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Add Authentication to Your ASP.NET Core MVC Application

Add Authentication to Your ASP.NET Core MVC Application

ASP.NET Core MVC is a popular framework for building web applications in .NET. It uses the well-known Model-View-Controller design pattern, which helps you achieve separation of concerns for your application UI. In this article, you will learn how to integrate authentication in an ASP.NET Core MVC application by using the Auth0 ASP.NET Core Authentication SDK. The Sample Application To focus adding authentication, you will use an existing ASP.NET Core MVC application, which will be described in a moment. Before starting, make sure you have the .NET 6 SDK installed on your machine. In fact, the application you are going to modify uses some features of C# 10. To get a quick overview of what’s new with .NET 6, check out this article. Also, this article will use the .NET CLI to build and run the application, but you can use Visual Studio 2022 if you prefer. Get and run the sample application You can get the sample application by running the following command in a terminal window: Once you download it, move to the acme-aspnet-mvc folder and type the following command to launch the application: This command will run the sample application and wait for possible changes to the code. If you change the application code, it will be automatically rebuilt. Note that some specific changes to your code, known as rude edits, may require restarting your application. Read this to learn more. Now, point your browser to . You should get the following page: This is the home page of the fictional company ACME Corporation. By clicking the Catalog link in the header, you can navigate their catalog,...

Mobile App Development Ecosystem | Webiotic

So, what is a mobile application ecosystem? It’s actually a collection of things, from app popularity and user ratings to software development tools and devices. The word “ecosystem” itself refers to the connection between apps as well as to processes and people using those apps. In this article, we’ll review key components of the mobile app development ecosystem broken down in four phases so are better prepared to develop and distribute mobile apps. Chapter #1: Mobile App Planning With the explosion of mobile apps on the app store in the past several years, thorough planning has never been more important than it is today to keep ahead of the competition. The planning stage encompasses many things, like who your target audience is, , the tech stack you’ll use, features you’ll need to code, and so much more. Should you build your app for Android, iOS, or both? Developing for Android will require developers who are proficient in the .  iOS app development, on the other hand, will require you to find developers who can code in Swift or Objective-C. 1.1 App Store Analytics There are many available app analytic solutions out there that can provide valuable insights during the planning phase of development. App store analytics can offer information about the number of app downloads, the most successful category of apps, geographical location of a user base for various types of apps, and other helpful insights across app stores. Understanding these metrics will help you make future decisions about your app, such as or selecting the right pricing model. 1.2 Third-Party Partners One way to gain a better understanding...
Implementing an API Gateway in ASP.NET Core with Ocelot

Implementing an API Gateway in ASP.NET Core with Ocelot

The urge towards adopting microservices architecture has been a welcome trend in the software development industry. Microservices architecture has been one of the most talked-about technologies in recent times – it has been embraced by many leading organizations worldwide. Originally developed to solve the limitations of monolithic systems, microservices architecture has seen a significant increase in popularity over the last several years, mainly due to increased scalability, flexibility, and performance. Since microservices-based applications comprise several different services, you often need a common interface or gateway to call these services so that you define and manage all concerns in one place rather than replicate them across all downstream services. This is precisely where an API Gateway comes in. This article briefly discusses the concepts around microservices architecture and how you can work with API Gateways to have a consistent way to connect to the microservices. Let’s get started! What Is Microservices Architecture? Microservices architecture is a service-oriented architecture (SOA) variant in which an application comprises a collection of lightweight, loosely coupled, modular services. These services can be built to execute on various platforms and independently developed, tested, deployed, and managed. Microservices architecture can replace long-running, complicated monolithic systems requiring considerable resource and management overhead. Microservice is a word that refers to a service having a limited set of functionalities rather than referring to the length of the code used to create it. What Is an API Gateway? When building microservices-based applications, an API Gateway is needed to have a central place where authentication, throttling, orchestration, etc., is implemented. Without an API Gateway in place, you might typically implement each of...

Use reCAPTCHA in Laravel 8 Forms For Validation.

Forms are the main source of spam on any website. Whether it is the traditional contact forms or custom forms for user feedback, abusing the forms to (intentionally or unintentionally) overwhelm the server is a common attack on a website. Google ReCaptcha V3 is a captcha-like framework that provides security against hackers and sticks or twist requests. It assures that the computer user is a human. reCAPTCHA is an industry-standard for preventing spam by greatly enhancing form validation capabilities. It is a combination of knowledge and image recognition-based interpretive response based on answer selection. The methodology relies on machine learning from Google’s large data sets of human interaction with the web, which is slightly different and random when compared to a bot. In this article, I will demonstrate how to use Google reCAPTCHA for form validation in Laravel 8.x This one requires only two things: Setting up reCAPTCHA in Laravel 8 Let’s get the necessary classes we will require to make things possible. I’ll be using Composer to bring down the packages: Set up Configurations We are going to edit the app.php file. Insert these lines in “providers” array: Now, let’s setup our secret keys. Go to this link, and enter your domain address, like I have shown in image below, to grab your “secret key” and “site key”. Make changes to your “.env” file: Insert these lines: Set up Routes These are our entry points of our app, let’s make some changes. Paste the code below: Save and exit. As you see, our routes are accessing a FileController which has two functions to get and post captcha form. Make...
Legal Case Management System – Bringing A Change In The Way Law Firms Work – Web & Mobile App Development Company | IT Services & Software Solutions | Coding Brains Blogs

Legal Case Management System – Bringing A Change In The Way Law Firms Work – Web & Mobile App Development Company | IT Services & Software Solutions | Coding Brains Blogs

In the past few years, it is quite evident to us that there has been a huge growth in Information technology and it has become a part of almost every industry and every organization. The Legal Case Management System brought a lot of change to the way Law Firms have been working. In the past few years, it is very well spread and it is almost not possible to predict any business without it. We can very well say that Law is one of the most important sectors. By using a Software Solution, it becomes possible to make the legal practice even more effective when compared to a paper-based system. In this blog, we will be looking at the benefits of a Management System and how it can benefit your Law Firm. Before lawyers were using the Paper-based system for the cases and daily work. As the new Technology is advancing lawyers are very much interested and seeing to adopt a more efficient and innovative way to practice Law-related work. 1) The Legal Case Management System It is a great boon for coordinating with your partner understanding that for every lawyer, scheduling meetings with partners can become a very difficult task. The first thing would be to look at the calendar and then scheduling the digital calendar by setting the reminder on the phone.  You can see different partner statuses under the schedule and send messages or emails just by sharing a single click. 2) Managing Documentation To manage a law firm is not an easy task, as you would need to make specific folders and then manage the...
How Code Execution Monitoring can help you to identify bugs and bottlenecks in your application before your customers do | Laravel News

How Code Execution Monitoring can help you to identify bugs and bottlenecks in your application before your customers do | Laravel News

Hi, I’m Valerio, software engineer, CTO & founder at Inspector, a monitoring platform used by developers in more than ten countries. In this article I would share my experience working in the monitoring industry trying to help you better understand: The time many developers discover the need to monitor their applications often coincides with when they first start working on a medium / large project. The reason is simple: when your software becomes complex, or serves highly valuable customers, software bugs become expensive; doubly so when your customers find them! Customers may rate you as unreliable and search for alternatives. Solving critical customer problems can certainly generate great business opportunities, but the more critical the problem is, the more you need to be ready for really high customer expectations. Monitoring is the way for developers to avoid unexpected incidents and retain customers or contracts as long as possible – which means stable income for your business over time. Today it may not be so easy to navigate the world of monitoring, probably because so many different data can be used in so many different ways. Here is what I’ve learned in my journey. What are monitoring tools? Monitoring tools generally consist of two parts: the agent, and the analytics platform. The agent is a software package that developers install in their server or application. Its goal is to collect relevant information about application behavior and performance. Data are sent to the remote platform that analyzes that data and generates visual charts to help developers easily understand what’s happening in their system. The platform should be able to send alerts...
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