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Why Use Laravel Framework for Your Business?

Why Use Laravel Framework for Your Business?

Catering to this question of which technology for the project is a necessary thing to be sorted. While we need to be mindful of the project scope and budget, we also need to know how the used technology will be helpful for the project. Digging on Laravel would be a good one for today! Laravel development service coming in the family of PHP is a good one though the PHP family keeps on changing and evolving. Using this framework of PHP here is all that we can attain for a smooth functioning website of ours. Why Laravel Framework Developers find it an amazing tool to play with: 1. Security One of the most sought-after option is to know your website is completely safe for your clients. To being down the security breaches and theft attempts Laravel is on the greater side of providing you a greater environment. Laravel has some of the best features in the market to provide you with greater security protocols. This ensures you are keeping the clients’ data and website safe. 2. Performance Laravel offers amazing options when it comes to built-in tools and features. This helps in providing amazing options when it comes about providing functionality rich websites. Thus to enhance and bring better user experience on the shelf do not ignore this one! And we are not joking in this one! This is helpful besides bringing the add-on tools. This helps in making sure we are bringing the best user experience on the table with addition of diverse functioning aspects. 3. Keeps you ready for the future Technology keeps changing and we need...
Top Mobile App Development Companies in Atlanta

Top Mobile App Development Companies in Atlanta

The rise of Atlanta as a tech hub is phenomenal. People always talk about San Francisco, Los Angeles, Silicon Valley, etc., when they are asked to name the tech hubs in the USA. However, Atlanta has risen as the “Sillicon Valley of the South” in the last few years. Be it a or a Web App Development Company, all of these firms have contributed to the tremendous growth of Atlanta as a tech hub in the last few years or so. According to a , Atlanta added 32,000 tech jobs between 2013 and 2018, only second to San Francisco. Also, back in 2017, had predicted Atlanta as one of the five U.S. cities “poised to become tomorrow’s tech meccas.” In addition to all these, Atlanta was named the outside of NYC and San Francisco. Industry leaders like Coca-Cola, Home Depot, and startup accelerators like Atlanta Tech Hub are adding fuel to the growth of Atlanta.  With so much happening in Atlanta at the moment, you’re spoilt for choices when it comes to choosing the right mobile app development company. The question is, how to choose the right one out of all the available options? What are the points to keep in mind? Stay with us on this post as we give you the top 10 options for mobile app development companies in Atlanta.  List of Top Mobile App Development Companies in Atlanta: 1. Founded in 2010, Simform is one of the leading mobile app development companies in Atlanta. Its mission is to help successful brands extend their tech capabilities. From its inception, Simform has helped many startups, small businesses,...
React Native vs. Ionic: What Cross-Platform Framework is the Best? – Flatlogic Blog

React Native vs. Ionic: What Cross-Platform Framework is the Best? – Flatlogic Blog

We have decided to try our best in putting to rest the question “Which one is a better framework: React Native or Ionic?” And to do that, first and foremost we need to take a bit deeper look into each one of them. So, without further ado, let’s start with React Native. A brief guide into React Native So, what is, in broad terms, React Native? React Native is an open-source mobile application framework created by Facebook, Inc. Its usability lies in the sphere of app development for such operational systems and platforms as Android, Android TV, iOS, macOS, tvOS, Web, Windows and UWP. Basically, it is a framework that allows you to build different kinds of apps using nothing more than the ever-universal programming language, known as JavaScript. And, as it is based on the same design as React, it also makes it possible to compose a rich mobile UI from declarative components by using the same fundamental UI building blocks as regular iOS and Android apps. The end result, if built correctly, is hardly distinguishable from any apps built with Java or Objective-C. Now, let’s take a closer look on the advantages that React Native has (not comparing it to Ionic in any way for now). In Flatlogic we create web & mobile application templates built with React, Vue, Angular and React Native to help you develop web & mobile apps faster. Go and check out yourself!See our themes! React Native saves time and money The justification for this advantage is the fact that, by having its code as cross-platform as it can be, React Native allows...
How to use Database Sharding and Scale an  ASP.NET Core Microservice Architecture

How to use Database Sharding and Scale an ASP.NET Core Microservice Architecture

How to use Database Sharding and Scale an ASP.NET Core Microservice Architecture Load Balance a C# ASP.NET Core Service and Use MySql App-Layer Sharding. Shows the Concepts, Which Also Apply to MongoDB, etc. One of the big advantages of microservices is, that they can be scaled independently. This article shows the benefits and challenges of scaling one microservice and its database. You will create a working example application and manually implement application-layer sharding. It shows how to choose a shard key based on the use-cases and data model. This helps to apply the same principles to DBMS with integrated scaling like MongoDB, etc. Further reading: by and by This is the first of two parts. You will implement the microservice and use a sharded DB. In the second part, you will scale and run multiple container instances of the microservice and databases. You will use docker compose and a load balancer. Finally, you run JMeter load tests to see how the application scales when using a different number of instances. 1. Usecases and Datamodell The example application consists of a user and a post microservice. They communicate via messages: See also my previous article The User microservice handles adding and modifying users. The Post microservices handles viewing and adding posts. There is far more interaction with the Post microservice. So when the load to the app increases the Post microservice will be the first microservice that needs to scale. The name of the author is part of the PostService bounded context and therefore the Post microservice. Adding and modifying authors is done in the User microservice. The User microservice sends events when a...
Everything You Need to Know About How Flutter Is Reducing Mobile App Development Cost

Everything You Need to Know About How Flutter Is Reducing Mobile App Development Cost

Regardless of whether you are a beginning up or an all-around setup business, each business needs a mobile application nowadays. They are an imperative tool for showcasing and help fabricate an immediate relationship with clients. They not just take your business to countless individuals yet, in addition, offer a straightforward and simple-to-utilize interface to them, which helps in expanding client commitment rate. Mobile apps are significantly more advantageous to use when contrasted with sites. Clients think that it’s hard to recollect those long URLs and sign in each time they wish to visit the site. Mobiles are effectively open as are these mobile applications. Additionally, these applications are exceptionally responsive, quicker, and offer a simple route, which most work area destinations neglect to do. Let’s take a deeper insight into how flutter is reducing development costs as mentioned by the experts. What is Flutter? Flutter is quite possibly the most well-known open-source cross-platform application development system, made by Google. It is utilized to foster exceptionally intuitive and strong mobile, work area, and web applications, for numerous stages, including Android and iOS, that also utilizing a profoundly reusable codebase. Flutter application development is truly mainstream nowadays. Most organizations incline toward getting their applications created utilizing this UI programming development pack. Quicker Coding Using Hot Reload Flutter is known for its quick and dynamic application development measure. Most engineers love creating applications utilizing this system, as it is a lot of easy to utilize and simple to carry out. With its exceptional element called “Hot Reload” designers can roll out the developments in the code effectively and the progressions will be...
How to Build a GraphQL Server with Laravel GraphQL and Test It with Postman

How to Build a GraphQL Server with Laravel GraphQL and Test It with Postman

GraphQL is a query language for your API. It simplifies the process of requesting the server by providing convenient ways to query objects. For instance, if you’re using a REST API and you need a list of books, you might hit the GET /books/list endpoint for all books. Then if you need a specific book by ID, you would hit GET /book?id={id}, which means you’ll be making multiple requests to the server. But GraphQL does something called declarative data fetching, where you can ask for what you want and get a predictable result in a single request. Awesome right? Let’s see how it all works. What we will be learning? In this article, you’ll learn the basics of GraphQL by using the Laravel GraphQL package to build a server that does the following: Before we get started, let’s go over some GraphQL fundamentals. What is a GraphQL Schema? A GraphQL schema describes queries, mutations, and types associated with it: In the code above, the exclamation mark on column names such as id, name, and email means that they are required fields. You can also define various data types such as Int, String, and so on. You can also include list types and define the data type it should contain like with hobbies. What are GraphQL Queries? GraphQL makes it convenient to interact with data on an object. You use methods to ask for specific fields on objects and then get the expected results: What are GraphQL Resolvers? Every time you request data from a GraphQL server, it gets resolved. Resolvers contain arguments such as an object, args, context, and...
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