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ASP.NET Core: Saturating 10GbE at 7+ million request/s | Age of Ascent

ASP.NET Core: Saturating 10GbE at 7+ million request/s | Age of Ascent

7+ Million HTTP requests per second from a single server It’s coming up to 2 years since I last posted about the performance of ASP.NET Core; during its preview, pre version 1.0. As preview 2 of has ASP.NET Core 3.0 has just been to released; it’s time to follow up, and find out how its evolved. ASP.NET Core 2.2 (Current) Looking at the latest run from the TechEmpower Benchmarks continuous results ASP.NET 2.2 is the 3rd fastest webserver (0.046% off the top spot); able to respond to 7 Million HTTP request per second: I recently saw another post; about a different product, where throughput that was measured monthly; so if we use that time period, that’s 18.1 trillion HTTP requests per month. It’s also an extraordinary amount of bandwidth; enough to continuously saturate a 10GBps link. These results are with the webserver and load tester running inside Docker containers, on two different physical Linux machines *; connected with a 10GbE network. All this throughput from a single server! ASP.NET Core is fast on Linux (and on Windows). How does it compare to other well known servers? In these “platform” comparisons that’s: Internet Facing Server ASP.NET Core’s Kestrel Webserver; which is used in these benchmarks, is an edge server so can be used as an internet facing webserver, as explained in the documentation: It doesn’t need a second webserver acting as a reverse-proxy server in front and can go full speed. It also works with reverse-proxies if that fits more with your infrastructure. Data Access Performance I often hear the defeatist argument that performance like this doesn’t matter because “my...
Kivy Vs BeeWare | Python for Mobile App Development

Kivy Vs BeeWare | Python for Mobile App Development

April 06, 2020 A few years back, creating mobile applications using Python was almost a pipedream. But today, even Python has entered into the race that follows the phrase, “Write once, deploy everywhere”. Surprised right? Well, yes, using a few suites of tools it is possible to build mobile applications using Python. Things have shuffled and Python is now capable of delivering Android and iOS platforms. Thanks to the two major python app development frameworks, Kivy, and BeeWare. In this article, we have run a small comparison between Kivy Vs BeeWare that will help you in having a better understanding of both. We can say it was the need of the hour for the Python community to come up with the solution that allows direct deployment of apps on iOS and Android. Millions of Python lovers awaited the release of the frameworks that would allow them to write mobile applications using Python. The two frameworks, Kivy and BeeWare added on to the Python’s strength of This allowed developers to take advantage of Python for mobile applications. These framework libraries play a major role and you can easily build applications using Python’s clear syntax. Let’s have a look at them. Let’s understand the Kivy framework: Kivy is an open-source Python library that can be used to deploy mobile applications across multiple platforms. The framework was released in the year 2011 and extends its support to multitouch events, regular keyboard inputs as well as mouse inputs. Kivy has the potential to act and strengthen with the platform they are deployed on. It is used to create graphical user interfaces that can...
React Native vs. Xamarin vs. Ionic vs. Flutter: Which is better?

React Native vs. Xamarin vs. Ionic vs. Flutter: Which is better?

The Comparison: React Native vs. Xamarin vs. Ionic vs. Flutter 1. The Language Stack Let’s see which framework utilizes which programming languages and offer what benefits: React Native: It utilizes JavaScript which is at present one of the most popular, dynamic and high-level programming language. It combines the advantages of JavaScript and React.JS, and is sponsored by Facebook. The solid side of React Native that makes it best among the other three frameworks in terms of PL is that it allows writing a few components in Swift, Objective-C or Java when developers require them. Utilizing native modules and libraries in React Native applications, you can manage computationally heavy operations like video handling or image editing. Xamarin: It utilizes C# with .net environment to develop Android, iOS and Mac applications. Anything that can be accomplished with native languages, a developer can do in C# utilizing Xamarin. However, developers can’t utilize native open-source libraries accessible for iOS and Android with Xamarin, there is a variety of .net libraries accessible that fills the coveted need. IONIC: It uses HTML5, CSS, and JS to develop and run applications, and requires Cordova wrapper to access native platform controllers. Utilizing IONIC, you can also use TypeScript that improves the quality of the code. Flutter: It utilizes Dart to develop high-quality applications for Android, iOS and the web. Dart is an amazing Programming language that offer plenty of benefits and is based on C/C++ and java. Despite being new, the language is soon expected to take the industry by storm. Dart is one of the reason why is preferred by a number of app developers these...
Reasons to use Flutter for mobile app development

Reasons to use Flutter for mobile app development

This is the era of living among different mobile technologies. The app market is very dynamic and is growing higher at a rapid pace. In the present time, the concept of cross-platform mobile development is revolutionizing the app development process for developers and businesses as well. Android and Flutter both are managed by Flutter. Native and Cross-platform applications are making android devices more reliable and flexible for users. Android development was started at Android Inc. and Google bought it in 2015. Later the Flutter project began at Google and in 2017, the first Flutter SDK was released. Flutter changed the scenario of native app development. Nowadays, every business association wants to develop an app in less time and low cost. The main reason behind the fact that managers are looking for cross-platform is that native app development requires two different tech stack. It results, the need for two distinct teams and high expenditures. Hence, Flutter is the latest booming technology across the market for cross-platform app development. In this blog, you will get to know the reasons to use Flutter for mobile application development. Let’s have a look – A Plethora of Plugins to choose from Flutter doesn’t fail to impress with its tons of plugins that make development easier. You can simply add the features without having the code written from scratch; it saves huge time and resources incorporate in making app development faster. With all the widgets, plugins, tools and packages that the Flutter offers, you can customize them as per the requirements. When you have so much to choose from, app development becomes exciting and easy....
Intro to Mobile App Development with NativeScript-Vue | Tighten

Intro to Mobile App Development with NativeScript-Vue | Tighten

If you’re a web developer accustomed to the simplicity of Vue.js, learning a whole new language (or two) to develop native mobile apps for iOS and Android may seem daunting. While you can use React Native to develop for mobile using JavaScript, there will still be a steep learning curve unless you’re already familiar with React. Enter NativeScript: it’s another open source framework for native mobile app development using JavaScript (or TypeScript), with support for Vue and Angular syntax. The apps you build with it aren’t web-based imitations; NativeScript uses JavaScript Virtual Machines on Android and iOS to run your app, and provides access to native APIs through its core modules, translating your JavaScript code into Java for Android, and Objective-C for iOS. If you’re already familiar with Vue, you’ll get to take advantage of your existing Vue knowledge and experience when working with NativeScript-Vue. Your templates will look a little different—there’s no div element in NativeScript, for example—but generally, you’ll build your app using very familiar Vue syntax, and with plugins like Vuex. It’s even possible to share some code between web and mobile platforms in the same codebase. In this post, we’ll configure our environment for NativeScript development on iOS, and create a basic NativeScript-Vue app using Tailwind CSS that can be deployed to iOS and Android devices. Installing NativeScript Prerequisites: Note that iOS apps can only be built on macOS machines, but if you work on Windows or Linux, NativeScript provides a cloud-based platform called Sidekick that can get you up and running. To install the necessary dependencies, run the commands below (more detailed instructions are...
7 Benefits of Outsourcing Mobile App Development to India – You Must Know – SoftwareFirms

7 Benefits of Outsourcing Mobile App Development to India – You Must Know – SoftwareFirms

Developing a mobile application is no longer restricted to renowned companies. Enterprises of all sizes need to establish a mobile application as a necessity. It allows them to retain their customers because mobile users are increasing at a fast rate. In the contemporary world, we are living in a dynamic world with constant technological advancements. Their impacts are changing the way humans live and bringing a constant revolution in a global society. No one can escape this inevitable change in the current age as mobile and tablet technology is ruling worldwide. The number of internet users is rising exponentially! This makes enterprises to explore this technology to gain huge profits. Read More: Key Benefits to Using Mobile App Deep Links vs. Traditional Links Are you are at a confused state wondering whether you should offshore your top mobile application development or not?  Here are seven that would clear your confusion and help you in making up your mind for top outsourcing mobile app development: 1. Reach to an Ocean of Talent Spread Across the World Access to the internet provides information about everything. You can visit websites like LinkedIn, Facebook, and plenty of job portals to have an open discussion with professionals about your project. There is so much talent available there from where you can select the most appropriate one. The dependence on in-house employees decreases drastically because now you will have access to a lot of talent.   If you involve your in-house employees for top mobile app development, then you will have to utilize your resources and divert their minds from another task. If you outsource...
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