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Evil-Winrm : The Ultimate WinRM Shell For Hacking/Pentesting

Evil-WinRM is the ultimate WinRM shell for hacking/pentesting. WinRM (Windows Remote Management) is the Microsoft implementation of WS-Management Protocol. A standard SOAP based protocol that allows hardware and operating systems from different vendors to interoperate. Microsoft included it in their Operating Systems in order to make life easier to system administrators. This program can be used on any Microsoft Windows Servers with this feature enabled (usually at port 5985), of course only if you have credentials and permissions to use it. So we can say that it could be used in a post-exploitation hacking/pentesting phase. The purpose of this program is to provide nice and easy-to-use features for hacking. It can be used with legitimate purposes by system administrators as well but the most of its features are focused on hacking/pentesting stuff. Features Ruby 2.3 or higher is needed. Some ruby gems are needed as well: winrm >=2.3.2, winrm-fs >=1.3.2, stringio >=0.0.2 and colorize >=0.8.1. Depending of your installation method (3 availables) the installation of them could be required to be done manually. Another important requirement only used for Kerberos auth is to install the Kerberos package used for network authentication. For some Linux like Debian based (Kali, Parrot, etc.) it is called krb5-user. For BlackArch it is called krb5 and probably it could be called in a different way for other Linux distributions. Installation & Quick Start (4 methods) Method 1. Installation directly as ruby gem (dependencies will be installed automatically on your system) Method 2. Git clone and install dependencies on your system manually Method 3. Using bundler (dependencies will not be installed on your system, just...

Key Benefits of Using Angular and Ionic as a Combined Technology for Mobile App Development

As hybrid app development has become more popular these days, the choice of frameworks to ensure superb performance and fluid user interface has become more crucial than ever before. While Angular was almost like the gold standard among all other frameworks for cross-platform app development, the Ionic framework as a new entrant in the mobile app development space enjoyed very quick popularity for its component-based architecture and appealing UI elements. Now, the combination of Angular and Ionic for building mobile apps can really be lethal. Ionic being used on top of the Angular can help to integrate a whole range of critical features like push notifications and analytics. On the other hand, the typical Angular benefits for app developer like interacting ability with external data and backend web servers will continue to empower the app. The result will be a feature-rich and performance optimised mobile app ready to deliver glitch-free user experience and appealing interface. With so much power and promise for mobile app development on offer, certainly, the combination of Angular and Ionic deserves a close scrutiny. Before we guide your attention to this lethal combination of technologies for building hybrid mobile apps, let us have a look at the specific benefits of Angular and Ionic framework. The Power Of Angular Angular was launched way back in 2009 by Google and till date, it remained one of the most popular and widely used JavaScript frameworks. It continued to remain popular because of the simplicity and ease of development it ensures. It is equipped with everything that makes building dynamic web page and app easier. With the release of...

FBI Warns on Rise in Sophisticated Cyber Crimes

On Dec. 14, 2018, Aaron Cole was about to buy a new house and received an email that he thought was from his title company, directing him to make a $123,000 deposit. Cole complied, not realizing that a sophisticated hacker network had likely been spying on his communications with the title company and that although the email looked like others he had received from the title company, this time, the email address was slightly different. A week later, the title company called, advising him it was time to send money. The Oregon man suddenly realized he had given away his family’s life savings to criminals. The money was from the sale of their former house. “It was the worst feeling,” Cole said. “And then having to go home and tell my wife that I just gave away all the money. She could tell right when I walked in the house and just sat down, and I just couldn’t come up with the words to tell her.” In 2015, $220 million was lost to wire fraud in the United States. In 2019, losses will surpass $1.5 billion, according to WFG National Title Insurance Co. In the past, attempts to trick people were often clumsy, FBI agents told journalists on Friday. Now they can be sophisticated. If people are asked via email to transfer money under a deadline, they should not rush and instead call a known number of the person the email is purportedly from and confirm the request, the agents said. “The emails have gotten well-crafted and quite detailed. They’re highly tailored to that particular victim,” said Gabriel Gundersen,...

London web developer, 27, fighting for life after Bali motorbike crash

The latest headlines in your inbox Enter your email address Continue Please enter an email address Email address is invalid Fill out this field Email address is invalid You already have an account. Please log in. Register with your social account or click here to log in I would like to receive lunchtime headlines Monday – Friday plus breaking news alerts, by email Register with your social account or click here to log in I would like to receive lunchtime headlines Monday – Friday plus breaking news alerts, by email A British man is in a coma in Bali after a horrific motorcycle crash left him with severe head trauma. Reuben Armstrong lost control on a tight corner and hit a wall in the island’s main city, Denpasar. He fractured the left side of his skull. His friends say his travel insurer refused to pay out because he was not wearing a helmet. Doctors are said to have efused to operate until his family paid £12,000 for the procedure. The funds were eventually raised by friends and Mr Armstrong’s employer Ian Stratford-Taylor CEO of Equals PLC.  Family and friends of the 27-year-old are now battling to raise enough money to make sure Mr Armstrong gets the treatment he needs and can be flown home when his condition improves. Colleagues of Mr Armstrong have given up a day’s wage to contribute to his medical costs Mr Armstrong has lived in London since he was 18 but spends four to five months of the year in Bali where he works as a web developer for a travel payment card company. “They [the hospital] wouldn’t act until we...

How Can Your Startup Ensure Mobile App Development Success?

Finally, after days of deliberations,  you have landed on an app idea and you are decided to go with it. You want to give shape to your app idea now. But you are still not ready for developing the app. You need to see how the app looks like on a piece of paper. You need a prototype of the app you are going to build. Developing a prototype takes very minimal time.   Prototyping plays a very important role in shaping your idea into a successful mobile app. From prototyping to the final app, there can be other intermediate stages as well. You can build a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) with a minimum number of crucial features and then can add others over a period of time. You can also release a Beta version of the intended app and after incorporating advice and market feedback can build it better into the final marketable app version.   What Exactly Is App Prototype? An app prototype is basically the conceptual model along with a functional description of the app you are going to build. The prototype is basically created to explain how the intended app will work to your investors and the developers of the app. The prototype will explain how it is going to fulfill the user needs and help the user achieve its objective. It is the first model of your intended app that anyone outside of the developer team can engage with. The Benefits of Using Prototype As of now, you must have understood the purpose of using a prototype before building an app. But apart from...

National Guard beefing up cyber security teams ahead of 2020 election

WASHINGTON — Twenty-seven states activated National Guard cyber security cells in November 2018 to help ensure critical network infrastructure remained unobstructed during the mid-term elections, the Guard’s top general said Tuesday, predicting more states would deploy such teams in 2020. As concerns about elections security in the United States have risen in recent years amid threats from Russia and others, the National Guard has increased the size of its cyber force and turned to experts within its ranks who have honed critical cyber skills in their civilian jobs, Air Force Gen. Joseph Lengyel, the commander of the National Guard Bureau, told reporters at the Pentagon. Though those National Guard units were not forced to contend with an active threat to elections in 2018, governors and others have recognized the need to have their own state-level forces prepared to ensure no one tampers with U.S. elections, just as Guard members provide them the ability to respond to a natural disaster, the general said. “Our goal as men and women of the National Guard is to be able to offer these kinds of service to our governors to respond to a domestic event, whether it’s a hurricane, a fire, a flood or a cyber event. It’s just another military skillset that we have that can be used,” Lengyel said. “… Election network security is a very state-centric thing. We’re an additive measure that can augment state response entities … and we’re trying to grow it.” Today, the National Guard boasts some 3,900 cyber troops in 59 cyber units with elements in all 50 states. But it has also looked to cyber...

A Quick Introduction to Neural Networks – the data science blog

An Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is a computational model that is inspired by the way biological neural networks in the human brain process information. Artificial Neural Networks have generated a lot of excitement in Machine Learning research and industry, thanks to many breakthrough results in speech recognition, computer vision and text processing. In this blog post we will try to develop an understanding of a particular type of Artificial Neural Network called the Multi Layer Perceptron. A Single Neuron The basic unit of computation in a neural network is the neuron, often called a node or unit. It receives input from some other nodes, or from an external source and computes an output. Each input has an associated weight (w), which is assigned on the basis of its relative importance to other inputs. The node applies a function f (defined below) to the weighted sum of its inputs as shown in Figure 1 below: Figure 1: a single neuron The above network takes numerical inputs X1 and X2 and has weights w1 and w2 associated with those inputs. Additionally, there is another input 1 with weight b (called the Bias) associated with it. We will learn more details about role of the bias later. The output Y from the neuron is computed as shown in the Figure 1. The function f is non-linear and is called the Activation Function. The purpose of the activation function is to introduce non-linearity into the output of a neuron. This is important because most real world data is non linear and we want neurons to learn thesenon linear representations. Every activation function (or non-linearity) takes a single number and performs a certain fixed mathematical operation on it . There are several activation functions you may encounter in practice:...

My journey to becoming a web developer from scratch without a CS degree (and what I learned from…

First, let me introduce myself. My name is Sergei Garcia, and I’m a full-time front end developer with 2 years experience. In that time, I’ve worked as a front-end developer for both a Forbes 500 consulting firm and a small company.This may not sound like a lot of experience, but finishing my second year as a developer has been a huge milestone for me. This is because I had no real experience doing web development — and not much programming experience in general beyond some basic C# and Java training I got from a few online courses. I also didn’t have a computer science degree since I graduated with a degree in IT project management.I’d never written about my experience despite all the help I’ve received from wonderful resources like Medium, Stack Overflow, and Reddit’s programming subreddits. So today, I decided to change that. Today I’m going to fill you in on what went right, and what didn’t, so that if you’re embarking on this journey, you’ll have better luck than I did.I know that there are a lot of articles like this, but not very many of them discuss the process with the benefit of an extra two years of hindsight.I’ll start off with my journey, including what went wrong along the way. If you just care about what my suggestions for the shortest possible route to becoming a web developer from scratch are, feel free to skip to the last section: The shortest route .So, without any further ado, Let’s get started! Getting the Basics After deciding I wanted to get into web development the first question...

Top Mobile App Development Companies in India and US

Top Mobile App Development Companies in India and US for 2019 What are the best mobile apps development companies in India or the US for the year 2019? I have sorted some of the top mobile apps companies for startups, SMEs and Enterprises. Let’s start! Are you a small business, entrepreneur, ISV who want to make a “BIG” in the Mobile-First World? Definitely! No one wants to lose billions of potential customers who spend maximum time on their smartphones. But, But, But: finding the right mobile app development company is a herculean task! There are millions of application development firms all across the globe, and you should choose the best mobile apps company catering to your business requirements and needs. First of all, let me tell you about myself: I am a software & technology consultant with 12+ years of experience in providing tips to budding enterprises and startups on how they can save their time & money in their next software development project. In this blog, I will make your task easy to find the top mobile apps company in India, US & UK so that you can save your precious time! I have shortlisted these top mobile apps company list after scrutinizing them on the following parameters: = Google search result analysis = Company ratings on Clutch and Goodfirms to check the company’s credibility = Work culture & employee satisfaction on Glassdoor = Personally contacted the company clients to verify customer satisfaction level = Present portfolio and work history of the company = The balance between value for money and quality of mobile app solutions offered = Overall development costs vs the quality...

Stratford partnering with Ryerson University to begin conversation around cyber security | Stratford Beacon Herald

Stratford Mayor Dan Mathieson says it’s time Ontario municipalities start taking cyber security seriously. In a first for the university and possibly a first in the province, Ryerson University’s Rogers Cybersecure Catalyst has partnered with the City of Stratford and investStratford to bring together cyber security experts and representatives from more than 50 Ontario municipalities — most from the southwest region — in Toronto on Nov. 13 to begin a discussion around cyber security and tackle the threat of cyber attack head on. “After Stratford was hit with a cyber attack in April, Catalyst, which is a Ryerson program around cyber security, reached out to me to have a conversation,” Mathieson said. “They are trying to build a best-practices model.” After speaking with staff at the Cybersecure Catalyst on several occasions, an opportunity to host a broader conversation with municipal leadership across the province presented itself. “It’s an opportunity to just get local government, cyber security experts, and the province all in the same room and start having conversations around best practices, opportunities for partnerships, and really take what was a negative situation for the City of Stratford and try to turn it into a positive for us and help us in the future, and also help our other municipal partners and the government,” Mathieson said. According to the event’s agenda, discussions will focus around identifying the cyber security risks Ontario municipal governments are facing, defending local governments against those risks, and responding to cyber attacks when they happen. Mathieson will kick off the event by sharing the lessons learned through Stratford’s experience, which will be followed by presentations...

Web Developer London, UK: Magora

Magora is a London-based web development company, that concentrate the efforts on creation of the advanced digital solutions to ensure your company success in business. We develop bespoke web software, integrated programs, as well as mobile and web apps that enhance your productivity and boost growth. Website or web application, database app or web portal, content management system, intranet system or cloud based solution – these are all products of web-based development, which we have honed to implement for years. We are here to realise your idea, but first of all, we’ll investigate the market, determine the target audience, discuss your priorities and goals, cristallise the unique advantages of your businessand will do a step to development.No matter how bold your ideas and plans are, our IT experts will shape them into sustainable digital strategies, pack all your wishes in the structurised software specification and make them go. User Journey Mapping and Design Prototype Based on the detected target audience preferences and the created system requirement specification, Magora designers will form the user journey map. Our UI experts have extensive experience in designing quality mobile and web interfaces for different operating systems, gadgets and screen sizes. Magora web designers are ready to accumulate all their knowledges, modern trends and thebest practice and implement them into your project. Web Architecture and Programming To create your project efficiently, our program architects will investigate the technologies and equipment, already in use by your IT department and form the software architecture to answer the unique demands of your business and IT. Our team of programmers utilize the international standards of HTML5, PHP, CSS3...

Mobile app development: 6 reasons you should outsource it

Did you know that over the next few years the mobile application market is predicted to generate a $9.5 billion revenue for network operators, handset vendors, and software vendors? In fact, mobile applications those fantastic programs developed specifically for smartphones are a great way for your business to reach customers. With the opportunity of mobile apps more and more smartphones and tablets are hitting the market. The need for mobile app development for various platforms has been never more essential in history then it is today. Now that the main questions that entrepreneurs have to ask themselves do their IT team possess the knowledge and skillset to develop and test mobile applications on various platforms. Or just like any portion of business planning having the proper roadmap and know-how in the most important step towards the development of your mobile app. This is where outsourcing takes the game, so when finding the right agency to work with here are a few reasons why you should consider when outsourcing mobile app development. Low Cost: It is amazingly affordable to hire a digital agency or an individual developer in regions like Vietnam, India, and Ukraine. Some of our very best clients have come to us in need of work, only ask for $400 a month, these are highly educated people and have real college degrees and they speak English perfectly. The challenge for software developers in the regions mentioned above is that it is really hard to find good work. So this presents an opportunity for you and agencies operating in remote areas so that clients can cut their costs and...

TOP Mobile App Development Companies – YouTeam

List of best companies in mobile app development It is hard to imagine modern life without smartphones and mobile apps. Today, we’ve got apps that can do almost everything, and it would be a huge surprise if a desktop software product or web app had no mobile version. By 2019, the number of smartphone users worldwide is predicted to grow up to 2.5 billion. But what was it like just decades ago? Let’s travel back in time and see how the mobile app development evolved. Today’s apps are significantly different from their predecessors. They constantly change and evolve with revolutionary technologies such as machine learning, artificial intelligence, augmented reality, and more. The growing popularity of mobile development increased the demand for mobile applications across all industries, from healthcare to entertainment. In its turn, such tremendous growth increased the demand for Android and iOS development engineers worldwide. So if you are looking for a mobile app development company to outsource your app development project, you have come to the right place. In this article, we are going to share our top 10 trusted mobile app development companies. #1. Liki Mobile Solutions Liki Mobile Solutions is a team of qualified consultants, software architects, experienced designers, and developers. Founded in 2013 in Poland, the company offers the nearshore and offshore outsourcing services as well as team leasing. Experts at Liki specialize in the React, Angular, Node.js, HTML5, Golang, Android, iOS, and Java technologies. Featured Project: App for Football Fans The task of the Liki team was to improve the existing iOS application for the fans of Polish and European football leagues. The...

Infographic: A Beginner’s Guide to Machine Learning Algorithms

We hear the term “machine learning” a lot these days (usually in the context of predictive analysis and artificial intelligence), but machine learning has actually been a field of its own for several decades. Only recently have we been able to really take advantage of machine learning on a broad scale thanks to modern advancements in computing power. But how does machine learning actually work? The answer is simple: algorithms.    Machine learning is a type of artificial intelligence (AI) where computers can essentially learn concepts on their own without being programmed. These are computer programmes that alter their “thinking” (or output) once exposed to new data. In order for machine learning to take place, algorithms are needed. Algorithms are put into the computer and give it rules to follow when dissecting data. Machine learning algorithms are often used in predictive analysis. In business, predictive analysis can be used to tell the business what is most likely to happen in the future. For example, with predictive algorithms, an online T-shirt retailer can use present-day data to predict how many T-shirts they will sell next month.   Regression or Classification While machine learning algorithms can be used for other purposes, we are going to focus on prediction in this guide. Prediction is a process where output variables can be estimated based on input variables. For example, if we input characteristics of a certain house, we can predict the sale price. Prediction problems are divided into two main categories: Regression Problems: The variable we are trying to predict is numerical (e.g., the price of a house) Classification Problems: The variable we...

7 Best Ways to Turn Your Cyber Security Skills Into a $100,000 Career

The world is in major need of more cyber security expert with relevant cyber security skills. A recent report by Cybersecurity Ventures predicted that around 3.5 million cybersecurity positions will be unfilled by 2021. Between 2017 and 2018, demand for cybersecurity professionals grew 7% according to Indeed. Unemployment rates in the industry have remained at 0% since 2016. It is a lucrative, stable and extremely valuable career that will only grow in importance as cyber criminals use more advanced tactics to infiltrate businesses. Hackers are weaponizing AI, subsequently increasing the frequency and effectiveness of attacks and leading to a greater need for cybersecurity experts. It should come as no surprise that companies are willing to go above and beyond to attract the right talent. Let’s take a look at 7 cybersecurity careers with relevant Cyber Security Skills that pay a median salary of over $100,000 per year. Lead Software Security Engineer Through the use of different testing methods and techniques, lead software security engineers plan, develop, implement and maintain a company’s software security strategy. Employers are willing to pay experts in the field well-over $110,000 per year. This is namely due to the fact that this career requires both coding knowledge and leadership skills. As a lead software security engineer, your responsibilities will include reviewing code and debugging issues to improve software security, managing technical documentation, suggesting solutions to security issues and working with your team to achieve goals. Experience in languages such as JavaScript, .NET, Java and C/C++ is often required. Cloud Support Engineer A growing number of companies are beginning to understand the value of cloud technology...

The #1 Web Developer Skills in 2018: Flexbox + CSS Grid

Flexbox and CSS Grid are the #1 web developer skills in 2018 because these new technologies solve many web design challenges. Professional web developers currently have to optimize their design to balance many different priorities. For example, web design must be pixel-perfect and work on devices of all sizes, in all kinds of browsers and their different versions (e.g., Google Chrome 56 vs. Chrome 57). In addition, users expect the web page to load quickly. Get L&D insights delivered to your inbox By signing up, you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. We may use the info you submit to contact you and use data from third parties to personalize your experience. Designers and developers have had to juggle all these issues while constrained by the limitations of the fundamental underlying technology: CSS. CSS is a language that describes the style of an HTML document and how HTML elements should be displayed. However, the main drawback is that CSS does not provide a proper web layout system that allows developers to easily position and align elements on the page. Or rather did not—until Flexbox and CSS Grid came around. The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) has been working on Flexbox since 2009 and on CSS Grid since 2012 to finally provide a proper CSS layout system for virtually all platforms such as Android, iOS, or desktop. 6 Benefits of Flexbox and CSS Grid 1. Facilitates design tasks Both CSS Grid and Flexbox streamline common design tasks such as creating an image gallery, aligning items perfectly, or even implementing whole site layouts. At the same time, they...

Award-Winning Mobile App Development Pittsburgh

Since 2008, Fueled has been redefining the possibilities for mobile app development Pittsburgh. At Fueled, we combine functionality with world-class design to make first-rate products. Our iPhone and Android app developers will take your idea and build it into a beautiful app. What isFueled Fueled is a mobile app design and development agency that creates award-winning mobile apps for enterprise companies and top startup clients. We refuse to produce anything less than the most advanced, beautiful and fully featured user experience possible. Fueled apps are far more than utilities made for everyday use— our team specializes in iOS development, Android development, and web development to deliver products that users can’t live without. Pittsburgh is the home of leading companies in the finance and healthcare industries, such as PNC Financial Services Group and University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. These companies alone employee tens of thousands of Pittsburgh area residents. Our work with Matador and Rite Aid have given us foundations in Fintech and healthcare and with that the ability to create apps for Pittsburgh’s industry leaders. Pittsburgh is a Hub for Mobile Product Innovation Over the past few years, Pittsburgh has been staking out its position as a new tech hub. Exciting robotics startups like Argo AI and CleanRobotics are planting their roots in the fertile ground of the Pittsburgh area. These companies are impressive. Argo AI, for one, is getting a major investment from Ford of $1 billion over the next five years. In 2017, Pittsburgh-based online ticketing company ShowClix received an investment from Providence Strategic Growth, an affiliate of the multibillion-dollar firm, Providence Equity. The deal made ShowClix...

4 Principles That Helped a Former White House Official Make Cyber Security More Accessible

November 8, 2019 6 min read Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. For the first time in history, the greatest threats to institutions and businesses alike are no longer physical. Instead, stealing client information or impairing an organization’s ability to operate is something that’s done predominantly online. With 43 percent of cyber attacks targeting small businesses — and an average of six months before they realize they’ve been compromised — cyber security is becoming more important than ever. But most small businesses don’t have the resources to implement robust protocols. Whether it involves how expensive it is to hire an in-house expert or the price of most outsourced services, access is typically the deal-breaker. Few people understand this conundrum better than Vince Crisler, who served as the White House Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) under President George W. Bush. Leveraging the added expertise he developed from that executive role, Crisler started a cyber security company, Dark Cubed, and has been working on it for the past five years. Recently, I had the chance to chat with him about how he approaches building a company looking to make enterprise-grade network security solutions accessible to smaller businesses, and here are four key takeaways from that conversation.  1. Always think about reducing barriers for customers. As a general rule, the biggest disadvantages a startup has when competing against giants is that it simply doesn’t have access to the same opportunities. Whether you’re talking about hiring the smartest people or investing in services that cost a fortune, big companies may not be doing something radically better, but they sure do have more resources to work with....

Malcare WordPress Security

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