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Bank of Ireland fined for cyber security failings

Bank of Ireland fined for cyber security failings

Furthermore, the Central Bank also stated that BoI took more than a year to alert the police following the breach and misled the regulator during the subsequent investigation.  The breach, which took place six years ago, involved the bank’s private banking subsidiary, Bank of Ireland Private Banking (BoIPB). After a fraudster hacked a client’s account, the bank released confidental account details without asking any security questions or calling the client to verify the transaction.  When the client informed the bank a month later of the fraud, the bank ensured an immediate reimbursement. However, the incident was not reported to the police or to the regulator which only spotted it in an operational incident log among its routine regualtory filings a year later.  Furthemore, the Central Bank criticised the bank’s level of cooperation during the investigation which it said was “well below what is expected” while the information it did provide was effectively misleading.  “BoIPB failed to provide complete and timely information and documentation in response to the Central Bank’s investigation letter and statutory request,” stated the regulator. “It also provided information to the Central Bank that was imprecise and vague. The cumulative effect was that the Central Bank’s investigation was frustrated and prolonged.” The Central Bank’s director of enforcement and anti-money laundering also criticised the bank for both its failure to put safeguards in place and in its failure to immediately report the incident to the relevant authorities. “Reporting illegal activity is essential in the fight against financial crime,” she said.  “The Central Bank expects proactive engagement from regulated entities. That extends from self-reporting through remediation and full co-operation...
Ever wonder how a pentest turns into felony charges? Coalfire duo explain Iowa courthouse arrest debacle • The Register

Ever wonder how a pentest turns into felony charges? Coalfire duo explain Iowa courthouse arrest debacle • The Register

Black Hat The two penetration testers whose arrest and imprisonment made headlines last year are finally sharing their story, and it is a doozy. Florida man Justin Wynn and Seattle resident Gary DeMercurio, both pentesters at infosec shop Coalfire Systems, said the ordeal they experienced in Iowa last September could have been avoided had they just done a better job of documenting the scope of their audit in writing. That and not running into an ornery sheriff. A favorable judge died suddenly, too, mid-case. The pair were performing a routine penetration test at the Dallas County courthouse at night when they tripped an alarm, were collared by deputies, and, ultimately, charged with felony trespassing – a crime that can lead to up to seven years behind bars. Part of the problem, the two professional attackers told the Black Hat online conference today, was the imprecise terms of the penetration tests Coalfire was hired to perform at the request of the US state of Iowa. Communication, communication – and politics: Iowa saga of cuffed infosec pros reveals pentest pitfalls The two noted that, though, there was some boilerplate language in the contract that limited testing to daytime business hours – 6am to 6pm – they were led to believe by officials early on that the state wanted them to pay specific attention to security late at night. “The reality of that story is when they came to us, they only wanted physical pentesting at night after hours,” said DeMercurio. “The lesson learned from this is: record your calls.” After three nights of successful tests, the pair were approached by deputies...
Machine Learning Algorithm Studying Fine Art Paintings Sees Things Art Historians Had Never Noticed

Machine Learning Algorithm Studying Fine Art Paintings Sees Things Art Historians Had Never Noticed

Artificial intelligence reveals previously unrecognised influences between great artists The task of classifying pieces of fine art is hugely complex. When examining a painting, an art expert can usually determine its style, its genre, the artist and the period to which it belongs. Art historians often go further by looking for the influences and connections between artists, a task that is even trickier.So the possibility that a computer might be able to classify paintings and find connections between them at first glance seems laughable. And yet, that is exactly what Babak Saleh and pals have done at Rutgers University in New Jersey.These guys have used some of the latest image processing and classifying techniques to automate the process of discovering how great artists have influenced each other. They have even been able to uncover influences between artists that art historians have never recognised until now.The way art experts approach this problem is by comparing artworks according to a number of high-level concepts such as the artist’s use of space, texture, form, shape, colour and so on. Experts may also consider the way the artist uses movement in the picture, harmony, variety, balance, contrast, proportion and pattern. Other important elements can include the subject matter, brushstrokes, meaning, historical context and so on. Clearly, this is a complex business.So it is easy to imagine that the limited ability computers have for analysing two-dimensional images would make this process more or less impossible to automate. But Salah and co show how it can be done.At the heart of their method, is a new technique developed at Dartmouth College in New Hampshire and...
New head of GCHQ cyber security agency announced

New head of GCHQ cyber security agency announced

A civil servant who has served in conflict zones including Afghanistan and Iraq, and has worked in the international development field, will be taking over as the head of one of Britain’s cyber intelligence agencies. Lindy Cameron will replace Ciaran Martin as the Chief Executive Officer of the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), a part of GCHQ, at a time of ongoing controversy over the performance of the intelligence agencies in countering cyber campaigns by hostile states. A recent report by the Commons Intelligence and Security Committee (ISC) strongly criticised the failure of the government and the security and intelligence services for a failure to combat Russian propaganda offensives during the last general election and the Brexit and Scottish independence referendums. Download the new Independent Premium app Sharing the full story, not just the headlines GCHQ and the NCSC told the Committee that Russia had targeted critical national infrastructure and government departments and posed an “immediate and urgent threat” in cyberspace. Yet, the MPs found, as late as 2016, the time of the Brexit vote, GCHQ only devoted just 10 per cent of its resources to Russia. There has been a significant rise in those resources since then. Ms Cameron’s new post will also include dealing with the fallout from the decision to bar Huawei from the UK’s 5G network by 2027. The move, a volte-face by Boris Johnson’s government, came after a review was carried out by the NCSC following the impositions of new sanctions by the US on the Chinese telecommunications multinational. Mr Martin, the first head of the NCSC, has been appointed Professor of Practice in...
NMFA and Socratic Arts Announce Cyber Security Scholarship for Military Spouses

NMFA and Socratic Arts Announce Cyber Security Scholarship for Military Spouses

NMFA and Socratic Arts Announce Cyber Security Scholarship for Military Spouses Alexandria, VA — The National Military Family Association (NMFA) and Socratic Arts, a leader in online learning, have launched a partnership to encourage military spouses and other military family members to achieve success as cybersecurity professionals. Socratic Arts’ Cyber Academy was developed under a contract with the Department of Defense in 2016 to teach key defensive and offensive cyber skills in immersive, online training modules. The program utilizes a Story-Centered approach in which students learn by doing, assuming the role of employees at a small government agency and navigating authentic workplace challenges as academic assignments. Cyber Academy students are supported by a wide range of online multimedia resources and mentors, who are cybersecurity experts. The Cyber Academy prepares students for entry-level careers as Security Operations Center (SOC) Analysts, Digital Forensic Analysts, and Incident Responders. The program does not require a formal computer science or information technology education or background. Successful Cyber Academy graduates come from many educational backgrounds but share an intense curiosity about how things work, are detail-oriented problem solvers, won’t give up on difficult problems, and are self-motivated, independent learners. “Socratic Arts has wanted to make the program more accessible to the military community, which includes people who might be very successful in this high-demand career but who don’t yet realize it,” says Socratic Arts’ founder, Dr. Roger Schank.  We’re very excited to join NMFA in this outreach.”  Socratic Arts is confident that military spouses, transitioning service members, veterans and their family members have the ability to succeed in cybersecurity roles and in partnership with NMFA,...
Data Science Summer School students take a fresh look at the world’s largest rapid transit system

Data Science Summer School students take a fresh look at the world’s largest rapid transit system

DS3 2018 at Microsoft Research New York City This month marked the 5th anniversary of the Microsoft Research Data Science Summer School (DS3). DS3 is an intensive, eight-week hands-on introduction to data science for college students in the New York City area committed to increasing diversity in computer science. The program is taught by leading scientists at Microsoft Research and is held at the Microsoft Research New York City lab. Each year the program receives upwards of 200 applications, out of which only eight students, demonstrating academic excellence and a passion for using technology to help society, are selected to participate. These students complete four weeks of intensive course work and spend the remaining four weeks of their summer working on an original research problem. Graduates of the program have gone on to a number of exciting careers, ranging from data scientist positions at companies like Microsoft, Bloomberg, and American Express to PhD programs at universities such as Cornell and NYU. Past projects have looked at how students progress through the New York City public school system, investigated demographic disparities in the city’s policing activities, and formulated improvements for the city’s taxi fleet and bike sharing service. This year’s students used their newly acquired data science skills to examine another way of getting around New York City—the city’s subway system—and presented some impressive findings at the DS3 banquet to an overflowing room of select members of New York City’s tech community. They examined rider wait times and trip times, compared the subway to above ground travel, and investigated how changes to the system affect rider options. Below is a summary...
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