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Be Careful: Laravel 5.8 Added bigIncrements As Defaults – Laravel Daily

Be Careful: Laravel 5.8 Added bigIncrements As Defaults – Laravel Daily

There is one change in Laravel 5.8 that is not mentioned in the official Upgrade Guide but caused me problems – I couldn’t create a foreign key migration, and spent half-hour until found out the reasons. So I want to share, maybe you will encounter the same thing. My Situation Example and Error While working on one project, I’ve created a simple table transaction_types: And added just one new string() field: And then tried to create a migration for transactions table with a foreign key, with same syntax I used to do all the time: Migration file content: And here’s what happened when running php artisan migrate: As usual, the error “cannot add foreign key constraint” doesn’t give much details so I was just guessing, what could go wrong: Look closer at what Laravel is generating when doing php artisan make:migration command: bigIncrements. BIG increments. And then, of course, if you’re doing a foreign key from just “unsigned integer” type (as I always did my whole life), it fails. Type mismatch. Obviously. How to Fix Well, it’s easy. There are two ways to make it work: The choice is yours. Why Am I so Angry About It Simple – this change wasn’t mentioned anywhere in 5.8 changes. So, it makes me think that probably it’s only me with this problem, and everyone else will actually notice that migrations are being generated with bigIncrements(). After some googling, I’ve found one Reddit thread and one Stackoverflow post about it. That’s it. Oh, and, of course, it was mentioned and discussed in the official Github repository of Laravel, back in November 2018: Don’t get me wrong,...
Programming Language for Mobile App Development|how to make an mobile app

Programming Language for Mobile App Development|how to make an mobile app

In this digital era, smartphones are the fastest developing digital platform, which are providing various business solutions to leverage. Mobiles are the most popular device for internet browsing, approx. 79% of the internet is used only through smartphones. This rapid growing mobile market is getting advanced through mobile applications only. Software companies are looking into every possible app scenario to reach on every tablet, smartphone, and smartwatches. But how to make a mobile app? Which one of the many mobile app development languages is perfect in developing a cutting-edge mobile app is coming up as the biggest challenge for the companies. Here, we have listed some of the dynamically used programming languages in mobile application development:- 1. HTML5: Latest version of HTML including audio-video-specifications HTML5 is one of the most common languages used in programming for mobile apps. Also, an ideal option to create various data types like level browser playing field, to rationalize input parameters, and it accounts for varied resolution and screen size.  You don’t need to create a new application for different mobile platform. Moreover, being an SEO-friendly language, it doesn’t ask for that much of maintenance that the other languages demand for, especially those mobile programming languages which support one-code base. HTML5 can easily scale to work on every browser, device or operating system. Moreover, It is cost-effective in nature. 2.Objective-C: A Smalltalk with ‘C’  Objective-C is commonly used for building mobile apps and Mac OS operating system. As far as an objective oriented programming language is concerned, the code is written with a unique object which includes their own data and logic. Also, the...
Firebase Push notifications in React Native Apps

Firebase Push notifications in React Native Apps

In this post, we’ll learn how to setup Push notification in React Native apps using Firebase. We’ll send notification using Firebase console and receive them in the app. We will also learn how to handle push notifications in your React Native apps. By handling, I mean how to access the data sent via the notification inside your app, and wake your app up if it is asleep or closed.  Because all this can get reallllly long, I’ll limit the discussion to Android apps alone. I will post another blog for push in iOS apps in React Native. (Really, the major difference is in setting up the push certificates for iOS app, that’s all) What are Push Notifications How do you know when you get a new message on Whatsapp, Facebook or Twitter, if the app is closed, or even when it is open? Yes, those small messages that pop down from the top of the screen like banners, showing new messages, updates or news are called Push notifications (or simply Push) One might wonder why to integrate Push notifications in an app. Following are the major reasons to use Push in your apps You can read more details of this in rubygarage blog What is React-Native React Native is a JavaScript framework for writing natively rendering mobile applications. It’ is based on React, Facebook’s JavaScript library for building user interfaces, but instead of targeting the browser, it targets mobile platforms. Because most of the code you write can be shared between platforms, React Native makes it easy to simultaneously develop for both Android and iOS. React Native applications render...

Web Development on an iPad – Laravel News

Web Development on an iPad The idea of working entirely from an iPad has always appealed to me. The portability, the battery life, and of course the touch screen makes it an excellent device. The downside is that everything is sandboxed. You can only run programs from the App Store which makes doing crazy things like installing a development server on the machine unattainable, but there are other ways to work around the limitation with existing apps and a little ingenuity. Last month I had an unfortunate biking accident and broke the bones in the back my left hand. After surgery, they had my middle, ring, and pinkie fingers fused so everything could heal properly, but this meant I couldn’t use that hand for typing. I had to embrace typing one-handed, and I found using an iPad to be the easiest because of the autocomplete and the autocorrect. I was much faster with it than on a MacBook, and that pushed me to want to use it more. With my job, I was able to do all my work except development with the iPad, and I would switch back and forth. Using a traditional computer with my code editor, then the iPad for everything else. This flow quickly became annoying, and I started exploring ways of doing everything on the iPad. Screen Sharing My first idea was to just screen share back to my Mac. Using a screen share would allow me to use all the tools I’m comfortable with and still use the iPad. That idea worked better in theory rather than practice. I couldn’t get the screen...
Mobile App Development – Top Aspects to Consider | Blog by WeblineIndia

Mobile App Development – Top Aspects to Consider | Blog by WeblineIndia

Read also : React Native – Build Mobile Apps with Increased Developer Productivity For any business, this is the basic thing that they expect. But if you try to push the development process too hard you will end up spending more down the years. It will cost you more in all terms. However, if you are too much specific about things then chances are more that the development process will get stretched from the expected timeline and this can also badly affect your pockets. Now this is not something you want to happen too. So, it would be better that you come up with a solution that falls in between the two scenarios. No doubt app development timeline may vary based on different projects, still you can try to know the time period by understanding a few things. Some of such factors have been mentioned below. Once you go through them you will get an idea about how long will it take for your project to get completed. Contact us to hire smart & tech-savy app developers to build agile, fresh & automated mobile apps for startups, SMBs,and enterprises business. We are a Top Mobile App Development Company. You need to be very sure that the timeline for app development should not affect the quality of the app. So, for the same reason it is very important that you set realistic goal. Don’t make promises which you may not end up fulfilling in the end. Doing this may affect the quality of the app. Suppose for example, you have a good business and you are . This all seems...

Announcing React Native 0.60 · React Native

After months of hard work from hundreds of contributors, the React Native Core team is proud to announce the release of version 0.60. This release handles significant migrations for both Android and iOS platforms, and many issues are resolved too. This blog post covers the highlights of the release. As always though, refer to the changelog for more detailed information. Finally, thank you contributors for helping us to make this milestone! Focus on Accessibility There have been many improvements to the accessibility APIs, like announceForAccessibility, plus improvements to roles, action support, flags, and more. Accessibility is a complex science, but we hope these improvements make it a bit easier to be an A11Y. Be sure to check React Native Open Source Update June 2019 for more details of these changes. A Fresh Start React Native’s start screen has been updated! Thank you to the many contributors who helped create the new UI. This new “Hello World” will welcome users to the ecosystem in a more friendly, engaging way. AndroidX Support AndroidX is a major step forward in the Android ecosystem, and the old support library artifacts are being deprecated. For 0.60, React Native has been migrated over to AndroidX. This is a breaking change, and your native code and dependencies will need to be migrated as well. With this change, React Native apps will need to begin using AndroidX themselves. They cannot be used side-by-side in one app, so all of the app code and dependency code needs to be using one or the other. While your own native code will need to be migrated by you, @mikehardy, @cawfree,...
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