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Industries Using Ruby on Rails in 2022 – Nestack Technologies Pvt Ltd

Ruby on Rails is a brilliant framework that includes all of the necessary components for quickly and efficiently developing a web application. It provides a fantastic development environment for building high-performing web apps. Get Ruby on Rails for a dynamic, dependable, and scalable app with devoted programmers and active community support. Due to its pioneering characteristics such as perfect transformations, database table constructions, and structuring of views to assist speedy development of web applications, Ruby on Rails is used by a number of well-known firms. Ruby on Rails development companies fuel their online programmes, which is advantageous to both start-ups and established businesses. Rails is a prominent online framework based on the Model View Controller concept, which is the most common web project structure. As this technology platform continues to evolve, the continual updates and stable release of RoR demonstrates that its expectations are higher than ever. Let’s have a look at how this incredible framework delivers well-known online apps and aids firms in these six industries in scaling up efficiently and quickly. What is the purpose of Ruby on Rails? Ruby on Rails offers a wide range of integration options to meet the needs of each project. This is possible thanks to the vast collection of gems available. It uses an agile development process, which speeds up the process and ensures that it meets all of the client’s criteria. We are a dedicated RoR development business that specialises in developing dynamic websites, e-commerce sites, web applications, and single-page applications using the Rails framework. This provides an answer to the most frequently asked question, “What is Ruby used...

Customizing Stubs in Laravel | Laravel News

This post will show you how to customize stubs used to generate various classes in your application. While a minor inconvenience, manually adjusting every generated class can be tedious, and Laravel provides a way for developers to publish and version stubs in an application if you want to suit generated classes to your specific taste. If you want to follow along, you can create a new Laravel project with the Laravel installer, using Sail, or any other way you prefer to create a new application: You might have noticed that the Laravel installer now supports Git and GitHub integration assuming you have the minimum git version required, you should have a new repository and a first commit. Versioning our demo project is an excellent way to visualize the stub changes we make along the way and see what kind of files Laravel publishes to the app. Publishing Stubs The first step in customizing stubs could be to add stubs you’d like to customize individually to the /stubs folder at the root of a Laravel project, or you can publish all of them with Artisan: As you can see, we have quite a few stubs published in the app folder! I’ll leave it up to you if you want to version all of them, but you could either keep a copy of them or only keep the specific stubs you want to customize. Custom Controller Stubs Laravel 8.36 introduced the idea of a --type flag when making a controller, allowing you to write custom stub files for generating a controller: After adding the custom stub class, you can generate a...

Laravel 8 + Vue.js 3 CRUD with Composition API – Laravel Daily

There are quite a lot of articles/videos on Laravel + Vue CRUD, but not enough is published on the newest Vue.js 3 version, using the new Composition API. So, with this step-by-step detailed article, let’s fill in that gap, building a simple Company management form. Notice: the link to the final repository is at the end of the article. Install Laravel and Laravel Breeze We start from the very beginning, by installing a fresh Laravel project, and a Laravel Breeze starter kit: By this point, we should have a default Laravel Breeze with Tailwind CSS design, and Login/Register functionality: Creating Model and API CRUD We will manage one table called Companies, with four text fields: name, email, address, website. So, we create the model, and automatically create migrations with -m: This is the DB structure: database/migrations/xxxxx_create_companies_table.php: In the app/Company.php model, we make all fields fillable: Next, we create a Controller, with a few flags to generate exactly what we need: Personally, I like to use API Resources to transform the data. Although in this project, we won’t make any transformations, I still have a habit of generating them: And, inside of app/Http/Resources/CompanyResource.php, there’s this default code: Next, for validation, we generate a FormRequest class: In this case, I will re-use the same validation rules for both store/update functions, so this is the content of app/Http/Requests/CompanyRequest.php: We use those API Resource and Form Request classes inside of our app/Http/Controllers/API/CompanyController.php, which has this code: And, we tie it all together to call that Controller from the routes/api.php: In this simple project, we won’t use any Middleware, the routes are public. So,...

Top 15 Mobile App Development Trends to Follow in 2022

The mobile application development landscape is continuously evolving to meet the ever-changing market demands and user expectations. An Independent report by Statista states that the global revenue for mobile apps, which was $318 billion in 2020, is expected to reach a whopping $613 billion by 2025. This surge will unlock an array of business prospects and growth opportunities for companies trying to create a niche. However, to take full advantage of these opportunities, keeping up with the mobile app development trends is of paramount importance.   We have entered 2022, and it is time to fine-tune your app development strategies to deliver the best user experiences. This blog will give you all the necessary information to look forward to and make a successful plan to dominate the year. It will outline the current trends and other related technology aspects that business owners and mobile app developers should not miss out on.  Mobile App Development Trends that Will Lead the Way Our experts bring you this interesting compilation of the top 15 latest trends in mobile app development that are bound to satisfy the requirements of the modern customer. While avoiding these trends may put your project at risk, following them would help you generate profitable outcomes in the long run.  1 5G The emergence of 5G or the 5th generation connectivity standard is one of the leading trends in mobile app development. It is a technology that has the potential to change the way app owners, developers, and resellers operate. By 2024, the number of 5G subscriptions is expected to reach . This means it has become more than necessary...

Estonia and the world: cyber security 2021 in review – e-Estonia

“Last year will go down in history as the year of security vulnerabilities, wherein in the race against time and criminals, we had to learn some painful lessons. However, all experiences are useful and must be shared,” says Gert Auväärt, Director of the Cyber Security Branch of the Information System Authority (RIA) in the latest yearbook published by the Information System Authority titled Cyber Security in Estonia 2022. The (RIA) is the government office that coordinates the development, implementation, and administration of the state’s IT infrastructures, ensures the interoperability of the information system across the public and private sectors, manages the nation’s cyber security realm and organises related activities.  Cyber Security in Estonia 2022 focuses on Estonia and international cyberspace’s cyber failures, wins, lessons, and 2022 to-comes. The year of vulnerabilities While the Information System Authority believes that 2022 would be a grand sequel to 2021 in terms of cyber vulnerabilities, 2021 earned itself the title of ‘the year of major security vulnerabilities.’ Aside from the year coming to an end with the global ‘IT earthquake’ – the Log4j zero-day vulnerability, which’s dreadful impact remains to be seen, Estonia also had its fair share of in-state cyber warfare.  Leading the pack of major incidents that shook Estonia was the RIA’s security vulnerability that gave an Estonia-based attacker the opportunity to from the identity documents’ database. The incident was quickly detected, and the security vulnerability was patched. Thankfully, with the swift cooperation between the police, CERT-EE, and the Prosecutor’s Office, the criminal was caught within a few days, and the downloaded data was confiscated. This is one of the 2,237...

How to build a REST API using NodeJS

👋 Hey everyone, I know it’s been a long since I posted a new blog 😅. 👀 So in this blog post we are doing to build a REST API that would serve as a source of motivation for developers using NodeJS and MongoDB. So let’s get started 🏄‍♂️ What’s an API? 🤔 API stands for “Application Programming Interface” which is a tool that allows two applications to talk to each other 📞. Let’s understand the meaning of API by some real-life examples ✨ So you have built an amazing e-store application and you wanted other developers to build applications on it. Now you have to build some sort of software that communicates between your web service and the developer’s application and that’s where API comes in. What’s a REST API? 🤔 Now as you have let’s talk something about “REST APIs”. REST stands for Representational State Transfer, it’s one of the most popularly known type of API architecture. These types of APIs follow the client-server model, where one program sends a request and the other response with some data. The requests are HTTP methods such as POST, GET, PUT, DELETE… You would have a more clear understanding of APIs and REST APIs when we build a project 👀. So what are we waiting for, let’s dive started into coding 👨‍💻. Setting up the project 🛠 Let’s set up our project so that we can start coding 👨‍💻. Creating a separate folder for our project Navigate into the folder Initializing the project Installing the required packages $ npm install mongoose express dotenv cors # or $ yarn add mongoose...

Online Communities Every Engineer And Web Developer Of Color Should Sign Up To

To succeed – you need the right tools, and people of color trailblazing in the tech and engineering space are giving back to their communities by creating initiatives to help further propel those looking to step foot into the sector. One such techie is Asia Sharif,  a self-taught Junior Software Engineer, Blockchain Developer, and Co-Founder of TechNewbies, an educational technology platform. From a non-technical background, she went into technology in January 2021 as she’s always been fascinated by the world, particularly technology and its implications for the future. Ms. Sharif decided to take the leap earlier this year and become a software engineer. She spent late 2020 networking with developers on LinkedIn and networking with Xuntos’ CEO, Ola. He instilled confidence in her; She was able to apply to the SKY Software Engineering Academy, which was tailored to get more women into tech. In other words – mentorship and work experience played a huge part in where she is now. Here’s a list of online communities you can join for free that offer mentorship, work experience or free resources Black Valley  “Black Valley is a global community dedicated to increasing equity in tech by fostering an environment where talents from a black ethnic background can thrive.” Code First Girls:  “Code First Girls is a Not for Profit Social Enterprise that trains women in IT skills and helps companies develop more female‑friendly recruitment policies.” Tech Newbies: A platform for those still very new in the tech industry looking for guidance. Black Girls In Tech:  “A community for and by black women in tech to network, educate & celebrate each other”...

Monitor Containerized ASP.NET Core Applications With Datadog APM | Datadog

ASP.NET Core is an open source web development framework that enables you to develop .NET applications on macOS, Linux, and Windows machines. The introduction of .NET Core in 2016 dramatically increased the number of ways to build and deploy .NET applications. This means that you need the ability to easily monitor application performance across a wide variety of platforms, such as Docker containers. Being able to track requests across all of an application’s service and process boundaries helps you identify issues with services and their dependencies, such as slow database calls or overloaded servers. In this post, we’ll walk through how to instrument a sample containerized ASP.NET Core application to send traces to Datadog for monitoring by: Datadog’s .NET tracer uses the .NET profiling APIs to add out-of-the-box instrumentation for many common libraries and programming languages used for both .NET Core and .NET frameworks, including VB.NET, C#, and F#. Once instrumented, your application will automatically send traces to the Datadog Agent, which aggregates and enhances them with additional metadata from the host before forwarding them to Datadog. For full details on the .NET tracer, check out our documentation. To get started, make sure you have at least version 5 of the .NET Core SDK, the .NET CLI, and Docker Desktop installed. This will let you generate the sample ASP.NET Core application we’ll use throughout this guide. You can use the .NET CLI to create a new web application project with all of the files needed to run a sample application via the following commands: dotnet new sln -n DatadogContainerExample dotnet new webapp -o DatadogContainerExample -n DatadogContainerExample dotnet sln add...

Mobile App Development Process – Step 7 Maintenance and Support

In this digital era, the demand for mobile apps is increasing continuously. As a business owner, launching user-centric apps has become more than necessary to expand the global reach. But the real challenge begins just after the launch. Yes, we are talking about app maintenance and support. Many companies are unable to perform it correctly or face issues while including it in their mobile app development process. That’s why our experts have come up with this complete guide to help you achieve all your post-launch objectives in a hassle-free way. In this blog, we are going to discuss the ideal app maintenance process, security strategies you need to consider while approaching it, proven factors that define the overall cost to maintain apps, and much more. But first, let’s understand what is app support and maintenance in detail.  All about Mobile App Maintenance and Support Mobile application maintenance is one of the most important app development stages where developers take the necessary steps to ensure that the app is bug-free. This stage primarily focuses on multiple aspects, which include fixing potential errors, improving existing features, updating functionalities, etc., to match the users’ expectations. Why is it Important? Users tend to immediately uninstall a particular app if they don’t like it or get a poor experience. But a good app support strategy can help you overcome this challenge seamlessly. Here’s what you can do with dedicated application maintenance services in place.  1 Complete App Monitoring Closely observing the component-level performance of your mobile app will become easy. The maintenance and support services will help you monitor hosting and third-party payment, server,...

Automating Data Drift Thresholding in Machine Learning Systems

Monitoring Production ML Model Inputs Practically and Efficiently in the Absence of Ground Truth Data Photo by Carlos Muza on Unsplash In real life ML monitoring applications, we want to detect whether or not a ML model is performing well or is breaking. Not picking up on poor model performance can translate into poor or even biased predictions that can lead to lost revenue and even PR fires that we see year over year from even the large tech companies, from facial recognition systems that fail to pick up on certain minorities to hate speech in autocomplete for search engines. In this article, we’ll go over a brief overview of how data drift thresholding helps capture poor model performance, and the majority of the post will focus on two versions of implementing automated data drift detection in production level ML monitoring systems. Overview Why do we need data drift? The standard approach to monitoring models is based on performance metrics, i.e. accuracy/precision/recall/f-score, over some time period or from batch to batch. In order to produce these metrics, we need both predictions and ground truth labels for the datapoints, e.g. a credit risk model predicts that a person will pay their loan on time in 1 year and thus should be approved for a credit card, and we know whether or not that person paid their loan on time in 1 year. Already, we have an issue because we do not know ground truth until 1 year later. In most production applications, there is a lag between prediction time and ground truth collection time, which significantly handicaps the ability to remediate model issues quickly. Leveraging...

Huawei commended for training 40,000 women in cyber security

Huawei Technologies Ghana has been commended for organizing Cyber Security Training for over 40,000 women as part of their Huawei Seeds for the Future Women in Tech program for 2021. The ICT giant received the commendation from the Deputy Minister of Communications and Digitalization, Hon. Ama Pomaa Boateng, during her Keynote Address of the African Union (AU) – Global Forum on Cyber Expertise (GFCE) Africa Cyber Experts (ACE) Community Kick-Off Meeting which is on the theme, Setting the Scene for Cybersecurity Status in Africa. The event is happening in Accra, Ghana from March 16 to 18, 2022. In her speech, the Honorable Minister praised Huawei for their outstanding contribution to increasing the Cyber Security awareness of Ghanaian Women. She said, “We are grateful to Huawei and MTN for partnering with the Ministry to train over 50,000 women in Cyber Security last year.” She added that she is confident that the efforts of private sector partners and the program of activities and sessions outlined for the ongoing AU-GFCE are relevant for Ghana’s Cyber Security mission and goals. Stating that such initiatives aside having the potential for creating jobs for men and women in Cyber Security, will also go a long way to ensure that the Ministry’s goals of ensuring that Cyber Space if safe for children, the public, business and government is achieved. Last year Huawei cooperated with the Ministry of Communications through the Ministry’s ‘Girls in ICT’ program to offer Digital skill training to thousands of women from the Junior High School level through to Tertiary and working professionals and traders to build their digital literacy and capability. Other...

Progressive Web App Development | Progressive Web Apps

How Brands Used PWA to Write Their Success Stories Rich with Features, PWA Is a Sales Booster for Brands 1. Twitter Lite PWA Twitter has nearly 320 million monthly active users around the world that consume, create, and share information. With over 80% of users on mobile, Twitter aimed the mobile web experience to be faster, more reliable, and more engaging. Twitter Lite PWA helped the microblogging platform combine the best of the modern web and native app features. It helped deliver a robust experience with instant loading capabilities, increased user engagement, and lower data consumption. Thus, recording a 20% decline in bounce rate and 65% increase in page per session. 2. MakeMyTrip MakeMyTrip a travel booking site operative in India saw a 160% increase in shopper sessions (a triple conversion rate) after launching a PWA that allows users to seamlessly book travel tickets and hotels regardless of time, location, or network availability. 3. Alibaba.com Alibaba.com, the world’s largest online B2B trading platform, serving 200+ countries and regions saw a 76% increase in total conversions across browsers after upgrading their site with Progressive Web App (PWA). With PWA, Alibaba was able to hook both first time visitors as well as repeat visitors. With “Add to Home Screen” prompt and push notifications the company was able to re-engage users by four times as compared to other mobile users. 4. Lancome Lancome the luxury cosmetics brand wanted a fast app-like solution to drive traffic and sales. The beauty brand built a PWA and saw a 53% increase in session length, 17% increase in conversions, and 8% increase in conversion rates on...

The Local Database for React Native App Development

It is extremely high-pressure work to delivering an offline-first app with good performance that may be scaled anytime. Hence, sometimes to opt(Optional Practical Training) becomes for developers for the relevant technology stack incorporating the proper database for . In this blog, we listed the local database for React Native App Development, and that we attempt to pick everything and each point that you simply should know before selecting the proper database for React Native and also we’ll see what options are available, they could match your requirements like scaling easily together with your base or supporting offline development. However, before we start discussing the simplest local databases for react native app development, let’s know the factors to understand before discussing the local database. Factors to contemplate While Choosing The Local Database for React Native App Development. Here are some aspects to require a note of while choosing a database for your React Native app: 1. Concurrency and Handling Data Conflicts: The more and more addition of features within the app will concurrency and handling data conflicts, sometimes you’ll trying to find sharing the conflict management rules on the repository pages or website. You should always rummage around for a database, which shares the conflict-handling policies on the website or the repository pages. Beware and penetrate the database to urge the documents and watch out for the handle syncing and conflicts or examine the trade-offs that are made and also the effect they might make on the applying. 2. Data Complexity: The data always preserved within the style of JSON(JavaScript Object Notation) structure or either in key values. This makes...

How Much Does Cross-Platform Mobile App Development Cost? | AppFutura

Statista’s forecast states that in 2022, global mobile app revenues are projected to generate about 808 billion U.S. dollars which is almost 4 times more than in 2016. With 6.3 billion smartphone users worldwide, owners of any business from educational services to retail have no doubt: if they want to stand the competition, they need to develop a mobile app. A few years ago, whenever a business went to a mobile app development company with an idea for an app, the immediate follow-up question used to be “Which would be the first platform to launch: Android or iOS?” And the cost of development for both platforms would come out to be very high. But if we roll today’s calendar, we can see that building an app is not expensive anymore – with the adoption and evolution of services like cross-platform mobile app development. According to Gs.statcounter’s November 2021 data, the Android operating system holds an estimated share of 70.75%, whereas 28.53% market share belongs to iOS. By choosing one of them, you deprive users of another possibility to use your mobile application. Cross-platform app development, on the other hand, allows you to target almost 100% of users, reducing development cost and time. What is cross platform mobile app development? Cross-platform application development refers to the process of building a single application to be run on multiple mobile platforms and operating systems. It is usually compatible with both Android and Apple devices, although it can be developed as an app for any cross-channel uses. Cross-platform mobile applications are built using programming languages and technical options that are not specific to...

Spear Phishing Attack: Cyber Security – IP With Ease

Introduction to Spear Phishing Attack In the cyber community industry nowadays, with the term “Spear Phishing”, we define a targeted attempt to steal private information such as user account credentials or financial information from a specific victim or organization. In order to succeed in this malicious activity, personal details are acquired on the victim such as friendship, hometowns, employers, locations they have frequently visited and what they have recently bought online.  The hackers pretend to be a trustworthy friend or entity to acquire personal information, usually through email or other online messaging platforms. The history of “Spear Phishing” attacks began as a Nigerian prince scam in the mid 1990’s, nowadays they have transformed into well researched and targeted hacker campaigns that are both highly effective and incredibly difficult to mitigate. While spear phishing attacks may target “smaller size victims”, like a mid-range company employee or a random target chosen on social media platforms. Whaling phishing is looking after the “big size victims.” These attacks often target C-Level executives like CEOs or CFOs to attempt to gather larger payments and more private data. Mitigation from Spear Phishing Attacks In the cyber community nowadays there are many theories on how to prevent a spear phishing attack. Most of the commonly used are presented below:       Spear Phishing vs Phishing Nowadays, “Spear Phishing” can easily be confused with simple “Phishing” because they are both cyber attacks on users that aim to acquire private information. Although, with the term “Phishing”, it is mainly used for any kind of attempt to trick victims into sharing sensitive information such as passwords, usernames, and credit card...

Tutorial: Build Metabase Maps with Geocodio | Laravel News

Have you reached for Metabase’s map visualizations, only to find that your data model is incomplete? This tutorial will show you how to pull in all the geographical data you need from Geocodio to fully utilize Metabase maps, complete with production ready Laravel code. Geocodio is a geocoder that supports the US and Canada, and is especially good for times when you need additional data, like Census data, timezones, or political districts. Geocode an address with a queued event listener We’ll be using an example Eloquent model of a Business for this tutorial. The schema is included below. Your codebase is undoubtedly different, but make sure you have: 1Schema::create(‘businesses’, function (Blueprint $table) { 5 // Columns entered by users 7 $table->string(‘user_supplied_address’)->nullable(); 9 // Columns for data retrieved from Geocodio 10 // Unlike most geo services, Geocodio allows you to store info retrieved from the API (https://www.geocod.io/features/api/) 11  12 // Metabase requires coordinates to be split in two columns, rather than using GIS columns like POINT 13 $table->decimal(‘latitude’, 10, 8)->nullable(); 14 $table->decimal(‘longitude’, 11, 8)->nullable(); 16 // A single formatted string, useful for searching within future analysis 17 $table->string(‘formatted_address’)->nullable(); 19 // Distinct columns for address components. Useful for filters, such as per state, in Metabase. 20 $table->string(‘street’)->nullable(); 25 $table->string(‘country’)->index()->nullable(); 27 // Additional Census data you will be retrieving from Geocodio 28 $table->integer(‘acs_number_of_households’)->index()->nullable(); 29 $table->integer(‘acs_median_household_income’)->index()->nullable(); 30}); We want to retrieve data from Geocodio every time a new Business is created. This means hooking into Eloquent events. 2* The event map for the model. 8]; Next up, you need to create the event class referenced above. You can use artisan to generate a...

7 Rules for Improving Security in Mobile App Development Projects

Securing mobile app development projects is always about striking the right balance of security mechanisms. IT leaders must safeguard everything that requires utmost protection within the specified budget. On the other hand, they must be aware that it’s impossible to create environments that guarantee full app security. Striving to do so is bound to affect the business or application quality. It’s also likely to incur hefty bills and delay the release date. How not to take security too far and release a mobile application that is “secure enough” within the assumed schedule and budget? Follow these seven fundamental practices to stay on the safe side. Define a “secure-enough” application Mobile security should always be taken into account at the very outset — before you start writing the application code. Approach every mobile app development project individually, not only from the technical perspective but also from the business side, to grasp the full context and identify the potential threats and security vulnerabilities. Understand the business context The type of business and its processes have a great impact on security measures. An application of an intelligence agency or a bank will require a different level of security than a news outlet. Regional regulations, such as GDPR, can also affect the new application, so IT leaders must be prepared to prioritize accordingly. Understand the biggest threats There are four key questions you should answer to identify the key security mechanisms required in a given project and the ways to mitigate the risks: By answering these questions, you can create a threat model for your mobile application development project that will help you...

ZenCase: Senior Software Engineer (Ruby On Rails)

Headquarters: Jacksonville, FL URL: https://www.zencase.com/ Why work at ZenCase? At ZenCase, we build powerful solutions for law firms. We are a small, development-driven company, founded by a lawyer. Most of the engineers at ZenCase work remotely, however we do have an office in Jacksonville, Florida if you want to work in an office environment. We are looking for team members who have a high level of independence and are focused on creating amazing solutions to complex problems. What would you be working on? ZenCase is legal practice management software that enables lawyers to work more efficiently using automation, knowledge management, and best of breed technology. Our products are built on Ruby and JavaScript, so you will spend most of your time working in these languages building new solutions with our team. In your daily life at ZenCase, you can expect to: Take ownership of your projects and have a voice in how and what gets built. Contribute to various parts of our product, which consists of a Ruby on Rails backend and Ember.js frontend. Help own operations, reliability, availability, and security of our application. Collaborate with your fellow team of developers. Engage in a healthy culture of code reviewing and pairing alongside a team of smart, thoughtful, like-minded developers. You should apply to join the team if: You have experience running, testing, and contributing to one of the following: a backend application (e.g., Ruby on Rails, Django, Express.js) a frontend application (e.g., Ember.js, React, Angular) You have experience working with PostgreSQL or other relational databases. You have experience operating and maintaining production systems in a Linux and public cloud...
Malcare WordPress Security

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