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He Sold His First Business To Microsoft At 15 And Now Raised $50 Million To Keep Companies Safe From Cyber Crimes

He Sold His First Business To Microsoft At 15 And Now Raised $50 Million To Keep Companies Safe From Cyber Crimes

Joshua Motta has been a leader in tech since he was a teenager. His latest venture has already raised $50M to protect other companies from the growing and ever more severe threat of cyber attacks. This founder has been at the head of at least two incredibly fast-growing startups. With his experience, there are few who probably come close to this level of expertise at the cross-section of tech and business. Joshua and I recently did an episode of the DealMakers Podcast together. Our listeners learned a lot about cyber insurance, leaving corporate America to do your own thing, choosing cofounders and being very intentional in building your company the right way from the start. Listen to the full podcast episode and review the transcript here. From Kansas To Oz Joshua Motta was born and raised in Kansas. Now he’s based where the real magic happens, San Francisco, California. While growing up in Kansas may not have been the most happening place in the physical world, it certainly gave Motta the opportunity to focus on technology. Not inspired by the traditional paper route, Joshua taught himself HTML and other computer programming languages. He began building websites for local companies. He and his cofounder were acqui-hired by Microsoft, making this tech giant his first real job, at just 15 years old. At least at that time he set the record for being the youngest person to work for the company. Obviously, this addition to his resume certainly opened great doors for him. That included the doors to Sprint, Honeywell, the University of Chicago, and the CIA. All before he was...
National cyber security agency to be formed, says MTIC minister

National cyber security agency to be formed, says MTIC minister

BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN – The government will establish a national cyber security agency and is currently drafting new cyber security laws, the minister of Transport and Infocommunications has revealed. YB Dato Seri Setia Abdul Mutalib Pehin Orang Kaya Seri Setia Dato Paduka Hj Mohammad Yusof made the announcement during a closed-door dialogue with Legislative Council (LegCo) members on Thursday. He said the establishment of Cyber Security Brunei (CSB) is still in its infancy, but that the country’s major cyber security services — such as Cyberwatch, National Digital Forensic Laboratory and BruCERT — are already operational and run by IT Protective Security Sdn Bhd in collaboration with the Internal Security Department as an interim cyber security centre. The Ministry of Transport and Infocommunications (MTIC) has recently expanded its role to oversee issues such as cyber security, e-government, as well as science and technology. Spelling out the ministry’s plans for 2020, YB Dato Abd Mutalib said the government aims to improve Brunei’s international rankings to become Top 4 in ASEAN in the Global Cybersecurity Index; Top 40 in the ICT Development Index and Top 40 in a United Nations E-Government Survey. He told LegCo members that a draft of the Digital Economy Master Plan framework will be launched by the first quarter of this year. The master plan aims to transform Brunei into a “smart nation”. “MTIC through the Digital Economy Council secretariat is actively promoting the master plan framework to ministries, institutions of higher learning and various agencies including the private sector. “This is to ensure there is coordination within the digital transformation initiative as well as to get stakeholders’...
How is machine learning used in practice?

How is machine learning used in practice?

Machine learning has come a long way since the 1950s when a computer was taught how to play checkers. Breaking out of the playroom and into the boardroom, machine learning is helping businesses in a number of ways to optimize business and create efficiencies. The deluge of data has created the foundation machines needed to effectively assess the world and make decisions from what the data tells them. In business, machine learning helps inform many activities from making swift decisions to creating new products. YOU MIGHT LIKE ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE What’s what: Artificial intelligence, machine learning, and deep learning What is machine learning? While computers have had a dramatic impact on our world and can already do many things faster than humans, up to this point, we wouldn’t call them intelligent because humans have to program them before they are capable of accomplishing tasks. Machine learning takes the next step to teach computers to learn about the world around them by consuming data, interpreting and classifying it, and learning from successes and failures. Machine learning is the leading edge of artificial intelligence (AI) and requires that we build algorithms that help computers learn. Early attempts at machine learning go as far back as the 1950s when Arthur Samuel of IBM taught a computer how to play checkers. Since gaining knowledge is integral to learning, these early attempts at machine learning were held back because of the limited data at their disposal. That impediment has largely been removed due to the explosion of data thanks to the internet, mobile phones, social media, internet of things, connected devices and more. Now that...
DroneSploit – A pentesting console framework dedicated to drones

DroneSploit – A pentesting console framework dedicated to drones

This CLI framework is based on sploitkit and is an attempt to gather hacking techniques and exploits especially focused on drone hacking. For the ease of use, the interface has a layout that looks like Metasploit. DroneSploit was created by Alexandre D’Hondt and Yannick Pasquazzo. The project is still in the development stage, as both developers are working to improve its capabilities. For now, DroneSploit is designed to target only WiFi-controlled drones and includes a set of modules (based on Aircrack-NG) that allows users to hack into poorly configured ones. DroneSploit currently supports modules for the C-me and Flitt drones (Hobbico). New modules for other brands and models (including Parrot and DJI) are in development and due to be added shortly. The project was presented at Black Hat Europe Arsenal 2019, and you can download the presentation from here. This project is available on PyPi and can be simply installed using Pip: 1. Startup The console is started using the launcher main.py. It may ask for sudo rights as it must have the permission for setting WiFi interfaces. At startup, a banner is shown and a summary of the available modules is shown. Some requirements can be unsatisfied at startup like in the picture above. The command show issues allows to identify how this can be fixed. 2.1 From the root console This will display multiple sections in function of the context ; 2.2 From the project console Now being into the context of a project, we now see the general commands again but with the project commands as the section for level-specific commands; Example: Getting help in DroneSploit – Project-level commands: 2.3 From...
5 of the Most Popular Penetration Testing Tools Found in Kali Linux – Latest Hacking News

5 of the Most Popular Penetration Testing Tools Found in Kali Linux – Latest Hacking News

Hacking specialists and penetration testers are the new norms of the modern era. With many companies now being based online the need for security specialists has risen sharply. If you are willing to learn ethical hacking It is advised you get your hands on some of the best hacking books. Such ebooks will help gain knowledge within the cyber security industry and are a great pre-requisite before using pen testing tools. Whether you are getting into pen testing or looking to defend your own network, we have some great tools; many of which are included in Kali Linux Nmap Nmap is a powerful assessment tool when used to scan a network. The tool allows one to discover open ports and running services along with their associated version numbers, Nmap also has the addition of a fantastic scripting engine which when used properly can be a very powerful addition to a network pen test. Wireshark Wireshark is a popular network analysis tool. It is designed to scan for packets passing through a network and is the favourite analysis tool for many socket exploit writers looking to ensure their code is working as expected or for pen testers looking to troubleshoot their tools. BurpSuite  Burpsuite is the go-to tool for nearly every web application penetration tester, the community edition provides the proxy as well as a few other handy tools like the comparer, repeater and sequencer, all very time saving when pen testing. The paid version is a must have if already working in the industry. WPScan WPScan is tool designed specifically to find vulnerabilities within WordPress websites. It can locate...
Huawei is a cyber-security risk

Huawei is a cyber-security risk

NO FIRM EXEMPLIFIES the arguments around technology better than Huawei. The Chinese firm has risen from an obscure importer of foreign telecoms gear to one of the world’s biggest makers of equipment for fifth-generation (5G) mobile networks. Its prowess has caused jitters in other countries, which worry that Huawei’s kit might come with “back doors”—deliberate security holes that could act as conduits for Chinese spies or cyber-saboteurs. America, in particular, has the firm in its sights. It orchestrated the arrest in Canada of Meng Wanzhou, Huawei’s chief financial officer (and daughter of its founder), who was in court this week on charges of sanctions-busting (see article). It has been lobbying allies to freeze the firm out of their domestic 5G systems. Australia and Japan have already done so. A decision in Britain is due by the end of the month; it seems minded to risk a transatlantic tiff and give the firm the green light. In Germany Angela Merkel is at odds with the many in her party who want to keep Huawei out (see article). Other countries, from Brazil to India, must make similar choices. The hawks have a strong case. No back doors have so far been found in Huawei’s gear. But big countries are not above using tech champions for espionage. It is foolish to assume that China, with its long record of hacking and intellectual-property theft, is an exception. The country is a one-party dictatorship. Under Xi Jinping it has become increasingly repressive at home and assertive abroad. Huawei insists it does not aid spying overseas and would refuse to do so if asked. The...
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