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Useful tips to help you create good habits as a web developer

This article is aimed at junior developers, but may interest anyone as a bank of useful tips on how to grow some good habits.I’m constantly trying to challenge myself and get out of my comfort zone. Here is the summary of the best daily tips I came up with.I try to perfect my working habits as I’m growing, so feel free to suggest some tips not specified in this article to help me too!Alright, first tip. 1. Do technology watch. A LOT. “Technology watch” is the activity of keeping abreast of innovations in a given sector.There’s not a lot more to say, but in my opinion, it’s the easiest way to learn just by reading. Even if you don’t understand the whole subject or learn how to do the magic thing the article talks about, you know that it exists. And that’s what really matters.A lot of services and tools are now available online to help you do this. You should use them because they’ll be your first source of information and new ideas on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.Tools like Netvibes can help you save a lot of time by monitoring all your technology watch in one place. Plus, I would recommend tracking new contents and read all your feeds for example on Monday and Thursday, not every day.Some of the website/forum I read every week : Collectives by Codrops Hackernoon SmashingMagazine FreeCodeCamp CodyHouse Twitter Web Fundamentals by Google Daily Dev Links Daywatch.io But when you’re using content monitoring tools, try to stay focused on a subject related to the skills you want to work on.It’s easy...

Why Ionic Framework Is Popular for Hybrid Mobile App Development?

If you have been into the field of mobile app development for some time, you must have known how user interface has constantly been in the focus. When it is about delivering outstanding value in the mobile app UI, there are not too many great framework choices for cross-platform app development as the Ionic. “A recent survey showed that more than 32% of developers within the next two years are going to switch to hybrid development instead of native” Here through the length of this post, we are going to explain the key strengths of the Ionic framework and how it excels in building robust and performance driven apps with the sophisticated user interface. What Is Ionic Framework? Ionic is basically a framework created expressly for building sophisticated and powerful mobile user interface. The Ionic app development framework built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript comes with a great command-line interface (CLI) making the developer’s job easier and bringing down the learning curve significantly. The framework also comes with additional services such as Ionic View and Ionic Creator. Ionic, unlike many other JavaScript frameworks, brings together the goodness of several technologies. While the top layer of an ionic application holds the core capabilities of the framework in creating an easy interface, the other layers of the application work with different technologies. Angular below the top layer works as a web framework while the Apache Cordova down under helps to utilize the native capabilities. Thus Ionic comes as a mobile app development framework capable to deliver a great user interface and hybrid apps with robust native capabilities as well as web...

10 Best Linux OS for Hacking & Pentesting in 2020

There are different OS for Hacking and Penetration Testing with Linux distro is dedicatedly developed for Security Researchers or Ethical Hackers to perform various operations in security industries with a variety of hacking tools that prebuilt with OS. Linux is an open source it gives you the freedom to choose your own operating system. For that, a lot of developers and companies developed some special distributions for this purpose. Ex: Kali Linux, BackBox Linux, ParrotSecurity OS and so on! Also, you can learn the Best cybersecurity and Ethical hacking course online from leading Elearning Platform. Top 10 Best OS for Hacking & Penetration Testing 1- Kali Linux: Kali Linux is a  #1 Best OS for Hacking and Penetration Testing Distribution based on Debian. Developed by Offensive Security. The first release was on February 5, 2006, it’s a completion of the BackTrack Linux Project. There are 100’s of hacking tools are pre-intstalled with Kali Linux for various operation such as pen testing, malware analysis, forensic analysis, information gathering, networking scanning, exploitation, etc. It used to use GNOME as a Desktop Environment. Nowadays Kali Linux became a Rolling release Distro. It has a lot of tools in the Kali Repositories. Download. Kali Linux Ranked number one in Top 10 Penetration Testing & Ethical Hacking Linux 2020. You can find the complete kali Linux Tools & Tutorials here. 2- Parrot Security OS: Parrot Security is #2 and another Best OS for Hacking and Penetration Testing, Forensics Distro dedicated to Ethical Hackers & Cyber Security Professionals. Parrot OS equally contributing to the security community the same as Kali Linux with a verity of hacking...

Why I think Flutter is the future of mobile app development

I dabbled a bit in Android and iOS development quite a few years back using Java and Objective-C. After spending about a month working with both of them, I decided to move on. I just couldn’t get into it. But recently, I learned about Flutter and decided to give mobile app development another shot. I instantly fell in love with it as it made developing multi-platform apps a ton of fun. Since learning about it, I’ve created an app and a library using it. Flutter seems to be a very promising step forward and I’d like to explain a few different reasons why I believe this. Powered by Dart Flutter uses the Google-developed Dart language. If you’ve used Java before, you’ll be fairly familiar with the syntax of Dart as they are quite similar. Besides the syntax, Dart is a fairly different language. I’m not going to be talking about Dart in depth as it’s a bit out of scope, but I’d like to discuss one of the most helpful features in my opinion. This feature being support for asynchronous operations. Not only does Dart support it, but it makes it exceptionally easy. This is something you’ll most likely be using throughout all of your Flutter applications if you’re doing IO or other time-consuming operations such as querying a database. Without asynchronous operations, any time-consuming operations will cause the program to freeze up until they complete. To prevent this, Dart provides us with the async and await keywords which allow our program to continue execution while waiting for these longer operations to complete. Let’s take a look at a couple of examples:...

Exodus of Cyber Security Team Could Expose White House to Cyber Attacks – CPO Magazine

At a time when global cyber threats seem to be emerging everywhere, the U.S. White House appears to be ignoring the potential risk of a cyber attack carried on the White House’s computer networks. What is most alarming is a recent exodus of at least a dozen senior cyber security officials, all of them former members of the Office of the Chief Information Security Officer (OCISO). In July 2019, the White House carried out a reorganization, in which these members of the White House cyber security team were shifted into the Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO). In the aftermath of this shakeup, former OCISO officials have had their scope of duties removed, and many of their security privileges revoked. All of this is setting up a situation where members of the U.S. Congress are starting to wonder about the long-term security posture of the White House. The politicization of cyber security There’s a lot to unpack here, primarily due to the rampant partisan politics in Washington, D.C. On one hand, the Trump Administration has characterized the reorganization of the OCISO cyber security team as simply a way to improve the overall efficiency and productivity of the White House’s cyber activities and a better way to protect White House computers. Why have two different cyber security teams – the OCISO and the OCIO – carrying out nearly the same duties? There’s a lot of redundancy and inefficiency here, right? On the other hand, opponents of the Trump Administration suggest that the forced exodus of cyber staffers to the private sector is part of a bigger conspiracy, in which...

The 10-minute roadmap to becoming a Junior full stack web developer

So you have started your journey into the world of web development. But what do you learn first? The Internet is overloaded with a wealth of information about the millions of different technologies that a web developer can know.It’s not hard to see how confusing and off-putting it all is. As a former junior developer myself, I know the struggle.This guide has been assembled based on my experience in the industry as a junior developer. This guide is also a summary of things that I, as a team lead, would expect from junior developers.There is a lot of information here – so grab a drink, get comfortable, and let’s get started! The Must Know’s Regardless of your pathway and career goals, there are some things that every developer needs to know. Git/Source control — Every good developer will need to know how to use Git, especially in a team environment. So learn how to clone repos, make commits, create branches, and merge code Debugging — Frontend, or backend, there will be bugs. Get familiar with the debugging tools for your IDE. Speaking of IDE’s… IDE — There are many IDE’s you can use, so pick one and get to know it. Your IDE is your best friend, and knowing the shortcuts and tools will make you a better developer. Personally, I recommend using VS Code. Methodologies (Agile/SCRUM/Kanban) — When operating in a team, the odds are you will be using a product development methodology, so make sure you’re familiar with how they work Front-end A front-end developer can typically perform the following tasks: Implement a design using HTML/CSS Interact...

8 Trends That Will Dominate Mobile App Development in 2019 and Beyond

The New Year is around the corner and reasonably developers are on the lookout for new trends. Obviously, many of these trends are a continuation of the trends that are getting prominent and louder over a couple of years. Alongside this, there is obviously the big promise of new technologies penetrating the mobile app development scene. Considering all, here we picked up some of the most likely development trends in 2019 any mobile app development company needs to watch out. 1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) And Machine Learning (ML) Artificial intelligence (AI) is no longer a breathtaking new technology in the mobile app development landscape. It has already penetrated the app development of smarter applications offering stealthy and most useful interactions. On the other hand, Machine Learning (ML) simultaneously made big progress by allowing developers to utilise user data to build more personalised applications. It is very likely that throughout the coming years we will see more mobile apps across the platforms to use AI and ML for effective user interactions. According to industry veterans and experts, AI will ease out the customer service process remarkably and reduce the need for manpower input to a great extent. Many statistical figures confirm the likely domination of AI and ML throughout 2018 and beyond. As per the IDC, by the time we reach 2018, bigger three fourth of employees who at present are using ERP solutions will go for AI-powered solutions with the objective of boosting efficiency and productivity. On the other hand, AI-powered chatbots will play a bigger role than ever before for customer service operation across business niches. According to...

cleanframes: A Data Cleansing Library for Apache Spark! – DZone Big Data

In the last decade, computer engineering has exploded with solutions based on cloud computing, distributed systems, big data, streaming or artificial intelligence. Today’s world systems are data-intensive so that volumes become higher and cheaper. Shortly speaking, data is at the centre of our interests. One of issues in these area is a data quality — why is it so important? Nowadays, data is everywhere and drives companies and their operations. If we do not make decisions based on reliable or complete information, it might have a huge impact on these and end up with tragic consequences. The data’s correctness and prominence reserves a special discipline, known as a data cleansing, which is focused on removing or correcting coarse records. cleanframes is a small library for Apache Spark to make data cleansing automated and enjoyable. Let’s walk through a problem, step by step, to examine what it takes to make data quality as awesome and reliable as possible!  Let’s introduce a sample data and, for a simplicity-sake, make it a small set: And a domain model that, for its representation, is defined as: If you are wondering why there are options across the case class the answer is simple: Scala primitives are values and cannot be nulls. Options liberate us by setting the dataframe schema columns’ nullability to true. Let’s load the data and check what Spark will do about it: The  collect variable contains the following result: As you can see, due to malformed values, the second and fourth lines don’t retain the correct data and reject entire rows. We would be much better off if it would be possible to ignore only invalid cells and...

Story of Shubham Singh- 25-yr-old techie who is training Mumbai Police on ‘Cyber Crimes’

Cyber attacks are happening in today’s world. It can also lead to data breaches where confidential information is leaked online and then exploited by criminals to commit financial fraud. In a bid to put an end to all these illegal activities, 25-year-old Shubham Singh is helping the police department solve complex cases. At a young age itself, Shubham Singh has impressed Mumbai police force with his hard work and dedication. He had the opportunity to lecture the Mumbai Police on ethical hacking and assisting them to solve tough cybercrimes. He was brought up in a family where computer technology was not common. The turning point of his life was when his Facebook profile was hacked. He started to learn a lot of YouTube videos and other important sources of information for rectifying the problem and he finally got his account back. This very learning experience got him motivated and his passion and interest in ethical hacking increased even more. There is a specific reason as to why they made up their mind to work with the Mumbai Police. The journey began last year when he was lecturing at an institute in Vikhroli. Impressed by his teachings and his interest to tackle cybercrimes, one of his professors put him in touch with the police department. He then started helping them by solving a case with his technical knowledge. Since then, he has been connected with Mumbai Police and has played an important role in solving several cases. Shubham Singh now runs his own start-up named “Cyber World Academy in Vikhroli” which is in collaboration with his friend Soumya Mondal. They...

What 2017 has in Store for Web App Development

Technology isn’t static. It keeps moving, developing and evolving. When the first website was developed decades ago, it was a technological marvel at the time, especially since it gave people a glimpse of what could be achieved via the World Wide Web, which was still in its infancy during the time. Fast forward to today, the internet has become a part of everyday existence and the web experience has extended to applications which grow more interactive and intuitive with each passing year. The web apps today are much faster and propose new opportunities for connecting everyday objects to the web. And the best way to honor this evolution is to analyze the trends that made these innovations happen. In a recent post, we discussed popular trends in mobile app development. This time, let’s review trends that are having a considerable impact on web application development in 2017. Here are our top five picks. 1 – Artificial Intelligence (AI) We are a long way away before machines can mimic human thinking completely, but with the innovations made in AI during the last two years, we are certainly a bit closer to the notion than before. One of these innovations are conversational interfaces. Enabling artificially intelligent solutions to converse, retain what they learned from conversations and base their decisions accordingly has enabled them to offer more intuitive experiences to users. Take, for example, Google Assistant which uses a conversational interface to talk with users to help them do everything from booking a ride on Uber, to making dinner reservations at their restaurants of choice. It learns about users from the conversations...

How to Benefit from Restaurant Mobile App Development Services?

Restaurant business is quite dynamic and challenging one. The invasion of technology in restaurant business was not something market leaders had predicted a decade ago. However, the fast penetration of technologies and corresponding real world applications such as restaurant mobile app development, waiter management solution and smart restaurant kitchen has surpassed the expectations and boosted restaurant business to give excellent ROI. Food Ordering and Delivery This industry has transformed rapidly from merely serving meals to customers that visit the restaurant to allowing them order food online, accessing the menu on website or through restaurant mobile app development services and getting the food delivered at doorstep. In addition to restaurant app development for food ordering purpose, there is demand for apps that enable users to search for different restaurants in the city along with ratings, reviews, photos and details on type of food being served. Get your on-demand delivery app developed to serve the needs of customers of digital age and reap its benefits. Technology Solutions for Restaurant Business Beyond food ordering and delivery, restaurants can leverage the benefit of mobile app by including high-end features and functionalities. Mobile technology can be used to integrate, optimize and streamline all restaurant operations right from calculating the table waitlist turnover to analyzing dinner table order patterns for offering better services to guests. Restaurant Management Solution Restaurant managers can access all the information through mobile app and allocate tasks to waiters accordingly. Restaurant management solution helps managers in supervising customer table management, table allotment to waiters and stewards and kitchen order status. The best part about this solution is that managers can access...

Kali Linux 2019.4 – Penetration Testing & Ethical Hacking Linux Distribution

We are very excited to announce our 2019 fourth and final release, Kali Linux 2019.4, which can be downloaded immediately. This brings the kernel up to version 5.2.9 and includes a variety of new features across the board including NetHunter, ARM and packages (plus fixes and updates for normal bugs). Features Included In Kali Linux 2019.4 So now let us have a detailed look on the same; New Desktop Environment and GTK3 Theme A long time has come for an upgrade to the desktop environment. Since months now, we’ve been thinking about how to fix it, what we needed to do, experimenting with different methods, and so on. We had a few issues that we wanted to address head-on as a summary like Performance issues, Fractured user experience and Modern look. In order to sort this issue, they have tracked down Daniel Ruiz de Alegría and started the development of a new theme running on Xfce. They considered Xfce, since addressed them best while still being accessible to the majority of users. We’re very excited about this new UI update, and it’s going to love all kali users. But as the UI can be a little like religion, don’t worry if you don’t want to abandon Gnome. They still have a Gnome build for you, with a couple of changes in place. As time goes on, they’re going to make changes to all the desktop environments they release to get them “close” to a similar user experience regardless of what DE you run. Because we don’t have the resources to invest extensively in modifying all these different environments, this...

6 Mistakes You Might Be Making As A New Web Developer & How To Avoid Them – DEV Community 👩‍💻👨‍💻

Learning web development is intimidating. There are so many resources and tutorials that it can quickly seem overwhelming. It’s often difficult for beginners to web development to learn the best practices and technologies to focus on. So we’re going to examine six common mistakes that beginners make and how they can be avoided. By learning how to avoid these six mistakes, you’ll be on the road to impressing potential employers and getting your first job. Relying On jQuery jQuery is a JavaScript library which creates a layer of abstraction for DOM manipulation, event handling, animations, and more. Many developers begin their journey into front-end start with the misconception that jQuery is an easier version of JavaScript. What most fail to realize is that jQuery not be a replacement for JavaScript, and relying on it can have severe implications on your ability to thrive as a front-end developer. Many employers may even see jQuery as an impediment to a candidate, because it can show a lack of understanding of core JavaScript concepts. Thus, if you choose to learn jQuery, you must not use it as a crutch for adding behavior to your web applications. Recommendation: Learn JavaScript like the back of your hand. Kyle Simpson has a ton of great (and free) online books for learning the ins-and-outs of JavaScript. Relying On JavaScript Frameworks & Libraries React, Vue, Angular, and more! These are some of the hot frameworks and libraries in the JavaScript community right now. While knowledge of, and ability to work with, popular JavaScript frameworks and libraries are marketable skills to have, you must also have a good...

Cheat Sheets for AI, Neural Networks, Machine Learning, Deep Learning & Big Data

Over the past few months, I have been collecting AI cheat sheets. From time to time I share them with friends and colleagues and recently I have been getting asked a lot, so I decided to organize and share the entire collection. To make things more interesting and give context, I added descriptions and/or excerpts for each major topic.This is the most complete list and the Big-O is at the very end, enjoy… >>> Update: We have recently redesigned these cheat sheets into a Super High Definition PDF. Check them out below: Downloadable: Cheat Sheets for AI, Neural Networks, Machine Learning, Deep Learning & Data Science… Neural Networks >>> If you like this list, you can let me know here.<<< Neural Networks Graphs Ultimate Guide to Leveraging NLP & Machine Learning for your Chatbot Machine Learning Overview Machine Learning: Scikit-learn algorithm This machine learning cheat sheet will help you find the right estimator for the job which is the most difficult part. The flowchart will help you check the documentation and rough guide of each estimator that will help you to know more about the problems and how to solve it. Scikit-Learn Scikit-learn (formerly scikits.learn ) is a free software machine learning library for the Python programming language. It features various classification , regression and clustering algorithms including support vector machines , random forests , gradient boosting , k-means and DBSCAN , and is designed to interoperate with the Python numerical and scientific libraries NumPy and SciPy . MACHINE LEARNING : ALGORITHM CHEAT SHEET This machine learning cheat sheet from Microsoft Azure will help you choose the appropriate machine...

Nativescript 6.0: Cross-Platform Mobile App Development Simplified with Value Offerings

With the launch of React Native 0.6 just a couple of months ago the cross-platform developers got a solid boost. Developers of the React Native app development and other companies with a focus on cross-platform app building had reasons to feel overjoyed. Now, they have more reasons to feel happy. NativeScript 6.0 version is just released. The framework which has already cut a niche reputation for its cross-platform lean coding capability is now updated with a lot of productivity-boosting elements.  The new release of NativeScript is endowed with a lot of valuable cross-platform development features to ensure optimum productivity. Here through the length of this post, we are going to explain some of the key features of NativeScript 6.0, the latest updated version of the framework.  NativeScript AppSync Fast-paced development is something any new update of software development framework should now be aimed at. The ideal framework update will always come with quick fixes that give your app more potential for business conversion is the key. There are several factors that remain out of control in mobile app development, like the approval of an app in the respective store or when the latest update will be availed by the users. So, to make update automatically available is something that every app developer wants to achieve.  To mitigate this gap between app launch and app update, now there is a new beta service with the NativeScript 6.0 and it is called “NativeScript AppSync”. This feature will help the developers to update the latest version of the app instantly and almost in real-time.  This will take of those grey areas that...

What will cyber security look like in 2020? | TechRadar

It’s true; the future of cyber security is AI.  It’s advancing daily, and eventually, all antivirus and general security protection will be provided by AI-enabled analysis. But we’re some way off this yet, and despite advances, AI is only one element in building our security defences against future cyber threats.  It is important to take a risk and business-centric approach to gathering and examining threat intelligence and making informed decisions on this at Board level.  Risks to an organisation can emerge despite having made significant investment in security controls.  We can become complacent once that initial investment has been made and forget that buying a tool is the beginning, and not the end, of the journey. SIEM products provide the best example of this. So, we have a big tick on the spreadsheet next to ‘security’, but does it really mean that the organisation’s defence is any better?  The effectiveness of the product is conditional upon the organisation’s depth of expertise in being able to tune the solution to the specific and properly defined protective security monitoring objectives. It’s rare that organisations have the necessary in-house skills to be able to do this and if they do, you can be sure they will be ‘headhunted’ before too much longer. This complacency, of just investing in software and thinking that it will meet all our requirements ‘out of the box’ rather than understanding potential threats and how the product can help us to manage these, is likely to be leaving your organisation open to attack.  About the author Neil Kell is the Director of Evolve Secure Solutions, part of the...

6 Mistakes You Might Be Making As A New Web Developer & How To Avoid Them

Learning web development is intimidating. There are so many resources and tutorials that it can quickly seem overwhelming. It’s often difficult for beginners to web development to learn the best practices and technologies to focus on. So we’re going to examine six common mistakes that beginners make and how they can be avoided. By learning how to avoid these six mistakes, you’ll be on the road to impressing potential employers and getting your first job. Relying On jQuery jQuery is a JavaScript library which creates a layer of abstraction for DOM manipulation, event handling, animations, and more. Many developers begin their journey into front-end start with the misconception that jQuery is an easier version of JavaScript. What most fail to realize is that jQuery not be a replacement for JavaScript, and relying on it can have severe implications on your ability to thrive as a front-end developer. Many employers may even see jQuery as an impediment to a candidate, because it can show a lack of understanding of core JavaScript concepts. Thus, if you choose to learn jQuery, you must not use it as a crutch for adding behavior to your web applications. Recommendation: Learn JavaScript like the back of your hand. Kyle Simpson has a ton of great (and free) online books for learning the ins-and-outs of JavaScript. Relying On JavaScript Frameworks & Libraries React, Vue, Angular, and more! These are some of the hot frameworks and libraries in the JavaScript community right now. While knowledge of, and ability to work with, popular JavaScript frameworks and libraries are marketable skills to have, you must also have a good...

World’s Top 50+ Mobile App Development Companies in 2019 | Best App Developers

» Mobile App Development Companies – Are you looking for top mobile app development companies? AppDeveloperListing has curated this guide for you. It will not just guide you to find the best mobile app developers in but will also share the reviews and other necessary information related to it. » Mobile App Development Companies in USA – With the leap of the smartphone industry, we have seen a surge in the growth of mobile app development companies in the United States. From building product related apps to games and services, the plunge of apps in the current market is increasing at a rapid rate. » Mobile App Development Companies Washington – Looking for the top mobile app development companies in Washington? This guide will help you decide the best mobile app developer for your business. With growing mobile apps in the market, every business is now looking to get their hands on the same. » App Development Companies Los Angeles – Are you based out of Los Angeles and have a business that needs a mobile app? You do have a logical idea of what mobile app you want to make. You might also have the design of it. Now all you need is a mobile app development company in Los Angeles that can create a mobile app for you. » App Development Companies in India – In recent years, India has become a technological hub for many digitally-acclaimed businesses. As the smartphone trend is capturing world-market, the requirement for apps has competitively increased. » App Development Companies In Belarus – Are you looking for top mobile app development...
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