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Ask the Experts: What will be the biggest cyber security story in 2020? – Security Boulevard

Ask the Experts: What will be the biggest cyber security story in 2020? – Security Boulevard

We asked some experts for their 2020 cyber security predictions. They told us to look out for ransomware, election security, 5G, IoT, regulations, and more. Last month, we asked experts about the biggest cyber security threats for 2020. This month we wanted to hear their cyber security predictions for 2020: new trends, new paradigms, and new themes to watch out for as the year progresses. 🤔What will be the biggest cyber #security story in 2020? 🔎 — Synopsys Software Integrity (@SW_Integrity) December 13, 2019 Changing role of the CISO One of the biggest cybersecurity stories in 2020 will be the changing role of the CISO. The imbalance of their work-life will continue to worsen and the role will need to change to meet the demands of the modern cyberscape; for example becoming more of a strategic resource for the business on mitigating risk and facilitating business transformation safely. This will be easier said than done as the majority of CISOs feel that while their work is appreciated by senior management teams, it is still yet to be seen as strategically valuable. Given the broader focus of senior business leaders to drive revenues and protect brand, cyber security is still not widely accepted as a strategic function. Only around half of CISOs feel executive teams value the security team from a revenue and brand protection standpoint and unfortunately almost 20% believe their board is indifferent to the security team, or sees them as an inconvenience. This perception will continue to have a tangible impact on the role of the CISO, potentially leading to more churn within the role and creating bigger...
Machine learning could help search for gravitational waves

Machine learning could help search for gravitational waves

A visualization of a supercomputer simulation of merging black holes sending out gravitational waves. Credit: NASA/C. Henze A trio of students from the University of Glasgow have developed a sophisticated artificial intelligence which could underpin the next phase of gravitational wave astronomy. In a new paper published today in the journal Physical Review Letters, the researchers discuss how they used artificial intelligence tools to train an AI ‘brain’ to search for gravitational wave signals. Gravitational waves, ripples in spacetime caused by massive astronomical events, were first hypothesised by Albert Einstein in 1915. It took another century before the Laser Interferometry Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) detectors in the United States first picked up the very faint signals from the collision of binary black holes. Since that historic first detection in September 2015, the Advanced LIGO and European VIRGO detectors have picked up numerous signals from other binary black holes and one from the collision of binary neutron stars. Currently, gravitational wave signals are picked from the background noise of the detectors using a technique known as matched filtering, which measures the outputs from the detectors against a bank of template waveforms. Signals which match the shape of a template waveform are then examined more closely to determine whether they represent a genuine gravitational wave detection. However, the process requires a great deal of computing power. As the detectors are upgraded and their sensitivity to gravitational wave signals increases, astronomers expect significantly more detections to be made during each observing run, bringing with it an accompanying increase in required computing power. University of Glasgow Physics and Astronomy postgraduate students Hunter Gabbard and...
Ministry of Defence forms new cyber security regiment

Ministry of Defence forms new cyber security regiment

The Ministry of Defence (MoD) has formally “stood up” a dedicated cyber security regiment tasked with protecting the UK’s defence networks both at home and on overseas operations. Based at Blandford in Dorset, home of the Royal Signals, the 13th Signal Regiment will be tasked with providing “digital armour” around armed forces personnel operating overseas to give commanders and soldiers alike the ability to operate with confidence in their IT and comms systems while under fire. The MoD said that that both adversaries and hostile actors were already creating a “cyber frontline” alongside the more traditional domains of land, sea and air, and as the character of warfare evolves, digital and cyber capabilities will be increasingly relied on to ensure the UK’s national security. “This is a step-change in the modernisation of the UK armed forces for information warfare. Cyber attacks are every bit as deadly as those faced on the physical battlefield, so we must prepare to defend ourselves from all those who would do us harm and 13th Signal Regiment is a vital addition to that defence,” said defence secretary Ben Wallace. Sitting within the (UK) Signal Brigade, under the command of 6th (UK) Division, the 250-strong regiment forms the core of the new Army Cyber Information Security Operations Centre – although it will also work on behalf of the Royal Navy and the Royal Air Force – and will provide specialist technical support for a hub to test and implement next-generation information capabilities. It unifies a number of existing cyber functions from across the Army, with personnel from 15 different units joining in the first intake,...
Flaws in cyber security firm’s firewall & VPN tech exposed 100k+ devices

Flaws in cyber security firm’s firewall & VPN tech exposed 100k+ devices

Owned by cyber security giant Sophos; the vulnerabilities were identified in the software of Cyberoam Technologies whose tagline is “Securing You.” One doesn’t expect cybersecurity companies to be vulnerable since they’re supposed to protect us, right? But lately, it has been happening over and over again and even the most vigilant of enterprises are either being compromised or vulnerable to cyber-attacks. Just recently, vpnMentor has released a new report detailing 2 vulnerabilities in an Indian based security company called Cyberoam. Affecting the firm’s firewall and VPN technology; the first of these was discovered back in 2019 while the second earlier this year on 1 January due to a report by an anonymous ethical hacker with both of them affecting Cyberoam’s email quarantine system. For the unacquainted, quarantine emails are those that are deemed to be potentially harmful and thereby are isolated in a separate folder in one’s email account temporarily before they are deleted. Potentially affected devices range from 70,000 – 170,000 with no definite number at the moment. Root Command Execution (RCE) Vulnerability #1 Using this flaw, attackers could exploit this email quarantine system without knowing any login credentials for associated accounts. Moreover, if the attacker was successful, they could ultimately gain administrator privileges allowing them to control the victim’s device. The consequence of this is that being a company whose solutions are used by large international firms to effectively serve as a “gateway” between their internal and external networks, the compromise of this very gateway can end up letting the attackers access a company’s internal network as well. This was though fixed using a regex-based patch by...
Nextcloud 16 introduces machine learning based security and usability features, ACL permissions and cross-app projects – Nextcloud

Nextcloud 16 introduces machine learning based security and usability features, ACL permissions and cross-app projects – Nextcloud

We are excited to make the latest and greatest Nextcloud available for download! Nextcloud 16 is smarter than ever, with machine learning to detect suspicious logins and offering clever recommendations. Group Folders now sport access control lists so system administrators can easily manage who has access to what in organization-wide shares. We also introduce Projects, a way to easily relate and find related information like files, chats or tasks. Machine learning is used to warn of suspicious logins Recommendations help you find what you are looking for Access control lists in Group Folders enable administrators to control who has access to what Projects offer an easy way to relate and find information like files, chats or tasks Talk 6.0 lets administrators define Commands which users can call from the chat The Privacy Center lets users see where their data is and who has access to it Of course there is much more that is new, from performance and security improvements to usability and bug fixes all over. Download the latest Nextcloud now or read on to learn more about the improvements! Get it through the updater If you are waiting for the updater, keep in mind: Nextcloud rolls out releases incrementally. By the middle of next week, we will make Nextcloud 16 available to some 10-20% of our user base through the updater, increasing that percentage every few days after that. Don’t want to wait but have the convenience of the updater? Switch to the Beta channel! You can then update to 16 and switch back to stable without issues. As this release brings so many improvements, we’ve written...
Cyber Security Today – Don’t fall for this VPN scam, huge attacks on WordPress sites and lessons from a data breach | IT World Canada News

Cyber Security Today – Don’t fall for this VPN scam, huge attacks on WordPress sites and lessons from a data breach | IT World Canada News

Don’t fall for this VPN scam, huge attacks on WordPress sites and lessons from a data breach Welcome to Cyber Security Today. It’s Friday June 5th. I’m Howard Solomon, contributing reporter on cybersecurity for ITWorldCanada.com. Criminals are taking advantage of the increasing use of virtual private network software by people working at home to spread malware. A VPN may be required by employers for safely logging into company applications. Knowing that, hackers are sending targeted email to people pretending to be from the IT department of their employer. The message suggests the included link is for a VPN software update. To get it the victim is asked to click on the link and log in. But according to a security firm called Abnormal Security, which discovered the scam, the link goes to an Office 365 website that captures the victim’s username and password. Some 15,000 fake update messages have gone to Office 365 users. What should you do? First, if your employer doesn’t require you to have a VPN ignore messages like this. Second, whenever you get any email with a link check where the email came from. It’s easy for the sender’s name to be a fake, but the full email address of the sender will show where it really came from. Sometimes the email address is a giveaway: It’s so different from what you expect. Other times criminals make the effort to register a look-alike domain, so ask yourself if it’s the same email address you usually get messages from a company or a friend. Security experts constantly emphasize the need to be careful with any message...
Malcare WordPress Security

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