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Top Security Threats to Look Out for in 2021 | McAfee Blogs Top Cyber Security Threats to Look Out for in 2021 | McAfee Blog

Top Cyber Security Threats to Look Out for in 2021 2020 was unexpectedly  defined by a global pandemic. Throughout the year, we have all had to figure out how to best live our lives online – from working from home to distance learning to digitally connecting with loved ones.  As 2020 comes to a close, we must ask: will this new normal continue into 2021, and how will it affect how we connect – both with each other and with our online world? McAfee assessed the cybersecurity landscape as we head into the New Year, highlighting the key takeaways we should keep in mind to help protect our digital lives: Hacking the Home Home is a safe space – or is it? With more consumers living and working from home, we have seen an increase in connected devices within the home. In fact, since the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, McAfee Secure Home Platform device monitoring shows a 22% increase in the number of connected home devices globally and a 60% increase in the U.S. These trends are also carrying over into mobile shopping habits. Almost 80% of shoppers have found themselves using their IoT devices to make more purchases since the beginning of the pandemic. The evolving world of the connected lifestyle gives hackers more potential entry points to homes and consumers information- through devices, apps and web services- and in 2021, we will be monitoring how this trend evolves. With more of us working remotely, distance learning, and seeking online entertainment, cybercriminals will look to exploit our vulnerabilities. For example, remote employees are more likely to use personal devices...

How Does Business Intelligence Benefit the Average Solopreneur? | Online Sales Guide Tips

How Does Business Intelligence Benefit the Average Solopreneur? Business intelligence (BI) is a catch-all term for the process of analyzing data related to your company. It helps you make more informed decisions about things like sales, marketing and sourcing. Business intelligence and BI tools are sometimes considered best for larger corporations with significant resources to throw around. After all, they have plenty of money to put toward analysts and data collection schemes. In addition, many older BI tools aren’t that user-friendly and expect you to have some kind of programming or data analysis experience. This may be a reasonable ask of a company with a team of analysts, but it’s so practical for individuals running their own business. Fortunately, there are business intelligence tools and strategies that can help solopreneurs and the self-employed. In some cases, they can be almost essential to business success. Here’s how BI can benefit just about any solopreneur — and how you can incorporate it into your business’s decision-making workflow. Why BI Can Be a Major Competitive Advantage for Business Owners At its core, business intelligence is all about using available data and analyzing it so you can have the best possible idea of how your company stands. This information can tell you who you’re selling to, the competition you face and which of your investments are paying off. That way, you can make highly informed decisions about the direction of your business. With BI, you can better understand who your customer base is, what needs they have, and how best to communicate with them. BI can also provide hard data to support or...
Foundation linked to Biden pick for cyber security gave $500,000 to pro-Israel lobby AIPAC

Foundation linked to Biden pick for cyber security gave $500,000 to pro-Israel lobby AIPAC

WASHINGTON — A family foundation linked to President Joe Biden’s senior director for cyber policy on the White House National Security Council donated more than half a million dollars in recent years to the main pro-Israel lobbying group in Washington, according to public records. The donations, first reported by David Corn of Mother Jones magazine, do not appear to pose a legal issue, but some current and former national security officials told NBC News they risk creating the possible appearance of bias in favor of Israel by a top American official. While Israel is a close American ally, it operates in its own interest and aggressively spies on the U.S., including using cyber capabilities, current and former officials say. Other current and former officials disagreed, saying they do not think the donations pose a problem. The lobbying group, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, or AIPAC, describes itself as a “bipartisan American organization that advocates for a strong U.S.-Israeli relationship.” Most Republicans and many Democrats are closely allied with the group, while other Democrats are not. Iran vows revenge, says Israel used ‘electronic devices’ to kill nuclear scientist The official, Anne Neuberger, recently was named senior director for cyber policy on the National Security Council. She spent the last decade at the National Security Agency, the Pentagon’s digital spying arm, where she worked her way up the ranks to become head of a newly created cyber security directorate. Neuberger did not immediately respond to email and phone messages. A spokeswoman for the National Security Council declined to answer detailed questions about the matter, saying, “As a senior NSC employee,...
This Civilian Mom Fights Cyber Crimes Against Children Alongside CA Police Dept ⋆ Elizabeth Johnston

This Civilian Mom Fights Cyber Crimes Against Children Alongside CA Police Dept ⋆ Elizabeth Johnston

In Southern California, one hardworking mom isn’t just looking out for her own children in our increasingly dangerous world—she’s helping to rescue countless others. In an eye-opening interview with The Epoch Times, Santa Ana mom Kerry Torres described her crucial work as a Police Investigative Specialist, combing the web for traces of child exploitation and sexual abuse materials under the Santa Ana Police Department (SAPD). Torres spends her days seeing the absolute worst of the internet—and helping to fight it—and comes home to her own children. “To come home and to be a mom, and not bring it home and not let it affect me, that’s always a challenge,” Torres told The Epoch Times. “Because sometimes I don’t want to turn off my computer, sometimes I don’t want it to be end of day—because there’s one thing more I could be doing.” Since SAPD created its online task force last year, Torres has closed about 180 cases of child exploitation. “There’s probably nothing worse than what investigators have to watch and what we look at,” she said. “The whole job is a challenge—to be able to do what I do, and give my 100 percent focus to my victims that are out there and that need help.” Torres and the department’s task force cooperate with the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force (ICAC), a collaboration of 61 federal, state, and local agencies and more than 4,500 officials investigating online crimes against children. Most of the tips assigned to Torres come from The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC), a tip line and data reporting service for exploited...
Big Data Is Taking eCommerce by Storm. Here’s Why You Can’t Wait It Out | Online Sales Guide Tips

Big Data Is Taking eCommerce by Storm. Here’s Why You Can’t Wait It Out | Online Sales Guide Tips

Welcome back Solomiia Ryfiak January 4, 2021 In today’s world of eCommerce, data has become the ultimate commodity. The eCommerce sector produces oceans of data on customers’ behavior and purchasing habits. But while some businesses have learned to cut through the tides of data, others are drowning. As data sets get bigger and more complex, traditional data processing tools become inefficient. If you want to stay ahead of the curve in eCommerce, big data is the name of the game. Using big data in eCommerce can improve your market position and your relationships with customers. By applying proper data analytics, eCommerce brands can predict and manage risks, forecast demand and sales, precisely target their audiences, and optimize supply chains and logistics. Read on to discover more. How big is big data? One terabyte is a pretty decent size for a laptop’s internal storage, right? Well, put together one billion well-appointed laptops, and you get a zettabyte of storage. According to an IDC research, we created, copied, and consumed a mind-boggling 59 zettabytes of data in 2020 alone. The daily influx of new data from customers, employees, and IoT devices can provide businesses with a steady supply of valuable insights. However, this data is raw, and separating the wheat from the chaff is only half the battle. Enter big data analytics with its resources to structure and analyze unimaginable volumes of data. Source: Datafloq In the dynamic landscape of eCommerce, big data lets you cater to your customers’ needs and whims, predict customers’ future steps, and build long-lasting relationships. Having loyal customers makes you a successful market player. Just look...
RIT, Stanford, Cal Poly Pomona take top spots in Collegiate Pentesting Competition finals

RIT, Stanford, Cal Poly Pomona take top spots in Collegiate Pentesting Competition finals

A team of Rochester Institute of Technology students took first place at the Collegiate Penetration Testing Competition (CPTC) international finals Jan. 7-10. Stanford University placed second and California State Polytechnic University, Pomona placed third. This graph shows the most common commands typed by competitors during the CPTC international finals. This is RIT’s first time winning the competition, which challenges the world’s brightest cybersecurity college students to put their hacking skills to the test. At the CPTC finals, teams from 15 universities faced off to see who was best at breaking into fabricated computer networks, evaluating their weak points, and presenting plans to better secure them. This year’s competition was held virtually through RIT, in Rochester, N.Y. The CPTC has become the premier offense-based collegiate computing security event, after starting at RIT six years ago. CPTC is an effective counterpart to the Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition (CCDC), which is the premier defense-based event for college students. Several at-large awards were also given to this year’s CTPC teams, including: The pentesting competition allows students to experience a day in the life of a penetration tester—the in-demand security professionals hired to test and evaluate an organization’s computer systems and networks to make sure malicious hackers can’t get in. Teams of six students interrogated a mock company’s network. The next day, they presented a report on their findings and offered their suggestions for mitigating risk. This year’s pentesting target was the energy grid infrastructure of a small city, including a hydroelectric dam, a nuclear power plant, and a wind farm system that was connected to a regional power utility company. During their pentest, teams were virtually visited...
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