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Understanding MVC pattern in Nodejs – DEV Community

Understanding MVC pattern in Nodejs – DEV Community

This is part two of the Test-driven Development with Nodejs, Express, Mongoose & Jest, in part one, we set up our development environment and ran our first test. In this tutorial, we will focus on building the endpoints using the MVC Architecture. Definition of terms MVC – Model View Controler Model View Controller is a software architectural pattern that involves the separation of the application logic into three interconnected elements the Model, View, and Controller. Restful API REST is an acronym for Representation State Transfer, API on the other hand is an acronym for Application Programme Interface. A RESTful API is an architectural style for an application program interface (API) that uses HTTP requests to access and use data. I surmised you are familiar with the terms involved in this tutorial. Let’s get started. In the previous tutorial, we had a very basic folder structure, with few dependencies. Let’s install the required dependencies for our API development. $ npm i --save-dev body-parser dotenv nodemon Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode After installation, your package.json file should look like the one below. { "name": "tdd-with-nodejs", "version": "1.0.0", "description": "", "main": "index.js", "scripts": { "test": "jest", "start": "nodemon index.js" }, "keywords": [], "author": "", "license": "ISC", "devDependencies": { "body-parser": "^1.19.0", "dotenv": "^8.2.0", "express": "^4.17.1", "jest": "^26.6.3", "mongoose": "^5.11.9", "nodemon": "^2.0.6" } } Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode You notice we have configured our initialization script to run with nodemon, nodemon will keep track of every change made to our index.js file and refresh our application accordingly. Next, Let’s set up a server. create a new file within the root directory...
Top AI- Consulting & Mobile App Development Company India

Top AI- Consulting & Mobile App Development Company India

PiggyBee was among the very first ventures to launch a two-way marketplace for crowd-shipping & crowd-shopping by connecting people who wish to ship or get things with verified travellers or commuters. This 2012’s French-Belgian startup is a Peer-to-peer networking between crowd-shoppers and crowd-shippers. All the user needs to do is to specify the pick-up and delivery location while listing the item on the website. Travellers using the platform look for appropriate opportunities and share their travel plans accordingly with the user. Piggybee does the task of matching the requirements of both parties.  Travellers with unoccupied space in their travel bags can act as personal shoppers and delivery-person to their clients. Travellers get to earn some extra money to fund their journeys. How Does The Piggybee Peer-To-Peer Delivery App Work? You can easily find travellers on the homepage of the Piggybee website via the search bar. Requests from the clients and trip information from travellers are both published on the website.  Piggybee proposes several travellers to the client (requester). Requesters can contact the travellers via internal messaging integrated into the website. The traveller transports the required item for the client. It could sometimes involve purchasing an item from his current country for the customer and delivering it to him on his journey to the client’s location. In exchange for the parcel delivery, the requester pays a tip to the traveller.  Both the parties can discuss the tip amount before finalising the deal. Through the website payment module, the requester gets to set the tip amount and purchase price (if a purchase had to be made by the traveller). All the...
Laravel <= v8.4.2 debug mode: Remote code execution

Laravel <= v8.4.2 debug mode: Remote code execution

Laravel <= v8.4.2 debug mode: Remote code execution In late November of 2020, during a security audit for one of our clients, we came accross a website based on Laravel. While the site’s security state was pretty good, we remarked that it was running in debug mode, thus displaying verbose error messages including stack traces: Upon further inspection, we discovered that these stack traces were generated by Ignition, which were the default Laravel error page generator starting at version 6. Having exhausted other vulnerability vectors, we started to have a more precise look at this package. Ignition <= 2.5.1 In addition to displaying beautiful stack traces, Ignition comes with solutions, small snippets of code that solve problems that you might encounter while developping your application. For instance, this is what happens if we use an unknown variable in a template: By clicking “Make variable Optional”, the {{ $username }} in our template is automatically replaced by {{ $username ? '' }}. If we check our HTTP log, we can see the endpoint that was invoked: Along with the solution classname, we send a file path and a variable name that we want to replace. This looks interesting. Let’s first check the class name vector: can we instanciate anything ? class SolutionProviderRepository implements SolutionProviderRepositoryContract { ... public function getSolutionForClass(string $solutionClass): ?Solution { if (! class_exists($solutionClass)) { return null; } if (! in_array(Solution::class, class_implements($solutionClass))) { return null; } return app($solutionClass); } } No: Ignition will make sure the class we point to implements RunnableSolution. Let’s have a closer look at the class, then. The code responsible for this is located in...
jQuery vs. AngularJS: A Comparison and Migration Walkthrough

jQuery vs. AngularJS: A Comparison and Migration Walkthrough

1 TL;DR Cheatsheet For those of you in a hurry, the following chart is a “too long; didn’t read” summary. 1 Framework Comparison DISCLAIMER: The following comparisons are subjective. What would be counted as a strength in one case could be considered a drawback in another. For example, using complex CSS3 selectors in jQuery lets you do a lot with a single line of code, but that does not mean it is the most efficient way to interact with the Document Object Model. 1.1 The jQuery Library The jQuery library is a modular set of cross-browser methods for making AJAX requests, manipulating elements, triggering and listening for events, selecting elements from the DOM, running animations and effects, getting and setting form input values, traversing the DOM, using deferred promises to manage future events, and more. It works as a facade to standardize and ease the task of programmatically interacting with elements on a web page. 1.1.1 Intuitive API Even as modern browsers are becoming more standardized, there is no doubt that cross-browser DOM manipulation is still painful. One of the greatest strengths of the jQuery library is its clean and intuitive API. New developers have no trouble picking it up quickly, yet it is powerful enough for JavaScript experts to leverage as well. Suppose we have the following HTML markup, and we want to add the text ‘World’ to the message ‘Hello’ when the button is clicked the first time. The following Vanilla JavaScript code demonstrates one way to do this (live example). In contrast, it is trivial to do the exact same thing with jQuery (live example). Pretty...
Top AI- Consulting & Mobile App Development Company India

Top AI- Consulting & Mobile App Development Company India

Considering the ongoing efforts to improve the world’s ecosystem and climate conditions, more countries are investing in smart technologies and micromobility. This led to a boost in the bike-sharing industry where companies managed to get good amounts of funding from many investors. In recent years, there have been man bike-sharing startups that received millions of funding from big companies.  Here is an overview of the fundings received by famous e-scooter apps: Lots of fundings to date! Isn’t it? Now, let have a look at the E-scooter valuations and investors in the chart diagram below: Image Source: Forbes Why are Micro-Mobility & Lime like Escooter Ride Apps Growing? The E-scooter market is expected to grow at a very high pace in the coming years, and people will start using e-scooter services for any kind of everyday activities like going to the office, going to the supermarket to buy groceries, attending classes, and much more. Here are the major reasons for the growing demand for e-scooter apps and services: Managing and carrying e-scooters is hassle-free as one doesn’t need to worry more about finding the parking space. Environment Friendly In comparison to cars and the other fuel-based vehicles that produce a lot of air and noise pollution, e-scooters are totally environment friendly which is good for maintaining the good climate conditions that are much needed in the whole world. Easy to Move E-scooters being adjustable and easy to move helps in avoiding traffic congestion that saves time and maintaining a good mood while going to the office or any other place. Less Expensive While hiring a cab can be a bit...
10 Top Mistakes AngularJS Developers Make

10 Top Mistakes AngularJS Developers Make

Introduction AngularJS is one of the most popular Javascript frameworks available today. One of AngularJS’s goals is to simplify the development process which makes it great for prototyping small apps, but its power allows scaling to full featured client side applications. The combination ease of development, breadth of features, and performance has led to wide adoption, and with wide adoption comes many common pitfalls. This list captures common AngularJS mistakes, especially when scaling an app. 1 MVC directory structure AngularJS is, for lack of a better term, an MVC framework. The models aren’t as clearly defined as a framework like backbone.js, but the architectural pattern still fits well. When working in an MVC framework a common practice is to group files together based on file type: This seems like an obvious layout, especially if coming from a Rails background. However once the app begins to scale, this layout causes many folders to be open at once. Whether using Sublime, Visual Studio, or Vim with Nerd Tree, a lot of time is spent scrolling through the directory tree. Instead of keeping the files grouped by type, group files based on features: This directory structure makes it much easier to find all the files related to a particular feature which will speed up development. It may be controversial to keep .html files with .js files, but the time savings are more valuable. 2 Modules (or lack thereof) It’s common when starting out to hang everything off of the main module. This works fine when starting a small app, but it quickly becomes unmanageable. A common strategy after this is to group...
Malcare WordPress Security

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