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The speech of Stefan NGUYEN, Vinova lead game developer, in Casual Connect Asia 2013 is OUT!!!

In a previous post titled “Awesome 2D Games Animation with Spine“, we had introduced Stefan NGUYEN, Vinova lead game developer, who had a speech in Casual Connect Asia 2013 to share the experiences of Spine in 2D game development. And here is the video of his speech: Bravo Stefan for his great attempt as well as the whole game team!!! Great! Spine helped us a lot when developing Ultimate Arrow – the ‘”Best of the Show” in Casual Connect Asia 2013. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us via email info@vinova.sg. Do follow us on Facebook and wait for the launch of Ultimate Arrow...

Awesome 2D Games Animation tool with Spine

The above title is also the topic of the speech by Stefan Nguyen, Vinova Lead Game Developer, in Casual Connect Asia 2013. As a part of Casual Connect Asia 2013, besides the Indie Showcase, representatives from hundreds of companies had come and delivered speeches which focused on different cutting edge topics in casual game space. To be honored, Stefan had a 20-minutes presentation to introduce and shares his experiences with Spine – an awesome 2D Games Animation tool which Vinova used during the development of Ultimate Arrow. Thanks to the presentation of Stefan, Vinova had a chance to invite the audiences to our booth in the Indie showcase for further discussion about Ultimate Arrow. As mentioned before in our previous post, at Casual Connect Asia 2013, we had won the “Best of Show” award with the game Ultimate Arrow. Ultimate Arrow is the 3rd 2D mobile game that Vinova developed. From Gasboy (our first 2D game) which only has 1 character with 1 animation in 15 frames and 90KB size on disk to our 2nd 2D game: God’s Rage which has 1 character with 17 animations in 402 frames and 1.3MB size on disk, our team could handle the character’s animation with frame-based animation using Anime Studio 9. However, after transition to Ultimate Arrow with multiple characters which are all detailed designed with much more complicated motions compared to the first 2 aforementioned games, we then encountered a serious problem. For example, the first boss’ design occupied nearly 50MB RAM and 20MB size on disk. This situation gave problem even to the high-end mobile devices. Fortunately, our team found Spine...

Ultimate Arrow – the “Best of the Show” in Casual Connect Asia 2013

May 23rd 2013 was an amazing day for Vinova which marks the most successful step since the day Vinova ventured into mobile game industry. We won the “Best of Show” award with the castle defense game title “Ultimate Arrow” in Casual Connect Asia 2013. The prizes come with a Blackberry Z10, US$1000 in cash and most importantly, chances to collaborate with publishers like mig33. Nearly 70 Indie game studios came to the competition of the Indie Game showcase with their greatest games. It was really tough to win the top prize. However, Vinova did it. The magical probably happened on the last day of the event when Stefan Nguyen – our Lead Game Developer had a presentation about the application of Spine in 2D game animation and invited the audiences to visit our booth for discussion. The selling point of Ultimate Arrow would probably be its unique and outstanding Asian art style. The play game is fun, easy but can be pretty challenging as the game progress. Furthermore, the legends of the ancient Vietnamese behind the game is another factor fascinated the players, especially the publishers from US and Japan. Ultimate Arrow tells a story about King An Duong Vuong from Au Lac dynasty who used a mighty crossbow to protect his country and the citizens from the ugly and fierce barbarian invaders. The players will control the crossbow, heros, soldiers and cast all kind of spells to defeat the enemies. Developed since late 2012, this is the second times Vinova introduced Ultimate Arrow to the public and received lots of great feedbacks. Vinova considers all these supports as...

Why play social games?

I’m asking myself: what are the top reasons for people to play social games? The guys at 2 famous companies, Popcap & Kabam, have provided me a few interesting answers, and I want to share with you here. PopCap Games Social Gaming Research lists 9 top reasons to play social games: From Kabam research:...
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