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Tutorial: How to share code between iOS, Android & Web using React Native, react-native-web and monorepo

Tutorial: How to share code between iOS, Android & Web using React Native, react-native-web and monorepo

Let’s make our react-native app work in the browser, the right way. The code from this tutorial is available on GitHub: You can fork it and use to start new projects with code sharing 🎉 Why am I writing this? Hi 👋 I’m Bruno Lemos. I recently launched a project called DevHub – TweetDeck for GitHub and one of the things that caught people’s attention was the fact that it is an app made by a single developer and available on 6 platforms: Web (react-native-web), iOS (react native), Android (react native), macOS, Windows and Linux (electron, for now), with almost 100% code sharing between them. It even shares some code with the server! This is something that would require a team of 3+ until a couple years ago. Since then, I’ve received dozens of tweets and private messages asking how to achieve the same and in this tutorial I’ll walk you through it. What’s react-native-web? If you are not familiar with , it’s a lib by Necolas (ex Twitter engineer) to make your React Native code render in the browser. Roughly speaking, you will write <View /> and it will render <div />, making sure all styles render the exact same thing. It does more than that, but let’s keep it simple. The new Twitter was created using this technology and it’s awesome. If you already know react-native, you don’t need to learn any new syntax. It’s the same API. Summary Starting a new React Native project Turning our folder structure into a monorepo Making react-native work in a monorepo Sharing code between our monorepo packages Creating a new web...
Laravel is awesome! 10 reasons why I love Laravel – DEV

Laravel is awesome! 10 reasons why I love Laravel – DEV

In the last six months I have tried several programming languages ​​and frameworks. I have done projects with Django, Laravel, Rails, Vue and React. I loved all of this framework. They are all mature and all do the job. On the other hand, one of these frameworks seduced me a little more than the others … Laravel. Here are the 10 reasons why I sincerely believe that Laravel is great! PHP is awesome! Yes. Those who claim the opposite sorry to say but are ignorant. They ignore that PHP 3.0 has long been obsolete and that PHP 7 is now a complete OOP language, relatively fast, stable and very pleasant to work with. The Laravel framework is precisely built in OOP with the latest PHP standards. Laravel’s syntax is easy, clear, and elegant. With Laravel there is almost no boilerplate code to write. Compared to several other frameworks, Laravel comes with a full starter configuration. Starting a new project is easy and super fast. There are a lot of third party Laravel packages. I also find that the packages are regularly updated and ready for production. The creators of Laravel have created an eco-system of pro products that complements Laravel in a wonderful way. Sure these products have to be paid for but in return they are now ready for full scale production and can save you hundreds of hours of development. With Laravel it is also possible to create fullstack applications, ie backend but also frontend. The code remains executed on the server but certain products like Livewire allow to develop interactive UI like React but in pure...
Mobile App Development Privacy and Security Checklist

Mobile App Development Privacy and Security Checklist

With over available in leading app stores, it is clear that the mobile app market is flooded. On the other hand, consumers aren’t willing to use any old app. They want only the best ones. These apps have to be beautifully designed, offer friction-less navigation, should be easy to use, and provide value. Various parameters, like compatibility, performance, and functionality, must be thoroughly tested. So yeah, designing and developing a mobile app is no simple task. But above everything else, people are increasingly concerned about privacy and security issues. After the Facebook fiasco, people are anxious about sharing data and personal information. They prefer to use only those apps which are secure. Now, these concerns are more valid than ever. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, everyone is being forced online. And there has been a significant . People have every right to be more vigilant about what apps are safe to use. However, with the right privacy and security guidelines, you can take your app to the next level. As a developer, here are some of the best practices that you should follow to create more secure apps. 1. Evaluate all open source codes Open source and third-party libraries are changing the app world, helping to speed up development and deployment. Enterprises apps can contain as much as 90% open source codes. Unfortunately, third-party codes have often been the reason behind vulnerabilities, allowing attackers to remotely exploit a system. Open-source apps can be reverse-engineered. So leaving the source code open could put your app at risk. By using new and protected codes, app developers can build an app from...

[Laravel] PHP Course in Lahore | Best PHP Training in Lahore | Certification Pakistan

Become a Certified Laravel Developer with Angular 8 Course Pre-Requisites: While the prerequisites for the class will depend on where you take it, there are a few things you will have to have. You will need to have a basic knowledge of Html, CSS and JavaScript. If Participants has not those skills but still wants to take on this course, we recommended them to get admitted to PNY Trainings Web Designing & Development course prior signing up for this course). Course Duration: 24 Classes (3 classes per week) PHP &Mysql: Part 1: PHP Crash Course Using PHP & Embedding PHP in HTML Adding Dynamic Content  & Accessing Form Variables Part 2 : Storing and retrieving data Opening a file Writing a File Closing a File Reading from a File       Part 3 : Using Arrays Numerically Indexed Array Associative Arrays Sorting Arrays & Recording Arrays Part 4: String Manipulation and Regular Expressions        MySQL Formatting Strings Joining and Splitting Strings with String Functions Comparing Strings Matching and Replacing Substrings with String Functions Part 5: Reusing Code and Writing Functions Using require() and include() Using Functions Part 6: Object — Oriented PHP Object – Oriented Concepts & Creating Classes, Attributes, Operations in PHP Implementing Inheritance in PHP & signing Classes Part 7: MVC with Laravel Laravel Installation & Working with Forms  | Working with Controller Laravel Blade Template with Bootstrap Responses with Html &Laravel Migration Laravel Requests, Models &Laravel Eloquent ORM & Build a Complete App in Laravel Part 8: Designing your web database Relational Database Concepts How to Design Your Database & Web Database Architecture PHP &Mysql: Part 9: Creating your web database...
Laravel 7.x Rest API CRUD Example with JWT Auth

Laravel 7.x Rest API CRUD Example with JWT Auth

Posted By Mahedi Hasan Category Framework Sub-category Laravel 6 February 13, 2020 Hello Artisan  In this tutorial i am going to discuss about a brand new topic which is jwt auth laravel 6. This tutorial we will see how to create a restful api with json web token (jwt). JWT (JSON Web Token) is usually used to send information that can be trusted and verified using a digital signature. In this tutorial, we’ll explore the ways you can build—and test—a robust API using Laravel and JWT. In early tutorial i made a tutorial about it. But this was using laravel passport. In this lesson we will create login, registration and full crud system with JWT authentication with Laravel 6. We will also use jwt middleware laravel. In RESTful APIs, we use the HTTP verbs as actions, and the endpoints are the resources acted upon. We’ll be using the HTTP verbs for their semantic meaning:   Now let’s start building a robust restful API in Laravel using JWT Authentication. JWT stands for JSON Web Tokens. I will also show you a fully functional CRUD for user products using API. In this Laravel JWT authentication tutorial we are going to make this kind of API using JWT. You have to just follow few step to get following web services.   Let’s start building our Rest Api using JWT authentication. Step 1: Install Laravel  I am going to explain step by step from scratch so, we need to get fresh Laravel 6 application using bellow command Step 2: Install  tymondesigns/jwt-auth Package Now, install the third-party jwtauth package by typing the following command. It will install the package in the vendor folder and our composer.json file will...
Top 10 Mobile App Development companies in Mumbai

Top 10 Mobile App Development companies in Mumbai

Top 10 mobile app development companies in Mumbai Mumbai the business and economy capital of India is the most desirable and dream of everyone, from individual to startup, to corporation, etc. It is known as the backbone of business for a reason which is simply that Mumbai is the hub of business. From finance to IT, to educational, to clothing, to restaurant every type of business has a proper fit in Mumbai. Business flourish if targeted well and adapted well to the dynamic environment. It means that the environment is ever-changing and so the business model should be flexible enough to adapt these changes. This means that with a change in innovation CDs and pen drives replaced cassettes or android phone changed the phase of connectivity. One such inevitable part in mobile app, and with professional mobile app development companies in Mumbai one can easily start online business. Below are the top 10 mobile app development companies in Mumbai One should not ignore the potential growth which online presence can bring to the business. The growth business by going online is clearly evident with the business model of Ola, Spur, Zomato, flipkart and another start-up that started an online business from their initial stage. In fact, Even the big brands like Shoppers Stop, ICICI Bank, Dominos went to online mode and are now available to their customers online through the web and mobile app. It is an interesting fact that with an increase in mobile users and accessible data plan mobile app is pacing. Mobile app for business is beneficial in various ways. Let say costing, mobile app reduces...
Malcare WordPress Security

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