Your first app using ASP.NET Core 6 and Visual Studio 2022 | BinaryIntellect Knowledge Base

Your first app using ASP.NET Core 6 and Visual Studio 2022 If you are keeping an eye on the progress of ASP.NET Core 6 you are probably aware that .NET 6, C# 10, and Visual Studio 2022 have been released. There are lots of new things, small to big, added to the overall .NET family and I have discussed a few of them in my previous articles. In this article I will show you how to create your first web application in Visual Studio 2022. I assume that you are already familiar with Visual Studio 2019 and ASP.NET Core in general. This is going to be a quick introduction to give you a feel of the new IDE and project structure. Before you go any further, install Visual Studio 2022 edition of your choice. So, let’s get going! Open Visual Studio 2022 as shown below. This dialog should look familiar to you because it’s quite similar to Visual Studio 2019. Click on the Create a new project option to reveal the project templates. Here you can see a list of all available project templates. I have filtered them for C# language and Web project type. As far as ASP.NET Core is concerned the main project templates that you find listed here include: For this example we will deliberately use ASP.NET Core Empty project template so that we can setup everything on our own rather than relying on the default project items. So, pick ASP.NET Core Empty and hit the Next button. Specify some project name (FirstAppInAspNetCore6 in this case) and location and click on the Next button.  In this...
Why UI/UX is essential for Mobile App Development

Why UI/UX is essential for Mobile App Development

If you pulled up your phone’s App Store or Play Store now, you’d find millions of applications in almost every conceivable category of business, arts, entertainment, news or healthcare, vying for your attention, competing for a download click. As a user, you no doubt have experimented with multiple app products yourself – researching, installing, testing, uninstalling and then starting all over again – to find an app worthy of space on your phone. So, what is it that some apps have, and others don’t that make them popular, even if they all served the same basic functionalities? The entire approach for mobile app development has come a long way from creating products that simply perform to designing immersive and emotionally satisfying customer experiences. This is why mobile app developers today work in-sync with UI/UX designers to ensure that their products look and feel as special as their technical features. In this blog let’s dig deeper into the significance of User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) design and see how their effective integration during product building can help businesses and entrepreneurs. What is UI in Mobile App Development? To put it in simple terms, UI designs determine how a mobile application should function. It ensures the app is easy to use and intuitive for its users. Everything that a user sees on the screen while interacting with a mobile app falls under UI. It is the responsibility of the UI designers to detail the overall presentation of the app including navigation menus, screen sizes and application of brand colors. Experienced UI teams follow the latest design principles and brand...
Serverless Laravel Hosting for Web Artisans | Laravel News

Serverless Laravel Hosting for Web Artisans | Laravel News

You have just finished coding your great idea with Laravel. You have committed your final piece of code (git push!), and now you need a server to host it. Typically, you would provision a server with either DigitalOcean, Linode, Hetzner or a similar provider. Your application is running smoothly at first, but now you are starting to see some traction, and your server is coming under stress – Black Friday has arrived, or you get some great PR! To combat the problem of scale, the easy thing to do is get a larger server. Still, now you are faced with the task of provisioning it and possibly coordinating a switchover, which will likely incur downtime – can you afford this downtime in such a make-or-break moment? You may or may not be aware of the concept of serverless, so let us give you a brief introduction and why you should consider a serverless solution for your project. Serverless offers peace of mind. Scaling your infrastructure, horizontally or vertically, is done at a click of a button, with no downtime! Serverless removes the single point of failure – if your server’s hardware fails, you have very few options, and starting afresh is probably the best. Whereas with serverless, if a piece of hardware breaks, your application is automatically re-provisioned to another healthy server, and any downtime will be minimal. Introducing serverless Laravel hosting with Animo Cloud Animo Cloud believes in a serverless future, where developers focus more on their application’s code and less on their server setup and maintenance. To help developers reach this idealistic future, we built the Animo...
Create Azure B2C users with Microsoft Graph and ASP.NET Core

Create Azure B2C users with Microsoft Graph and ASP.NET Core

This article shows how to create different types of Azure B2C users using Microsoft Graph and ASP.NET Core. The users are created using application permissions in an Azure App registration. Code https://github.com/damienbod/azureb2c-fed-azuread The Microsoft.Identity.Web Nuget package is used to authenticate the administrator user that can create new Azure B2C users. An ASP.NET Core Razor page application is used to implement the Azure B2C user management and also to hold the sensitive data. public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) { services.AddScoped<MsGraphService>(); services.AddTransient<IClaimsTransformation, MsGraphClaimsTransformation>(); services.AddHttpClient(); services.AddOptions(); services.AddMicrosoftIdentityWebAppAuthentication(Configuration, "AzureAdB2C") .EnableTokenAcquisitionToCallDownstreamApi() .AddInMemoryTokenCaches(); The AzureAdB2C app settings configures the B2C client. An Azure B2C user flow is implemented for authentication. In this example, a signin or signup flow is implemented, although if creating your own user, maybe only a signin is required. The GraphApi configuration is used for the Microsoft Graph application client with uses the client credentials flow. A user secret was created to access the Azure App registration. This secret is stored in the user secrets for development and stored in Azure Key Vault for any deployments. You could use certificates as well but this offers no extra security unless using directly from a client host. "AzureAdB2C": { "Instance": "https://b2cdamienbod.b2clogin.com", "ClientId": "8cbb1bd3-c190-42d7-b44e-42b20499a8a1", "Domain": "b2cdamienbod.onmicrosoft.com", "SignUpSignInPolicyId": "B2C_1_signup_signin", "TenantId": "f611d805-cf72-446f-9a7f-68f2746e4724", "CallbackPath": "/signin-oidc", "SignedOutCallbackPath ": "/signout-callback-oidc" }, "GraphApi": { "TenantId": "f611d805-cf72-446f-9a7f-68f2746e4724", "ClientId": "1d171c13-236d-4c2b-ac10-0325be2cbc74", "Scopes": ".default" //"ClientSecret": "--in-user-settings--" }, "AadIssuerDomain": "damienbodhotmail.onmicrosoft.com", The application User.ReadWrite.All permission is used to create the users. See the permissions in the Microsoft Graph docs. The MsGraphService service implements the Microsoft Graph client to create Azure tenant users. Application permissions are used because we use Azure B2C. If authenticating using Azure AD, you could...

Free Mobile App Development Tools

The app development space is growing at an exponential pace, thanks in part to a growing number of phone ownership and rising internet penetration. Today, the app development market is one of the largest globally with an average release of 5092 apps on the Google App Store and 6140 apps on the Google Play Store. Artificial intelligence, machine learning, cloud computing, and the Internet of Things IoT are some of the technologies that are being incorporated in most apps. A virtual assistant is one such improvement in mobile applications. Looking closely, you realize that WhatsApp, TikTok, and Instagram apps are topping the chart of leading apps with the most downloads. Amazon Prime and Netflix lead the entertainment app market, and Candy Crush is at the apex of the gaming app development market. It’s with no doubt that mobile applications have schematically modified human life. Quick navigation and exceptional UI through mobile applications have become a trademark. The projected number of mobile phone users is expected to cross the 7 billion mark by 2025. This growth will automatically bring a shift in app downloads. So, in this context, it becomes important and valuable to understand the best app development solutions prevailing in the market, with the current and future app development trends. In this post, we delve into the top free mobile app development tools. PhoneGap PhoneGap is a popular mobile app development application that allows you to create a hybrid of software. With PhoneGap, the user or developer doesn’t necessarily need to know mobile programming languages. Instead, they can kick-start with languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for app...

Build any view with these amazing template engines for NodeJS

Building dynamic websites with APIs is something we all are familiar with as modern-day web developers. Node.js, especially, makes it really easy to set up API backends quickly and connect them with the client-side web applications. But did you know that Node allows the application of template engines as an alternative way for rendering web pages? As opposed to the API-based website building approach, template engines allow you to render pages with dynamic content on the server-side. They offer flexibility when you’re working with pages that rely heavily on data retrieved from databases. Especially when building static websites, template engines can improve the development process by enabling code reuse. Just like its name suggests, the primary building block of a template engine-based website is the template. Each page template defines the basic structure of a web page using a special syntax and variables. When it’s finally time to render the page, you can pass the exact values of these variables to create a page with details specific to each request. In Node.js, developers have the opportunity to pick a template engine from dozens of different available options. The most popular among them include: In today’s article, we will talk about the first four template engines in the above list, Pug, EJS, Handlebars, and Nunjacks, to provide you a glimpse into working with template engines and using them for building incredibly powerful web pages. Pug , formerly known as Jade, is one of the most used template engines in Node. It provides an indentation-based syntax for adding content to a page. With Pug, you can use multiple control structures within...
Malcare WordPress Security

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