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PENIOT – Penetration Testing Tool for IoT

PENIOT – Penetration Testing Tool for IoT

PENIOT is a penetration testing tool for Internet of Things (IoT) devices. It helps you to test/penetrate your devices by targeting their internet connectivity with different types of security attacks. In other words, you can expose your device to both active and passive security attacks. After deciding target device and necessary information (or parameters) of that device, you can perform active security attacks like altering/consuming system resources, replaying valid communication units and so on. Also, you can perform passive security attacks such as breaching of confidentiality of important information or reaching traffic analysis. Thanks to PENIOT, all those operations can be semi-automated or even fully automated. In short, PENIOT is a package/framework for targeting IoT devices with protocol based security attacks.Also, it gives you a baseline structure for your further injections of new security attacks or new IoT protocols. One of the most important features of PENIOT is being extensible. By default, it has several common IoT protocols and numerous security attacks related to those protocols. But, it can be extended further via exporting basic structure of internally used components so that you can develop your attacks in harmony with the internal structure of the PENIOT. Why is PENIOT required?The IoT paradigm has experienced immense growth in the past decade, with billions of devices connected to the Internet. Most of these devices lack even basic security measures due to their capacity constraints and designs made without security in mind due to the shortness of time-to-market. Due to the high connectivity in IoT, attacks that have devastating effects in extended networks can easily be launched by hackers through vulnerable devices.Up...
Lateral Movement – Services – Penetration Testing Lab

Lateral Movement – Services – Penetration Testing Lab

Services with elevated privileges typically were used in the past as method of privilege escalation or persistence. However a service could be utilized for lateral movement since local administrators have permissions to create/restart a service and modify the binary path. PsExec was the first implementation of lateral movement by using services since it is a trusted Microsoft utility that can push an arbitrary file and register a service that will execute this file on a target host allowing a threat actor to establish access. The following command will create an SMB server that will host an arbitrary payload. Running PsExec will authenticate with the local administrator credentials on the target host and will execute the payload “pentestlab.exe” from the UNC path. As a result a Meterpreter session will open. Metasploit Framework has a module which can perform via SMB lateral movement similar to PsExec. The module requires either the administrator password in plain-text or the administrator hash. A PowerShell based payload will executed on the target and a new session will established. However, both approaches are very noisy and even though could be used during penetration testing engagements in red teaming scenarios should be avoided. Usage of a PsExec for lateral movement is highly detectable since a new service will be created on the system and a mature Security Operation Center (SOC) should have already alerts in place. Service Control (SC.exe) is a Microsoft utility which can be used by Administrators to create, modify, delete, start and stop a service in windows environments. In contrast with PsExec which needs to be dropped to disk this utility is part of...
How Starbucks and other businesses benefit from big data analysis

How Starbucks and other businesses benefit from big data analysis

Today we are drowning in data; the amount that is being produced and accessed is growing at a rapid pace, projected to double every two years until 2020. An increasing amount of tools and services are now available to businesses looking to harness the power of this data. Big data analytics software is projected to reach almost US$200 billion in revenue by 2019, which shows just how prevalent the adoption rate is. Big data analytics has transformed what were once business decisions based on gut-instinct to fine-tuned, data-driven decisions. But how exactly can big data benefit your business? Here are four examples which will be sure to make you want to dive deep into your data! 1. Data drives productivity When it comes to both individual and team performance, data can be a valuable ingredient to drive productivity. It allows management to discover areas for improvement as well as help employees to become more vigilant of their work habits and activities in order to get better. This data can be an on-going resource for businesses which will continuously reveal new pathways to improvement as additional and better data is collected. A “Workplace Trends” report by Sodexo points to one example of an insurance company who was able to tap into the productivity-boosting value of data. After analyzing group productivity data, they discovered that work-from-home employees were 18 to 22 percent more productive than their in-office counterparts. From this information, the company decided to implement a work-from-home policy which survived multiple leadership changes based on the strong evidence of increased productivity. Big data can inform you of employee productivity levels....
reNgine – An Automated Reconnaissance Framework Meant For Gathering Information During Penetration Testing Of Web Applications

reNgine – An Automated Reconnaissance Framework Meant For Gathering Information During Penetration Testing Of Web Applications

reNgine is an automated reconnaissance framework meant for gathering information during penetration testing of web applications. reNgine has customizable scan engines, which can be used to scan the websites, endpoints, and gather information. The beauty of reNgine is that it gathers everything in one place. It has a pipeline of reconnaissance, which can be customized.reNgine can be very useful when you have a domain, you want to recon the domain, gather endpoints, directory, and file search, performing visual reconnaissance, and gather the results in one place.Suppose, if you have a domain hackerone.com, reNgine can perform the scan based on your defined scan engine, gather all the results in one place. reNgine makes it possible for use cases like, “I want to search the subdomain which has page title “Dashboard” and has page status as 200 and quickly want to have a look at the screenshot”, reNgine makes it possible.Another use-case could be, “I want to list all subdomains that use PHP and the HTTP status is 200!”On the endpoints part, reNgine is capable of gathering the URL endpoints using tools like gau, gathers URL from many sources like common crawl, Wayback engine, etc.reNgine makes it possible for the use case like, “search the URLs that have extension .php and HTTP status is 200!”Also, Suppose if you are looking for open redirection, you can quickly search for =http and look for HTTP status 30X, this will give high accuracy of open redirection with minimal efforts. What it is notreNgine is not a: Vulnerability scanner! Reconnaissance with high accuracy (No! reNgine, uses other open-source tools, to make this pipeline possible. The...
Brazilian institute head fired after clashing with nation’s president over deforestation data | Science | AAAS

Brazilian institute head fired after clashing with nation’s president over deforestation data | Science | AAAS

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro (left), here with Environment Minister Ricardo Salles, had attacked the validity of satellite data showing deforestation in Brazil has increased since he took office. Brazilian institute head fired after clashing with nation’s president over deforestation data By Herton EscobarAug. 4, 2019 , 8:45 AM The director of the Brazilian agency that monitors deforestation was sacked Friday, following a public face-off with Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro. Physicist Ricardo Galvãoannounced his ownousting as director ofNational Institute for Space Research (INPE) to reporters in the capital Brasília, saying his altercation with the president had made the situation “unsustainable.” No replacement has been announced. Known for his stout personality, Galvãochallenged Bolsonaro on 20 July, rebutting remarks about deforestation the president had made the day before. Questioned by journalists about the rise of deforestation in the Amazon—as indicated by satellite data from INPE’s Real-Time Deforestation Detection System (DETER)—Bolsonaro called the institute’s data “a lie,” and said Galvãoappeared to be “at the service of some nongovernmental organization.” Galvãoreplied by calling Bolsonaro a “coward”, defended INPE science, and dared Bolsonaro to repeat the accusation to his face.  Bolsonaro didn’t meet with Galvãoand continued to question INPE data in the following 2 weeks, even as deforestation continued. According to the latest DETER numbers, approximately 4500 square kilometers of forest were cleared in the first 7 months of this year, since the beginning of Bolsonaro’s administration–60% more than in the same period of 2018. Scientists and environmentalists were alarmed but not surprised—many had predicted deforestation would increase because of Bolsonaro’s aggressive pro-development, anti-conservation political agenda. Most of the increase that DETER noted came in June and July, when the drier climate makes it easier to destroy the...
Peering into the Future of Sino-Russian Cyber Security Cooperation – War on the Rocks

Peering into the Future of Sino-Russian Cyber Security Cooperation – War on the Rocks

Editor’s Note: This is the third article in a series on Sino-Russian defense cooperation organized by the Center for a New American Security. Be sure to read to the first and second articles in the series. Beijing and Moscow have long wanted to control their domestic internets. Now they are working together to remake global cyberspace in their own image. The two launch widespread cyber operations that threaten U.S. interests, and they want to reshape the internet to reduce U.S. influence. Chinese hackers have mounted a long campaign to steal intellectual property, as well as military and political secrets, and are a growing threat to U.S. critical infrastructure. Russian hackers pose the threat of cyber espionage, influence operations, and attacks on the infrastructure of the United States and its allies. Moreover, China and Russia have over the past five years worked together to tighten controls on their domestic internet and promoted the idea of cyber sovereignty to diminish U.S. sway over the global governance of cyberspace. Over the next decade, China and Russia are likely to continue close technical and diplomatic cooperation. Beijing now appears more willing to adopt information operations techniques historically associated with Russian actors to shape the narrative on the responsibility for and response to the COVID-19 pandemic, but the two sides are unlikely to coordinate on offensive cyber operations. To counter these efforts, policymakers should revitalize U.S. cyber diplomacy, providing an alternative framing to cyber sovereignty and building a coalition of like-minded partners to define and enforce norms of behavior in cyberspace. Drivers of Cooperation Both Moscow and Beijing perceive the open internet as a...
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