> Games - Vinova

How to Increase Your Dota 2 MMR: Options and Settings Guide

Dota 2 has quite a few options and settings that you need to know about before diving in. This section deals with the most important ones and provides a quick overview of what they do. If you want to use a Dota 2 boosting service or just increase your Dota 2 MMR by your self, understanding them is essential. HOTKEYS ABILITIESCAST: allows you to set keys for all the abilities you want to cast for a particular hero that you can select.QUICKCAST: allows you to set keys for all the abilities you want to quickcast for a particular hero that you can select. A quickcast ability will trigger as soon as the hotkey is pressed, at the location of the mouse cursor. So basically, it no longer requires you to press left-click. If you want to be able to selectively use some abilities on cast and others on quickcast, you must enable the 3.C setting listed in ADVANCED HOTKEYS (read below).ITEMSCAST: same as for abilities.QUICKCAST: same as for abilities.UNIT ACTIONSSelect Hero: selects your hero. Double tap to reposition the camera on your hero.Select All Controlled Units: selects all the units you control, including your hero.SHOP ACTIONSSelect Courier: selects your team’s courier.Courier Deliver Items: tells the selected courier to deliver your items.Purchase Quickbuy: instantly buys the next item you can afford from your quickbuy list. This is very useful if you’re on the verge of dying, because it allows you to instantly spend your unreliable gold, thus making you lose less of it when you die. To add an item to your quickbuy list, open the shop, hold the Shift...
[Mobile Game] God’s Rage

[Mobile Game] God’s Rage

Mobile Game: God’s Rage God’s Rage IOS God’s Rage Android A mortal human is in love with your divine daughter. Stop him before he reaches her! A mobile game developed by our very own team, God’s Rage is a reverse runner that put the player’s reaction skills to the test. The game is now out on App Store and Google Play....

[Mobile Education Game] Be Hoc Van

Be Hoc Van Be Hoc Van IOS Be Hoc Van Google Play   A mobile education game developed by our very own team, Be hoc Van is an application that teach children how to spell Vietnamese in a fun, interesting and effective way. Many preschool children as well as many parents often struggle to help their kid become familiar with combining letters into words. Be Hoc Van will help kids love learning and remember the words easily The words are illustrated by many cute, funny animals. Each animal is accompanied by their respective adorable sound, brilliant colours and eye-catching animations. The game is now out on App Store, and Google...

[Educational Game] Bé Vui Học Chữ

Bé Vui Học Chữ Bé Vui Học Chữ Google Play A mobile education game developed by our very own team, Be Vui hoc Chu is an application that teach children how to Vietnamese letters in a fun, interesting and effective way. Many preschool children as well as many parents often struggle to help their kid become familiar with the basic letters. Be Vui Hoc Chu will help kids love learning and remember the letters easily. Each letter are illustrated by many cute, funny animals. Each animal is accompanied by their respective adorable sound, brilliant colours and eye-catching animations. The game is now out on Google Play and coming soon to Apple...
Open Game Development Conference 2013

Open Game Development Conference 2013

Flemington building, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam, 20 July 2013, the annual event Open Game Development Conference (OGDC) came back for its second time. Organised by VNG, the event is aimed to create opportunities for local game developers to learn and share as well as listen to experiences from both local and foreign experts on the game industry. At OGDC 2013, beside speakers from VNG, guest speakers from Vietnam and Asian studios such as DeNA Asia Pacific Holdings Pte Ltd, Singapore NHN, Cami Games JSC and of course Vinova Pte Ltd, were invited. Activities in this event included, but not limited to, sharing practical experiences in game development, from how to develop a successful game to strategies in game development or the concerns about this competitive field. A very popular topic that was discussed is Mobile Game – the hottest trend nowadays with the popularity of smartphones. Taking part in OGDC 2013, Vinova sent 3 speakers: Mr Cody Nguyen, Lead Web Developer, presented “Cross platform game development for mobile web”, Mr Alviss Ha, Lead Designer, talked about “Dong Son Art Style in mobile game” and Mr Stefan Nguyen, Lead Game Developer, contributed the topic “Awesome 2D game development with Spines”. They brought to the conference our latest game, which is still under development, Ultimate Arrow. The game attracted a lot of attention from the crowd. The slides of the above mentioned presentations as well as others in OGDC can be found in this link. The recorded video of the session will be available...
A story of Indie game with Vinova on MDA (Media Development Authority) website

A story of Indie game with Vinova on MDA (Media Development Authority) website

“Demand for casual games is expected to soar with the dramatic rise in mobile web, tablets and smartphones consumption in Asia in the next two to three years. More Indie game developers like Vinova, Lewenhart Studios and other game-changers are taking on the global market, at Singapore’s doorstep.” The above quote is the introduction of an article named “In Good Company – Indie game developers get “Thumbs Up!” at Casual Connect Asia 2013 ” on MDA website which tells a story of mobile game development in Asia based on the event Casual Connect Asia 2013. In this story, Vinova was told as a successful Indie game developers with the castle defense game “Ultimate Arrow“. Ultimate Arrow had won the “Best in Show” award at the Indie Showcase in Singapore, given out to the game voted the best by CCA participants during the three days. In Casual Connect Asia 2013, Stefan Nguyen – Vinova Lead Game Developer also had a speech to share the experiences of Spine in 2D game development. Do access the link for the full article. Vinova is going to launch “Ultimate Arrow” by July 2013, and is exploring opportunities with professional publishers to promote the game in Asia. Do download and support...
Malcare WordPress Security

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