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Creating an app to post tweets with Laravel and the Twitter API

Creating an app to post tweets with Laravel and the Twitter API

In this tutorial we will build a fun little tool for internal/personal usage that posts random tweets at pre-defined times with Laravel and the Twitter API. We will use some of Laravel 4’s powerful features such as Artisan commands, Eloquent ORM and some external packages to make creating an application to post tweets with Laravel 4 quick and easy! Our application will: To post random tweets with Laravel we will need the following: Setting up the project First things first, you will need to create an application in your Twitter developer console here. Next we need to get the Laravel 4 Twitter API wrapper. We also want to make our life a bit easier and get the Laravel 4 generators by Jeffrey Way which will allow us to automate the creation of our basic code and rapidly scaffold our Laravel 4 tweet poster.  To do this, edit your composer.json file and add the packages. composer.json Next, run composer update to install these packages. Open your app.php config file and edit the file to be able to use the Twitter API wrapper and the Laravel 4 generators. app/config/app.php Now in order to be able to use the Twitter API we must fill out the config file of the Twitter API wrapper. In your terminal, run the command php Artisan config:publish thujohn/twitter in order to publish the configuration files to the application level (your app folder). You can now fill out the configuration file with your own Twitter API information: app/config/packages/thujohn/twitter/config.php Now that all of that is done there is one thing left to do to complete our configuration. Edit the app/config/database.php file with the information of...
The PHP Duel: Symfony vs. Laravel | Toptal

The PHP Duel: Symfony vs. Laravel | Toptal

Today, when starting a new project, one of the key decisions is to pick the right framework. It’s become hard to imagine building a complex web application from scratch nowadays without one. Many popular languages for web development have their “default” framework, such as Ruby on Rails for Ruby, or Django for Python. However, PHP has no such single default and has multiple popular options to choose from. According to Google trends and GitHub, the most popular PHP frameworks are Symfony with 13.7k stars and Laravel with 29k stars (at the time of writing this article). In this article, I am going to compare these two frameworks and show you how to implement simple, everyday features with each. This way, you can compare the code of real-life examples side by side. This article presumes strong PHP skills and an understanding of the MVC architectural paradigm, but no previous experience with Symfony or Laravel is required. The Contenders When speaking about Laravel, we are referring to Laravel version 4 and beyond. Laravel 4 was released in 2013 and represented a complete rewrite of the framework. The functionality of the framework was decoupled into separate components, which were managed with Composer, instead of everything being in one single huge code repository. Laravel declares itself as a framework for rapid development with a simple and beautiful syntax which is easy to learn, read, and maintain. It is the most popular framework in 2016. According to Google trends, it is three times more popular than other frameworks, and on GitHub, it has two times more stars than competitors. Symfony 2 was released in...
Mobile App Development Client Questionnaire – Mobisoft Infotech

Mobile App Development Client Questionnaire – Mobisoft Infotech

When your business or startup needs a mobile app development partner to successfully execute a project for you, getting your requirements clear is a very important first step. A major reason for failed or poorly executed app projects is neglect for a well-planned requirement gathering process, commonly known as the discovery phase. A poorly conducted or overlooked discovery phase can result in project deliverables not meeting a client’s expectations, wasting valuable time and money. A mobile app development client questionnaire is a great starting point for requirement gathering and laying a solid foundation to build amazing software products that live up to a client’s expectations. First of all, it helps in simplifying the entire app development process. It will help the app development firms to be more knowledgeable and professional about their work from the initial stage of a new client relationship. It proves that they have a procedure to follow for their services. Below you will find a series of questions broken down into logical categories than a professional app development company may ask you to understand your specific app development needs and provide an accurate cost and timeline estimate. If you are feeling overwhelmed, we are here to explain you the most significant questions you need to be able to answer. With a design-driven development process, your app development partner can provide a development team with a clear insight of your requirements, keeping your project on schedule and within budget. Because a quality UI/UX design requires an expertise in mobile design, hence, you must look for agencies with a considerable mobile design experience. In addition, you must...
Keep your ASP.NET Core application’s secrets safe during development· jonhilton.net

Keep your ASP.NET Core application’s secrets safe during development· jonhilton.net

You’re building an ASP.NET Core web application and you realise you need to access sensitive configuration details such as passwords, connection strings etc. You need configuration values for your Development environment (e.g. connection details for your local database etc.) and different values for use in Production. Why not just store your secret values in the code? You could just put hard-coded magic strings in your code, but this is bad for all sorts of reasons (for a start, it’s not very secret!) You’re almost certainly going to need different values for different environments. Storing all of these in code (or even configuration files) and “choosing the right one” is asking for trouble. Committing these secrets to your source repository means anyone with access to the code has access to all of the environments. It’s all to easy for you (or another developer) to accidentally (or deliberately, let’s say to debug a live issue) connect to the staging/production instances of the database, at which point mistakes are very easily made… Of course there’s also the possibility that you’re working on open-source software. The chances are, whilst the code may be open, you don’t want all your secret API keys and database connection strings visible to anyone who browses the code on Github. Storing your secrets using .NET Core So what’s the alternative? how can you keep your secrets safe using .NET Core? .NET Core handles this using something called the Secret Manager Tool. With it, you can store your secrets outside of your application’s source code as a series of JSON key-value pairs. Crucially, the values are stored somewhere else...
Top 10 Benefits of having Firebase for Mobile App Development

Top 10 Benefits of having Firebase for Mobile App Development

August 16, 2018 Are you looking for a solution to engage your business through firebase mobile application development Android or iOS? Firebase the latest platform provides scalable, intuitive and app development services. Firebase is the best mobile backend as a service provides various solution to run your iOS, Android mobile apps successful. Google Firebase has the power to keep your business on top of high-quality Android app development services. Here are the list of top benefits of Mobile App Development using Firebase, 1) Unlimited Google Analytics for mobile apps Google Analytics for Firebase is become smarter by providing free and unlimited reporting for 500 distinct events. You can now major user properties, certain events or can build your own custom events for your business. Nowadays Firebase benefits various platform such as iOS, Android, C++, and Unity. With growing competences in the Mobile App market, It is now essential to keep track of your product and market optimization. Firebase provides you services like Google Adwords, Real-Time analysis, notification effectiveness, deep link performance, crash data, and more using Google Analytics Services. With the help of Firebase Custom Analysis which can help you export raw data to BigQuery. 2) Realtime Database Provides Synchronize Data Firebase Realtime Database means you can store and synchronize data with NoSQL cloud database. In other words, when a person goes offline using your mobile app, data remains available across all customers in real time. Integrating the Firebase the Real-time Database SDKs lets you create rich, collaborative and secure data between the client. Developers have greater benefit from the real-time database is that they do not need the...
How to Become a React Native Developer in 2018

How to Become a React Native Developer in 2018

If you’ve looked at the results from The State of JavaScript 2017 you’ll find a ton of interesting data.One insight that stood out to me — a lot of people want to learn React Native.This is great to see. I’ve spent the last year, full-time, teaching people to use React Native. From dev teams looking to maximize their existing resources while reaching both iOS and Android to people in Africa and India looking to improve the quality of life of their community through mobile applications.Part of this teaching is answering emails from people, many of them just getting started, trying to figure out the “best” way to learn React Native.Something I do a lot of: answer email. A question that comes up a lot? What’s the “best” way to learn React Native? Though there’s no one way, here’s what I’ve told hundreds of soon-to-be React Native developers. I hope it helps you too. Tips Before we dive into the tactical stuff of actually becoming React Native developer I want to give you a few tips on self-education in general. I‘ve found that people are generally good at teaching themselves new subject… when they put the time in.I understand we’re all busy but by doing a few things you teach yourself a lot. Avoid the Noise You’re on Medium right now. You might’ve found this through Google or while subscribing to the publication. That means you probably see/hear a lot of technology related stuff.This is great! This world of technology we’re living in is constantly growing and evolving.But it can be exhausting, especially if you’re just getting started. My suggestion...
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