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Beginners Guide to Internet Marketing

IMG SOURCE: https://www.pexels.com/photo/laptop-technology-ipad-tablet-35550/ Internet marketing is probably one of the best sets of strategies that you need to utilize for the betterment of your business; the online and digital world are the perfect place to generate leads and converting them into sales. This will help you gain more profits and exposure, taking your business to a whole new level of success. So, if you’re just starting out, we’ve come up with some of the best internet marketing strategies that you should start considering. Email Marketing This is one of the best techniques you could use; it’s very effective and the results are extremely rewarding. When you manage to get a customer’s email and this customer once bought a product from you, you could try and remarket to them with new products that they might like. Also, you could give them nice offers that they might find interesting, making them your customers again. If your potential customers created an account on your website and provided you with their email, you can continue to do the same by sending follow up emails and appealing offers to reel them in for the sale. Pay-Per-Click Another cool internet marketing method is this strategy of advertising to people using the PPC method, gaining people’s attention online quite effectively. They are basically a set of ads that appear on someone’s search list when they search for something specific, so learning about it can be very beneficial to you and your company. The instructors and marketers at https://elearningindustry.com/advertise/elearning-marketing-strategies/learning-management-system-lms-ppc-campaign-guide-elearning-industry believe that you can maximize your ROI with this marketing method, but with a nice twist along the...
Building Your E-Commerce Store from the Ground Up

Building Your E-Commerce Store from the Ground Up

Building Your E-Commerce Store from the Ground Up What features go into the successful creation of an online store? From an outward point of view, important variables such as presentation and quality products will naturally come to mind. Although there is no doubt that these concerns are very real, many start-up business owners fail to appreciate that what takes place behind the scenes is just as important. In this respect, we are referring to the digital architecture behind an e-commerce platform. Cookie-cutter templates and outdated software applications simply will not do. Only the most modern of solutions should be embraced and this is the reason why we will examine a handful of expert tips engineered to ensure that your online store is provided with a strong foundation.   The Main Tenets of a Successful Online E-Commerce Platform Any sales-oriented website needs to be able to exhibit an all-around user-friendly appeal. We are not only referring to the experience of the client in this manner. It is just as pivotal that stakeholders (such as employees and managers) are provided with a top-down point of view so that they can better appreciate how the business is performing. Another suggestion is to use a professional ecommerce store builder which offers a host of intuitive tools. This application will enable you to track current sales campaigns as well as to better understand how customers are reacting to specific products or services. Some of the hallmarks of a prestigious third-party provider include: The ability to accept a variety of payment methods (bank transfers, credit cards and e-wallets). A centralised means to analyse sales figures. Customer and...


In this article, you will be informed about 10 best reputable companies that specialize in banners production and social media assets development. 1. H1Studio H1Studio is a production studio for digital advertising media. It specializes in the production of mass digital advertising material for all devices, publishers, agencies, corporate entities, and markets. H1 offers discretional support and strategic guidance to agency clients. Since 2009, H1Studio’s digital ad banner development studio has revolutionized the digital production process by adopting and utilizing only the latest technologies to create banners that meet media platforms’ strict guidelines. H1Studio supports creative & media agencies, and corporate entities with HTML5 production, on a retainer basis. H1studio assists agencies with turn-key solutions by taking client approved assets and providing adaptation or resizing efforts within the quickest possible time frame, and delivering accurate production of the highest standard. With established working relationships with some of the world’s biggest brands, H1studio has developed and implemented high-volume banner ad campaigns which have very much earned the trust of global brands and advertising agencies. Website: http://banners.h1studio.com Email: frontdesk@h1studio.com 2. Activeoo Activeoo is a digital production studio that offers personalized services to international customers. Activeoo partners with advertising agencies, corporate firms, small and medium-scale businesses (SMEs) and even freelancers in order to deliver digitally created, adapted and localized solutions. Activeoo seeks to deliver cost efficient digital solutions to clients. Activeoo blends creative ideas with superior technologies to deliver digital solutions. Activeoo is the brainchild of SHJ&Partners Pte Ltd Website: http://banner.activeoo.com Email: hello@activeoo.com   3. 24K Designs 24K Design Studio Pte Ltd is a Singapore-based agency and is a specialist in developing responsive websites and online marketing...

Infographic – Success Structure of Top Performing Sales Rep

[Infographic] Success Structure of Top Performing Sales Rep Top performing sales personnel do more than just selling, they build and maintain a healthy relationship with the clients that helps in creating a good image of the company. Sales reps are the face of the company, so you need to be extra careful while getting them onboard. Their performance can have a great impact on your business turnover. Good performers are well acquainted with their target audience; they know whom to approach and how to take a deal forward. To successfully pass a deal through various stages of a sales pipeline, a sales rep needs to be tolerant, confident and persistent. These qualities aid in providing a good buying experience to the customers and ultimately helps in increasing sales. Let us have a look at such personality attributes that distinguishes top sales professionals from others and gives them the leading position   Conclusion Every successful company or person comprises of some important components and traits; realizing these traits and working on them is a phase of constant learning. To stay on the top, sales reps must keep working on these traits mentioned in the infographic. Even the sales honcho need to take these traits into account while recruiting a new sales rep. Hiring confident sales professionals who can quickly adapt and grow is necessary to achieve hundred percent positive results. Though they have the potential, you need to nurture their skills. Introducing them to new technologies will help in enhancing their efficiency and boosting their productivity. Tools like Salesmate CRM will help them in managing their sales and maintaining their...
How to Leverage AR for Ecommerce

How to Leverage AR for Ecommerce

How to Leverage AR for Ecommerce E-commerce is an industry that thrives on user engagement. Any strategy that offers a unique way to reach and entertain potential customers is an attractive one. With the advent of augmented reality (AR), there is now an entirely new way for brands to interact with their audience. When brands utilize an AR app developer for success, they enjoy the benefits of a personalized, interactive marketing strategy that appeals to more customers. Here are the ways in which ecommerce businesses can use augmented reality for their own success.   AR Solves the Problem of Shopping Online For many online shoppers, e-commerce is appealing for its convenience factor. Nothing beats buying something you desperately want or need, right from your couch at home. However, what e-commerce lacks is the ability to try before you buy. Augmented reality for e-commerce is addressing this concern by offering shoppers the ability to see the product on themselves or in their home before making a purchase. The basis of AR technology is posting digital features directly within a real-life environment. For consumers, this means they are able to see the product they are thinking of purchasing appear on themselves or in its true setting. It essentially eliminates the guesswork from virtual shopping. Not only does augmented reality provide the opportunity for boosting ROI and sales, but also it can increase customer satisfaction and reduce the number of products returned. With customers able to more easily try a product and visualize it before buying, it removes the guesswork and lets them purchase more confidently.   Engage Customers, Provide Information, Customize...
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