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Micro-services communication: Rabbitmq and Asp.net core – Cool Coders

Micro-services communication: Rabbitmq and Asp.net core – Cool Coders

When building micro-services it is very important to take into consideration which messaging mechanism you use. There are several ways in which micro-services communicate using different messaging protocols. Today we will focus on the AMQP messaging protocol with rabbitmq and asp.net core. What is Rabbitmq ? Rabbitmq is a messaging system that permits your applications communicate together using messages and queues. Rabbitmq uses the AMQP (Advanced Message Queuing Protocol) messaging protocol. It is opensource and is very robust. Rabbitmq is written in Erlang, a functional programming language created for telecommunication systems by Ericsson. Erlang is a concurrent programming language with several other features which permit it to be an ideal choice for building highly robust and resilient messaging systems. How Rabbitmq Works As we mentioned earlier, Rabbitmq implements the AMQP protocol. Here is a brief overview of how messages are sent via rabbitmq. An application willing to send messages (Producer) to another application, does so through a broker (Rabbitmq). The broker then receives the message via an Exchange which is then responsible for routing that message to appropriate Queues using routing keys and rules called bindings. The message is then received by another application which subscribes to the given queue (Consumer). You can learn more about this process here. Some other attributes of this communication process could be configured, like sending acknowledgements when a message is received, persisting a queue in a database e.t.c. There are several types of exchanges in Rabbitmq and each determines the way in which your message is routed to corresponding queues. Rabbitmq and ASP.net Core Though rabbitmq seams a little bit complicated in the...
Let’s Build: Cryptocurrency Native Mobile App With React Native + Redux — Chapter IV

Let’s Build: Cryptocurrency Native Mobile App With React Native + Redux — Chapter IV

Greetings! Glad to see you back. This is the fourth and final chapter in our React Native and Redux cryptocurrency app series. So far we have: Set-up our project Wired up Redux Fetched data with Redux The only thing for us to do is create our views with React. The most fun part! Where we left off Quick change: set the CryptoReducer.js intialState data prop to an empty array instead of null! It won’t work if you don’t do this — apologies! https://medium.com/media/16bd7b521486654913c023e861688a0d/href Alrighty, here’s what’s left to do: Create a stateless component called CoinCard.js and create the list item. Remember the sketch called “thinking in React” from the old times? “Thinking in React” Source This perfectly explains how our app works. It goes like this: The yellow border is our App.js — app container Blue border is our Header.js component Green border is our CryptoContainer.js — holds our list items Red and neon blue is our CoinCard.js — lists items. Makes sense, right? All we need to do is implement the red and neon blue borders. Start by creating the stateless component. Looks good! Import View, Text, StyleSheet from “react-native” — we need these to create our view. Next let’s declare our props. Let’s name these the same as the data in our API. Next up, let’s add the coin icons. Unfortunately, the API does not include icons, so we have to compensate. Not to worry — I’ve got your back! Make a file in Utils called CoinIcons.js and add these links. I uploaded the icons to and host them as static assets. If you want to help me — feel free to add the rest and make a PR! Here’s the icon set. https://medium.com/media/85f3cf9bfadd9144241eef24be98ccbf/href Did you notice something new other than the CoinIcons folder? Yep, we imported the Image tag from...
How to send push notifications to a browser in ASP.NET Core | elmah.io

How to send push notifications to a browser in ASP.NET Core | elmah.io

How to send push notifications to a browser in ASP.NET Core Written by Kristoffer Strube, November 03, 2020 Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) enables a website to make make a lot of interactions that are app-like. Among these are Push Notifications. This is a functionality that enables you to make native notifications for many different devices and to invoke these notifications even when the browser is not active. A lot of websites like the Twitter web app use this functionality with its original intent, but there are of cause also sites who use it maliciously. In this article, we will show how you can subscribe to Push Notifications using ASP.NET Core and how you can send Push Notifications from .NET as well. Setting up a minimal PWA Before we can get started we need to set up a minimal Service Worker and Manifest to meet the minimum requirements for a PWA (Progressive Web App) since this we need a PWA for using the Notification API. We first create the manifest by making a JSON file called manifest.json which we will place in the wwwroot folder. Here we define the name for the app, the name that will be displayed in the app, if installed on a device, icons for the app in a variety of sizes, the front page URL of the site if the website can be installed as a standalone app, and at the end theme colors. We add a reference to the manifest in the head of our layout file which is used in all our views <link rel="manifest" href="/manifest.json">. We then need to add a Service...
19 things I learnt reading the NodeJS docs

19 things I learnt reading the NodeJS docs

I’d like to think I know Node pretty well. I haven’t written a web site that doesn’t use it for about 3 years now. But I’ve never actually sat down and read the docs.As long-time readers will know, I am on a journey of writing out every interface, prop, method, function, data type, etc related to web development, so that I can fill in the gaps of what I don’t know. The Node docs were my last stop, having finished HTML, DOM, the Web APIs, CSS, SVG, and EcmaScript.This held the most unknown gems for me, so I thought I’d share them in this little listicle. I will present them in descending order of appeal. As I do with my outfits when I meet someone new. The querystring module as a general purpose parser Let’s say you’ve got data from some weirdo database that gives you an array of key/value pairs in the form name:Sophie;shape:fox;condition:new . Naturally you think this might be nice as a JavaScript object. So you create a blank object, then you create an array by splitting the string on ; , loop over it, for each item, split it again on : and add the first item in that array as a prop of your object setting the second as the value.Right?No! You use querystring const weirdoString = `name:Sophie;shape:fox;condition:new`;const result = querystring.parse(weirdoString, `;`, `:`); // result:// {// name: `Sophie`,// shape: `fox`,// condition: `new`,// }; Query String | Node.js v7.0.0 Documentation V8 Inspector Run node with --inspect , it will tell you a URL. Paste that URL into Chrome. Boom, debugging Node in the Chrome DevTools....
Best Mobile App Development Platforms (MADP) for 2019

Best Mobile App Development Platforms (MADP) for 2019

Whether we’re talking about enterprise mobile apps or consumer apps, choosing the right mobile development technology, isn’t a quick or easy process. With such a broad offering of development platforms, it’s easy to get lost. It all depends on your business goals, on your budget, and even on your resources. That’s why, to make it easier for you, we did some in-depth research on the best mobile app development platforms (MADP) on the market based on three categories. Choosing the Top Mobile App Development Platforms (MADP) Here are the platforms we took for a test drive. Free Cross-Platform Mobile App Development Tools Small Budget Cross-Platform Mobile App Development Tools Enterprise Cross-Platform Mobile App Development Tools  Adobe PhoneGap (Cordova)  Cocoon  Microsoft Xamarin  Ionic Framework  Trigger.io  Appcelerator  React Native  RubyMotion  Salesforce App Cloud  NativeScript  AppGyver  Alpha Software  Flutter  Sencha  Mendix  Zoho AppCreator  Kony  OutSystems Now, if you’re comparing the technical requirements of the best mobile app development platforms on the market, these articles are an excellent starting point to find your dream platform. To see one in action, check out the video below. Why an MADP? Why Should You Develop for Mobile With A Platform? When you’re launching a digital or mobile strategy, one of the first questions you need to ask yourself after defining your business goals is which is the best app development platform for you. When you decide to adopt a mobile strategy at enterprise level and transform your business, a few things are about to happen: the demand for new apps will increase, as well as the need for speed and agility. Why? Because in a world...
How to Build React Native Swipe Cards Inspired by Tinder | Instamobile

How to Build React Native Swipe Cards Inspired by Tinder | Instamobile

Whether you’re building a React Native Tinder Clone or an original dating app, you’ll eventually end up implementing the UI for React Native Swipe Cards. At Instamobile, we built a Tinder cards component in React Native, for our Tinder Clone app. If you’re looking to learn how to build an app like Tinder in React Native, this tutorial is the perfect place to get started from. Did you use Tinder? If yes, then you may be familiar with the swiping functionality where a right swipe means “like” and a left swipe means “dislike”. For those who don’t know, two users swipe right on each other, then they can start chatting in the app. In today’s article, we are going to make a Tinder-like card swiper component in React Native.  The card swiper component provides an amazing look and feels to display information. I hope you are not new to React Native because we have already discussed how to setup React Native and other stuff in previous tutorials. After setting up React Native, let’s create an image array which will be shown on swipes. Take a look at the code given below: Implementing the Main Swipable Image View Firstly, we are going to create an array of images. It is just a simple array of images, coded in pure JavaScript. Let’s now define the view layer for card swipers like dimension, width, and height. Preparing the card stage: For cross-device compatibility, we are getting the device width and height from an environment variable, which is dynamic and corresponds to the device’s height and width. We use Dimension and store the values...
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