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Web and Mobile Penetration Testing Singapore

Web and Mobile Penetration Testing Singapore

Vinova is providing affordable and quick mobile & web app penetration testing service for Singapore Enterprises and SMEs. Contact us for more information, and best quotation.   A penetration testing, or the short form pen-test, is an attack on a computer system with the intention of finding security weaknesses, potentially gaining access to it, its functionality and data. The process involves identifying the target systems and the goal, then reviewing the information available and undertaking available means to attain the goal. A penetration test target may be a white box (where all background and system information is provided) or black box (where only basic or no information is provided except the company name). A penetration test can help determine whether a system is vulnerable to attack, if the defenses were sufficient and which defenses (if any) were defeated in the penetration test. Security issues uncovered through the penetration test should be reported to the system’s owner. Penetration test reports may also assess the potential impacts to the organization and suggest countermeasures to reduce risks. Penetration testing is valuable for several reasons: Determining the feasibility of a particular set of attack vectors Identifying higher-risk vulnerabilities that result from a combination of lower-risk vulnerabilities exploited in a particular sequence Identifying vulnerabilities that may be difficult or impossible to detect with automated network or application vulnerability scanning software Assessing the magnitude of potential business and operational impacts of successful attacks Testing the ability of network defenders to successfully detect and respond to the attacks Providing evidence to support increased investments in security personnel and technology Penetration tests are a component of a full security...
How to turn your S3 bucket into a CDN

How to turn your S3 bucket into a CDN

Having Amazon serve your image through their awesome CDN is dead simple. It’s also about $0.12/GB per month… cheap. Log into your Amazon account via the Amazon Console . Click on “CloudFront” Once you have clicked on CloudFront, fint the “Create Distribution” link, which will either be at the top, or if you are a first time user, might be in the middle of the console page as well. Either way, click “Create Distribution”. You can use the default “Download” option on this page, and simple click the “Continue” button. On the Settings page, click in the Origin Domain Name box, and you will get a dropdown of all your S3 buckets. Choose your bucket you want to be served from the CDN. Leave the other settings alone and click the “Create Distribution” button. Viola! You now have a CDN that uses the images from the S3 bucket you chose on the settings page. The CDN will have some unfriendly url likeuweoqruqyr.cloudfront.com (which will be the new base url for your images, like https://uweoqruqyr.cloudfront.com/mykey/foo.jpg) You can go to your DNS provider and just add a CNAME that can map this to some friendly url like...
Malcare WordPress Security

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