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Customizing query string parameter binding in ASP.NET Core MVC

A few years ago I blogged about binding parameters from URI in ASP.NET Web API. One of the examples in that post was how to bind a comma-separated collection passed to your API as a query string parameter. Technologies change, and we now work with ASP.NET Core (and the MVC Core framework), but problems remain the same – so let’s have a look at how we can customize the way parameters are bound from query string in ASP.NET Core MVC. Background Just as a reminder – the default behavior of both old ASP.NET Web API, and ASP.NET Core MVC is to use the following format for array binding: GET /products?sizes=s&sizes=m&sizes=l To make things nicer for the caller, let’s customize the framework to support the following syntax instead: GET /products?sizes=s,m,l Building a custom IValueProvider The old Web API example walked us through creating a custom IModelBinder. Similar extensibility point also exists in ASP.NET Core MVC – we could for example work with . However, this is a bit invasive, because we do not really need to change the process of how array parameters are instantiated in ASP.NET Core, which is what IModelBinder allows us to do. Instead, we’d only like to change how the values used as an input for an array are read from the query string. When it comes to translating a value from some binding source, such as query string or header, to a binder input, ASP.NET Core MVC gives us IValueProvider as a perfect extensibility point. In the query string case, the base class QueryStringValueProvider can be overridden and customized. The IValueProvider interface is defined by...
A Complete Guide (10 steps) for Creating Contact Form in Laravel 5.7

A Complete Guide (10 steps) for Creating Contact Form in Laravel 5.7

A Complete Guide (10 Steps) For Creating Contact Form In Laravel 5.7 Laravel is known as the best PHP framework because of its embedded functionality for managing authenticity, caching, sessions and routing very efficiently.Contact Form adds more functionality which is needed by every website developer for small to large scale website development. Hence we are going to illustrate all the required steps to create a Contact Us form in laravel 5.7.Step 1: Install Laravel 5.7Run below command to Install Laravel 5.7 framework successfully.composer create-project laravel/laravel contactUs –prefer-distAfter the installation head to the project folder cd contactUs Step 2: Configure the Mysql Database.Open . env files and perform following function by replacing DB_HOST,DB_DATABASE,DB_USERNAME, and DB_PASSWORD.DB_CONNECTION=mysqlDB_HOST= // your hostDB_PORT=3306DB_DATABASE=homestead // your database nameDB_USERNAME=homestead // your database usernameDB_PASSWORD=secret // your database username Step 3: Create the Contact Us table using Database Migration.Run the following command to create the migration file.php artisan make:migration create_contact_us_tableNow the migration file is created. Go to database/migration/date_ create_contact_us_table.php and add the following code to it. use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema;use Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint;use Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migration;class CreateContactUsTable extends Migration{/*** Run the migrations.** @return void*/ public function up(){ Schema::create('contactus', function (Blueprint $table) { $table->increments('id'); $table->string('name'); $table->string('email'); $table->string('subject'); $table->text('message'); $table->timestamps(); });}/*** Reverse the migrations.** @return void*/public function down(){ Schema::drop("contactus");}} Now add this command to complete the migration.php artisan migrate Step 4: Create the Model.For creating the model run the following command into the command prompt.php artisan make:model ContactUsNow you have successfully created the ContactUs model, go to app/ContactUS.php and add the following code to it. namespace App; use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model; class ContactUS extends Model { public $table = 'contactus'; public $fillable = ['name','email','subject','message']; }? Step 5: Create Routes.Add the following...
The impact of 5G on mobile app development

The impact of 5G on mobile app development

Introduction The advent of the 4G network took the world by storm, and it was like all the network issues of people will be resolved. They could communicate seamlessly, get signals in the remotest of towns, and enjoy über fast speed. But how about going a step ahead and introducing the consumers to the 5G network. The fifth generation of cellular networks can become a game-changer for the world as a whole. With 5G in the limelight, the apps will also see the impact.  App developers would realize the impact of this fast network and work on the possibilities that it offers to see the benefits accruing to it. It will majorly impact the mobile app development industry with speedier speed and connectivity for mobile apps. The changes in cellular technologies Before we discuss 5G, let’s take an overview of the cellular technologies existing before- 1G- The first generation of wireless communication helped people make simple calls with their mobile phones. It had a data transfer speed of about 1.9 kbit per second. 2G- Launched in 1991, which offered its users voice calls, text messages, and internet connection facilities. It had a speed of 10 kbit per second. 3G- the third generation of wireless connectivity was introduced in1998, which offered a speed of 200 kbit/s and a maximum of 14.7 Mbit/second. This provides facilities like sending pictures and making video calls. 4G- introduced in 2008, it is the currently used wireless technology that allows users to engage in data-intensive activities like gaming, video-conferencing, high definition media streaming, and much more. It has a speed of 60 Mbit per second....
Scheduling MySQL Backups with Laravel

Scheduling MySQL Backups with Laravel

You can export your whole database by running one line in your command line. It’s accessible and useful. But it’s a bit wiser to you automatize the entire process. Let’s see how! The Background A few days ago, I signed in to the wrong database and deleted around 18 000 records that were in use. Not to mention, we had no backup for that data. So after all, I decided to make a little script to dump the database and save it to an SQL file automatically. But, if you are here for a fully working backup system, you should take a look at this package. We won’t cover more just scheduling database exports and its scheduling. The Dump Command With this one-liner , you can quickly dump and save your database to an SQL file. Many apps use this to export data from a database. mysqldump -u[user] -p[pass] [db] > [file_path] As you see, we give the user, the password, and the DB, then put the output to the given file. Quick, easy and helpful. Now let’s wrap this in an artisan command, to make it easily runnable and schedulable. Warming Up the Artisan Console One of the main point to integrate the shell command in the artisan console is that we can make it work in any environment. All we have to do, to use the config we have and use them. It means, if any of the parameters change, we don’t have to bother with the command itself. Move on, to create the console command. You can create commands by running the php artisan make:command order.  We...
Scheduling MySQL Backups with Laravel – Pine

Scheduling MySQL Backups with Laravel – Pine

You can export your whole database by running one line in your command line. It’s accessible and useful. But it’s a bit wiser to you automatize the entire process. Let’s see how! The Background A few days ago, I signed in to the wrong database and deleted around 18 000 records that were in use. Not to mention, we had no backup for that data. So after all, I decided to make a little script to dump the database and save it to an SQL file automatically. But, if you are here for a fully working backup system, you should take a look at this package. We won’t cover more just scheduling database exports and its scheduling. The Dump Command With this one-liner snippet, you can quickly dump and save your database to an SQL file. Many apps use this to export data from a database. As you see, we give the user, the password, and the DB, then put the output to the given file. Quick, easy and helpful. Now let’s wrap this in an artisan command, to make it easily runnable and schedulable. Warming Up the Artisan Console One of the main point to integrate the shell command in the artisan console is that we can make it work in any environment. All we have to do, to use the config we have and use them. It means, if any of the parameters change, we don’t have to bother with the command itself. Move on, to create the console command. You can create commands by running the php artisan make:command order.  We named our command to BackupDatabase. After...
Why iPhone/iOS & Xcode12 Are Still Favoured For Mobile App Development in 2020? – Evince Blog: From Tech Gurus to Techies

Why iPhone/iOS & Xcode12 Are Still Favoured For Mobile App Development in 2020? – Evince Blog: From Tech Gurus to Techies

Listen to The Most Important Information related to Why iPhone/iOS & Xcode12 Are Still Favoured For Mobile App Development in 2020? through our Blog’s Podcast!! Mobile app business is heading with a supersonic speed. Most companies want their products, services and/or brand to have an online presence. Some of today’s innovative business models couldn’t launch without a mobile or web app. Thus, having a digital platform is a must, whether it is a corporate or startups. However, this also brings the concern of mobile app development and which platform to choose, to quickly generate ROI while maintaining the aesthetics of the app intact. This raises the bar not only for consulting a top mobile app development company but also whether to go with iOS or Android app development. We are not going to get into a debate or the nitty-gritty of which one is better. Instead, we are going to focus on the new release of Xcode version 12.0. But first, we’ll need to cover much ground with iPhone app development services and solutions. So, shall we? Let us first understand what iOS is. When business owners, startup entrepreneurs, or let’s say small shop vendors approach an iOS mobile app development company, they are often left confused with technical jargons. Simply put, iOS (formerly iPhone OS) is a mobile operating system created & developed by Apple. If you choose to build your app on the iOS platform, then you are targeting your users who are using Apple products such as iPhones and iPads. Of course, there are certain advantages of investing in iPhone app development services like you get...
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