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Is Firebase the Growth Star For Mobile App Development?

Any company providing mobile app development service is aware of the challenges involved in building apps in terms of time consumption and cost. This is why any new technology that helps to curb the cost and development time can have a significantly positive impact on the development process. Firebase has emerged as one of the reliable technologies for developers to reduce time and cost of development. This framework well equipped with creative elements can take away a lot of burden off the shoulders of developers. In the course of this post, we are going to define Firebase and the myriad ways it benefits developers. Let’s start with the definition and a brief description of the framework before moving over to the benefits of Firebase. What is Firebase And How It Works? Firebase was launched in the April 2012 to be the only framework capable to allow users saving and syncing information across various user interfaces with the help of a real-time database that can be incorporated as an API. While this promise of syncing information through real-time database was the only promise with which Firebase made a start, just after two years when the framework was adopted by Google, it came out as a robust framework equipped to boot for modern app development environments. Firebase can be defined as the mobile app development framework offering a real-time database allowing syncing information across user interfaces and customers in real time. Thanks to Firebase any update of an app can be accessed and made available by all users in real time. The great boost to user experience offered by this framework...

DroneSploit – A pentesting console framework dedicated to drones

This CLI framework is based on sploitkit and is an attempt to gather hacking techniques and exploits especially focused on drone hacking. For the ease of use, the interface has a layout that looks like Metasploit. DroneSploit was created by Alexandre D’Hondt and Yannick Pasquazzo. The project is still in the development stage, as both developers are working to improve its capabilities. For now, DroneSploit is designed to target only WiFi-controlled drones and includes a set of modules (based on Aircrack-NG) that allows users to hack into poorly configured ones. DroneSploit currently supports modules for the C-me and Flitt drones (Hobbico). New modules for other brands and models (including Parrot and DJI) are in development and due to be added shortly. The project was presented at Black Hat Europe Arsenal 2019, and you can download the presentation from here. This project is available on PyPi and can be simply installed using Pip: 1. Startup The console is started using the launcher main.py. It may ask for sudo rights as it must have the permission for setting WiFi interfaces. At startup, a banner is shown and a summary of the available modules is shown. Some requirements can be unsatisfied at startup like in the picture above. The command show issues allows to identify how this can be fixed. 2.1 From the root console This will display multiple sections in function of the context ; 2.2 From the project console Now being into the context of a project, we now see the general commands again but with the project commands as the section for level-specific commands; Example: Getting help in DroneSploit – Project-level commands: 2.3 From...

How Natalie Sacked Her Web Developer And Never Looked Back

How Natalie Sacked Her Web Developer And Never Looked Back “I HAVE HAD IT WITH MY WEB DEVELOPER!”, Natalie, Graphic Designer I met Natalie about 7 months ago at one of our courses in London. Her story was not a surprise to me as I have heard her story time and time again. What I love about Natalie’s story is how she threw herself into building websites because she simply had enough. “I HAVE HAD IT WITH MY WEB DEVELOPER!”, Natalie, Graphic Designer So what had happened? Why didn’t it work out? Out Of Control She had a really important client, you know the ones, they give you most of your money and you know you should spread your risk out by not relying on one big client, but this was the case. This was her best client and it is really important to keep them happy. They had a PSD of the website designed by Natalie and she outsourced it her web developer. The client asked for a really small change. She’d email the web developer and ask him for a fix and after a day went by he didn’t write back. So she emailed again. The web developer replied and said “i’m really busy at the moment, i can book it in for 2 weeks time”, to say that Natalie was peeved off is an understatement! She knew the fix would take less than 2 minutes for the web developer, yet he simply refused to do it. What’s even more annoying is that the web developer charged her £50 to do it! She was pretty much between a...

Mobile App Development Company India | Mobile Application Design and Development Services | VOCSO

We provide handy business and finance apps for your business growth. VOCSO is the most affordable mobile app development agency, creates intuitive and engaging iOS and Android apps to manage your business finance. We design and develop perfect entertainment apps which perform faster on iPhone and Android devices. Entertainment apps developed by VOCSO’s help mobile users kill their boredom and let increase entertainment quotient. VOCSO is the fastest growing mobile app development agency, provides awesome health and fitness apps for iPhone and Android users to help them lead a healthier, happier life. Hire professional mobile health app developers for the medical & health-based business/industry from VOCSO. We design and develop high performance and friendly social networking apps to make your social media business like the most popular social networking apps. Get custom-built, beautifully designed social media applications that help brands & businesses harness the power of social networks to engage their audience. If you are really keen to build a community around your product and services, the social network app developed by VOCSO’s can be a great way to create, nurture and manage one to boost social media presence. VOCSO is a technologically advanced Travel App Development firm, with a team of very innovative designers and superb developers. We are developing mobile applications for the travel & lifestyle businesses and agencies since 2009. With travel, lifestyle and sports apps solution, we add various features in one app. Launch your brand new travel and lifestyle mobile app with a full pack of features with VOCSO’s. We are a leading Platform for creating a mobile app for a magazine or a...

5 of the Most Popular Penetration Testing Tools Found in Kali Linux – Latest Hacking News

Hacking specialists and penetration testers are the new norms of the modern era. With many companies now being based online the need for security specialists has risen sharply. If you are willing to learn ethical hacking It is advised you get your hands on some of the best hacking books. Such ebooks will help gain knowledge within the cyber security industry and are a great pre-requisite before using pen testing tools. Whether you are getting into pen testing or looking to defend your own network, we have some great tools; many of which are included in Kali Linux Nmap Nmap is a powerful assessment tool when used to scan a network. The tool allows one to discover open ports and running services along with their associated version numbers, Nmap also has the addition of a fantastic scripting engine which when used properly can be a very powerful addition to a network pen test. Wireshark Wireshark is a popular network analysis tool. It is designed to scan for packets passing through a network and is the favourite analysis tool for many socket exploit writers looking to ensure their code is working as expected or for pen testers looking to troubleshoot their tools. BurpSuite  Burpsuite is the go-to tool for nearly every web application penetration tester, the community edition provides the proxy as well as a few other handy tools like the comparer, repeater and sequencer, all very time saving when pen testing. The paid version is a must have if already working in the industry. WPScan WPScan is tool designed specifically to find vulnerabilities within WordPress websites. It can locate...

How to Become a Web Developer Without Losing Your Mind

Becoming a web developer is a path littered with mental traps. Step carefully on the muddy footprints of those who walked before you. Three and a half years ago, I left my career in banking and started an infinitely more fulfilling career as a web developer. Recently, I compiled my story and the lessons I learned into an ebook called How To Become a Web Developer: The Career Changer’s Guide .If becoming a developer is your goal, here are some common traps to look out for. Scattershot Syndrome You’re going to get a lot of advice from experienced developers. They’ll tell you the best languages to learn, the skills you need, and the tools you absolutely must use. Their advice will be solid — and exactly the opposite of the advice you got yesterday.Don’t get lost in a sandstorm of good advice.If you are dabbling in a new language every month, switching text editors frequently, and jumping from resource to resource, STOP! You’re walking in circles.Language and tool choice feel very important in the moment, but in reality, they’re just details. Any popular language will get you where you need to be. The important thing is consistency.Pick one language and learn it so well you could write a book about it. Choose one resource and exhaust its usefulness. Download the simplest text editor you can find and marry it.Whatever you do, don’t waste time dabbling in a million different technologies. Nobody Here But Us Impostors Some days you’ll wonder if you’re really cut out for this coding thing.That feeling is called impostor syndrome, and it’s kryptonite for developers.Anything can...

Mobile App Development Lifecycle Guide that Every Developer Should Bookmark

When it comes to mobile app development, every step of the process is as vital as the next. Cutting corners anywhere can cost the final product stability and user interest. As mobile app developers, it is important to maintain an understanding of each step of the mobile app development lifecycle. This will provide you with the ability to maintain focus on the task at hand while not missing key aspects of the development process. Below we list the mobile app development lifecycle for your use while coding and developing your apps. Whether you are developing the app yourself or are hiring a mobile application development company to do it for you, this will help you make a schedule. Phase 1: Envision Prior to any wireframing or design, a concept for the app must be created. Take the time to envision the purpose of the app and what need will be met when the user interacts with your product. Rushing through this process will undoubtedly impact the quality of your app in the end. Compile a list of all possible mobile app ideas. Brainstorm and research by looking at other successful mobile apps. Often looking at what other companies have done inspires an idea for an improved product. Begin filtering out lower quality ideas with the desire to end with just one great idea. Complete market research as you focus in on the app you plan to build. Understand the market gaps and what the consumer base is requesting from their products. Do not be surprised if the market research births a new or revised mobile app idea. Be sure...

Huawei is a cyber-security risk

NO FIRM EXEMPLIFIES the arguments around technology better than Huawei. The Chinese firm has risen from an obscure importer of foreign telecoms gear to one of the world’s biggest makers of equipment for fifth-generation (5G) mobile networks. Its prowess has caused jitters in other countries, which worry that Huawei’s kit might come with “back doors”—deliberate security holes that could act as conduits for Chinese spies or cyber-saboteurs. America, in particular, has the firm in its sights. It orchestrated the arrest in Canada of Meng Wanzhou, Huawei’s chief financial officer (and daughter of its founder), who was in court this week on charges of sanctions-busting (see article). It has been lobbying allies to freeze the firm out of their domestic 5G systems. Australia and Japan have already done so. A decision in Britain is due by the end of the month; it seems minded to risk a transatlantic tiff and give the firm the green light. In Germany Angela Merkel is at odds with the many in her party who want to keep Huawei out (see article). Other countries, from Brazil to India, must make similar choices. The hawks have a strong case. No back doors have so far been found in Huawei’s gear. But big countries are not above using tech champions for espionage. It is foolish to assume that China, with its long record of hacking and intellectual-property theft, is an exception. The country is a one-party dictatorship. Under Xi Jinping it has become increasingly repressive at home and assertive abroad. Huawei insists it does not aid spying overseas and would refuse to do so if asked. The...

In China, facial recognition is sharp end of big data drive for total surveillance

Beijing bets on facial recognition in a big drive for total surveillance For 40-year-old Mao Ya, the facial recognition camera that allows access to her apartment house is simply a useful convenience. CCTV footage taken in Beijing uses the facial-recognition system Face++. China, unburdened by concerns about privacy or civil rights, is integrating private cameras and security cameras into a nationwide surveillance system. “If I am carrying shopping bags in both hands, I just have to look ahead and the door swings open,” she said. “And my 5-year-old daughter can just look up at the camera and get in. It’s good for kids because they often lose their keys.” But for the police, the cameras that replaced the residents’ old entry cards serve quite a different purpose. Now they can see who’s coming and going, and by combining artificial intelligence with a huge national bank of photos, the system in this pilot project should enable police to identify what one police report, shared with The Washington Post, called the “bad guys” who once might have slipped by. Facial recognition is the new hot tech topic in China. Banks, airports, hotels and even public toilets are all trying to verify people’s identities by analyzing their faces. But the police and security state have been the most enthusiastic about embracing this new technology. The pilot in Chongqing forms one tiny part of an ambitious plan, known as “Xue Liang,” which can be translated as “Sharp Eyes.” The intent is to connect the security cameras that already scan roads, shopping malls and transport hubs with private cameras on compounds and buildings, and...

Beginners Guide to Internet Marketing

IMG SOURCE: https://www.pexels.com/photo/laptop-technology-ipad-tablet-35550/ Internet marketing is probably one of the best sets of strategies that you need to utilize for the betterment of your business; the online and digital world are the perfect place to generate leads and converting them into sales. This will help you gain more profits and exposure, taking your business to a whole new level of success. So, if you’re just starting out, we’ve come up with some of the best internet marketing strategies that you should start considering. Email Marketing This is one of the best techniques you could use; it’s very effective and the results are extremely rewarding. When you manage to get a customer’s email and this customer once bought a product from you, you could try and remarket to them with new products that they might like. Also, you could give them nice offers that they might find interesting, making them your customers again. If your potential customers created an account on your website and provided you with their email, you can continue to do the same by sending follow up emails and appealing offers to reel them in for the sale. Pay-Per-Click Another cool internet marketing method is this strategy of advertising to people using the PPC method, gaining people’s attention online quite effectively. They are basically a set of ads that appear on someone’s search list when they search for something specific, so learning about it can be very beneficial to you and your company. The instructors and marketers at https://elearningindustry.com/advertise/elearning-marketing-strategies/learning-management-system-lms-ppc-campaign-guide-elearning-industry believe that you can maximize your ROI with this marketing method, but with a nice twist along the...

House Passes Three Bills To Advance 5G and Cyber Security in US

Re: Bipartisan Efforts Champion Anti-Health, Anti-Environment, Pro-Unlawful Surveillance Legislation to advance 5G -- H.R. 2881, H.R. 4500, H.R. 575. Contact Info for Bill Cosponsors and Action link below. 9 January 2020  | BY MASOOMA HAQ | The Epoch Times | The Senate side of the Capitol is seen on the morning of Dec. 19, 2019. (J. Scott Applewhite/AP Photo) A package of bills designed to give the United States an advantage over China in the race to employ 5G, the fastest wireless networks available, were passed by the House on Wednesday. There was almost unanimous support from representatives for the three bipartisan bills, which would channel federal resources into projects that ensure international wireless policies meet global standards while protecting the growing industry against foreign influence and cyberattacks. The H.R. 2881, the “Secure 5G, and Beyond Act of 2019” bill would require the president to develop a national security strategy to ensure the safety of 5G wireless systems and infrastructure in consultation with various Federal Agencies. Another bill, H.R. 4500will lead U.S. companies and U.S. stakeholders to participate in global standards-setting. Furthermore, bill H.R. 575 will prohibit federal funds from being used on telecommunications equipment that could pose a threat to critical infrastructure and creates a fund to replace current equipment manufactured by particular foreign companies. The legislation comes at a time when there are multiple concerns about cyber-security threats to the United States from the international community. 5G will offer mobile data speeds up to 100 times what is currently possible. Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-N.J.) and Communications and Technology Subcommittee Chairman Mike Doyle (D-Pa.) released a statement...

Brazilian prosecutors charge American journalist Glenn Greenwald with cyber crimes

Brazilian federal prosecutors on Tuesday charged American journalist Glenn Greenwald with cyber crimes over his role in the publication of articles based on leaked cellphone messages from Brazilian government officials.  The New York Times reported that prosecutors accused Greenwald, who is the co-founding editor of The Intercept, as being a member of a “criminal organization” that hacked into phones of Brazilian officials last year.  The charges were brought against Greenwald months after Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro warned that Greenwald would “do jail time in Brazil” following the publication of private phone conversations involving Brazilian Justice Minister Sergio Moro.  In a statement Tuesday, Greenwald strongly pushed back against the charges. “Less than two months ago, after examining the same evidence cited today by Brazil’s Public Ministry, the Federal Police stated that not only have I never committed any crimes in my contacts with our source, but also that I exercised extreme caution as a journalist,” Greenwald said. New: In statement, @ggreenwald says the accusation “is an obvious attempt to attack a free press in retaliation for the revelations” reported in The Intercept pic.twitter.com/YSIK4UIgqK — Oliver Darcy (@oliverdarcy) He added that the new accusation “is an obvious attempt to attack a free press in retaliation for the revelations we reported about Minister Moro and the Bolsonaro government.” These phone conversations were published as part of a series by The Intercept, with the stories raising concerns about corruption within the Brazilian government, including the possibility that Moro had worked to shield Bolsonaro’s son, federal Sen. Flávio Bolsonaro, from scrutiny from an anti-corruption investigation.   Moro subsequently announced that four individuals were arrested for allegedly hacking...

17 Free Data Science Projects To Boost Your Knowledge & Skills

Introduction Data science projects offer you a promising way to kick-start your analytics career. Not only you get to learn data science by applying, you also get projects to showcase on your CV. Nowadays, recruiters evaluate a candidate’s potential by his/her work, not as much by certificates and resumes. It wouldn’t matter, if you just tell them how much you know, if you have nothing to show them! That’s where most people struggle and miss out! You might have worked on several problems, but if you can’t make it presentable & explanatory, how on earth would someone know what you are capable of? That’s where these projects would help you. Think of the time spend on these projects like your training sessions. I guarantee, the more time you spend, the better you’ll become! The data sets in the list below are handpicked. I’ve made sure to provide you a taste of variety of problems from different domains with different sizes. I believe, everyone must learn to smartly work on large data sets, hence large data sets are added. Also, I’ve made sure all the data sets are open and free to access. Useful Information To help you decide your start line, I’ve divided the data set into 3 levels namely: Beginner Level: This level comprises of data sets which are fairly easy to work with, and doesn’t require complex data science techniques. You can solve them using basic regression / classification algorithms. Also, these data sets have enough open tutorials to get you going. In this list, I’ve provided tutorials also to help you get started. Intermediate Level: This level comprises of data sets which are challenging. It consists of mid...

10 Reasons to Use React Native for Mobile App Development

In this digital age, all users want quick information and most of the businesses want to give a better mobile app experience to their users. There are so many mobile app development frameworks available and React Native is one of that.React Native is a cross-platform mobile app development framework like PhoneGap and it is used to build an extensive app for Android and iOS smartphones. In this article, we will discuss what is React Native and why should you choose it for your business mobile app development. What is React Native? React Native is an open-source framework for mobile app development and it was launched by Facebook . When it comes to choosing, entrepreneurs have a soft side to react native.There so many famous companies already used this framework and never failed a day. Many tech giants including Skype, UberEats, delivery.com, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Vogue, Tesla, Bloomberg, and others have turned towards React Native for iOS and Android platforms.You also get benefits in cost when choosing React Native . This framework lays the ground open to all formats for a user to gain access to the particular app. It allows you to operate as hybrid mobile app development in a lucid manner. Why Choose React Native for Mobile App Development? Below top reasons listed for choosing React Native. Works under tight budget constraints When you are starting your business, money is the most significant factor you are concerned about. Every start-up wants to achieve fast returns to survive in the tech-savvy market. One has to develop faster and stay longer. The big reason to hire React Native developer is...

Vulnerability Scanning vs. Penetration Testing: What’s the Difference?

It amazes me how many people confuse the importance of vulnerability scanning with penetration testing. Vulnerability scanning cannot replace the importance of penetration testing, and penetration testing, on its own, cannot secure the entire network. Both are important at their respective levels, needed in cyber risk analysis, and are required by standards such as PCI, HIPPA, ISO 27001, etc. Penetration testing exploits a vulnerability in your system architecture while vulnerability scanning (or assessment) checks for known vulnerabilities and generates a report on risk exposure. Either penetration testing or vulnerability scanning depends mostly on three factors Penetration testing scope is targeted and there is always a human factor involved. There is no automated penetration testing thing. Penetration testing requires the use of tools, sometimes a lot of tools. But it also requires an extremely experienced person to conduct penetration testing. A good penetration tester always at some point during their testing craft a script, change parameters of an attack or tweak settings of the tools he or she may be using. It could be at application or network level but specific to a function, department or number of assets.  One can include whole infrastructure and all applications but that is impractical in the real world because of cost and time. You define your scope on a number of factors that are mainly based on risk and how important is an asset. Spending a lot of money on low-risk assets which may take a number of days to exploit is not practical.   Penetration testing requires high skilled knowledge and that’s why it is costly. Penetration testers often exploit a new vulnerability...

The Key Benefits of Native Mobile App Development

Mobile app development, no doubt, is a profit reaping strategy for any business enterprise but at the same time challenging as well for the developers. This is challenging because mobile app development isn’t a spontaneous decision; there are many vital factors that the entrepreneur has to consider and take decisions depending on his/her business requisites. It begins with choosing the right the mobile app type, Operating System for the app i.e. Android or iOS, development of the Minimum Viable Product or the MVP, selecting the most necessary features, and the choice between native and hybrid platform etc. Both native and hybrid mobile app development have their pros and cons. But of late, the native mobile apps are getting more preference in comparison to the hybrid apps. This is primarily due to the various advantages that they offer. What is a Native Mobile App Development? Before we can actually discuss the major benefits of native apps, let’s dig into what the native mobile app development is. When developers are developing native apps, they are mostly focusing on the specific type of Operating System such as Android or iOS. As for the users, they can access the mobile application using the Apple Store or the Google Play Store. While creating the native apps, the developers can implement the two most common programming languages for both the major OS; including Swift and Objective C and Kotlin and Java. The Google Android and Apple iOS also offer development tools, Software Development Kit as well as interface elements. Major Benefits of Native Mobile App Development The web apps depend on some browsers and core...

US federal library program website down after hacked by ‘Iranian cyber security group’ (PHOTOS)

A Federal Depository Library Program (FDPL) website’s front page briefly showed an image of the US leader getting smacked in the face along with a vow to avenge the killing of a top Iranian general before it went offline. The website run by the FDPL, a US government program set up to ensure US federal government publications are available to public free of charge, was apparently hacked by a group claiming to hail from Iran on Saturday evening. NEW: The Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) website appears to have been hacked by an Iranian group. At the bottom of the page the “Iran Cyber Security Group HackerS” take credit. “#SpadSecurityGroup” also appears. pic.twitter.com/quK7mRdW6s — Tracking Global Developments (@GlobalConflict8) January 5, 2020 The site, which currently cannot be accessed, briefly sported a message purportedly left by the perpetrators, calling themselves “Iran Cyber Security Group HackerS.” The front page showed a close-up shot of US President Donald Trump getting punched in the face with blood coming out of his mouth. The fist was made to look like it belonged to a uniformed member of the Iran Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), with the elite’s force official logo, known as Pasdaran, visible on the sleeve. Apparent hacking by an #Iran-linked group of a US government website (the little-known Federal Depository Library Program). https://t.co/r47ODmt4Pw is currently offline. pic.twitter.com/8dx7EDUZvu — Steve Herman (@W7VOA) January 5, 2020 Accompanying the picture was a message in Persian and in English, promising “severe revenge” on those who are complicit in the assassination of IRGC’s Quds Force leader, Qassem Soleimani, killed in a US drone strike in Baghdad on Thursday. “Martyrdom was...

Opinion: Modern high school math should be about data science — not Algebra 2

Thanks to the information revolution, a stunning 90% of the data created by humanity has been generated in just the past two years. Yet the math taught in U.S. schools hasn’t materially changed since Sputnik was sent into orbit in the late 1950s. Our high school students are taught algebra, geometry, a second year of algebra, and calculus (for the most advanced students) because Eisenhower-era policymakers believed this curriculum would produce the best rocket scientists to work on projects during the Cold War. It has been 50 years since the U.S. reached the moon, almost 30 years since the Berlin Wall fell. Technology has advanced to the point that tiny powerful computers are routinely carried around in pockets and purses. Times have changed, and so has the math people use in everyday life. We surveyed 900 “Freakonomics” podcast listeners — a pretty nerdy group, we must admit — and discovered that less than 12% used any algebra, trigonometry or calculus in their daily lives. Only 2% use integrals or derivatives, the foundational building blocks of calculus. In contrast, a whopping 66% work with basic analytical software like Microsoft Excel on a daily basis. When was the last time you divided a polynomial? If you were asked to do so today, would you remember how? For the most part, students are no longer taught to write cursive, how to use a slide rule, or any number of things that were once useful in everyday life. Let’s put working out polynomial division using pencil and paper on the same ash heap as sock darning and shorthand. What we propose is as...

Malcare WordPress Security

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