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Cyber Security Today, March 17, 2021 – FBI warning on ransomware, how the pandemic has affected IT security and a new botnet threat | IT World Canada News

Cyber Security Today, March 17, 2021 – FBI warning on ransomware, how the pandemic has affected IT security and a new botnet threat | IT World Canada News

FBI warning on ransomware, how the pandemic has affected IT security and a new botnet threat. Welcome to Cyber Security Today. It’s Wednesday March 17. I’m Howard Solomon, contributing reporter on cybersecurity for ITWorldCanada.com. The FBI has issued a flash alert, warning of increased ransomware attacks on schools, colleges, seminaries and universities in the United States and the U.K. The gang behind this string of attacks will copy data from the institutions before encrypting all files. Then it uses the copied files to squeeze the victim organization into paying for a decryption key. If not the data will be sold to criminals. Usually the gang gets into organizations by getting passwords for remote access systems or by getting people to fall for phishing emails with infected attachments. The FBI reminds all organizations of the importance of patching, using multifactor authentication to protect logins to computer networks and disabling unused remote access ports. The pandemic has forced a large number of people who use computers to work from home. A new survey of IT security decision-makers for Randori suggests firms that were unprepared had a lot of headaches. Forty-two per cent of respondents said their organizations were compromised because of unapproved or unsecured computers and smartphones connected to the network. Three-quarters said cyber attacks have increased in the past year. Just over half agreed protecting their organization from online attacks has become more difficult. One of the big problems is people who work from home don’t have the IT protection that enterprise-grade security systems provide from their offices. Seventy-six per cent of respondents said prioritizing which applications to patch has...
China Strengthens Influence on the U.N. Through Big Data Collection

China Strengthens Influence on the U.N. Through Big Data Collection

China’s influence is undoubtedly growing in the United Nations, with four of the 15 specialized agencies of the intergovernmental organization being led by Chinese nationals. Beijing seized the “absence” of the United States, accelerated by the Trump administration’s disdain for the U.N., to extend its tentacles to unexpected places. A plan to set up the first U.N. big data research institute is underway in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China. Officially, it would facilitate U.N. operations by amassing and analyzing huge amounts of data from around the world on sustainable development goals (SDGs) to tackle global issues such as starvation and climate change. One cause for concern is that Chinese researchers are expressing the need for data in order to analyze human behavior. The United States, which is wary of any data leaks to China, is raising alarms against the plan. In an October 7, 2020, article in , Hudson Institute fellow Claudia Rosett warned that the plan would enable China to collect data from U.N. member states and set the standards for data collection.  “[T]he U.N. badge of legitimacy would make it easier for Beijing to secure flows of data from member states, influence U.N. standards and norms for such data collection, shape the results, feed them into the U.N. system — and project the Chinese Communist Party’s techno-tyranny around the world,” Rosett wrote.  The seat of the Undersecretary-General for the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), which promotes the SDGs, has been occupied solely by Chinese nationals since 2007. Incumbent Liu Zhenmin is a former diplomat who has also served as Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs. Secretary-General of...
How to Set Up a Pentesting Lab Using XAMPP to Practice Hacking Common Web Applications « Null Byte :: WonderHowTo

How to Set Up a Pentesting Lab Using XAMPP to Practice Hacking Common Web Applications « Null Byte :: WonderHowTo

Hello friends! This tutorial will teach you how to build a local pentesting lab on your Linux machine which will enable you to easily install common web applications so you can practice locating and exploiting their known vulnerabilities (or discover new ones!). In particular, this is an excellent way to learn how to hack WordPress, Joomla, and Dupral plus many more! Basically it’s the same idea as building an intentionally vulnerable virtual machine to practice hacking against, except strictly focuses on the most common web applications. The set up is essentially the same for Windows, although the locations of the folders might be different. This is the only complete and accurate tutorial online that demonstrates: How to install XAMPP How to install WordPress locally on XAMPP How to fix pesky error warnings How to change themes without knowing ftp username/password Step 1: Download XAMPP Step 2: After downloading, navigate to your download folder and double click the XAMPP ‘installer.run’ file. This will install XAMPP onto your system. At the end of the installation, make sure the ‘run XAMPP now’ tick box is checked and click ‘finish’. Step 3: On your XAMPP interface, click ‘manage servers’ then click ‘start all’. Step 4: Now it’s time to download and install an old version of wordpress so I can practice exploiting it’s known vulnerabilities. Click the link below and download the version of wordpress you’d like to practice exploiting. In this tutorial, I am installing wordpress 3.1.3 Step 5: After Downloading, Extract the Zip File into /Opt/Lampp/Htdocs. Step 6: In your browser, navigate to ‘localhost/dashboard and click ‘phpMyAdmin’ in the menu bar...
India and China’s Conflict Goes Cyber – Security Boulevard

India and China’s Conflict Goes Cyber – Security Boulevard

In early March, Recorded Future’s Insikt Group published a report titled China-Linked Group RedEcho Targets the Indian Power Sector, which detailed China’s targeting of ten different Indian organizations within the energy sector, specifically the power generation and transmission sector and two from the maritime sector. In the Insikt Group assessment, there are “significant concerns over pre-positioning of network access to support China’s strategic objectives.” It is within this context of Indo-Sino relations that a bit of geographic realpolitik is in order. Indo-Sino Relations India and China peacefully (mostly) share thousands of miles of border amidst the world’s most inhospitable terrain, nestled in the Himalayan mountain range. The last shooting war between the two nations occurred in 1962, and resulted in a good chunk of the border declared in dispute; a mutually agreed upon “Line of Actual Control” was created. These nuclear nations saw their peaceful coexistence evaporate in June 2020 when Chinese troops attacked an Indian patrol within the disputed area in the Galwan Valley of India’s Sikkim state. This attack can only be described as a bare-knuckle brawl – fists, stones and nail-studded bamboo poles were used. When the dust settled, more than 20 Indian soldiers had died, including the Indian commanding officer of the patrol, who was pushed off the mountainside to his death. In the ensuing months, troop buildups have occurred on both sides, and the low-intensity conflagrations, which have consisted of shouting matches and stone throwing, have also escalated. The trigger for the Indo-Sino disputes finds its root in infrastructure. China blames India for triggering the June 2020 incidents by building a new road to...

How To Start Your Own Pentest Cyber Security Company

Cybersecurity is a combination of technologies, processes, and practices customized to protect networks, devices, programs, and data from unauthorized access resulting in damage. Cybersecurity is also known as information technology security. Cybersecurity helps to protect the confidentiality and integrity of computer systems, networks, and data. The main aim of cybersecurity is to protect organizational assets from external or internal threats. An efficient cybersecurity system requires multiple efforts across all the information systems of an organization. Introduction Cyberattacks are not new. Many well-known incidents have occurred in the past such as the attack on the US government of September 11, 2001 and the devastating of Libya’s government in 2011. Some of the most publicized events which involved cyberattacks are the Stuxnet worm and the Sony PlayStation hack which lead to the leaking of sensitive data about Sony Pictures. Other cyber attacks have been used to disable websites, block users from accessing them, or steal personal data from individuals. Cyber attacks are majorly carried out by a range of groups of hackers, criminals, and governments. These groups may be located in any location on Earth, have advanced technical abilities, and may be motivated by the money, political goals, or ideological goals. What is cybersecurity? Cybersecurity can be defined as ensuring the protection of information systems from data breaches, cyber threats, cyber attacks, cyber criminals and cyber terrorists. Cyber security market has a number of solutions and services that the clients can choose from. One of the major market segments that includes computer network attack, ethical hacking, penetration testing, advanced threat protection, managed security services, asset and application security, authentication and encryption,...
Machine learning has revealed exactly how much of a Shakespeare play was written by someone else – MIT Technology Review

Machine learning has revealed exactly how much of a Shakespeare play was written by someone else – MIT Technology Review

Sign up for The Algorithm — artificial intelligence, demystified Also stay updated on MIT Technology Review initiatives and events? YesNo For much of his life, William Shakespeare was the house playwright for an acting company called the King’s Men that performed his plays on the banks of the River Thames in London. When Shakespeare died in 1616, the company needed a replacement and turned to one of the most prolific and famous playwrights of the time, a man named John Fletcher. Fletcher’s fame has since quelled. But in 1850, a literary analyst named James Spedding noticed a remarkable similarity between Fletcher’s plays and passages in Shakespeare’s Henry VIII. Spedding concluded that Fletcher and Shakespeare must have collaborated on the play. The evidence comes from studies of each author’s linguistic idiosyncrasies and how they crop up in Henry VIII. For example, Fletcher often writes ye instead of you, and ’em instead of them. He also tended to add the word sir or still or next to a standard pentameter line to create an extra sixth syllable. These characteristics allowed Spedding and other analysts to suggest that Fletcher must have been involved. But exactly how the play was divided is highly disputed. And other critics have suggested that another English dramatist, Philip Massinger, was actually Shakespeare’s coauthor. Which is why analysts and historians would dearly love to determine, once and for all, who wrote which parts of Henry VIII. Enter Petr Plecháč at the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague, who says he has solved the problem using machine learning to identify the authorship of more or less every line of...
Malcare WordPress Security

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