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How to safely delete records in massive tables on AWS using Laravel – Flare blog

When reviewing the contents of the database of Flare, we encountered a table with 1 billion records. Technically that isn’t a problem. Flare runs on Vapor and uses an Aurora database, so it can handle that scale. But of course, there’s a cost for storing that many records. We dove in and concluded that we could safely delete about 900 million records. They all were created before a specific date. Attempt 1: running a single delete query # A first naive approach would be to run a simple delete query. Performing a delete query like this on a small table will probably work. But when your table contains a billion items, it will likely cause problems. In most cases, a database will try to perform all queries atomically, so no other queries see intermediary results. When a deletion query using a where clause starts, it will lock that table. All other queries that are run against the table will have to wait. Because of the massive size of the table, the deletion query would probably run for hours. The lock would be in place for hours, essentially halting the entire app. So, just running a single query to clean up the table isn’t a good idea. Attempt 2: using a limit # To make the query complete faster, you can add a limit clause. Because the query completes faster, the table lock will be released much faster as well. Other queries wont be halted as long. Here’s an artisan command that performs that query. In the code above, only the 1000 first selected are deleted. Our tables contain many...
Travel Mobile App Development Cost & Key Features

Travel Mobile App Development Cost & Key Features

Still, unable to plan a holiday? Or dealing with the challenges of individual booking? Well with the help of a travel planner app, we have got all the requirements accumulated under one roof. With the escalation in technology, the way people used to plan their vacations had taken an impressive transformation. They just love to use mobile apps for finding out the famous dining places, destinations, hotels, and everything else related to travel. This had given impeccable momentum to the concept of travel planner mobile app development as it keeps the user away from dealing with any kind of travel headaches. Out there, myriad of traveling businesses are existing, thus definitely it is a must that you embark with the right and excelled travel planner app in order to grab a seat ahead of your competitors. Worldwide Revenue Estimation of Online Travel Booking So, find out the best features that are required to be integrated into the travel planner mobile app, and its basic architecture, that will be for sure embraced and loved by the users. Thus, keep reading the post for identifying the development procedures of travel mobile apps so as to conquer a remarkable business identity. The Framework of the Travel Planner App It is important that the framework of the travel planner app that you are taking to the market is developed to perfection. It needs to be flawless and have the most features that would make it easier for you to connect with your users.  If the user intent of your application fails to meet its purpose the popularity would decline and you would struggle...
Implementing Nanoservices in ASP.NET Core

Implementing Nanoservices in ASP.NET Core

Application architectures have evolved very quickly during the latest few years. The classic monolithic architecture has been broken down into a collection of microservices to support a more dynamic development and deployment infrastructure. However, albeit its popularity, there are certain downsides to using a microservice architecture. Recently, a more granular breakdown of a distributed application components is becoming popular: nanoservices. Nanoservices aren’t a replacement for microservices but are adept at addressing some of their shortcomings, and they can provide better isolation and granularity. This article will introduce the nanoservice architecture and show how to create them with ASP.NET and Azure Functions. From Monolithic to Nanoservice Architecture A monolithic architecture comprises a collection of components that are built, deployed, scaled, and maintained as a single unit. Albeit the simplicity, it is extremely difficult to change, scale or maintain such applications. A monolithic application typically uses a homogenous technology platform. Building a monolith with heterogeneous technologies is extremely difficult. Over a while, a monolith can become highly complex to handle: operational agility, scalability, and maintainability can become a challenge. Microservice architecture evolved to address the shortcomings of monolithic architectures over the past few years. Microservices adoption has been on the rise primarily because of the quest for improved scalability, flexibility, and performance. What is microservice architecture? Microservice architecture is a service-oriented architecture (SOA) variant that builds an application comprising lightweight, loosely coupled, modular services. These services can execute on a wide variety of platforms and are independently developed, tested, deployed, and managed. Microservice architecture is easier to maintain, scale, and test because they are smaller and more focused than their predecessors....

3 Ways to Master AngularJS Directives

For AngularJs, the most powerful component continues to be directives. Let’s understand what directives mean here. It is nothing but an extended version of the HTML attributes with the prefix ng added to it. With the ng-app, you can initialize the AngularJS application. Similarly, using the ng-init directive you can initialize the application data. In this article, we will talk mostly about the custom directives, and how you can master these directives thus making your AngularJS based application worthy for users. Remember, your aim is to offer a good application that can empower the users. Simple Directives If you want to create a widget that would arrange the different profile details that you are planning to display on your application, then you should ideally use simple directives. It offers a creative view of the elements. Here is an example of a widget created to view the book details on an e-commerce application angular.module('masteringAngularJsDirectives', []) .directive('book', function() { return { restrict: 'E', scope: { data: '=' }, templateUrl: 'templates/book-widget.html' } }) With this, you have created a directive first, which has been named book for this example. This directive returns an object. Restrict will define the directive type- attribute, class, element or comment. Scope gives you an idea of the directive’s scope. With templateURL, you can view content for render specific content. This will remove the complications associated with HTML Isolated Scope When you talk of directives, you will see an underlying scope alongside each directive. Data binding is an important element of directive declaration. For this example, we will consider implementing the basket portion of the e-commerce application. Here’s...
5-Star Mobile App Development: Diginix AI IT Solutions Dubai Receives New Clutch Review – Diginixai

5-Star Mobile App Development: Diginix AI IT Solutions Dubai Receives New Clutch Review – Diginixai

Mobile apps have become an integral part of daily life in 2021. People rely on mobile apps for various activities, and as the technology for development grows, more and more challenges are being solved through these applications. Mobile app development might seem complicated, and it can be. But with Diginix AI IT Solutions Dubai, you can achieve fast, easy, and reliable app development. We value partnerships and love building relationships with our clients. Since 2013, we’ve grown with our clients together, and we’ve witnessed a majority of them dominate their respective markets. A team of 70 design and development geniuses, Diginix AI prioritizes client satisfaction through innovative work. That’s why we’re always honored to earn a new addition to our number of Clutch reviews. A B2B ratings and reviews firm in the heart of Washington, D.C., Clutch connects businesses with the best-fit agencies or consultants they need to tackle their next big business challenge. Clutch covers hundreds of different services from IT to advertising and marketing and ranks service providers based on a range of factors including past clients and experience, verified client reviews, and market presence. Similarly, The Manifest — Clutch’s sister site — is a company listing blog that curates business news, how-to guides, and industry insights. The Manifest evaluates service providers and highlights their most notable projects to make the information-gathering process more convenient. Our newest 5-star review comes from TechG Infotech, a technology solutions company. In their interview with Clutch, the project manager spoke about the challenges they were facing before engaging with us. “We wanted to develop a mobile app for our tech solution...
Refactoring to Laravel 8 Class Model Factories | C.S. Rhymes

Refactoring to Laravel 8 Class Model Factories | C.S. Rhymes

Published: Jul 20, 2021 by C.S. Rhymes Laravel 8 introduced new class based model factories and if you have an existing project you can use the legacy factories package to keep using the old factories. I have tended to keep the factories as they were and continue development, but after working on a fresh Laravel 8 project and using the new class based syntax I decided to go back and update the factories in the older Laravel apps. This article explains how I went about refactoring the factories to classes. In this scenario we have a Laravel app that allows you to create a post. The post has a title, content, author and is either published or not published. Original Factory Here is the PostFactory in the previous format. It defines the default state, with the publish value set to false. It has a state called published where the publish value is set to true. // database/factories/PostFactory.php <?php /** @var \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factory $factory */ use App\Post; use Faker\Generator as Faker; $factory->define(Post::class, function (Faker $faker) { return [ 'title' => $faker->words(3, true), 'content' => $faker->text, 'author_id' => factory(User::class), 'publish' => false, ]; }); $factory->state(Post::class, 'published', function (Faker $faker) { return [ 'publish' => true, ] }); Here is a very basic example showing the factory being used in a test, using the factory() helper method. The second test in the example has the published state applied to it. // tests/Unit/PostTest.php <?php namespace Tests\Unit; use App\Post; use Tests\TestCase; class PostTest extends TestCase { public function test_post_is_not_published() { $post = factory(Post::class)->make(); $this->assertFalse($post->published); } public function test_published_post_is_published() { $post = factory(Post::class)->state('published')->make(); $this->assertTrue($post->published); } }...
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