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How to Build an Event-Driven ASP.NET Core Microservice Architecture

How to Build an Event-Driven ASP.NET Core Microservice Architecture

Use RabbitMQ, C#, REST-API and Entity Framework for asynchronous decoupled communication and eventually consistency with integration events and publish-subscribe In this guide, you will create two C# and ASP.NET Core Microservices. Both microservices have their own bounded context and domain model. Each microservice has its own database and REST API. One microservice publishes integration events, that the other microservice consumes. Decoupled Microservices — A Real-World Example With Code The application uses a real-world example with users that can write posts. The user microservice allows creating and editing users. In the user domain, the user entity has several properties like name, mail, etc. In the post domain, there is also a user so the post microservice can load posts and display the writers without accessing the user microservice. The user entity in the post domain is much simpler: The microservices are decoupled and the asynchronous communication leads to eventual consistency. This kind of architecture is the basis for loosely coupled services and supports high scalability. The microservices access their example Sqlite databases via Entity Framework and exchange messages via RabbitMQ (e.g. on Docker Desktop). Overview diagram of the workflow, components, and technologies: The code and configurations in this article are not suitable for production use. This guide focuses on the concepts and how the components interact. For this purpose error handling, etc. is omitted. Steps of this Guide Create the .NET Core Microservices Use RabbitMQ and Configure Exchanges and Pipelines Publish and Consume Integration Events in the Microservices Test the Workflow Final Thoughts and Outlook 1. Create the .NET Core Microservices In the first part of this guide, you will create the User and Post Microservice. You will add the...
How To Use React Native Flatlist – Flatlogic Blog

How To Use React Native Flatlist – Flatlogic Blog

In Flatlogic we create web & mobile application templates built with React, Vue, Angular and React Native to help you develop web & mobile apps faster. Go and check out yourself!See our themes! A list is the most basic and simple component that apps have, it is used almost everywhere in our life. You may make a shopping list when deciding to go to the market. And you likely make it in the notes app as a list.  JavaScript offers a map function to build a list, since React.js is JavaScript-based the way to work with lists is similar. On the other hand, React Native is supposed to render native elements both for Android and iOS, so it has a different way to build lists. The most generic option to display a scrolling list of data in React Native was using ScrollView. Today two options are available to represent lists of data: FlatList and SectionList.  Do you like this article?You might want to read: React Native accelerates the process of building apps across different platforms, thanks to the possibility of reusing most of the code between them. FlatList is a component that looks great both on iOS and Android. Let’s get to know it better.    Basics of React Native Flatlist FlatList is a component that responsible for the display of a list with similar data objects. The display of every element has an identical format and uses a common stylesheet. The data goes in a structured and scrollable manner.  Check out React Native Starter! FlatList uses ScrollView component to render elements, however, it comes without pure performance issues...
Get Quotes from Top Mobile App Development Companies in India

Get Quotes from Top Mobile App Development Companies in India

Get a Quote from Top App Development Companies in India Following Major Factors were considered while creating this list of Top App Development Companies  – Years of Exp, Clientele, Variety and Quality of Apps, Average cost of App development, aggregated client reviews across major review platforms like Clutch, GoodFirms, Trustpilot. 1. Agicent App Company (Noida & New Jersey) Being in the Apps Business for 11 years, Agicent is the Full Service App Development company behind famous Fitness App , , SmartIRX Doctors Platform and 1000 + other Apps across various categories. Agicent recently got included in the Top 20 App Companies for Startups List by MobileAppDaily and its Apps got featured by NBC, Women’s Health, Men’s Health, Runner’s World, Mashable, TechCrunch, Huffington Post, MSN, Product Hunt, Computer World, CNET, and more. Agicent is a Startup Friendly App Company as it offers great quality App development services at highly affordable prices and Flexible Payment Plans that almost any startup can afford. The average project price at Agicent is $ 15000, or you can hire us for Hourly Projects. On hourly basis, the charges vary between $ 20- $ 25 per hour. Besides App Design & Development Agicent also offers help in the App Got-To-Market Strategy Consulting, Mobile App Promotion & Marketing, Investors and Fund Raising campaign.s We work on both native and cross-platform Frameworks and use modern Web Technologies to create Powerful backend and front-ends like node.js, angular.js, react.JS, redux with Mongo DB, AWS. Contact us at sales@agicent.com to get an instant app quote or use our app cost calculator to ease up things for you. 2. Sourcebits (Bengaluru) Sourcebits is one...

Announcing Coinbase’s successful transition to React Native

By Harry Tormey As of January 2021, the Coinbase iOS and Android apps have transitioned away from native development to React Native, and all mobile engineers are now collaborating in a single codebase. The transition from native to React Native did not happen overnight, and in the interest of helping those contemplating such a decision, we want to tell the story of how we got here. Specifically, we want to share our deliberate and methodical process of testing and observing results, then upping the stakes with increasingly more impactful trials, as this approach was critical to the migration’s success. To put the impact of this technological shift in perspective, Coinbase provides financial services to 56 million users and generated $1.8 billion in revenue in Q1 2021 alone. Regressions in features or lackluster performance could have serious implications for our customers and our business. The size of our native codebases was also notable. Migrating to React Native meant reimplementing over 200 screens, many of which contained substantial business logic. The transition also involved retraining our 30+ native engineers while continuing to make progress building new features and sunsetting our legacy apps. There were many moving pieces, but we were able to deliver significant product performance improvements at each stage of the migration. When Coinbase was founded in 2012, it only had a website — we began our mobile program in 2013. The first iOS and Android apps we released were native, written in Objective-C and Java, respectively. By 2017, we had a small team of Android and iOS engineers working on these apps, but despite our best efforts, we were having a hard...
15 Parts of How I Built Food Delivery App, Lessons & Ideas through Laravel and Vue

15 Parts of How I Built Food Delivery App, Lessons & Ideas through Laravel and Vue

Introduction There are a lot of apps made for food delivery for big cities, but not a lot of them are made for the small cities. The article covers how the app is made, its structure, common problems, and solutions. Why article might be important to you? Do you plan to make a delivery app, or you want to buy one, or are you interested in starting a delivery app? Or you want to see how a problem can be solved using the web? Then, this content is for you. “Make sure you understand the fundamental principles, i.e., the trunk and big branches, before you get into the leaves/details, or there is nothing for them to hang on to.” – Elon Musk Here is the app. Take a look. There is a big chance that the app data will be populated by random users because access to almost every account is open to the public. Please don’t populate the application with unrelated stuff. If you cannot log in, try to make a new account. Link: https://dostava-online.com User credentials: Phone number: +387 99/999-999 Email: johndoe@gmail.com Password: 123123123 Link: https://dostava-online.com/restaurant Restaurant credentials: Link: https://dostava-online.com/admin Admin credentials: Phone number: +387 11/111-111 Email: dostava.online@gmail.com Password: 123123123 Overview on the main page are shown: top 3 foods, according to the selling/ratings all restaurants sorted according to the sales/ratings/sponsorship/availability cart for users additions for foods, free and paid additions multiple user addresses delivery/pick up as soon as possible or at the desired time delivery/pick up food 6 types of notifications for users; order is: accepted not accepted in the making in delivery delivered you can...
Major Mobile App Development Trends to watch out in 2020 : RipenApps

Major Mobile App Development Trends to watch out in 2020 : RipenApps

Mobile Apps are revolutionizing every scale of business. Apart from companies, other organizations are also adopting the latest mobile app development trends to twofold their revenue bar along with the highly-rated user-base. Mobile apps have made communication easy, as it is easy to reach millions of users within no time, and the expected revenue that mobile apps are going to generate enormously. According to the stats… the mobile app development industry is the leading sector that is growing at a swift pace & statista also have observed that apps will generate $189 billion revenue by 2020. Now, to be at first in this race… one should have a proper update of how to strategize mobile app development based on future trend and can make an app a huge success. With the best mobile app development company and app developers, an app owner also requires a futuristic trend that helps out in the running with the future trend. Major Mobile App Development Trends in 2020  The mobile app industry is the domain that growing at a high pace. Along these lines, to stay aware of the regularly expanding customer demand, you have to get the required changes to the procedure. After digging deep into the mobile app development trends that will boost the app development industry in 2020, we have concluded some significant trends which every app development company should follow to raise their business’ revenue bar high. Beacon Technology Would be Arriving at High  Great use in location technology and proximity marketing, and due to its ease of use, a regular user can quickly get used to Beacon technology...
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