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Building Android Apps Using React Native: Key Benefits and Challenges to Know

Building Android Apps Using React Native: Key Benefits and Challenges to Know

There were developers who always harboured doubts and scepticism about the cross-platform development frameworks. There was a time when any iOS and Android app development company used to underestimate the power of cross-platform technologies and instead always held native development in high esteem. All such notions have changed thanks to this robust and most developer-friendly framework called React Native. Now, a React Native developer with exposure across niche apps experiences more demand than native developers. This is because the framework really transformed the way we conceive cross-platform app development. Obviously, the framework has its own share of pros and cons as well. For developing Android apps the framework boasts of some peculiarities that need to be taken into consideration. As a cross-platform developer, you need to have a clear idea of the pros and cons of this framework for building applications on React Native platform. Let us have a look at them in brief before moving over to the reasons to use this framework in more details. -> Pros React Native is a leading cross-platform development framework with a lot of competitive advantages for the developers and the overall app quality. Before you hire android app developer for your next development project, it is important to be aware of the crucial advantages of React Native framework. Here are some of the key pros that go in favour of React Native. React Native comes with the lowest learning curve and this helps in faster development and time to market apart from the cost advantage through low-cost hiring of developers. React Native offers great reusability of the code for building apps...
6 Tips About Data Seeding in Laravel – Laravel Daily

6 Tips About Data Seeding in Laravel – Laravel Daily

Laravel migration mechanism has a great function of seeding data. In this article, I will show random tips from my own experience, how to use seeding in real-life cases. Tip 1. Use updateOrCreate() to avoid double-seeding Imagine this seeder code, and imagine if for some reason this seeder would be launched more than once: Second attempt to run seeder would probably fail because of conflicting IDs. In other scenario, if you don’t specify IDs, then you may end up with too much data in the table, with repeating entries. To avoid that, do this: Some more details in my other article. Tip 2. Run only one Seeder class Some time ago I was quite surprised by how many people don’t know that you can specify a seeder class when running php artisan db:seed. This command above will launch everything listed in DatabaseSeeder.php file. But you can limit the launch to one exact seeder: Tip 3. Run Seeder Class From Migration Quite often you need to create a new DB table and immediately seed it with some data. But in production environment you can’t just run “artisan db:seed”, especially if you have automated deployment setup which involves only “artisan migrate” command. The trick is to launch a specific seeder from migration file itself. Tip 4. Seeder Factory with Relationship: Use Parent’s Factory If you use Factories for your seeds, how do you set up relationships between two models? For example, you need to seed 10 companies and 10 contacts within those companies? Here’s how database/factories/CompanyFactory.php may look like: See how company_id field is filled in? With another factory. There’s also another, perhaps...

8 Hurdles Startups Face in the Way Of Mobile App Development

This guest column is by Prateek Saxena, Managing Director, AppInventiv Mobile app development has become the most crucial task, which has a direct impact on setting up of different companies as a startup, and also regarding their marketing and popularity. Of course, nobody wants an insipid and monotonous app which is identical to other apps in the market. Here I am going to present the voyage mobile app developer goes through. In the current scenario, as a technical or nontechnical startup founder, if you are thinking about developing a mobile application think again! According to a report from WMC forum, just in October 2012, there were 43813 new apps launched in iOS app store alone i.e. 1400 new apps per day. Can you imagine where those numbers could reach if you include Android app store as well in 2016? But many of them were completely fiasco. Developing a mobile app is a herculean task. Even to reach the app store you have to cross so many hurdles. Here are some unfeasible challenges faced by mobile app developer as a startup founder. 1. App Discovery The fundamental aim of developing an app is to make life simple, productive and pleasant. Keeping it in mind, creating an app which gets noticed is a grueling task. There are a way more good apps than there are successful ones, and that’s because many of the good ones don’t get investment. App discovery is extremely concerned with who are your users, what type of service they are expecting, their financial background and many others factors. Make sure while choosing developer team, it must be...
Is now the time to consider a PWA for your Magento website? | Wise – web-development – Drupal, Magento, Symfony, AngularJS

Is now the time to consider a PWA for your Magento website? | Wise – web-development – Drupal, Magento, Symfony, AngularJS

Often enough, mobile devices now account for 40-70% of all online traffic. Yet, users still have significantly lower conversion rates for mobile devices. There are two main factors that lead to low conversion rates are website convenience in terms of user interaction and performance which means load times of web content on your mobile device. Quite a new technology PWA is increasingly common in discussion of possible solutions for improving a website load time, along with more powerful servers, caching systems and clouds. To improve the customer experience for online shoppers, the native applications are frequently used. PWA, in turn, brings almost all advantages of a native mobile app to the web. Many are now talking about PWA as a business milestone, that is setting the new standards for E-commerce best practices. So, initially, we have the challenge to understand – what exactly PWA (Progressive Web Application) is and what this technology can offer for the store owners and the online shoppers. Progressive Web Applications (PWAs) are web applications that load like regular web pages or websites but can offer the user functionality such as working offline, push notifications, and device hardware access traditionally available only to native Mobile applications. PWAs combine the flexibility of the website with the experience of a native Mobile application. And perhaps this could be the most important advantage from your client’s point of view – PWA delivers an app-like experience, without the need to go through device-specific App Store or Google Play and go through an installation procedure. It can essentially be installed into a user’s mobile home screen from the web to...
A Guide to Automating & Scraping the Web with JavaScript (Chrome + Puppeteer + Node JS)

A Guide to Automating & Scraping the Web with JavaScript (Chrome + Puppeteer + Node JS)

Udemy Black Friday Sale — Thousands of Web Development & Software Development courses are on sale for only $10 for a limited time! Full details and course recommendations can be found here. What Will We Learn? In this tutorial you’ll learn how to automate and scrape the web with JavaScript. To do this, we’ll use Puppeteer. Puppeteer is a Node library API that allows us to control headless Chrome. Headless Chrome is a way to run the Chrome Browser without actually running Chrome. If none of that makes any sense, all you really need to know is that we’ll be writing JavaScript code that will automate Google Chrome. Before Starting Before starting you’ll need to have Node 8+ installed on your computer. You can install it here . Make sure to choose the “Current” version as it is 8+.If you’ve never worked with Node before and want to learn, check out: Learn Node JS — The 3 Best Online Node JS Courses .Once you have Node installed, create a new project folder and install Puppeteer. Puppeteer comes with a recent version of Chromium that is guaranteed to work with the API: npm install --save puppeteer Example #1 — Taking a Screenshot Once you have Puppeteer installed, we’re going to walk through a simple example first. This example is straight from the Puppeteer documentation (with minor changes). The code we’ll walkthrough will take a screenshot of any website you tell it to.To start out, create a file named test.js and copy in the below code:Let’s walk through this example line by line. Line 1: We require our Puppeteer dependency that...
What are the Main Reasons that iOS Mobile App Development Earns Higher Revenues from AppStore?

What are the Main Reasons that iOS Mobile App Development Earns Higher Revenues from AppStore?

Here we are discussing the main factors that make iOS mobile app development higher revenue generating from AppStore because the utilization of Smartphones in today’s era has extremely expanded. Today, all Smartphones and handheld devices are made good in web capacities; which has prompted the development of various mobile applications. With the arrival of Smartphones every day, the operating system is additionally ad improvised and redesigned. The Internet has empowered individuals to be associated with various working applications like online shopping, Google locations, playing games and many more. is an industry that is becoming quick on the grounds which Smartphones have turned into an essential need in day to day lives of a huge number of individuals around the globe. Anyway, all-inclusive, android has commanded the mobile application industry with a huge rate. This is on the grounds that android offers developers diverse developing opportunity and in addition empower clients to appreciate different features that accompany its operating system. Despite the fact that, a few people still lean toward the iOS platforms in view of the utilization of iPhones, iPads and other Apple devices. There are distinctive reasons that individuals incline toward utilizing the to Android devices. This is the reason for which the global mobile application development market is dominated by the . Here is a Portion of These Purposes behind the Selection of iOS-Based Mobile Application Development User Experience: The User experience is constantly given precedence and priority, for it enables its customer to remain steadfast. The operating system of all Apple devices is one that most developers incline toward. Creates Higher App Revenue: Aside from customer...
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