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How AngularJS can speed up your website performance

How AngularJS can speed up your website performance

Today, online organisations and new businesses are substantially influenced by the performance of web technologies which they utilize for their respective jobs. Hence, It becomes needed to remove all such variables which are stopping their business development. Being AngularJS Development Company we are all as much up to date with the latest variations and also the added features. Numerous other website application development tools entered into the photo with the new release. With the most up to date version easy web material now able to run manuscripts in the background. Furthermore, the assimilation of numerous languages has currently promoted us a server-side rendering of the applications. Angular does not make the MVC appear like putting makeup on a pig.” Funny Enough”. But on a significant note: The majority of the structures today are packing of existing tools. They are an integrated toolbox, albeit not in a presentable approach. AngularJS web development is a future generation framework that has actually been made to function or establish with any type of various other tools in interconnected methods. AngularJS is typically made use of as the web app framework. It is well-matched for creating a big application built to value high performance online. Are you searching for means to boost your Angular performance? Won’t it be wonderful if you become acquainted with attempted as well as checked ideas that will improve the development website with AngularJS? Kindly subscribe to our YouTube channel Let’s see the best features of AngularJS: Angularjs Upgrading supports all the Class A web browsers. Class A web browsers consider platforms: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, iOS, Android, IE8+. Stronger Dependency...

The Best Programming Languages for Mobile App Development – DZone Web Dev

Do you know how to code? Have you been thinking about learning to code for various mobile apps development? The first thing which comes to our mind is the programming language we need to learn. We all are addicted to mobile applications so much that our life is incomplete without these applications. When you give it a thought, how many times do you check an app in a day? Numerous times, isn’t it? It would not be wrong to say that the demand for mobile applications has been on a growth graph ever since smartphones have taken over the industry and even our lives.  The future of mobile application development is very bright. Therefore, there are no doubts regarding the future of mobile app development or programming languages. The businesses are directly inclined towards mobile app development. If your business isn’t mobile-friendly, you need to update it. For making any successful application, you need to choose the right technology and the right programming language as well.   The most interesting fact to know is that there are more than 600 different languages and each language has its merit and demerits. The demand for these professionals is growing and evolving.  Whether you are trying to learn any programming language or trying to refresh your skills or grow in your career, you need to be an expert in it. There are loads of factors to be considered to make such a choice, but one of the most important features is the demand or the need for the programming language.  There are three types of mobile applications: Native apps: it is a...
AngularJS Performance in Large Applications

AngularJS Performance in Large Applications

1 Introduction Whether you are writing an Angular front end for an old application with large use and adoption, or your pre-existing Angular application is gaining momentum, performance is an important aspect. It is important to understand what causes an AngularJS application to slow down, and to be aware of tradeoffs that are made in the development process. This article will walk through some of the more common performance problems caused by AngularJS as well as given suggestions on how to fix and avoid them in the future. 1.1 Requirements, Assumptions This article is going to assume some familiarity with the JavaScript programming language and AngularJS. When version-specific features are used, they will be called out as such. To really get the most out of this article, it would be best if you had spent some time playing with Angular, but had not yet seriously tackled performance. 2 Tools of the Trade 2.1 Benchmarking A fantastic tool for benchmarking one’s code is jsPerf. I will link to specific test runs at the end of relevant sections for readability. 2.2 Profiling The Chrome Dev Tools have a fantastic Javascript profiler. I highly recommend reading this series of articles. 2.3 Angular Batarang A dedicated Angular debugger is maintained by the Angular Core Team and available on GitHub. 3 Software Performance There are two fundamental causes of non-performant software. The first is algorithmic time complexity. Fixing this problem is largely outside the scope of this article, suffice it to say that in general time complexity is a measure of how many comparisons a program needs to make to achieve a result. The...
.NET Core 2.0 By Example – Book Review

.NET Core 2.0 By Example – Book Review

Packt Publishing recently released a new title named, “.NET Core 2.0 By Example” authored by Rishabh Verma and Neha Shrivastava. I received a free copy of this book from the author and agreed to read the book and write the review. As the title says, and to be emphasize on “By Example“, this book turned out to be an excellent introductory book that cover almost every aspect of .NET Core. The approach of the book made it very easy to follow. Very well organized. You have a chance to get a free e-copy of this book.  Check this out “Want a free e-Copy section“ It starts with setting up environments for both Windows and Linux and followed by introduction to native libraries in .NET Core. This will give you a very strong hands and confidence to proceed further. Then, you will move on to learning how to build the different set of application using .NET Core, which includes an end-to-end development of web-based Tic-Tac-Toe and followed by Web Chat Application. It’s not only about learning only the .NET Core, both the step by step solution would make you aware of several set of other technology stacks including SignalR and how they fits with .NET Core. ASP.NET Core Pipeline – Reference Images Book “.NET Core 2.0 By Example” Post application development, this book takes you through power of cloud and deploying your solution to Azure Services. Furthermore, you will experienced another step by step example of movie booking application by leveraging Entity Framework Core. Entity Framework Core – Reference Images Book “.NET Core 2.0 By Example” Well, that’s not the...
Top Best Technologies for Mobile App Development

Top Best Technologies for Mobile App Development

Dependent on mobile apps as a means to reach across and associate with clients, as mass consideration is as of now centered on mobile gadgets. A mobile app can likewise go about as a computerized store to enable your clients to purchase both physical and advanced items or help them buy in to or get to the administrations you give. Mobile App Development Process Building up a mobile app is a well-ordered procedure with a dynamic cluster of activities before you see your app fleshed out without limit. You should deal with your app, even after you distribute them. To make a mobile app, you can start by conceptualizing your thoughts and examining the specialized attainability, tools, technologies, platforms, and so on. Of this, platforms assume an outstanding job in choosing which techniques to be utilized to build up the app. Programming dialects utilized for mobile app development incorporate Swift, C++, Java, PHP, and so forth. Choosing one of these and additionally, many other technologies can rely upon many other variables. In this way, how about we experience a couple of these financially savvy technologies you can use for mobile app development: HTML5 You can utilize HTML5 to build up a mobile app, on the off chance that you need your app and a site to play out similar undertakings. In such cases, HTML5 is very valuable. You can say HTML5 is a transcendently cross-platform mobile app development innovation utilized for both web and mobile applications to work across gadgets. You can utilize mobile application development structures like Apache Cordova or Rhodes to create mobile apps using HTML5. The...
Survey Says C# ‘Most-Loved’ Programming Language, .NET Core Slowly Gaining Traction — Visual Studio Magazine

Survey Says C# ‘Most-Loved’ Programming Language, .NET Core Slowly Gaining Traction — Visual Studio Magazine

Survey Says C# ‘Most-Loved’ Programming Language, .NET Core Slowly Gaining Traction Developer tooling specialist JetBrains is reporting on its new survey that delves into many aspects of software development, including programming languages, wherein it dubbed C# the “most-loved” language according to one metric. Early this year, JetBrains — known for its “intelligent” tooling solutions including the Rider cross-platform .NET integrated development environment (IDE) — polled nearly 7,000 developers in 17 countries to identify the “State of Developer Ecosystem.” Sections of the survey are devoted to major programming languages, including Java, C, C++, C#, Python and so on, with one “key takeaway” addressing their popularity, or love. “The programming languages with the most love are Java and Python,” the survey report said. “Second place is a tie between C# and JavaScript. But if the results are normalized by sample size, C# is the most loved language.” Here’s how the languages stacked up when respondents were asked to report their primary usage: The company offered up this takeaway comparison of the leading languages: Further investigating the C# camp, the survey indicates Microsoft’s new open source, cross-platform “Core” direction is gaining traction but still has a long way to go as it usurps the ageing, Windows-only .NET Framework, with .NET Core and ASP.NET Core leading the migration (C# questions were only shown to developers who chose C# as one of their three primary programming languages). “Adoption of .NET Core is growing, although C# remains a Windows-first language: more than 90 percent of developers use it only on Windows,” the survey report said. When asked what runtimes they regularly use, C# developers responded:...
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