> Cyber Security - Vinova - Page 12

IBM adds support for cyber security industry standards into IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management Automotive Compliance

Cars are increasingly becoming more like mobile datacenters. From advanced driving assistance systems (ADAS) to connected car services – data driven, personalized and seamless experiences inside the car are now as important to consumers as traditional attributes, such as handling, horsepower or styling. But along with these new software-defined vehicles comes a growing risk of cyber security threats. Several reports have noted a significant rise in malicious programs targeting cars, and consumers are taking note: in a 2019 IBM consumer survey, we found that 62 percent of consumers would consider one brand over another if it had better security and privacy measures. This has prompted new industry standards that automakers need to implement as part of the development process to help curb risks and keep drivers safe. Regulatory compliance paves the way for cyber security Last year, the United National Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) mandated new regulations on the cybersecurity management systems for new vehicles. These regulations require manufacturers to have evidence of a certified Cyber Security Management System, as well as a Software Update Management System for all new vehicles in 2022. And, by 2024, all prior makes and models will need to be updated to comply. In response, this year, the International Organization for Standardization and SAE International introduced ISO/SAE 21434, a new standard with process requirements for cybersecurity risk management of road vehicle systems. Covered processes include the complete life cycle from concept, development, production, operations and maintenance, to decommissioning. While important, these standards become one more compliance requirement for automakers to verify, drawing automotive engineering resources away from innovation. Today during IAA Mobility 2021,...

Deep machine learning study finds that body shape is associated with income

A new study published in PLOS One has found a relationship between a person’s body shape and their family income. The findings provide more evidence for the “beauty premium” — a phenomenon in which people who are physically attractive tend to earn more than their less attractive counterparts. Researchers have consistently found evidence for the beauty premium. But Suyong Song, an associate professor at The University of Iowa, and his colleagues observed that the measurements used to gauge physical appearance suffered some important limitations. “I have been curious of whether or not there is physical attractiveness premium in labor market outcomes. One of the challenges is how researchers overcome reporting errors in body measures such as height or weight, as most previous studies often defined physical appearance from subjective opinions based on surveys,” Song explained. “The other challenge is how to define body shapes from these body measures, as these measures are too simple to provide a complete description of body shapes. In this study, collaborated with one of my coauthors (Stephen Baek at University of Virginia), we use novel data which contains three-dimensional whole-body scans. Using a state-of-the art machine learning technique, called graphical autoencoder, we addressed these concerns.” The researchers used the deep machine learning methods to identify important physical features in whole-body scans of 2,383 individuals from North America. The data came from the Civilian American and European Surface Anthropometry Resource (CAESAR) project, a study conducted primarily by the U.S. Air Force from 1998 to 2000. The dataset included detailed demographic information, tape measure and caliper body measurements, and digital three-dimensional whole-body scans of participants. “The...

CASB vs IAM: Compare Cyber Security Solutions

Cloud access security brokers (CASBs) and identity and access management (IAM) tools are both security solutions designed to help protect enterprise assets stored in the cloud from threats. But when it comes to CASB vs IAM, how exactly do these two solutions differ? And how do they work together? To begin with, CASBs monitor cloud-based applications, data, and services. Conversely, IAM manages user access to cloud resources based on identity information — such as usernames and passwords, or digital keys and certificates. CASB vs IAM: Do They Work Together? Each tool serves to improve visibility across hybrid IT infrastructure while enhancing collaboration between security teams. CASBs monitor activity across a variety of cloud-based services, which means they have a bird’s eye view of how people are accessing applications from different locations. CASBs alert IAM tools when new devices appear, and IAM checks with CASB to see what credentials were used. CASBs alert IAM tools when new devices appear on the network, and IAM checks with the CASB to see what credentials were used to gain access. Once the CASB tells IAM about new devices connecting with corporate assets, IAM can check user access levels against permissions in place, blocking or removing privileges for certain accounts while leaving others untouched. These two systems to work together to provide robust protection against common threats, like phishing schemes or malware infections, through vulnerability scanning. How Can You Integrate IAM With CASB? Integration techniques differ depending on your specific needs and priorities, but some simple ways to increase efficiencies can be achieved without too much additional effort. By providing IAM admins with a...
How to Prepare Your Business For a Cyber Security Disaster

How to Prepare Your Business For a Cyber Security Disaster

Running a business is rewarding, but it does come with a variety of risks that can threaten not only its success, but its very existence. IT solutions are vital to any business nowadays. It is the engine room that keeps business moving, but this engine can be at risk of faults – faults that could steer your business into disaster. Advances in technology has brought a plethora of benefits for companies, from e-commerce to facilitating productivity and enabling remote working. As technology advances, so do the methods cyber criminals use to steal data. In order to combat this, we’ve learned that simply deploying antivirus software is not enough anymore to keep our business data secure. A cybersecurity breach can be devastating or even life-threatening to a business. From cyber-criminals stealing funds to holding your data for ransom, the cost of a cyber-attack can be incredibly high. Furthermore the implications with data security and GDPR compliance can reduce customer trust in your brand, incur hefty fines and cause legal issues. In short, the biggest threat to your business is cyber security and knowing how to prevent an IT disaster is a vital measure you can take to protect your business. At Elite, we know the impact a cyber security breach can have on a business and the threat of an attack is very much a case of ‘when’ rather than ‘if’. You have put a lot of time, money, stress and care into building your business, it’s only right that you take the time to ensure you and your team know how to avoid cyber-attacks. Furthermore, investing in effective cyber...
How low-code platforms enable machine learning | InfoWorld

How low-code platforms enable machine learning | InfoWorld

Low-code platforms improve the speed and quality of developing applications, integrations, and data visualizations. Instead of building forms and workflows in code, low-code platforms provide drag-and-drop interfaces to design screens, workflows, and data visualizations used in web and mobile applications. Low-code integration tools support data integrations, data prep, API orchestrations, and connections to common SaaS platforms. If you’re designing dashboards and reports, there are many low-code options to connect to data sources and create data visualizations. If you can do it in code, there’s probably a low-code or no-code technology that can help accelerate the development process and simplify ongoing maintenance. Of course, you’ll have to evaluate whether platforms meet functional requirements, cost, compliance, and other factors, but low-code platforms offer options that live in the gray area between building yourself or buying a software-as-a-service (SaaS) solution. But are low-code options just about developing applications, integrations, and visualizations better and faster? What about low-code platforms that accelerate and simplify using more advanced or emerging capabilities? I searched and prototyped for low-code and no-code platforms that would enable technology teams to spike and experiment with machine learning capabilities. I focused mainly on low-code application development platforms and sought machine learning capabilities that enhanced the end-user experience. Here are a few things I learned on this journey. Platforms target different development personas Are you a data scientist looking for low-code capabilities to try out new machine learning algorithms and support modelops faster and easier than coding in Python? Maybe you are a data engineer focusing on dataops and wanting to connect data to machine learning models while discovering and validating new...
Back to School Cyber Security Tips – Panda Security

Back to School Cyber Security Tips – Panda Security

Millions of children are back to school. Some of them are physically back to school, while others continue to practice distance learning from home. Whatever the case, little ones from all school-age years are more and more relying on technology to conduct school tasks. While technology is in place to ease their lives and make engagement more appealing, it also comes with many risks that may look obvious to adults but sadly are not as clear for children. Having a conversation with your kids about technology and how to stay safe might help them feel more comfortable using digital tools for education and hopefully will protect them from becoming victims. Children sometimes are more knowledgeable than their parents and grandparents, but understanding technology does not necessarily mean that they understand the risks associated with it. Here are the top five back to school cyber security tips that we believe are worth mentioning to newbies and seasoned school-goers. Familiarize yourself with the tech tools used by your child Distance learning and the transition to at-home education have made children very dependent on technology. One of the first things that parents should consider doing before opening the conversation about cyber security is familiarizing themselves with the digital environemnt and the equipment their children are using. You can learn more about it by simply asking your child to show you how their day is going. Knowing what they do on those laptops/tablets will help parents give better recommendations. Clicking on sketchy links is not a good idea Keep in mind that your kids have grown in a wholly digital world. While some...
Malcare WordPress Security

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