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11 Best Checklist for A Successful Mobile App Development  – DEV Community

11 Best Checklist for A Successful Mobile App Development – DEV Community

Did you know! The worldwide revenues from the mobile apps are expected to cross a whopping 693 billion USD in 2021 as per Stats. Growing dependence upon mobile app technology has led to massive downloads crossing the 28.3 billion mark for Google Play store alone, as per Statista. Social media apps are the highest used mobile apps. To leverage this outstanding growth in the field of mobile apps, multiple hefty billion enterprises, S.M.E.s, entrepreneurs, etc., are investing in this technology. However, it is scary to invest in something you aren’t an expert in. As far as mobile apps are concerned, there’s tons and tons of crucial decisions that involve passionate thinking and valuable time. It is not enough to just have an idea and to complete the project. Multiple aspects have to be taken care of. To make this daunting task more comfortable for you, we have accomplished an absolute checklist based on years of experience in mobile app technology and intense research for an app development project. So, without wasting any more time, let’s read this eye-opening checklist that will help you helm the success to your mobile app idea. 1. Visualize the app you want to offer the end-users The chances are little that you are thinking of something unconventional or unexplored. Mainly because there’s hardly a category which the mobile app technology hasn’t touched yet. Don’t believe us! Have a look: Well, that was just some bizarre apps to think of. So, the chances are high that there are apps available, similar to what you are aiming to develop. You can use them to understand what’s...
.NET Core July 2019 Updates – 2.1.12 and 2.2.6

.NET Core July 2019 Updates – 2.1.12 and 2.2.6

Today, we are releasing the .NET Core July 2019 Update. These updates contain security and reliability fixes. See the individual release notes for details on updated packages. NOTE: If you are a Visual Studio user, there are MSBuild version requirements so use only the .NET Core SDK supported for each Visual Studio version. Information needed to make this choice will be seen on the download page. If you use other development environments, we recommend using the latest SDK release. .NET Core 2.2.6 and .NET Core SDK ( Download | Release Notes ) .NET Core 2.1.12 and .NET Core SDK ( Download | Release Notes ) Security CVE-2019-1075: ASP.NET Core Spoofing Vulnerability Microsoft is releasing this security advisory to provide information about a vulnerability in ASP.NET Core 2.1 and 2.2. This advisory also provides guidance on what developers can do to update their applications to remove this vulnerability. Microsoft is aware of a spoofing vulnerability that exists in ASP.NET Core that could lead to an open redirect. An attacker who successfully exploited the vulnerability could redirect a targeted user to a malicious website. To exploit the vulnerability, an attacker could send a link that has a specially crafted URL and convince the user to click the link. The update addresses the vulnerability by correcting how ASP.NET Core parses URLs. Getting the Update The latest .NET Core updates are available on the .NET Core download page. This update is also included in the Visual Studio 15.9.14, 16.0.6 and 16.1.6 updates. Choose Check for Updates in the Help menu. See the .NET Core release notes (  |  ) for details on the...
Can AI and ML Cause Disruptive Innovation In Mobile App Development?

Can AI and ML Cause Disruptive Innovation In Mobile App Development?

Today every business wants to work on to build a base of new customers all while retaining the existing ones through their mobile applications. This can only become possible if the business manages to satisfy the needs of its target audience and potential customers. This is the reason why the mobile app development businesses should work towards presenting the idea of their business to the users as well as convey what the app actually stands for in the first place. So the question arises– when you can actually find all the information on Google, why take the effort to download and install an app which is focused on serving a particular need? Now, this is the traditional method of collecting information about the users and by using mobile applications which focuses on fulfilling particular needs of the users in which you also get a better chance to know more about what goes on in their minds. By making use of artificial intelligence along with machine learning, the market is building up a strong competition now to come up with smarter mobile applications. As per PwC study conducted on 2500 US business decision makers and consumers, 72% believe that AI has the power of offering a business advantage. Mobile app developers pose themselves as the controller of mobile technology but the real work today is done by artificial intelligence technology and machine learning algorithms which work on to turn these mobile applications into awesome things for users. The way these mobile apps are built and used have changed with the introduction of these two technologies. Find the ways in which...
Running .NET Core on Docker

Running .NET Core on Docker

It’s a new era for Microsoft and for .NET, and that is not an overstatement. If you haven’t been following, here are some of the things that happened over the last year: .NET Framework and C# language has been open-sourced and is now being developed in the open on GitHub .NET now officially runs on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, iOS, Android and you can get full development experience on any OS too Microsoft is bringing native Linux experience into Windows And with the new .NET Foundation the whole ecosystem is not even owned by Microsoft anymore.Putting all of this together you get a full experience where you can develop with C# on either Windows or Mac, use proper command-line UNIX-based developer tools even on Windows, and happily deploy to Linux servers. Basically .NET/C# has overtaken Java as the true cross-platform development ecosystem. Plan In order to get experience with the new toys, I’ve come up with the following plan: Create a “hello world” web service using .NET Core and C# on Mac Run it in docker Deploy it to AWS container service Let’s get our hands dirty… Step 1: Set up .NET Core So I decided to use Mac OSX rather than Windows to make it more interesting (plus it will make life easier when trying to run docker). Installing .NET is super easy just following the steps here .NET Core installation steps That gives you dotnet command line tool which you can use to create, build, run projects without any IDE. Here is how you create and run a new “Hello World” console app: Visual Studio Code...
Speed up relationship queries in Laravel • Ben Sampson • Web designer and developer

Speed up relationship queries in Laravel • Ben Sampson • Web designer and developer

Adding indexes to your database tables is a great way to get some extra performance out of your application, especially if you have a large amount of data in your tables. They should be used sparingly and only on identified slow queries, as they have implications of their own such as increased table size and increased RAM usage. But those potential drawbacks are well worth it when you can get a query down from 3 seconds to 15 milliseconds with 5 minutes of work. The effects are particularly noticeable on polymorphic / many to many polymorphic relationships. The type of index created depends largely on the relationship type and the content structure. Creating indexes in Laravel Adding indexes to your tables in Laravel is very straightforward. In your migrations you can add: See the Laravel documentation on indexes for more info. One to one / one to many relationships One to one and one to many relationships primarily work through foreign keys. Say we have 2 tables, users and addresses, where each user can have one address (one to one), the foreign key would be the user_id column on the addresses table. The same can be said for if a user can have multiple addresses (one to many). For each of your foreign keys in your migration, you should let your database know that they are indeed foreign keys: You also get some extra benefits out of this by using foreign key constraints which will ensure data integrity, i.e. making sure you don’t delete a profile which is being used by a user. By default, MySQL using the InnoDB...
React Native for long-term mobile app development – Accedia

React Native for long-term mobile app development – Accedia

React Native has been one of the groundbreaking players in the hybrid development game. Since its inception back in 2015, the technology has come a long way. My professional experience in developing mobile apps with React Native started two years ago and since then I’ve worked on a number of projects using the framework – from MVPs to legacy applications. While the former was just about utilizing rapid prototyping, the latter required the implementation of many functionalities – payment integrations, GPS fore-/background tracking, unit and e2e tests. Based on my experience with React Native and the multitude of articles and information about the technology’s redeeming qualities, this article investigates the technology’s shortcomings that both businesses and developers need to be aware of.  Key Advantages of React Native Before diving deep into the challenges, let us look at the major pros for choosing React Native for your mobile project:  When I initially started working with React Native, I had the impression that it is too good to be true. The mobile technology does work exactly as advertised, but this does come at a price in the mid/long term. The cons of using React Native are not as clear from the get-go. That is why the following paragraphs are going to elaborate on why React Native requires more scrutiny when considering it as a possible route for your next project. React Native Limitations  Understanding the limitations of React Native before you start developing your mobile app is extremely important. Read on to learn the challenges I have faced and how I dealt with them. Dynamic typing Javascript’s dynamic style of typing...
Malcare WordPress Security

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