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Mobile App Development: Top 5 Reasons Why Mobile Apps Fail

Over the years, the mobile app industry has substantially grown. According to Statista, the total number of apps available for download in leading app stores are 2.1 million apps in Google Play Store and Apple’s App Store was on second largest position with almost 2 million apps. Wondering why apps fail? An increase in the number of mobile apps does not mean they are qualitative. As we say “If you learn from defeat, you haven’t really lost,” do not fall, a victim of positive thinking, because the thought itself will forbid the conditions of failure. App success starts with studying mobile apps failure, not from why a single app out of thousand succeeds. According to Gartner the commercial success of mobile apps in 2018 was .01% which sounds alarming for the mobile app development industry. If you are planning to launch a mobile app to generate revenue, study why others didn’t make it, what were their mistakes, ensure that you won’t repeat them when planning a mobile application to stand a chance in the mobile marketplace. Here are the top reasons why apps fail miserably. Over half of the mobile apps in play store get few to no downloads. Seeing the decent downloads of an app, 60% of the audience drops off the app. The app faces 80% drop off rate within the first week, never to be used again. Top Reasons From The Industry Experts On “Why Do Apps Fail?” 1. Dedication is the key to a fruitful idea generation A decision to launch a project should be research driven not fund driven. Is there a market for...

Web Server Penetration Testing Checklist – GBHackers

Web server pen testing performing under 3 major category which is identity, Analyse, Report Vulnerabilities such as authentication weakness, configuration errors, protocol Relation vulnerabilities.  1.  “Conduct a serial of methodical and Repeatable tests “ is the best way to test the web server along with this to work through all of the different application Vulnerabilities. 2.  “Collecting as Much as Information” about an organization Ranging from operation environment is the main area to concentrate on the initial stage of web server Pen testing. 3.  Performing web server Authentication Testing, use Social engineering techniques to collect the information about the Human Resources, contact Details and other  Social Related information. 4.  Gathering Information about the Target, use whois database query tools to get the Details such as Domain name, IP address, Administrative Details, autonomous system number, DNS etc. 5.  Fingerprint web server to gather information such as server name, server type, operating systems, an application running on the server etc use fingerprint scanning tools such as, Netcraft, HTTPrecon, ID Serve. 6.  Crawel Website to gather Specific information  from web pages, such as email addresses 7.  Enumerate web server Directories to extract important information about web functionalities, login forms etc. 8.  Perform Directory traversal Attack to access Restricted Directories and execute the command from outside of the Web server root directories. 9.  Performing vulnerability scanning to identify the weakness in the network use the vulnerability scanning tools such as HPwebinspect, Nessus . and determine if the system can be exploited. 10. Perform we cache poisoning attack to force the web server’s cache to flush its actual cache content and send a specifically crafted...

Picture of homeless Mountain View web developer goes viral after he’s shown offering resume, not asking for donations

MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. (KGO) — “Homeless/ Hungry 4 success,” was the message David Casarez, 26, held on the busy intersection of El Camino and North San Antonio Road. Casarez told ABC7 News that he had been homeless for so long, he was starting to lose hope. He had the idea to print out his resume and spend a few days at the intersection, simply handing resumes out to anyone who would take one. Fortunately, he didn’t need days to get the message out, only hours and the help of social media. Passing driver, Jasmine Scofield said she saw Casarez’s sign from a distance. “And it was like fate,” Scofield said. “The light turned red and I was like, ‘Perfect! I can at least take a resume.'” She went a step further and asked Casarez if she could take a picture and post it to Twitter. Her intention was to share his information with friends who work in the technology industry, hoping that would somehow help the homeless web developer. Casarez said he left his job at General Motors to pursue a start-up in Silicon Valley. He drove to Mountain View in mid-September, but issues with an investor made money even tighter for the Texas-native who was already living out of a van. “Some people say it’s homeless by choice, because I did live out of a van to cut costs. But a lot of people do it out here in California because the rent prices are so high,” he explained. The Texas A&M University graduate told ABC7 News he spends his nights on a bench at a nearby park....

Automated Testing for Mobile App Development

Robust and repeatable testing improves any software development project. If you’re creating a mobile app, testing is especially critical given the unpredictable range of end user devices and location variables. Altova MobileTogether includes sophisticated Automated Testing features that let developers: Record a series of user actions as a test case Replay the test case in the MobileTogether Designer Simulator environment Deploy test cases to the MobileTogether Server for replay on a variety of client devices Retrieve Test Run results from the server and compare differences You can even modify the app to fix a bug and run the test case again to validate the results of changes, which makes this an indispensable QA tool for your mobile app development process. Let’s look at an app that uses GPS, where running a test case can influence a design decision. The Start Geolocation Tracking action in the MobileTogether Designer allows the developer to choose GPS + Network tracking or GPS only tracking. We can test the app using both variations and compare results. Here are screenshots of the GPS app running on an Android phone and iPhone: The app workflow waits for the user to turn on GPS tracking, then captures a single location via the Update Location button. The app records the location and turns off GPS tracking again to save battery power and data transfer until the user wants to record another set of coordinates. Test cases are recorded, played back, and managed via MobileTogether Designer menu options or toolbar buttons located directly above the Design window. We set the action of the Turn On GPS radio button for GPS...

Advanced ATM Penetration Testing Methods – GBHackers

ATM Penetration testing, Hackers have found different approaches to hack into the ATM machines. Programmers are not restricting themselves to physical assaults, for example, money/card catching, skimming, and so forth they are investigating better approaches to hack ATM programming. An ATM is a machine that empowers the clients to perform keeping money exchange without setting off to the bank. Utilizing an ATM, a client can pull back or store the money, get to the bank store or credit account, pay the bills, change the stick, redesign the individual data, and so on. Since the ATM machine manages money, it has turned into a high need focus for programmers and burglars. In this article, we will perceive how do an ATM functions, security arrangements used to secure the ATMs, diverse sorts of infiltration testing to break down ATM security and a portion of the security best practices which can be utilized to evade ATM hack. ATM Work Function : Most of the ATMs have 2 input and 4 output. The card reader and keypad are input whereas a screen, receipt printer, cash dispenser, and the speaker are output. There are for the most part two sorts of ATM’s which vary as indicated by the way they work. They can be called as 1.Rented line ATM 2.Dial-up ATM machines Any ATM machine needs an information terminal with two data sources and four yield gadgets. Obviously, for this to happen there ought to likewise be the accessibility of a host processor. The host processor is important so that the ATM can interface furthermore speak with the individual asking for the money. The...

Bringing QA to data science

Despite the existence of best practices in software testing for operational software applications, there is a remarkable lack of established Quality Assurance practices for advanced analytics and data science. For decades, the advanced analytics community, rooted in academia and research, has tolerated the lack of best practices for solution deployment. Today, as the practice of data science proliferates across businesses, conducted by a broadening variety of analytics specialists and data scientists, the number of insufficiently tested solutions is growing rapidly. Challenges of testing Many advanced analytics practitioners and data scientists rely on code reviews by team members, because typical software testing methodologies cannot accommodate the special needs of their models and applications. As an example, simple changes in data can adversely affect the performance of analytics models. The uniqueness and size of an advanced analytics software solution can make it very challenging to test scalability and prepare for successful implementation. Regular testing of production analytics is required, as models may not have been examined for many years, while the business processes and software environments evolved. An advanced analytics QA methodology In blending best practices of software testing and analytics, we can successfully execute and institutionalise the review and validation of mathematical optimisation and predictive models. This approach uncovers new ideas for improvement, enables benchmarking of team practices, gives business leaders more confidence in solutions, and helps specialists improve development skills. As seen in several examples, my colleagues and I have verified the robustness and reliability of mathematical optimisation-based software systems, while enabling ongoing improvements to the underlying models. At Remsoft, , a global leader in optimised planning and scheduling...

The 2018 Web Developer Roadmap

Want to learn to code? There is no better time to start than right now. Below is an illustrated roadmap focussed on how to become a developer in 2018. Don’t let these illustrations scare you. You by no means need to understand everything on this map to become a stellar developer. In fact, you don’t even need to take them that seriously if you don’t want to to. Instead, use these maps as a starting point to help guide your learning as you go. This awesome illustrated guide to becoming a web developer was created by Kamranahmedse and posted to GitHub under the CC BY 4.0 License. Additional resources/links have been added for this article. Disclosure: I write reviews and receive compensation from the companies whose products I review. Web Developer in 2018 Here’s where you’ll start. You can choose either the Front-end, or Back-end path below. Regardless, there are eight recommendations in yellow that you should learn for either path. Recommended learning for either path Git — You should’ve learned Git yesterday, 15 minutes to learn Git SSH HTTP / HTTPS Terminal Usage — Basic Mac OS, Basic Windows Data Structures & Alogrithms Character Encodings GitHub — A Step by Step Guide to Making Your First GitHub Contribution Frontend Path & Courses for Learning Front End Focus on yellow boxes and grow from there. Below the map are additional resources to aide your learning. The Web Development Bootcamp You need to learn the basics and build a solid foundation of web development principles. There are many ways to do this, but in my opinion, The Web Development Bootcamp...

Mobile app development for competitive advantage in the telecom

By Andrii Pastushok, Oleh Pirus • July 23, 2019 Telcos and MVNO companies that start building their omnichannel experience fret that it would require a massive amount of effort, time, and money. To some extent, this is true. However, if a company takes it one step at a time, it will shortly reap the first benefits.  Even a simple mobile application can unify multiple telecom channels and considerably enhance the customer experience. Research by Google indicates that one in two mobile app users turn to apps to make purchase decisions. Of these, 45% use mobile apps to look for more business or product information, and 29% use apps further down the funnel to make a purchase, either online or offline.  A good mobile application can connect digital and physical experiences telcos offer, unify different touchpoints, increase the upselling potential, and create a seamless customer journey. So what is a good mobile application and which critical features should it have to create a competitive advantage on the telecom market? Why seamless telecom experience is impossible without a mobile app We used to send a USSD code to learn the balance, we were ok with buying scratch cards at physical stores, we didn’t mind talking to a consultant when choosing a tariff plan. We might still do all these things. However, the world and consumer preferences are changing so fast that traditional telecom channels and services like SMS are not enough anymore. Telecom businesses need to meet their customers at every touchpoint from physical stores to social media to smartphones.  According to recent studies, the average person spends over four hours...

Iran checks cyber security at key energy sites, eyes U.S. threat – Reuters

DUBAI (Reuters) – Iran has launched an inspection of security at its key Gulf oil and gas facilities, including preparedness for cyber attacks, the Oil Ministry news agency SHANA said, following media reports of Washington weighing possible cyber attacks on Tehran. U.S. media reports have said the United States is considering possible cyber attacks against Iran after the Sept. 14 attacks on Saudi oil sites which U.S. officials have blamed on Tehran. The Islamic republic has denied being behind the raids which were claimed by Yemen’s Iran-aligned Houthi group. Pirouz Mousavi, head of the Pars Special Economic Energy Zone (PSEEZ), inspected the area and met senior managers, including those in charge of cyber security and emergency response, SHANA said on Wednesday. The PSEEZ was set up in 1998 to develop the oil and gas resources in the South Pars field, the world’s largest natural gas reservoir. The offshore field is shared between Iran and Qatar, which calls it North Field. Separately, Gholamreza Jalali, head of civil defense which is in charge of cyber security, called for beefing up security at industrial installations and said: “Our enemies consider the cyber domain as one of the main areas of threat against nations, especially Iran,” the semi-official news agency Fars reported. After reports on social media last Friday of a cyber attack on some petrochemical and other companies in Iran, a state body in charge of cyber security denied there had been a successful attack. NetBlocks, an organization that monitors internet connectivity, earlier reported “intermittent disruptions” to some internet services in Iran. Iran said in June U.S. cyber attacks against Iranian targets...

Top NodeJS Developer in Singapore

We give a quick review of some of the best NodeJS development companies in Singapore that offer affordable and cutting-edge technology to develop applications for business enterprises. 1. Mobix Technologies Mobix is a leading IT outsourcing company in Singapore that is providing cutting-edge technologies for enterprise and SME clients such as NodeJS, ReactJS, React Native app development. They have been developing many web and mobile applications for Singapore clients since 2014. To know more about Mobix, you can visit their website here: Mobix Technologies 2. Vinova Vinova helps Singapore companies and start-up individuals to make their ideas reality by providing our IT services and solutions. Vinova specialises in developing mobile apps, web apps and mobile games. We’ve been developing and maintaining many eCommerce and responsive websites, mobile apps and games on iOS and Android platforms, as well as complex Enterprise system. Vinova is among TOP10 Mobile Applications Development Companies in Singapore – according to Medium.com. Vinova is well-known for Speed and Quality in the industry, since their founding in 2010. Their portfolio is available for download here. And their company video is available here. 3. Rainmaker Labs Rainmaker Labs has a culture of innovation and excellence that helps them become strong in mobile apps. They also service a wide range of clients. What is special about Rainmaker Labs is that they have developed their own beacon management system, helping marketers target their customers. 4. Buuuk Buuuk started as an experimental app but turned into a full fledged client servicing studio over a few years. They believe in honesty, respect and substance, making them a mobile app studio of choice. 5. 2359 Media 2359 Media...

Top React Native Developer in Singapore

We give a quick review of some of the best React Native development companies in Singapore that offer affordable and cutting-edge technology to develop applications for business enterprises. 1. Mobix Technologies Mobix is a leading IT outsourcing company in Singapore that is providing cutting-edge technologies for enterprise and SME clients such as NodeJS, ReactJS, React Native app development. They have been developing many web and mobile applications for Singapore clients since 2014. To know more about Mobix, you can visit their website here: Mobix Technologies 2. Vinova Vinova helps Singapore companies and start-up individuals to make their ideas reality by providing our IT services and solutions. Vinova specialises in developing mobile apps, web apps and mobile games. They have been developing and maintaining many eCommerce and responsive websites, mobile apps and games on iOS and Android platforms, as well as complex Enterprise system. Vinova is among TOP10 Mobile Applications Development Companies in Singapore – according to Medium.com. Vinova is well-known for Speed and Quality in the industry, since their founding in 2010. Their portfolio is available for download here. And their company video is available here. 3. Rainmaker Labs Rainmaker Labs has a culture of innovation and excellence that helps them become strong in mobile apps. They also service a wide range of clients. What is special about Rainmaker Labs is that they have developed their own beacon management system, helping marketers target their customers. 4. Buuuk Buuuk started as an experimental app but turned into a full fledged client servicing studio over a few years. They believe in honesty, respect and substance, making them a mobile app studio of choice. 5. 2359 Media...

Is Your Website a Truly Mobile-Friendly Portal?

Smarter, smaller and faster. These three qualities have defined mobile devices since the first true smartphone (the iPhone 7) was first introduced over ten years ago. While these gadgets were initially used to perform basic tasks such as sending text messages and checking email, they have evolved at an incredible pace. They are now capable of streaming 4K HD videos, playing entertaining games and tracking your real-time location to within a few meters. While there are many reasons behind such advancements, online retailers are more interested in how they can be applied to more effectively market specific products and services. This translates to the website in question. Do you manage a mobile-responsive portal? Let us take a look at the significance of this technology as well as how you can encounter the best mobile-friendly e-commerce provider. Tapping Into a Growing Market Base Mobile responsiveness is simply the ability for a website to display on a mobile phone in the exact same manner as if it were being accessed by a traditional device such as a laptop computer. There are several features which tend to define a mobile-friendly portal: All images load correctly.No elements are missing from a website page. The user can zoom in or out as required. Long scrolling is supported. No longer are these qualities considered to represent cutting-edge web design features. They have become expected by your audience base. As a growing number of users are browsing pages and making purchases with the help of a smartphone, the importance of these traits should be extremely clear. The main problem is that many website owners are unaware...

Best Secure Messenger Apps for Android

Millions of people use messaging apps to communicate with friends and relatives. Be it a simple good morning wish, an important document or a bunch of critical passwords; messenger apps are the way to go. However, what if someone in the middle reads your chats? Well, no one can afford their secrets being intercepted by a stranger, right? That being said, we are here with the best secure messenger apps for Android. Best Secure Messenger Apps for Android Telegram Signal Private Messenger Threema Wickr Silence Secure Messenger apps use end-to-end encryption (E2EE), i.e., the message is encrypted on your device and also during transmission. It makes sure nobody can read your data, not even the developers of these secure apps. 1] Telegram Being WhatsApps’ closest competitor, Telegram has become a well-familiarized messenger app since past few years. It not only encrypts all your messages, but there’s also a unique “ Secret Chats ” feature. Secure Chat allows one to send self-destructing texts, stickers, media, and files. Cloud chats use Server-client encryption. Secret Chats, on the other hand, use an additional layer of client-client encryption. The encryption is based on 256-bit symmetric AES encryption, 2048-bit RSA encryption, and Diffie–Hellman  Secure key exchange. Moreover, Telegram makes use of MTProto protocol. It is built upon time-tested algorithms to make security harmonious with quick delivery and reliability on weak connections . The same makes it relatively more secure than mass market messengers like WhatsApp and Line. Download Telegram here ! Also, try- Telegram X 2] Signal Private Messenger Notably, Signal is one of the most downloaded secure messenger apps, thanks to its open...

Building Your E-Commerce Store from the Ground Up

Building Your E-Commerce Store from the Ground Up What features go into the successful creation of an online store? From an outward point of view, important variables such as presentation and quality products will naturally come to mind. Although there is no doubt that these concerns are very real, many start-up business owners fail to appreciate that what takes place behind the scenes is just as important. In this respect, we are referring to the digital architecture behind an e-commerce platform. Cookie-cutter templates and outdated software applications simply will not do. Only the most modern of solutions should be embraced and this is the reason why we will examine a handful of expert tips engineered to ensure that your online store is provided with a strong foundation.   The Main Tenets of a Successful Online E-Commerce Platform Any sales-oriented website needs to be able to exhibit an all-around user-friendly appeal. We are not only referring to the experience of the client in this manner. It is just as pivotal that stakeholders (such as employees and managers) are provided with a top-down point of view so that they can better appreciate how the business is performing. Another suggestion is to use a professional ecommerce store builder which offers a host of intuitive tools. This application will enable you to track current sales campaigns as well as to better understand how customers are reacting to specific products or services. Some of the hallmarks of a prestigious third-party provider include: The ability to accept a variety of payment methods (bank transfers, credit cards and e-wallets). A centralised means to analyse sales figures. Customer and...


Facebook in recent times has been plagued with major controversies involving their handling of data meant to be private down to fake news and hate speech. Finally, there is some good news for Facebook which revolves around augmented reality. In Facebook’s F8 developer annual conference, it was announced that AR filters would be available across all Facebook’s products. This would introduce the filters to Facebook’s newsfeed, Instagram and, messenger. With this announcement, Facebook would most likely have one of the largest AR platforms globally. The basis for the AR filters is the Camera Effects Platform that was unveiled by CEO Mark Zuckerberg at F8 event last year where the filter was introduced first to Facebook’s original camera with the goal of interacting with items mostly digital which can be found around the world. An example of this can be seen in selfie filters where dog ears can be seen hanging just above the head of the person taking the selfie. However, with the introduction of AR filters to other Facebook’s products, Facebook is poised to set itself apart from its competitors. The aim of AR filters can be seen in the diversity or variation of the filters in relation to the application being used. This was emphasized on by Ficus Kirkpatrick who is an engineering director in charge of AR projects for Facebook. He explained that because no two applications are the same, the need for diversity is important. He said “while Facebook is more about intimacy between loved ones, Instagram focuses more on products and icons. This simply means that the filters will be somewhat customized depending on...

Malcare WordPress Security

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Mobile App Developer Singapore
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