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Organizations risk failing cyber security assessments on home networks protection

Organizations risk failing cyber security assessments on home networks protection

Organizations risk failing cyber security assessments on home networks protection With various levels of lockdowns in place in many European countries, are smaller companies fighting a losing battle when it comes to renewing cyber security certification? Richard Hughes believes this is the case… With many organizations operating with a majority of employees working from home, many businesses have not considered the fact that their employees’ home networks now fall under the scope of regulatory and certification requirements. If an individual works from home more than 50 percent of their time, their network must be compliant with current regulations. The only exception would be if they have an always on VPN which all traffic passes through, which is highly unlikely, especially for small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). Businesses need to realise that it’s their responsibility to protect their employees’ networks. If they don’t, they’ll fail vital certifications. Part of the issue here is that businesses haven’t received clear guidance on what they need to have in place to achieve or maintain compliance with certification, such as Cyber Essentials in the UK, for example. With the COVID-19 pandemic forcing the majority of the workforce to do their job remotely, workers are no longer protected behind office infrastructure. SMEs are being hit the hardest right now, and the last thing they need is to find out they are falling out of scope of cyber security requirements and increasing their cyber risk. In addition, the pandemic provided cyber criminals with another way of exploiting individuals and the businesses they work for. In its annual review, the NCSC highlighted that more than a quarter...
NYT Endorsed Leading Cyber-Crimes Expert Concludes Election 2020 Data Were Altered in Battleground States – Geller Report News

NYT Endorsed Leading Cyber-Crimes Expert Concludes Election 2020 Data Were Altered in Battleground States – Geller Report News

2020 ELECTION.Ballot box with ballot “I conclude with high confidence that the election 2020 data were altered in all battleground states”… US Intelligence Expert with PhD. in computer systems management & DIA/CIA/FBI/NSA/DHS advanced training *SHREDS* claims 2020 election was free & fair. 1/10 1. “I have previously discovered major exploitable vulnerabilities in DVS and ES&S that permit a nefarious operator to perform sensitive functions via its built-in covert backdoor… such as shifting votes, deleting votes, or adding votes in real-time.” 2. “In 2018, NY Times conducted an investigation and concluded that DVS machines can be easily hacked. Subsequently, security experts… discovered innumerable exploitable vulnerabilities that do not require extensive technical skill to breach.” 3. “In my expert opinion, the combination of DVS, Scytl/SOE Software/eClarity and Smartmatic are vulnerable to data manipulation by unauthorized means… electronic voting machines, including DVS have glaring security weaknesses that have remained unresolved.” 4. “I have conducted detailed analysis of the NY Times data sets and have discovered significant anomalies are caused by fraudulent manipulation of the results. In my expert judgment, the evidence is widespread and throughout all battleground states.” 5. “The DVS Democracy Suite’s ImageCast Central optical scanner failed to correctly verify and validate absentee ballots… This indicates that the DVS system configuration was modified to accept invalid ballots when they should have been rejected.” 6. “[It] is required to tabulate and store the results in a cast vote record along with a human-readable image of the ballot that has been scanned… [it] failed to properly verify absentee ballots… [and] to maintain records… necessary to conduct an audit.” 7. “The cryptographic key store...

Why the Future of ETL Is Not ELT, but EL(T) – DZone Big Data

How we store and manage data has completely changed over the last decade. We moved from an ETL world to an ELT world, with companies like Fivetran pushing the trend. However, we don’t think it is going to stop there; ELT is a transition in our mind towards EL(T) (with EL decoupled from T). And to understand this, we need to discern the underlying reasons for this trend, as they might show what’s in store for the future.  This is what we will be doing in this article. I’m the co-founder of Airbyte, the new upcoming open-source standard for data integrations. What Are the Problems With ETL? Historically, the data pipeline process consisted of extracting, transforming, and loading data into a warehouse or a data lake. There are serious disadvantages to this sequence. ETL is inherently rigid. It forces data analysts to know beforehand every way they are going to use the data, every report they are going to produce. Any change they make can be costly. It can potentially affect data consumers downstream of the initial extraction.  Lack of Visibility Every transformation performed on the data obscures some of the underlying information. Analysts won’t see all the data in the warehouse, only the one that was kept during the transformation phase. This is risky, as conclusions might be drawn based on data that hasn’t been properly sliced. Lack of Autonomy for Analysts Last but not least, building an ETL-based data pipeline is often beyond the technical capabilities of analysts. It typically requires the close involvement of engineering talent, along with additional code to extract and transform each source...
Trump Fired His Cyber Security Chief For Disputing Election Fraud Claims

Trump Fired His Cyber Security Chief For Disputing Election Fraud Claims

Just when you thought things couldn’t get any stranger… Donald Trump has fired his cybersecurity chief, Christopher Krebs, after he debunked Trump’s election fraud claims. Trump has been tweeting for angrily for a couple of weeks, about what he perceives to be voter fraud and even claiming he won. He’s also sharing tweets with the information he hopes will reverse the calls for Biden. The Radical Left Democrats, working with their partner, the Fake News Media, are trying to STEAL this Election. We won’t let them! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 16, 2020 I won the Election! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 16, 2020 Wow! Michigan just refused to certify the election results! Having courage is a beautiful thing. The USA stands proud! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 18, 2020 Trump then tweeted that he had fired his chief of cybersecurity. In it, he claims that Krebs made a “highly inaccurate” statement, insisting again that there were instances of fraud and improprieties. …votes from Trump to Biden, late voting, and many more. Therefore, effective immediately, Chris Krebs has been terminated as Director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 18, 2020 Like many of Trump’s tweets of late, Twitter has added a notification stating that his claims are disputed. The tag has turned into a meme over the last few days, of people posting to make their own tweets look disputed. Krebs spoke to NBC News on Tuesday night after the firing: “I’m proud of the work we did at CISA… I’m proud of the teammates I had at CISA. We...
What I learned from looking at 200 machine learning tools

What I learned from looking at 200 machine learning tools

To better understand the landscape of available tools for machine learning production, I decided to look up every AI/ML tool I could find. The resources I used include: Various lists of top AI startups by the media Responses to my tweet and LinkedIn post People (friends, strangers, VCs) share with me their lists After filtering out applications companies (e.g. companies that use ML to provide business analytics), tools that aren’t being actively developed, and tools that nobody uses, I got 202 tools. See the full list. Please let me know if there are tools you think I should include but aren’t on the list yet! Disclaimer This list was made in November 2019, and the market must have changed in the last 6 months. Some tech companies just have a set of tools so large that I can’t enumerate them all. For example, Amazon Web Services offer over 165 fully featured services. There are many stealth startups that I’m not aware of, and many that died before I heard of them. This post consists of 6 parts: I. Overview II. The landscape over time III. The landscape is under-developed IV. Problems facing MLOps V. Open source and open-core VI. Conclusion I. Overview In one way to generalize the ML production flow that I agreed with, it consists of 4 steps: Project setup Data pipeline Modeling & training Serving I categorize the tools based on which step of the workflow that it supports. I don’t include Project setup since it requires project management tools, not ML tools. This isn’t always straightforward since one tool might help with more than one...
This is not theatre | Tableau D’Hôte Theatre

This is not theatre | Tableau D’Hôte Theatre

For a few years now, the actions from Canada Council for the Arts (CCA) have resolutely turned towards digital technology. While the theatre community recognizes the undeniable value of these tools when it comes to production and outreach, it is quite a different matter when it comes to creation. Since the beginning of the crisis, an optimistic discourse, although unfortunately misleading, is gaining momentum: that the survival of the arts will require they move online. It is true that virtual spaces of togetherness comfort us. We want to believe that they will adequately replace live arts, if not how can we possibly envision the months, or perhaps years, to come? However, to better participate in the current transformation of the world, we must first be honest: the direct nature of the performing arts is, in general, incompatible with digital arts. Perhaps it is the stunning prospect of a lasting no man’s land of live performance that has caused so many voices to emerge to sing the praises of our digital salvation. Liza Frulla and Louise Beaudoin, two strong advocates for arts and culture, said in an interview with Radio-Canada that the artistic community was going to have to reinvent itself through digital technology. In a blog post published on April 19th in La Presse, Simon Brault, director of the CCA, invites us “to consider the future with a real desire to experiment and innovate” and encourages “the rapid and widespread adoption of digital tools.” He reiterated his position, still in La Presse, insisting on the fact that “we need to encourage the conversation about the digital […].” The CCA...
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