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Top 9 Cross-Platform Mobile App Development Tools in 2020

Top 9 Cross-Platform Mobile App Development Tools in 2020

You must have seen how beautifully your day to day life is bound with lots of mobile apps.You start your day with various types of transport apps, continue it by entertaining yourself with various social media, eCommerce apps and end it with various gaming and informative apps. Whatever the activity you perform is based on various kinds of mobile apps whether it is related to personal life or professional life. It means apps are playing a crucial role in your day to day life. Do you know that developers have to face a lot of challenges so that they could make applications that work well on multiple platforms? This issue could be resolved with different types of cross-platform mobile app development tools. This piece of article is going to make you aware of the top cross-platform mobile app development tools with the help of which you can develop cutting edge cross-platform mobile apps. Let’s have a deep look: Xamarin Xamarin is known as the best choice for native applications. This is helpful for these types of functions such as large amounts of local data, offline mode, and image recognition required to be implemented. According to Datanyze, The market share of Xamarin to date in 2020 is 31% in the US. This tool runs on the .Net common language as it is built on the C# programming language. This tool is used to build apps for multiple platforms such as iOS, Windows, and Android. With the help of the Xamarin tool, mobile application developers can create scalable and robust applications by taking the help of its QA and testing features. This tool is really amazing...
Understanding the benefits of AngularJS to build modern web apps

Understanding the benefits of AngularJS to build modern web apps

If you’re a seasoned web developer, you would have probably heard of AngularJS, an advanced JavaScript framework built to enhance HTML for web applications. Developed by extremely talented Google engineers Adam Abrons and Miško Heverym in 2009, AngularJS has gained tremendous popularity due to outstanding features it ships with. This blog post is written to give you a clear picture of benefits that you can take by using AngularJS in your projects. Firstly, I’ll tell you what actually AngularJS is, and then give you some solid reasons that will definitely compel you to think “why it’s crucial to adopt AngularJS today”. Let’s begin! What is AngularJS? AngularJS, often referred to as Angular, is an open-source JavaScript framework, designed to simplify both front-end development and testing tasks for web developers. Written in pure JavaScript, Angular is most suitable for developing single-page web applications that only require client-side programming languages such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It’s a fully extensible, next generation MVC (Model–view–controller) framework that doesn’t only run without all possible library dependencies, but also works perfectly with other libraries. AngularJS – the self-proclaimed “superheroic JavaScript MVW (Model-View-Whatever) framework” – allows you to use HTML as template language and enables you extend HTML vocabulary, so you could express each and every component of your application in a clear and concise manner. By helping developers write and test JavaScript code better, Angular makes the browser flawlessly work with any server technology. In a nutshell, this fabulous framework is built to bring MVC capability to modern web applications. Why to Choose AngularJS for Your Next Web App? Below are some good reasons...
.NET Core Container Images now Published to Microsoft Container Registry

.NET Core Container Images now Published to Microsoft Container Registry

We are now publishing .NET Core container images to Microsoft Container Registry (MCR). We have also made other changes to the images we publish, described in this post. Important: You will need to change FROM statements in Dockerfile files and docker pull commands as a result of these changes. 3.0 references need to be changed now. Most 1.x and 2.x usages can be changed over time. The new tag scheme is decribed in this post and are provided at the microsoft-dotnet-core repo, our new home on Docker Hub. Summary of changes: .NET Core images are now published to Microsoft Container Registry. Updates will continue to be published to Docker Hub, for .NET Core 1.x and 2.x. .NET Core 3.0 will only be published to MCR. Nano Server 2016 images are no longer supported or published. Microsoft Container Registry (MCR) Microsoft teams are now publishing container images to MCR. There are two key reasons for this change: We can establish MCR as the official source of Microsoft-provided container images, and then more easily promote and syndicate those images to multiple container services, like Docker Hub and Red Hat OpenShift. We can use Microsoft Azure as a global content distribution network (CDN) for delivering Microsoft-provided container images from locations closer to you. This means your container images pulls will be faster and have improved reliability in many cases. From an architectural perspective, MCR is a globally replicated service that handles image manifest requests. It uses the Azure CDN service for image layer requests. This separation isn’t observable with docker pull, but it is easy to see when you inspect .NET Core...
Mobile App Development Company India | Android, iOS & Tizen App Development Company | Best SEO Company

Mobile App Development Company India | Android, iOS & Tizen App Development Company | Best SEO Company

Wincer Song – Shanghai, China We are attached with WeeTech Solution for very long time as our Application Development Partner and they have developed many applications for our various products. In all these years, they have always kept their words and their App Development Team has delivered us the product on or before the deadline. They have gained our confidence of vote for their sheer efficiency in work and time management. After all Time is Money for us!! The best thing about WeeTech Solution is that they will constantly keep you informed and involved about their working style and structure and if you don’t like anything then without any hesitance they will provide you an instant alternative to it. They don’t act as suppliers, but as business partners instead. We have always been able to count with them, the quality of the deliverables were wonderful and their attitude is always positive. This is what separates them from other App Development Companies. Laura Coolidge – London, UK Seeing the current trend of Application Development and their ROI, I was looking to get into this business and in WeeTech I got the most perfect Advisory and Development Partner. They managed the whole stuff by themselves which included Planning + Design +Development + Testing and kept me well informed about the progress. They duly kept their words and allotted me the most compact Application for Android and iPhone platforms which increased my audience base too. Clive Rice – California, USA I already had an Android App developed for my business but I was not happy with it. Then one day I came...

Open Source Roadmap · React Native

This year, the React Native team has focused on a large scale re-architecture of React Native. As Sophie mentioned in her State of React Native post, we’ve sketched out a plan to better support the thriving population of React Native users and collaborators outside of Facebook. It’s now time to share more details about what we’ve been working on. Before I do so, I’d like to lay out our long-term vision for React Native in open source. Our vision for React Native is… We have identified the following focus areas to help us achieve this vision. ✂️ Lean Core Our goal is to reduce the surface area of React Native by removing non-core and unused components. We’ll transfer non-core components to the community to allow it to move faster. The reduced surface area will make it easier to manage contributions to React Native. is an example of a component that we transferred to the community. We are working on a workflow that will allow internal teams to continue using these components after we remove them from the repository. We have identified dozens more components that we’ll give ownership of to the community. 🎁 Open Sourcing Internals and 🛠Updated Tooling The React Native development experience for product teams at Facebook can be quite different from open source. Tools that may be popular in the open source community are not used at Facebook. There may be an internal tool that achieves the same purpose. In some cases, Facebook teams have become used to tools that do not exist outside of Facebook. These disparities can pose challenges when we open source our...
Calling Eloquent from Blade: 6 Tips for Performance – Laravel Daily

Calling Eloquent from Blade: 6 Tips for Performance – Laravel Daily

One of the most common performance issues I’ve seen in Laravel is using Eloquent methods and relationships from Blade, creating unnecessary extra loops and queries. In this article, I will show different scenarios and how to handle them effectively. Scenario 1. Loading belongsTo() Relationship: don’t forget Eager Loading Probably, the most typical case – you’re looping with @foreach through the records, and in some column you need to show its parent record with some field. @foreach ($sessions as $session) {{ $session->created_at }} {{ $session->user->name }} @endforeach And, of course, session belongs to user, in app/Session.php : public function user() { return $this->belongsTo(User::class); } Now, the code may look harmless and correct, but depending on the controller code, we may have a huge performance issue here. Wrong way in Controller: public function index() { $sessions = Session::all(); return view(‘sessions.index’, compact(‘sessions’); } Correct way: public function index() { $sessions = Session::with(‘user’)->get(); return view(‘sessions.index’, compact(‘sessions’); } Notice the difference? We’re loading the relationship with the main Eloquent query, it’s called Eager Loading . If we don’t do that, in our Blade foreach loop will call one SQL query for every session, asking for its user directly from the database every time. So if you have a table with 100 sessions, then you would have 101 query – 1 for session list, and another 100 for related users. So, don’t forget Eager Loading. Scenario 2. Loading hasMany() Relationship Another typical scenario is that you need to list all child entries in the loop of parent records. @foreach ($posts as $post) {{ $post->title }} @foreach ($post->tags as $tag) {{ $tag->name }} @endforeach @endforeach Guess...
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