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Google “Machine Learning Fairness” Whistleblower Goes Public, says: “burden lifted off of my soul”

 VIDEO: “the police began looking for me…” Google Sent Threatening Letter to Google Insider Zachary Vorhies: “they knew what I had done and that letter contained several demands” HUNDREDS of Internal Google Documents Leaked to Project Veritas… news blacklist, “human raters,” YouTube CEO video… Google Insider Wants More Insiders to Blow Whistle: “people have been waiting for this Google Snowden moment where somebody comes out and explains what everybody already knows to be true”  “I felt that our entire election system was going to be compromised forever, by this company that told the American public that it was not going to do any evil” [This post contains video, click to play] The internal Google documents are available here. (San Francisco) A Google insider who anonymously leaked internal documents to Project Veritas made the decision to go public in an on-the-record video interview. The insider, Zachary Vorhies, decided to go public after receiving a letter from Google, and after he says Google allegedly called the police to perform a “wellness check” on him. Along with the interview, Vorhies asked Project Veritas to publish more of the internal Google documents he had previously leaked. Said Vorhies: “I gave the documents to Project Veritas, I had been collecting the documents for over a year. And the reason why I collected these documents was because I saw something dark and nefarious going on with the company and I realized that there were going to not only tamper with the elections, but use that tampering with the elections to essentially overthrow the United States.” (Do you work in Big Tech? Project Veritas would love...

Top 10 Reasons to Use HTML5 for Mobile App Development

Many organizations are now considering the use of HTML5 for creating mobile apps, especially those who are entrusted with the task of creating mobile apps that can work across several platforms. The apps created using HTML5 are easy to upgrade and require less upkeep as most of the programmers use and know about HTML5, a free and open source language. Since HTML5 mobile apps can work across varied devices as well as on browsers, more and more mobile app developers prefer them. For all these benefits, enterprises are weighing the pros and cons and embracing this platform to serve the requirements of the end users. Listed below are some of the reasons for adopting the HTML5 as a mobile app development tool. 1. Multi-Platform Compatibility An HTML5 app can work on different mobile operating systems, such as Android, iOS, Blackberry or Windows Phone. Browser-based HTML5 applications are available on all the devices that support the HTML5. Cost of developing an HTML5 app is much lower than creating native apps for each of the operating systems 2. Catering to Emerging Markets Demand Perfectly Emerging markets are the largest area of growth for mobile devices. The iPhone and iOS have not gained much popularity in emerging markets, due to their high cost. On the other hand, the HTML5 apps being able to function on a range of devices from cheap to expensive stand a better chance of being accepted by the emerging market. 3. Automatic Updates Automatic updates benefit the users and the application providers alike. Various versions of the apps need not be supported and the end users are spared...

50 Mobile App Development Tips For Acquisition, Retention, and Everything in Between | Optimizely Blog

As of July 2015, there are over 1.5 million apps in the App Store and 1.6 million apps in the Google Play Store. It’s more important than ever to stand out from the crowd. To be talked about. To be remarkable. The question is: How do you develop a mobile app that is so valuable that people use it every month? Every week? Or better yet – every day? Over the last few years, I’ve built 13 mobile apps — 4 of which have hit the Top 100 in the Entertainment, Lifestyle and Business categories — and have worked with leading apps in industries such as technology, transportation, travel, e-commerce, retail and more. Along the way, I’ve taken copious notes on what makes great apps stand out from the crowd and secure those coveted top spots. I consolidated this into a list of tips to help developers, mobile product managers and marketers develop mobile apps that can launch into the stratosphere. The tips are organized by phases of app development. You can click on a link to jump to a specific section: Tips on acquiring new app users. 1. Build a product that solves a problem: Really amazing apps solve a glaring problem. Do you hate standing on the corner on a freezing cold night in an attempt to try to wave down a taxi cab? Use Lyft. Do you want to learn a language but don’t want to commute 45 minutes to sit in a classroom? Use Duolingo. Solve a problem. And do it in an awesome way. This will drive word of mouth referrals. Speaking of referrals… 2. Build a...

Cyber security an essential requirement for SMEs and 21st century start ups-Sanjit Chatterjee – BW Disrupt

“There is a reason why the world of internet is popularly called the ‘Virtual World.’ Just like the physical world, there are the good and the bad guys online too.” Digital technology has manifested itself into all aspects of 21st century business operations. Both service providers and end-users are online. Most importantly, communication and financial transactions which are at the core of any business, take place online these days. While this has taken efficiency and ease of operations to an altogether new level, it has also created opportunities for cyber criminals to breach into an organization and cause potentially irreparable losses. When we talk of start-ups and SMEs, digital presence becomes even more crucial for them because more often than not, they have limited hands to deal with every aspect of business. Digital technology enables them to multi-task as well as automates some of their operations.  SMEs are more vulnerable The common misconception cultivated by start-ups and SMEs is, “we are not the rich guys or the big brands with Big Data, why would anyone come after us?” The truth be told: “Almost 60%[1] of the SME victims of cyber-attacks, shut shop within 6 months of the incident.” Just like the real-world criminals, cyber criminals also look for easy prey and targets that are sitting ducks compared to the fortified large-scale enterprises. Another major theory that must be debunked is that cyber-attacks are performed by a geek operating out of a basement and on the hunt for high-value targets. In reality, majority of the cyber attacks are carried out by automated software programs and scripts that keep searching for...

Why Choose MEAN Stack for Your Web App Development? – Simple Programmer

Why Choose MEAN Stack for Your Web App Development? With every passing year, the number of apps being downloaded is increasing rapidly. In 2018, approximately 205 billion apps were downloaded. This is why software and app development are becoming lucrative career options. However, app development isn’t exactly a piece of cake. Instead, it is marked by a variety of complicated decisions. As an app developer, your ability to make the right decision will govern the quality of your application. Every day, technology is changing. When selecting frameworks, you might have to choose one that is more flexible out of the lot. This is where the MEAN (MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, and Node.js) stack comes in. Currently, most app developers are switching from using LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP) and WAMP (Windows, Apache, MySQL, and PHP) to MEAN stack for app development. This is because the structure of this framework makes it ideal for both small startups as well as enterprises. In this post, I will briefly outline MEAN stack and the advantages of using MEAN stack for your web app development project. What Is MEAN? Before signifying why MEAN is the best framework for your app development, it is essential to understand what it is all about. MEAN is an open-source JavaScript software stack. Each letter of the acronym stands for a different technology. With the combination of these different technologies, app developers can cater to the complex demands of their applications. Here are the technologies that make up MEAN: This is a NoSQL database that makes use of a data model. It features a document-based orientation. Rather than...

Machine Learning’s ‘Amazing’ Ability to Predict Chaos

Half a century ago, the pioneers of chaos theory discovered that the “butterfly effect” makes long-term prediction impossible. Even the smallest perturbation to a complex system (like the weather, the economy or just about anything else) can touch off a concatenation of events that leads to a dramatically divergent future. Unable to pin down the state of these systems precisely enough to predict how they’ll play out, we live under a veil of uncertainty. But now the robots are here to help. In a series of results reported in the journals Physical Review Letters and Chaos, scientists have used machine learning — the same computational technique behind recent successes in artificial intelligence — to predict the future evolution of chaotic systems out to stunningly distant horizons. The approach is being lauded by outside experts as groundbreaking and likely to find wide application. [text] “I find it really amazing how far into the future they predict” a system’s chaotic evolution, said Herbert Jaeger, a professor of computational science at Jacobs University in Bremen, Germany. The findings come from veteran chaos theorist Edward Ott and four collaborators at the University of Maryland. They employed a machine-learning algorithm called reservoir computing to “learn” the dynamics of an archetypal chaotic system called the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation. The evolving solution to this equation behaves like a flame front, flickering as it advances through a combustible medium. The equation also describes drift waves in plasmas and other phenomena, and serves as “a test bed for studying turbulence and spatiotemporal chaos,” said Jaideep Pathak, Ott’s graduate student and the lead author of the new papers. [image] After...

The Cost of Native Mobile App Development is Too Damn High!

If you’re interested in learning more about React Native for your company or team, check out React Native Training. A tipping point has been reached. With the exception of a few unique use cases, it no longer makes sense to build and maintain your mobile applications using native frameworks and native development teams.The cost of native mobile application development has been spiraling out of control for the past few years. It has become increasingly difficult for new startups without substantial funding to create native apps, MVPs and prototypes. Existing companies, who need to hold on to talent in order to iterate on existing applications or build new applications, are fighting tooth and nail with companies from all around the world and will do whatever it takes to retain the best of the best. So what does this mean for all of us? If you are a huge company or you are flush with cash, the old thinking was that as long as you threw enough money at native application development, you did not have anything to worry about. This is no longer the case.Facebook, the last company in the world who you would think of as behind in the war for talent (because they aren’t), was facing problems with their native app that money could not fix. The application had gotten so large and complex that they were seeing compilation times of up to 15 minutes for their mobile app . This means that even testing minor user interface changes, like moving something around by a couple of points, could take hours (or even days).In addition to the long...

Iowa hired a cybersecurity firm to do penetration testing, then arrested its workers – TechSpot

In brief: With data breaches and ransomware attacks seemingly occurring weekly, Iowa state officials thought it would be an opportune time to have professionals test the security at government facilities around the state. So it hired cybersecurity firm Coalfire to conduct penetration testing (pen testing) on both infrastructure components like servers and physical building access. Then something else happened… In one of its tests back in September, two Coalfire employees found a door at the Dallas County Courthouse wide open. They entered the building and intentionally set off an alarm to test law enforcement response, which was part of the job. As per the company’s policy, the security workers waited for the police to show up to show them their paperwork proving they were hired to check the security of the building. Initially, the first deputies on the scene checked their documentation and said they were “good to go.” However, the local sheriff arrived within minutes and arrested them. The employees were charged with third-degree felony burglary and possession of burglary tools. They spent the night in jail, and Coalfire posted their excessive $100,000 bail the next day. The company and its workers expected the state to drop the charges quickly since it had a contract to do pen testing at the courthouse, but it has boiled in to what appears to be a dispute between jurisdictional officials. “Failing to de-escalate the issue and bring in State/County politics, Sheriff Leonard communicated in an email ‘that this building belonged to the taxpayers of Dallas County and the State had no authority to authorize a break-in.'” According to Coalfire, the incident...

[100% Off] The Complete Web Developer Masterclass :Beginner To Advanced | SmartyBro

The Complete Web Development Masterclass: Beginner To Advanced Now get Udemy Coupon 100% Off, all expire in few hours Hurry. you should always try to take Online Classes or Online Courses rather than Udemy The Complete Web Developer Masterclass :Beginner To Advanced Download, as we update lots of resources every now and then. It would be wonderful if you could leave review for this courses and help us improve this course further. feel free to ask as many questions you have, Thank You. if Udemy Free Coupon of this course Sold out then, get 95% Off Udemy Discount Coupon & Udemy Promo Code 2019 The most comprehensive yet precise course on web development to build web development skills. If you aspire to become a professional  web developer  or if you want to get into the field of  web development  then this is the right course to start with. This course is specially designed to build a skillset around all the modern web development technologies which are in-demand by  tech companies  in 2018. Upon course completion, you will be able to build full-stack, mobile responsive, database oriented web applications. Here Is What You Get By Enrolling In This Course: Word-By-Word Explanation:  In the entire course, I explain each line of code, without skipping a single line of code. Awesome Quality Content:  18 hours of HD Videos. Well Structured & Easy To Learn:  Course has been specially designed to make it easy for the students to learn HTML5, CSS, Bootstrap4, JavaScript,ES6 Git & Github, VueJs, NodeJs, PostgreSQL. 24 X 7 Support:  I will always be there to guide you in your...

Mobile App Development Cost – How to Estimate Your Mobile Project | Netguru Blog on Mobile

You have an idea, maybe a product, maybe a website, maybe an interesting service. Any of the above surely prompted you to start with a mobile application. A simple and obvious idea – but what’s next? You would probably want to know about the time scope and budget you will need to invest in the project, so you know whether the idea will pay off. This is where estimation comes into play. The cost of software development is always rigidly correlated with the estimation of the future project. It is very important to plan in detail how much one can afford, so as to not exceed one’s capabilities. Supported mobile platforms, technology, design, scope of features, chosen team – a project can be ready in 3 months or 3 years, so it is really important to think about every one of these things. Choose the platform Today, the choice is seemingly simple. The mobile world is dominated by two operating systems: Android and iOS. The time needed to create an application for both platforms simultaneously is nearly the same as developing just a single one. But when it comes to the cost – it is two times higher. If you are wondering which platform is cheaper to develop for – the answer is simple. The cost is the same for both. You need to think whether your business model allows you to create two applications at the same time. In the absence of such a possibility, it is possible to initially create an application for one platform and, when finances will allow, start with the second one. There is...

Not only Kudankulam, ISRO, too, was alerted of cyber security breach | India News, The Indian Express

Not just the Kudankulam plant of the Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL), the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), too, was alerted of a possible breach by suspected malware, The Indian Express has learnt. On September 3, the National Cyber Coordination Centre, set up under a classified project “to generate necessary situational awareness of existing and potential cyber security threats and enable timely information sharing,” received intelligence from a US-based cybersecurity company that a “threat actor” had breached master “domain controllers” at the Kudankulam plant and at ISRO with a malware, later identified as a “Dtrack.” Sources said both NPCIL and ISRO were alerted on September 4. The breach at the Kudankulam plant became public on October 28 after some of the plant’s data showed up on virustotal.com, an online malware scanning service. How malware hits the system The malware targeting Kudankulam and ISRO in early September was identified as Dtrack. Designed to steal data, a Dtrack can give the “threat actor” complete control over all infected devices. In this case, it targeted domain controllers — the server computer that responds to security authentication requests. On October 29, Kudankulam Nuclear Power Project (KKNPP) said that no cyber-attack was possible on the plant’s standalone control system. The next day, however, NPCIL admitted there had been an infection “in the internet connected network used for administrative purposes” and that “the matter was immediately investigated by DAE specialists.” It added: “This (network) is isolated from the critical internal network. The networks are being continuously monitored. Investigation also confirms that the plant systems are not affected.” But there has been no word...

Google’s Machine Learning Software Has Learned to Replicate Itself

Google’s AutoML Back in May, Google revealed its AutoML project; artificial intelligence (AI) designed to help them create other AIs. Now, Google has announced that AutoML has beaten the human AI engineers at their own game by building machine-learning software that’s more efficient and powerful than the best human-designed systems. An AutoML system recently broke a record for categorizing images by their content, scoring 82 percent. While that’s a relatively simple task, AutoML also beat the human-built system at a more complex task integral to autonomous robots and augmented reality: marking the location of multiple objects in an image. For that task, AutoML scored 43 percent versus the human-built system’s 39 percent. These results are meaningful because even at Google, few people have the requisite expertise to build next generation AI systems. It takes a rarified skill set to automate this area, but once it is achieved, it will change the industry. “Today these are handcrafted by machine learning scientists and literally only a few thousands of scientists around the world can do this,”WIRED reports Google CEO Sundar Pichai said. “We want to enable hundreds of thousands of developers to be able to do it.” Image Credit: Google Much of metalearning is about imitating human neural networks and trying to feed more and more data through those networks. This isn’t — to use an old saw — rocket science. Rather, it’s a lot of plug and chug work that machines are actually well-suited to do once they’ve been trained. The hard part is imitating the brain structure in the first place, and at scales appropriate to take on more complex problems. The Future...

Mobile App Development | Los Angeles

We are mobile technology experts: We have a team of experts in native technologies. iOS SDK, Cocoa Touch ,Xcode Objective C and Android SDK as well as in cross platform technologies including HTML5, CSS3, Core Javascript, PhoneGap, Sencha Touch, jQuery, AngularJS and BackboneJS. As we are confident in various mobile technologies, we love new challenges. We understand businesses and their mobility requirements: It has been a decade that we are working with different businesses and delivering solutions in multiple functional areas including HR, sales & marketing, production and support. So now We fully understand businesses and which enables us to successfully execute mobility strategy of any business. We are UX and UI experts: We are a rare bread. We are technical experts with expertise in UI and user experience. We make user friendly UI for all levels of users. Follow best development practices: We follow best development practices, which allows us to scale up the app as requirement grows. Testing and Responsive Support team: Testing and Support is the key aspect and we take this into consideration from the beginning till the end, and build strong of QA and Support. We have the team and experience: Founded in 2007, today we are a team of 35 designers and developers with 70% repeat business. With every new project our team is constantly pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in a mobile web application. With us, nothing is impossible – immediate application updates, core native applications features, cross-device compatibility, etc. iPhone Mobile Application Development From the time it had appeared iOS gained a huge popularity and today, according to the Q3...

Cyber-security super-brain Rudy Giuliani forgets password, bricks iPhone, begs Apple Store staff for help • The Register

The month after Rudy Giuliani was named the US president’s cybersecurity adviser, the former mayor of New York queued up outside an Apple Store in San Francisco to get staff to reset his iPhone because he couldn’t remember the passcode. Giuliani had typed into the wrong code more than 10 times, seizing up the phone and an Apple staffer reset and restored the iPhone 6 using his iCloud backup, according to NBC News which today saw and posted a picture of the internal Apple memo concerning the visit. The yarn – which has not been disputed – has left security experts stunned. As an adviser on cybersecurity to President Trump and more recently as his personal lawyer, Giuliani has direct access to the White House and, if reports are to be believed, is in charge of a parallel foreign policy effort involving a range of countries, most notably Ukraine. Or, in other words, Giuliani’s phone is a prime target for surveillance efforts and he simply handed it over to a random Apple employee. Not only that but he couldn’t remember his own passcode, and has backed everything up to Apple’s iCloud. He is a walking security risk. A pic of the internal Apple memo on Giuliani’s visit, as obtained by NBC. The news that Giuliani has absolutely zero recognition of the risks associated with such behavior comes just days after it was revealed that he had twice butt-dialed a telly journalist this month, and left potentially incriminating voicemails. In one, he was heard discussing presidential candidate Joe Biden and his son – a topic that become the focus of...

React Native — Is it Really the Future of Mobile App Development?

There have been massive advancements in technology in the past decades. However, only a few sectors have witnessed unprecedented growth; one of them is the mobile app development industry.According to statistics , by the year 2020, mobile apps are predicted to generate $188.9 billion in global revenue via app stores and in-app advertising.The users also require apps that offer flawless performance, seamless navigation, as well as aesthetical appeal. The increasing demand for better, faster, and more innovative apps has led to the urgency to meet the criteria.On the contrary, high performing, quality native apps are time-consuming to develop as compared to cross-platform apps that provide faster deployment but compromise slightly on the performance.To adapt to an increasingly fast-paced world, mobile app developers require enhanced technology to build revolutionary mobile applications and keep in-sync with the demand. React Native has emerged as a viable solution to write brilliant apps, rapidly transforming the world of mobile. What is React Native and its future in the mobile app development? Maintained by the developers at Facebook and Instagram, React Native is the native version of the JavaScript library. It provides a fast track to completion, performs well on targeted platforms, and is easy to debug.Using React Native, you can build mobile apps that are indistinguishable from the apps developed using Java or Objective-C. It uses the same fundamental user interface building blocks as the regular iOS and Android apps, but you assemble the building blocks using React and JavaScript.As a result, React Native has gained massive popularity, community support, and market share within the few years since it was introduced. The Github repository...

National Cyber Security Strategy: Canada’s Vision for Security and Prosperity in the Digital Age

National Cyber Security Strategy Canada’s Vision for Security and Prosperity in the Digital Age Virtually everything Canadians do is touched by technology in some way – on a per capita basis, we spend the most time online of any country in the world, at 43.5 hours per Canadian per month. We are heavily inter-connected and networked, a fact that enhances our quality of life, but also creates vulnerabilities. From commercial supply chains to the critical infrastructure that underpins our economy and our society, the risks in the cyber world have multiplied, accelerated, and grown increasingly malicious. Major corporations, industries and our international allies and partners are engaged in the global cyber challenge. But many others are not — representing a significant risk, but also a missed opportunity in this rapidly growing global industry. While it is important to be keenly aware of cyber threats, Canada’s cyber security policy cannot be driven by fear and defensiveness. With this in mind, the renewal of the existing Cyber Security Strategy has been undertaken with an emphasis on the enormous potential of Canada’s increased leadership in this field. In partnership with the Ministers of Defence, Innovation, Infrastructure, Public Services and the Treasury Board, we consulted directly with Canadians and key stakeholders about how the new strategy could best serve their security needs, while allowing them to benefit from the opportunities that the digital economy offers. Informed by over 2,000 submissions to our public consultation, the Strategy directly addresses the gaps and areas for improvement in Canada’s current cyber security climate. The Strategy’s core goals are reflected in Budget 2018’s substantial investments in cyber...

The 2019 Web Developer Roadmap – A Visual Guide to Becoming a Front End, Back End, or DevOps Developer

There are many ways you can go about picking up the skills you need to become a developer. There are linear curriculums that teach you a bit of everything – like freeCodeCamp’s full stack development curriculum. And then there are massive lists of skills – and sometimes lists of resources – you can use to “choose your own adventure” through the learning process. One of the best such list of skills is Kamran Ahmed’s Developer Roadmap, which he regularly updates. This is no ordinary list of resources. Kamran has painstakingly mapped out all the skills he feels are essential to breaking into different fields of development. I’ve written about his roadmap in the past. And to celebrate us all being half way into 2019, I’m going to share his entire roadmap here – all three of them. That’s right – he has lists of tools and resources that are required for the following paths: The skills all developers need regardless of their specialization In addition to these paths, Kamran also recommends everyone who wants to work as a developer learn the following skills: Git – Version Control Git is a powerful version control system that as of 2019 is used almost universally. If you don’t know it – yes it’s related to GitHub and GitLab, and you can learn how to use those tools, too. Basic Terminal Usage – The Bash Command Line, SSH, and other skills This could be the terminal on a Mac, a Windows DOS prompt, or Bash/ZSH. Note that regardless of which operating system you use, you should probably learn Linux. Even if you’re not...

How to Increase Your Dota 2 MMR: Options and Settings Guide

Dota 2 has quite a few options and settings that you need to know about before diving in. This section deals with the most important ones and provides a quick overview of what they do. If you want to use a Dota 2 boosting service or just increase your Dota 2 MMR by your self, understanding them is essential. HOTKEYS ABILITIESCAST: allows you to set keys for all the abilities you want to cast for a particular hero that you can select.QUICKCAST: allows you to set keys for all the abilities you want to quickcast for a particular hero that you can select. A quickcast ability will trigger as soon as the hotkey is pressed, at the location of the mouse cursor. So basically, it no longer requires you to press left-click. If you want to be able to selectively use some abilities on cast and others on quickcast, you must enable the 3.C setting listed in ADVANCED HOTKEYS (read below).ITEMSCAST: same as for abilities.QUICKCAST: same as for abilities.UNIT ACTIONSSelect Hero: selects your hero. Double tap to reposition the camera on your hero.Select All Controlled Units: selects all the units you control, including your hero.SHOP ACTIONSSelect Courier: selects your team’s courier.Courier Deliver Items: tells the selected courier to deliver your items.Purchase Quickbuy: instantly buys the next item you can afford from your quickbuy list. This is very useful if you’re on the verge of dying, because it allows you to instantly spend your unreliable gold, thus making you lose less of it when you die. To add an item to your quickbuy list, open the shop, hold the Shift...

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