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10 Ways to Reduce Mobile App Development Costs

10 Ways to Reduce Mobile App Development Costs

10 Ways to Reduce Mobile App Development Costs Any business pursues quite an obvious goal — to reduce mobile app development costs. The limited budget is one of the reasons why some customers refuse to develop a project, losing new business opportunities. However, since the product development process consists of several stages, you will be able to significantly reduce the time and money costs if you understand the features of each particular stage. In this article, we will talk about ways to reduce mobile app development costs without losing the coming product’s quality. 1. Make Detailed Requirements Specification Software engineers cannot read minds. Consequently, the more blurry the customer explains their requirements the more unpredictable the result may turn out in the end. Describe your project in detail: Based on a detailed project description, developers will evaluate implementation costs and development time much easier and answer customers’ other important questions. Want to start a project? Our team is ready to implement your ideas. Contact us now to discuss your roadmap! 2. Start with One Platform and MVP MVP (minimum viable product) is the product working prototype, using which it is possible to test market demand before a full-scale launch. The main goal of MVP is to test the software idea spending minimal cost. We can name Foursquare, Uber, and Snapchat among the well-known apps which started as MVP. It is better to spend a certain amount of money and understand that a specific idea or feature is not in demand than to spend ten times more money and then come to the same conclusions. The first version should have...
Enterprise Mobile App Development Challenges and Solutions | Applikey

Enterprise Mobile App Development Challenges and Solutions | Applikey

Today we are witnessing the accelerated development of mobile technologies. People are getting used to the fact that their smart gadget is a reliable source of information, a channel for communication, and a problem-solving tool. Moreover, all these functions are available globally 24/7. Mobile technologies are playing an increasing role not only in personal lives, but also in business. Today, going mobile is one of the top priorities in commerce. Organizations that want to prosper cannot ignore this trend. One of the major steps on the way to upgrading to mobile is the development of an enterprise mobile application. In 2013, corporate analysts had already predicted that mobilizing their key enterprise apps would lead to an increase in productivity of at least 36%. Sounds impressive, right? And, sure enough, in the following years, this trend only intensified. Enterprise mobile apps are intended to simplify processes within the company, while creating a comfortable climate for the involvement of and interaction between employees. An enterprise mobile app helps a business to operate more efficiently by facilitating the solution to several critical tasks: Previously, the development of enterprise mobile apps was the prerogative of big businesses, but nowadays more and more small organizations are implementing customized mobile solutions. Particularly, a mobile client for a corporate portal can become an effective aid for companies in which many employees are working remotely. It allows creating a unified system for the cooperation of people who are not physically present on the premises. An enterprise mobile app is a powerful business tool, which we recommend developing right now so you can start getting the benefits from...
Matt Stauffer: “Is Laravel Enterprise-Ready?”

Matt Stauffer: “Is Laravel Enterprise-Ready?”

Matt Stauffer: “Is Laravel Enterprise-Ready?” By: Povilas Korop With Laravel Live UK 2018 being over (awesome event, thanks Jonty!), I want to share my recap of one particular talk. Matt Stauffer has expressed his thoughts about Laravel in enterprise world. Is Laravel good enough? Let’s find out and discuss. Let’s start with the fact that I had already written about Laravel in enterprise, after Taylor shared his thoughts that Laravel is suitable for any project, as long as developers know what they’re doing. In his talk at Laravel live UK, Matt has dug much deeper. With valid concerns answered, with success stories examples, with strong overall message. Let’s dive in. Slides are available here, embedded below, but if you want to follow my summary and opinion, please read further. Wait, so what is enterprise? That was the first (big) part of the talk. Apparently, no one can answer that precisely, the only common word is BIG. Large customer base, big amount of data, huge consequences of any downtime etc. But what struck me more, was the definition by John Corry on Twitter: You know it’s enterprise if we spend more time in meetings than we do building things. That led to the main point of Laravel in enterprise. It’s not about quality of code, or framework structure, it’s about convincing people in the big companies, responsible for important decisions and large budgets, to trust the future of the company to the previously unknown tech-stack. They need proof. They need less uncertainty. They want to sleep well at night, feeling safe about their job. That’s what enterprise means – much...
Top 15 React Native libraries that I use in my apps – Coding is Love

Top 15 React Native libraries that I use in my apps – Coding is Love

This list of React native libraries is not curated randomly from the Internet. These are the libraries that I use personally in my apps. There may be alternatives for these libraries but I chose these after a good amount of research and trying them out in my apps. I’m also giving some live practical examples of how I use these libraries. So here’s the list of top React Native libraries This library is really good for quickly adding simple animations and transitions to your React Native app. This library can be used in 2 ways – Declarative and Imperative. Declarative usage – Simply mention the name of one of the pre-built animations and that animation will be applied as soon as that element loads. Ex: Heading should slide in from left when a page is opened. Imperative usage – If you want to play animation manually then this method works great. Ex: wobble a heart icon when someone likes a post. You can also define your own animations! For complex animations, I prefer to use React Native’s Animated API from scratch. Practical example Check the gif below. Profile page with simple transitions – Profile Image has a zoom in animation, Profile details slide-in left with a delay. Finally, like icon has a small wobble animation when someone likes a post. This library has very good support for Local push notifications. It has features like schedule notification, repeat notification based on day, week, time etc which are not available in other libraries. If your app has an offline-first approach and needs push notifications then this library is the way to...
8 Reasons Why Mobile App Development Projects Fail

8 Reasons Why Mobile App Development Projects Fail

Working on any software product is a complex process requiring expertise, a budget, competent management, and taking into account many various factors. Indeed, starting a project is one thing, and bringing it to successful release is quite another. The industry is rapidly developing, the competition in the App Store and Google Play is enormous, and only a few manage to at least bring the product to a successful release, leave alone consolidating their position in the market. To make the success likelier, it is important to know the main reasons why mobile app development projects fail and how to avoid failure. I will tell you about this in this article from the perspective of our perennial development experience. No Market Research It may seem you have found a bright idea that will earn you millions. You may also decide to take the easy route and create a clone of an existing popular app, for example, Tik Tok or Instagram. In all these cases, you risk spending time simply developing an unnecessary product unwanted on the market. That is why you cannot skip such an important stage as market research and competitive environment analysis. If the analysis results show at once that the project has no prospects in its current form, you will be able to save plenty of money and time. Moreover, you will manage to see what you have to change to make your app highly-demanded in the future. There are 5 simple ways to validate your mobile app idea: Want to start a project? Our team is ready to implement your ideas. Contact us now to discuss...

Building ASP.NET Core Web APIs with Clean Architecture

Published Sep 30, 2018 • Updated Mar 7, 2020 Last year I wrote a post introducing clean architecture and attempted to explain how its layered approach and separation of concerns can help overcome some common software design pitfalls enabling us to create testable, loosely-coupled code that is easier to maintain and extend. In this post, we’ll revisit Clean Architecture in the context of a somewhat more real-world example by using its principles to design and build an ASP.NET Core based Web API. Understanding these principles is critical for this guide and I won’t be covering the basics from scratch so if you’re new to Clean Architecture I recommend you check out my previous post or Uncle Bob’s to get up to speed. This guide also assumes knowledge of other topics like MVC, dependency injection and testing so if you run into something you’re not familiar with please take a moment to familiarize yourself with any new concepts. Get notified on new posts Straight from me, no spam, no bullshit. Frequent, helpful, email-only content. A Story of Layers and Dependencies At its absolute core, Clean Architecture is really about organizing our code into layers with a very explicit rule governing how those layers may interact. The overriding rule that makes this architecture work is The Dependency Rule. This rule says that source code dependencies can only point inwards. Nothing in an inner circle can know anything at all about something in an outer circle. With that in mind, to get started; I’ve fleshed out a project structure that should represent each of the logical layers in the diagram. Let’s break...
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