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Myanmar Junta Set to Pass Draconian Cyber Security Law

Myanmar Junta Set to Pass Draconian Cyber Security Law

Myanmar’s military junta is reportedly on the brink of passing its long-threatened cybersecurity law, which in its latest form would outlaw virtual private networks (VPNs), throttle access to social media networks, and force internet companies to hand over user data to the military. The latest version of the Cyber Security Bill, which updates a draft released in February 2021, comes a year after the military seized power, plunging the country into a zero-sum struggle between the junta and a loose coalition of opponents. According to a report last week by Myanmar Now, the military administration submitted a revised version of the bill to stakeholders on January 13 and called for their feedback by January 28. The law is expected to be passed this week. The February 2o21 draft was widely criticized for compelling internet providers to prevent or remove any content deemed to “cause hatred, destroy unity and tranquility,” any “untruthful news or rumors,” or anything that is “inappropriate” to Myanmar’s culture. It also forced internet providers to gather the personal data of users, store it for three years starting from the day of usage, and hand it over to military authorities upon request. While the draft was withdrawn due to the strong opposition of Myanmar’s business community, the advocacy group Free Expression Myanmar (FEM) (which has also released an unofficial translation of the legislation) claims that the military’s new draft “repeats the repressive provisions of previous drafts and adds more, seriously threatening the safety and security of Myanmar’s digital space.” Diplomat Brief Weekly Newsletter Get briefed on the story of the week, and developing stories to watch across...
A Practical Guide to Cyber Security for Non-Professionals

A Practical Guide to Cyber Security for Non-Professionals

A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO CYBER SECURITY FOR NON-PROFESSIONALS “Why does security matter?” is a question that has progressed from community bystanders to boardroom discussions, and it does not end there. It is currently the topic of debate in the industry. Everyone we know is talking about security in some capacity, whether at work or elsewhere. Nowadays, cybersecurity is no longer solely the responsibility of an IT administrator or security administrators in an IT organization. It is now a requirement for everyone, even those individuals who don’t work in large enterprises or carry significant amounts of data on their mobile devices. Over the last decade, the use of organizational computer networks, desktop computers, and the internet, in general, has increased exponentially. It has increased the number of threats from malware, viruses, and hackers looking for vulnerable, sensitive information from all sources. So with that in question, how can someone with little to no information regarding cybersecurity know its importance? Sure, there are plenty of books out there that will show you the nitty-gritty details of cybersecurity, but not everyone has the time and will to read a book – right? So for those who are new to the concept of cybersecurity, here’s a practical guide that contains everything you need to know about it. What is Cybersecurity? Before we begin to get to the depth of everything, let us first define cyber security and its importance. Cybersecurity refers to the technology and procedure of protecting networks and devices from damage, unauthorized access, or attacks. Because data is now the core component of any organization, cybersecurity is critical for a country’s...

Zen and the Art of Data Science — How To Avoid Gumption Traps | by Wouter van Heeswijk, PhD | Nov, 2021 | Towards Data Science

To me, Robert Pirsig’s bestseller Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance (1974) was definitely one of the more engaging reads I’ve come across. The aim of this article is not to give a synopsis on the Metaphysics of Quality, but to distill some insights that might aid data scientists when getting discouraged with their project. Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance For those who have not read it — or those in need of a quick recap — the book interweaves the philosophical life journey of the author with the fabric of an All-American motorcycle road trip. It provides a thesis on the concept of quality, unifying the romantic and the classical perceptions of the world. As an illustration of those two viewpoints, the titular act of motorcycle maintenance serves as an extensive anecdote throughout the book. The romantic soul is primarily interested with how the motorcycle drives, looks and feels. A mechanical failure is nothing but a source of frustration. The classical soul, on the other hand, is concerned with the inner mechanisms of the machine, wants to know exactly what each part does. For them, a breakdown might actually pose an interesting challenge. It is not hard to see the analogies with programming and data science. When faced with a malfunctioning piece of software or nonsensible results, many users will throw up their hands in despair. It takes a certain fortitude and analytical mindset to dive into the underlying data sets or error messages. The classical soul is at work here. However, even one with a strictly classical view on the world is not immune...
Desktop Cyber Security – The Best Defense… is a Good Offense

Desktop Cyber Security – The Best Defense… is a Good Offense

Know Where you Stand and What Threats you Face I’ve talked about desktop tools and infrastructure solutions designed to block hacker intrusions and clean systems of virus and malware. We’ve reviewed testing and training users to make sure the human element is addressed to keep the bad actors out. We’ve looked at several ways to mitigate the risk and give you recovery and continuity. You may know IPDRR – Identify. Protect. Detect. Respond. Recover. These are the basic tenets of cyber security protocol. The first three are the keys to a proactive methodology – a good offense. Simply put, they are knowing the pieces of your network, deploying blocking tools to those pieces and setting up an alerting system that can detect threats – in real time. Know your networks The asset and inventory tools we use to track our knowledge of client systems are initially populated when we take on a new client. This is all part of Beringer’s tried-and-true onboarding process. That database is then updated as every change is made to the network, whether it be due to a project to upgrade infrastructure, a remediation for performance, modifications to local or cloud access, or security or any other change. Deploy Your Safety Net We use anti-virus and anti-malware tools in every case… An Endpoint/Managed Detection and Response (EDR/MDR) solution provides an additional underlying layer of managed detection and response. This way, we can defend against malicious, persistent footholds, ransomware and more – that are not readily apparent to the other cyber security tools above.. Add ThreatOps to The Arsenal The solutions above provide alerting to our...
TIA Portal for improved cyber security in an industrial setting // TIA Portal für mehr Cybersicherheit im industriellen Umfeld

TIA Portal for improved cyber security in an industrial setting // TIA Portal für mehr Cybersicherheit im industriellen Umfeld

Better safe than sorry: Companies risk disastrous consequences if they try to save on security measures in their automation systems or to do without them entirely. In a worst-case scenario, companies are not only regretful following a cyberattack, but can also suffer serious losses – or even lose their competitive edge. As a central engineering framework, TIA Portal combines a number of functions that can minimize the risk of a cyberattack. I’d like to introduce you to a few of them. “That isn’t going to happen to me – I’d see if anything like that was happening!”– I’d bet that a lot of us are pretty confident we’d never fall victim to a cyberattack. After all, we’re far too clever for that, we recognize phishing emails immediately, and would never download malware. But are we really so clever? According to a report by the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) on the state of IT security in Germany in 2021, one in every four Germans has been the victim of Internet crime. Such cyberattacks are much more lucrative when directed against companies rather than individuals and, sadly, criminals are enjoying more and more success in that area: A study by digital association Bitkom showed that nine out of ten companies (88%) were affected in 2020-21. Effectively combating cyber threats What makes it so easy for attackers is the constantly increasing pace of digitalization and the associated growth in networking between OT (Operational Technology) and IT (Information Technology). As a result, OT is increasingly becoming the focus for cyber criminal attackers, and must be protected with the same security measures...

Why Data Science & Business Analytics is a versatile skills that opens new doors across sectors – The Hindu

Today,  have gained the status of being all-pervasive across functions and domains. The mammoth wings of data and analytics are determining how we buy our toothpaste, how we choose dating partners, and how we lead our lives. Nearly 90% of all small, mid-size, and large organizations have adopted analytical capabilities over the last 5 years to stay relevant in a market where large volumes of data are recorded every day. They use it to formulate solutions to build analysis models, simulate scenarios, understand realities and predict future states. According to a recent report by LinkedIn here’re some of the fastest-growing in-demand jobs of the past year and the next few years to come. Hiring for the roles of Data Scientist, Data Science Specialist, Data Management Analyst, Statistical Modelling has gone up by 46% since 2019. While there has been a surge in job openings, there are also some common myths co-existing with them. Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need a programming background or advanced math skills to learn  skills. This is so because most of the tools and techniques are easy to use and find ubiquitous application in all domains and professionals from vastly different industries like BFSI, Marketing, Agriculture, Healthcare, Genomics, etc. A good knowledge of statistics will need to be developed though. Also, Data Science and Business Analytics is based on the use of common human intelligence that can be applied to solve any and all industry problems. Hence, you don’t need Fourier series or advanced mathematical algorithms to build analytical models. Math learned till 10+2 level is good enough and can serve as a starting base for...
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