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Realtime server monitoring app with Angular 4 , NodeJS & Chart.js | Dunebook.com

Realtime server monitoring app with Angular 4 , NodeJS & Chart.js | Dunebook.com

In this article we will be building a very simple monitor that allows to observe some OS parameters, such as free memory available. In this article we will be using the NodeJS, Angular 4 and Chart.js, so ensure you have node and Angular studio IDE installed. To create our development server we will be using vagrant, so check here for instructions to install vagrant on your operating system. We will be creating two code repos, the first is a node application that will monitor the OS parameters and sends it via websocket to the second app which is an Angular 4 application, the Angular app will utilize Chart.js to represent the server status graphically. Server App Let’s create our server app, by running the following commands in our terminal We want our server to run Ubuntu 16.04, have a static IP address and have NodeJS installed, so replace the content of Vagrantfile with and create a provisioning script named bootstrap.sh with the content In the script above, we first update the apt repository and then we install NodeJS from a private PPA, install build-essential which is required by some NodeJS modules and install forever which helps us keep a node script running forever. No we start the vagrant server with th command: Lets create a package.json file with the content below in our duneserver directory Our package.json contains 3 dependencies, os-monitor–a very simple monitor for the built-in os module in Node.js, nodemon–monitor for any changes in your node.js application and automatically restart the server – perfect for development, and socket.io–enables real-time bidirectional event-based communication. Let us create our...
How to understand a component’s lifecycle methods in ReactJS

How to understand a component’s lifecycle methods in ReactJS

In this article, we are going to explore the lifecycle methods of ReactJS. But, before moving ahead to React’s different lifecycle methods, we should understand what it is.As we know, everything in this world follows a cycle (say humans or trees). We are born, grow, and then die. Almost everything follows this cycle in its life, and React components do as well. Components are created (mounted on the DOM), grow by updating, and then die (unmount on DOM). This is referred to as a component lifecycle. There are different lifecycle methods that React provides at different phases of a component’s life. React automatically calls the responsible method according to the phase in which the component is. These methods give us better control over our component and we can manipulate them using these methods.At present, we know what lifecycle methods are and why they are important. So what are these different methods? Let’s have a look into them. Lifecycle Methods A component’s lifecycle is broadly classified into four parts: initialization mounting updating, and unmounting. Let’s discuss the different lifecycle methods that are available at these different phases (i.e., initialization, mounting, updating & unmounting). Initialization This is the phase in which the component is going to start its journey by setting up the state (see below) and the props. This is usually done inside the constructor method (see below to understand the initialization phase better). class Initialize extends React.Component { constructor(props) { // Calling the constructor of // Parent Class React.Component super(props); // initialization process this.state = { date : new Date(), clickedStatus: false }; } Mounting The name is self-explanatory....

How the IoT is Shaping the Future of Mobile App Development?

With rapid speed, the mobile app development industry is encountering innovative and crucial changes because of the rise of different modern technologies. And IoT (Internet of Things) is one of such technologies. IoT has arrived in recent years. And now, people from sectors like healthcare, retail, agriculture, and more are enjoying IoT solutions. IoT can aid communication and interaction at every level. The rising demand for such apps and ease of utilization are two basic factors why IoT app development services are growing. According to the statistics, in 2030, It is predicted that there will be approx 25.44 billion IoT connected devices. Here, in this blog, let’s discuss how IoT is the future of mobile app development. However, to understand that properly, let’s first know this technology in brief! What is IoT (Internet of Things)? IoT technology is the network of physical things that are developing at a rapid rate. Due to IoT, an IP address, the fundamental of every mobile application, has become stronger. Undoubtedly, this technology has brought the connectivity we always dreamt of. In simple words, the IoT is one of the modern technologies that help us with nearly every aspect of life. Hence, everything that has internet access can be connected by IoT. For this reason, this technology helps us control our daily-use devices, even if we are not present at home. IoT has made a meaningful effect on the app development industry, as the data sharing between gadgets makes sure a smooth user experience. Improved visibility obtained from the data sharing has been a result that has considerably improved the mobile apps’ quality in...
ASP.NET Core Demystified – Routing in MVC – Exception Not Found

ASP.NET Core Demystified – Routing in MVC – Exception Not Found

ASP.NET Core MVC has introduced quite a few concepts that new (or new-to-ASP.NET) web developers might have some difficulty getting caught up with. My ASP.NET Core Demystified series is designed to help these developers get started building their own custom, full-fledged, working AASP.NET Core applications. In this part of the series, we’ll take a look at the concept of Routing and how we can use it to match URLs with actions. As always with my tutorials, there’s a sample project over on GitHub, so go take a look at that code and come along with me as we explore routing in ASP.NET Core! Routing is a general term used in ASP.NET Core for a system which takes URLs and maps them to controller actions, files, or other items. Said system involves the use of classes called route handlers, which do the actual mapping. Most of the time, you won’t be creating routes at such a low level (e.g. creating route handlers),. rather you will be defining routes and telling ASP.NET Core where those routes map to. There are two main ways to define routes: The two routing systems can co-exist in the same system. Let’s first look at Convention-based routing. Convention-Based Routing In convention-based routing, you define a series of route conventions that are meant to represent all the possible routes in your system. Said definitions are located in the Startup.cs file of you ASP.NET Core project. For example, let’s look what might be the simplest possible convention-based route for an ASP.NET Core MVC application: This route expects, and will map, URLs like the following: However, what if we...
Angular 2 and .NET Core – route directly to your components· jonhilton.net

Angular 2 and .NET Core – route directly to your components· jonhilton.net

Last time out, we took a quick look at creating a simple HelloWorld component and displayed it on one of our existing web pages using its selector. <helloworld></helloworld> Which rendered something like this… Using the helloworld selector you can now include this component anywhere you like in your app, it doesn’t matter how many times you use it. Anywhere you can write html, you can include your component; this includes in the template of another component. For example, you can display your helloworld component in the template for the home component. <h1>Hello, world!</h1> <helloworld></helloworld> <p>Welcome to your new single-page application, built with:</p> <ul> <li><a href='https://get.asp.net/'>ASP.NET Core</a> and <a href='https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/67ef8sbd.aspx'>C#</a> for cross-platform server-side code</li> <li><a href='https://angular.io/'>Angular 2</a> and <a href='http://www.typescriptlang.org/'>TypeScript</a> for client-side code</li> <li><a href='https://webpack.github.io/'>Webpack</a> for building and bundling client-side resources</li> <li><a href='http://getbootstrap.com/'>Bootstrap</a> for layout and styling</li> </ul> </pre> Get the code: ASP.NET Core and Angular 2 Weather Checker Source Code Get the code: ASP.NET Core and Angular 2 Weather Checker Source Code I hate SPAM and will keep your email address safe. You will be signed up to my weekly emails and can easily unsubscribe if you’d rather not receive them. Route to a component All well and good, but what if we want to show this content by itself, not nested in another page. The Angular 2 router is a powerful tool which enables you to do just that. Specifically you can configure it to route to a component when the user enters a specific url for your site. So in this case, we could configure it so that navigating to http://thissitesaddress.com/hello routes directly to the hello world...
How Does Mobile App Development Help Your Business?

How Does Mobile App Development Help Your Business?

Asking for the importance of mobile app development in any business is similar to asking for the requirement of emails when we had a system for sending letters. It is not about communication, but the convenience that the mobile applications are providing in terms of customer engagement and increased accessibility is way ahead. Mobile App Development is one of the best inventions of the human being as it makes the customer access easier and exciting towards any business. Before moving forward, let’s get a glimpse of what exactly mobile app development is or what is the exact motto of mobile app development. What Is Mobile App Development? In simple words, mobile app development is the process of creating software applications that are operable on mobile devices. These are designed in such a way that they get installed on mobile devices. It also grabs the internal or external space of the device for providing a proficient response. Mobile App Development is not restricted to industries or huge organizations but also open to all the local as well as high-grade businesses. Those businesses may include e-commerce, reservations or appointments, Food Delivery apps, a variety of payment apps, social media apps, etc. The eCommerce industry is one of the most challenging industries for mobile app development. The reason behind this is, most of the topmost eCommerce industries are coming up with the most eye-catching features that fascinate the customer towards the mobile application. Why Mobile App Development is Required? Customer Engagement: Mobile applications can be installed on any of the iOS or Android devices; by this your store will reach most of...
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