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Mobile App Development Company India | Mobile Application Design and Development Services | VOCSO

Mobile App Development Company India | Mobile Application Design and Development Services | VOCSO

We provide handy business and finance apps for your business growth. VOCSO is the most affordable mobile app development agency, creates intuitive and engaging iOS and Android apps to manage your business finance. We design and develop perfect entertainment apps which perform faster on iPhone and Android devices. Entertainment apps developed by VOCSO’s help mobile users kill their boredom and let increase entertainment quotient. VOCSO is the fastest growing mobile app development agency, provides awesome health and fitness apps for iPhone and Android users to help them lead a healthier, happier life. Hire professional mobile health app developers for the medical & health-based business/industry from VOCSO. We design and develop high performance and friendly social networking apps to make your social media business like the most popular social networking apps. Get custom-built, beautifully designed social media applications that help brands & businesses harness the power of social networks to engage their audience. If you are really keen to build a community around your product and services, the social network app developed by VOCSO’s can be a great way to create, nurture and manage one to boost social media presence. VOCSO is a technologically advanced Travel App Development firm, with a team of very innovative designers and superb developers. We are developing mobile applications for the travel & lifestyle businesses and agencies since 2009. With travel, lifestyle and sports apps solution, we add various features in one app. Launch your brand new travel and lifestyle mobile app with a full pack of features with VOCSO’s. We are a leading Platform for creating a mobile app for a magazine or a...
Mobile App Development Lifecycle Guide that Every Developer Should Bookmark

Mobile App Development Lifecycle Guide that Every Developer Should Bookmark

When it comes to mobile app development, every step of the process is as vital as the next. Cutting corners anywhere can cost the final product stability and user interest. As mobile app developers, it is important to maintain an understanding of each step of the mobile app development lifecycle. This will provide you with the ability to maintain focus on the task at hand while not missing key aspects of the development process. Below we list the mobile app development lifecycle for your use while coding and developing your apps. Whether you are developing the app yourself or are hiring a mobile application development company to do it for you, this will help you make a schedule. Phase 1: Envision Prior to any wireframing or design, a concept for the app must be created. Take the time to envision the purpose of the app and what need will be met when the user interacts with your product. Rushing through this process will undoubtedly impact the quality of your app in the end. Compile a list of all possible mobile app ideas. Brainstorm and research by looking at other successful mobile apps. Often looking at what other companies have done inspires an idea for an improved product. Begin filtering out lower quality ideas with the desire to end with just one great idea. Complete market research as you focus in on the app you plan to build. Understand the market gaps and what the consumer base is requesting from their products. Do not be surprised if the market research births a new or revised mobile app idea. Be sure...
10 Reasons to Use React Native for Mobile App Development

10 Reasons to Use React Native for Mobile App Development

In this digital age, all users want quick information and most of the businesses want to give a better mobile app experience to their users. There are so many mobile app development frameworks available and React Native is one of that.React Native is a cross-platform mobile app development framework like PhoneGap and it is used to build an extensive app for Android and iOS smartphones. In this article, we will discuss what is React Native and why should you choose it for your business mobile app development. What is React Native? React Native is an open-source framework for mobile app development and it was launched by Facebook . When it comes to choosing, entrepreneurs have a soft side to react native.There so many famous companies already used this framework and never failed a day. Many tech giants including Skype, UberEats, delivery.com, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Vogue, Tesla, Bloomberg, and others have turned towards React Native for iOS and Android platforms.You also get benefits in cost when choosing React Native . This framework lays the ground open to all formats for a user to gain access to the particular app. It allows you to operate as hybrid mobile app development in a lucid manner. Why Choose React Native for Mobile App Development? Below top reasons listed for choosing React Native. Works under tight budget constraints When you are starting your business, money is the most significant factor you are concerned about. Every start-up wants to achieve fast returns to survive in the tech-savvy market. One has to develop faster and stay longer. The big reason to hire React Native developer is...
The Key Benefits of Native Mobile App Development

The Key Benefits of Native Mobile App Development

Mobile app development, no doubt, is a profit reaping strategy for any business enterprise but at the same time challenging as well for the developers. This is challenging because mobile app development isn’t a spontaneous decision; there are many vital factors that the entrepreneur has to consider and take decisions depending on his/her business requisites. It begins with choosing the right the mobile app type, Operating System for the app i.e. Android or iOS, development of the Minimum Viable Product or the MVP, selecting the most necessary features, and the choice between native and hybrid platform etc. Both native and hybrid mobile app development have their pros and cons. But of late, the native mobile apps are getting more preference in comparison to the hybrid apps. This is primarily due to the various advantages that they offer. What is a Native Mobile App Development? Before we can actually discuss the major benefits of native apps, let’s dig into what the native mobile app development is. When developers are developing native apps, they are mostly focusing on the specific type of Operating System such as Android or iOS. As for the users, they can access the mobile application using the Apple Store or the Google Play Store. While creating the native apps, the developers can implement the two most common programming languages for both the major OS; including Swift and Objective C and Kotlin and Java. The Google Android and Apple iOS also offer development tools, Software Development Kit as well as interface elements. Major Benefits of Native Mobile App Development The web apps depend on some browsers and core...
Why Ionic Framework Is Popular for Hybrid Mobile App Development?

Why Ionic Framework Is Popular for Hybrid Mobile App Development?

If you have been into the field of mobile app development for some time, you must have known how user interface has constantly been in the focus. When it is about delivering outstanding value in the mobile app UI, there are not too many great framework choices for cross-platform app development as the Ionic. “A recent survey showed that more than 32% of developers within the next two years are going to switch to hybrid development instead of native” Here through the length of this post, we are going to explain the key strengths of the Ionic framework and how it excels in building robust and performance driven apps with the sophisticated user interface. What Is Ionic Framework? Ionic is basically a framework created expressly for building sophisticated and powerful mobile user interface. The Ionic app development framework built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript comes with a great command-line interface (CLI) making the developer’s job easier and bringing down the learning curve significantly. The framework also comes with additional services such as Ionic View and Ionic Creator. Ionic, unlike many other JavaScript frameworks, brings together the goodness of several technologies. While the top layer of an ionic application holds the core capabilities of the framework in creating an easy interface, the other layers of the application work with different technologies. Angular below the top layer works as a web framework while the Apache Cordova down under helps to utilize the native capabilities. Thus Ionic comes as a mobile app development framework capable to deliver a great user interface and hybrid apps with robust native capabilities as well as web...
Why I think Flutter is the future of mobile app development

Why I think Flutter is the future of mobile app development

I dabbled a bit in Android and iOS development quite a few years back using Java and Objective-C. After spending about a month working with both of them, I decided to move on. I just couldn’t get into it. But recently, I learned about Flutter and decided to give mobile app development another shot. I instantly fell in love with it as it made developing multi-platform apps a ton of fun. Since learning about it, I’ve created an app and a library using it. Flutter seems to be a very promising step forward and I’d like to explain a few different reasons why I believe this. Powered by Dart Flutter uses the Google-developed Dart language. If you’ve used Java before, you’ll be fairly familiar with the syntax of Dart as they are quite similar. Besides the syntax, Dart is a fairly different language. I’m not going to be talking about Dart in depth as it’s a bit out of scope, but I’d like to discuss one of the most helpful features in my opinion. This feature being support for asynchronous operations. Not only does Dart support it, but it makes it exceptionally easy. This is something you’ll most likely be using throughout all of your Flutter applications if you’re doing IO or other time-consuming operations such as querying a database. Without asynchronous operations, any time-consuming operations will cause the program to freeze up until they complete. To prevent this, Dart provides us with the async and await keywords which allow our program to continue execution while waiting for these longer operations to complete. Let’s take a look at a couple of examples:...
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