> mobileapp - Vinova - Page 35


by Shishir Dubey November 1, 2018 This article is going to be all about a comparatively common term which many entrepreneurs neglect when it comes to mobile app development – MVP App Design and MVP App Development for their mobile app based business. The competition is fierce when it comes to mobile app development. You think of an idea and boom! Someone already has built a similar product somewhere or the other. It’s quite a lot challenging to come up with a mobile app idea which is 100% unique. But it’s even more challenging to figure out – Everyone is competing with the other to launch their product in the market first. Gaining the competitive edge in the market has become a NORM more than an EXCEPTION.  If your mobile app doesn’t have the competitive edge, surviving in the market is going to be difficult. A mobile app user always has three expectations from any mobile app he/she uses – Smooth app navigational experience. To-the point solution for the requisite problem in hand. and A well-maintained feedback and customer support channel. If your app has all the above, there is nothing that can stop it from becoming a hit. If not, It’s time to re-work. The reason I am discussing this is because – At ChromeInfotech, we have developed a plethora of apps for various industry segments. Majority of the apps went on to become a market hit. Each of them were well funded (above a million-dollar mark) and were a customer-viable product. Some of them did not perform up to the mark despite having backing of – Adequate...
Understanding ASP.NET 5 and .NET Core

Understanding ASP.NET 5 and .NET Core

**Update  – New ASP.NET 5 video coming soon, follow me on Twitter to keep an eye on announcements ** Most of my enterprise career was web based. In around 1997 my first major web project was to create the sign-up 3.5″ floppy disks that were distributed with a good amount of Bell Atlantic phone books. This used all sorts of c-based cgi, Python scripts, and a mish mosh of tech. Things were so very very different then. We were actually the very first all Windows NT Internet Service Provider in the country. Good times but was web tech surely in its infancy. When ASP (Active Server Pages) first came out, it was amazing – it so we thought at the time as we spaghetti coded away our scripts. Fast forward nearly 20 years to ASP.NET 5. A technology that shares only letters with its predecessor. It’s unbelievably fast. It runs an entirely different model than any of its predecessors. It is cross platform – even running on Linux and OSX. This is indeed a new Microsoft. What is ASP.NET 5? ASP.NET 5 is a new version of ASP.NET that has been built from the ground up with performance in mind, it is modular, and supports multiple platforms such as Windows, OSX, and Linux. ASP.NET 5 no longer contains Web Forms, it is purely MVC based and supports both C# and VB.NET. This may be a difficult point for some. Going forward, there was a lot of baggage Web Forms carried around and it was an abstraction to the web, which isn’t how most modern frameworks work. As such, MVC...
Chiccocoin: Learn what is a Blockchain by creating one in NodeJS

Chiccocoin: Learn what is a Blockchain by creating one in NodeJS

Disclaimer: chiccocoin is not a true cryptocurrency and we do not sell it , this article is for recreational / educational purposes only Every day on our feeds we find news about new cryptocurrency or someone who says that they are a big bubble that will soon explode and of which only the blockchain will remain. But, what is the blockchain?By definition : Is a continuously growing list of records, called blocks, which are linked and secured using cryptography. So, the blockchain is an immutable, sequential chain of records called Blocks. Each block can contain transactions, files or any data you like. The important thing is that they’re chained together using hashes .Blockchains are secure by design and are an example of a distributed computing system with high Byzantine fault tolerance . This makes blockchains potentially suitable for the recording of events, medical records, and other records management activities, such as identity management, transaction processing or voting. How does a blockchain technically work? Understanding Blockchains reading article or tutorials isn’t easy. Wandering among the many online guides I found this article by Daniel van Flymen and my curiosity to understand how it really worked has grown so much to try to create a blockchain using NodeJS. 1. Create a logo The first step to creating a new project is to create the logo. It makes everything real. To do this I used Squarespace logo creator and this is the result:Now we can really start with our project. 2. Start with Express To facilitate the creation of the APIs to interact with the blockchain I started the project directly with...
Why Mobile App Development Need To Gear Up? – 360 Degree Technosoft

Why Mobile App Development Need To Gear Up? – 360 Degree Technosoft

June 24, 2017 Well, app development was never a lethargic process, and now with the advent of RMAD tools and low or no code app development, the process is like a house on fire. There would be wild thought running around your mind that with already 2.2 million mobile apps existent in the Apple store and 2.8 million apps in the Google play store why is there wave of the rush for Android and iPhone app development? The answer lies in the revenue hidden in this market. Let’s introduce you to the figures of app revenue that are driving more and more developers to gear up app development process. Back in the year 2015, the total revenue of this app development was 69.7 billion US dollars. Now, the projected app revenue for the year 2020 is expected to be 188.9 billion US dollars. The hype in revenue is due to in-app advertising and app stores. This is what driving the developers to develop apps even when there is a massive amount of competition. An individual spends on an average 5 hours, a massive time period of 5 hours, you see. If you are a business owner, you can have access to these 5 hours of users time and engage customers through it. Out of this 5 hours, half of the time is engaged in social media, messaging and entertainment apps. What you are left with is the rest half to attack. Several startups and iPhone and android app development companies do recognize this emerging trend and try to cope with the same but they take an extremely outstretched time...
Setup Macbook M1 for Web and React Native development – DEV Community

Setup Macbook M1 for Web and React Native development – DEV Community

I recently upgraded from Macbook Air 2017 to Macbook Pro with an M1 chip. My four year old Macbook Air was giving up. The performance to run heavy tasks like using the iOS simulator when developing and working on React Native apps was declining. I had long given up using the Android emulator and have been using a real Android device for testing. December 2020 was the time I decided its time to upgrade. I had a long internal discussion with myself for almost a month that whether should I upgrade to M1 or stick with Intel-based chips and spend them bucks. Don’t get me wrong here, M1 is not cheap either as I did go for a RAM upgrade to max limits which is currently 16GB in the base model. The kind of performance I was expecting after going through some online reviews and research, has been worth it so far (it is fast, no doubt). I received it two weeks back at the time of writing this post and since then I have installed all the necessary tools and utilities that help me work on Web development and React Native apps. My local environment currently includes: Other apps: Rosetta 2 Rosetta 2 is the lifeline that allows you to run apps designed for Intel-based chips that use x86 architecture on ARM-based chips (in this case M1). This solution is provided by Apple in form of an emulator and doesn’t come pre-installed. You have to install it manually. Fire up the Terminal application that comes pre-installed on the Big Sur and let your first command to execute be:...
Laravel Backpack Crud Explained and Reviewed » Laurence Gellert’s Blog

Laravel Backpack Crud Explained and Reviewed » Laurence Gellert’s Blog

Recently had a project where I needed to get a CRUD admin up and running quick. My go to framework for CRUD is Django Admin. However Python/Django isn’t always an option for various technical or political reasons. In this case it had to be PHP. So I looked high and low for an out of the box framework that would allow editing of tables and thankfully Backpack Crud (docs, github) was there. What is CRUD? The dirty secret: We’re all just building CRUD apps. — I Am Devloper (@iamdevloper) I didn’t really want to roll my own admin interface (been there done that), so I went ahead and installed Backpack Crud. After you get Composer installed, Laravel installed and Backpack Crud installed, you should be ready to start adding models / controllers. Backpack Crud has pretty solid documentation included a nice getting started page. I’m doing this write up to to document the extra things I ran into (see example below). First off, as of January 2018, I ran into dependency conflicts with Laravel 5.5 and Backpack Crud 3.3. I ended up going with this in my composer.json file: How to setup a Backpack Crud model: 1) Run the generator: Say you need CRUD for table of colors with fields: name, sort order and hex code. First run: That will auto generate the model, request and controller files. Then it is up to you to customize the contents of each file. You will also need to setup migrations for the new models. 2) Setup Model (app/models/Color.php): The model is a straightforward Eloquent model with use CrudTrait;. What tripped me...
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