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Here’s how big data helps H&M better engage with shoppers

Do you think Nikita from New York and Melissa from Memphis would buy the same kind of clothes or be attracted to the same top? It’s hard to argue that they will. Yet, H&M and hundreds of other retailers choose to bring the same “new” product line and replicate the same store format, in all outlets across the country. However, if the Wall Street Journal‘s reports are to be believed, H&M has learned to question this practice. Instead, the retailer will use big data and artificial intelligence (AI) to radically transform how it manages stores in each location to better engage with and entice shoppers. READ NEXT AI in retail: First-movers and laggards Previously, the company used to rely on staff to spot trends in fashion. Now, in order to predict trends three to eight months in advance, H&M will be analyzing data from blog posts, search engines, and other sources. To facilitate the analyses, the retailer has reportedly reeled in 200 internal and external data scientists, analysts, and engineers to. Their job is to use the analytics to review purchasing patterns of every item in each store. H&M’s dataset seems to be pretty robust. It includes information from 5 billion visits last year to each of its stores and websites, as well as data from external sources. According to the WSJ, the chain’s algorithms take into account any factor that impacts the business, even currency fluctuations. The retail giant believes that this new approach will help resist competition from e-commerce businesses growing increasingly popular with deal-hungry millennials. YOU MIGHT LIKE E-COMMERCE Transforming from traditional retail business to online retail Media...

What Are The Various Phases Of Mobile App Development?

Even with all the evidence pointing in favor of building your application, don’t decide to move forward lightly. With over 1.5 million apps each in Apple’s App and Google Play Store, it’s important to run through the mobile app development process and how your application will fit in with both your marketing goals and your market niche. Mobile App Development Lifecycle is just a representation of the conventional Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) from the perspective of a mobile device.In today’s time, making a mobile application isn’t rocket science. However, making a successful mobile application is a process involving quite an extensive pre-planning. Building your mobile application could be as easy as opening up the IDE, throwing a few things together, doing a fast round of testing, and submitting it to an App Store, all done in half day’s work. Or you can make it an extremely involved process involving rigorous up-front design, QA testing on a whole lot of devices, usability testing, a full beta lifecycle, and then deployment some different ways. The path you choose will give shape to your vision. With that said, here’s a look at the app development lifecycle and the objectives and challenges along the way. 1. The Research All apps start with an idea, even if yours is just to have a mobile app presence. Refine that idea into a solid basis for an application. Make sure your initial analysis includes actual demographics, motivations, behavior patterns and goals of your buyer persona. During each stage of the process, keep the end user in mind. Now, try to think of your customer’s lifecycle, once...

Cyber Security Skills Gap Report Warns Over Useless Certs, Not Enough Women, Poor Training

“Very few firms have made changes in order to foster better retention and recruitment of female staff” One third of cyber security roles in the UK are proving difficult to fill due to a skills gap, useless vendor-accredited qualifications, and high salary demands that are “exacerbated” by wage disparity between London and the rest of the UK. This is according to research from the department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport that found roughly 653,000 business in the UK have a basic cyber skills gap, while 408,000 businesses are experiencing issues filling advanced roles. A key issue creating these gaps is the variations in quality of accredited training. As one business cited in the report noted: “We have a lot of people who have qualifications but have no clue what they are talking about.” The fast-changing nature of cybersecurity means that academic institutions need to move and change at pace to keep relevant. To addresses DCMS suggests that these institutions establish longer work placements that are integrated into technical courses; this would give in-training cyber staff real-world experience, in-line with the skills that businesses demand. One large business stated that: “If the government could promote or endorse training, with a grading structure or criteria that people have to meet, that would be very good. If they could create a structure where private companies deliver the same quality of training, that would be really good.” DCMS Cyber Report Shows Gender and Diversity Disparity The cyber security sector in the UK is still struggling with problems of gender and diversity as only 15 percent of the workforce is female. The study ...

6 Ways to Reduce Mobile App Development Cost

This column is authored by Ray Parker, Digital Marketer, Iqvis Brand recognition and reaching out to customers is the key to success for any business. The ever-changing business scenario and innovation in technology has changed the face of marketing. Imagine yourself in the early 80’s and 90’s when you were handed brochures and pamphlets distributed by brands to make consumers aware of their new product line. Today, almost every company is heading towards business app. The reason is quite simple that the people are connected to the internet all day long on mobile. Whether it be a news, updates about the company or addition of new product line, users are informed instantly without an extra effort. Whether it’s a small business, a startup or well-established company, having a mobile app is necessary. Most of the small enterprises are worried about the cost of developing a mobile app. However, mobile app development solutions vary a lot depending on the features, type of app or the platform on which it is developed. If you want to stay ahead of the competition, the catch is to get your app developed. Don’t worry about the cost because, in the long-run, you are going to reap the benefits at large. Here are some of the tips to reduce your app development cost. Document Your Requirements As discussed earlier, cost of mobile app development depends on the number of requirements. The more the requirements are, the higher the cost of app development. Before opting out for mobile development solution, make sure to have clear goals on what is required by your company. Make sure to have proper...

Sir Oliver Letwin criticised for ‘offensive’ on-air comment warning ‘some autistic person’ could pose risk to cyber security | Dorset Echo

A FORMER West Dorset MP has been criticised for controversial comments made live on air during a radio broadcast which said ‘some autistic person’ could pose a risk to cyber security. Sir Oliver Letwin was speaking about his new book Apocalypse How? on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme when he made the comments. His new novel, set in 2037, explores our dependence on technology – and how it is leaving the UK ‘open to catastrophe.’ Speaking to Today co-host Justin Webb, Sir Oliver said: “We are not prepared for the problems we are storing up in a network always connected to a digitally controlled society and if it all goes wrong, it will go very, very wrong. “Things are getting vastly more efficient because we are moving towards, essentially, having one network. “What I picture in this book is a time when things have got to the stage where there is just one network and that has huge advantages. It also has a disadvantage which means we’re very vulnerable because if that network goes down, everything that we rely on stops. “We are making ourselves more efficient, more powerful, more wealthy; but we’re also making ourselves more fragile and more vulnerable. There are so many different ways that these networks could be attacked, either by nature or a terrorist attack, another country attacking us or, in fact, just some autistic person or some strange youth sitting in some place in the world who’s connected to our network by the internet who gets in and does something.” He called for an ‘analogue fallback’ to global networks. His comment caused a...

Practical Insider Threat Penetration Testing Cases with Scapy (Shell Code and Protocol Evasion) – Pentestmag

As the penetration testing landscape evolves and morphs; everyone seems to be “hot and heavy” on app-based testing, whether this be fuzzing a thick client or an API. One of the key things I’ve found with many clients is that they’ve gone “soft” on proper insider threat hygiene starting with network security basics. In this article, I’ll run through (2) scripts that I’ve made in Python using Scapy’s framework that can help out in many use cases: red team tunneling, purple team IOC’s, and general defender foundations. Let’s get the housekeeping out of the way: *Disclaimer* – The tools and methodologies shown in this article are for security enhancement needs, education, and experimental use. Do not run or perform any illegal, unethical, or otherwise troublesome activities that violate policies, compliance requirements, or legislation locally or internationally. Why this article?: Many newer security professionals in the field start rolling their eyes, followed with deep heavy groans when I still teach red and blue teams diligence in the network security fundamentals as well. No matter what your stance on where penetration testing, red teaming, and general security ops defense tactics are going; there is no denying that the foundations almost never change. In a recent client facing engagement; a colleague (Michael LaSalvia) and myself were tasked with an on-site pen test engagement (very rare in today’s remote ‘only’ focused type of run of the mill testing). What we found were some oversights at the network security level that our existing toolsets, and rapid Googling just did not provide. So we had to turn to making our own toolsets. This is not a full blown article on...

Stage 2. Choosing a Partner – Mobile & Web App Development Process – Droids On Roids Blog

If you want to develop your mobile or web app, you will need a team that will create the product according to your vision and expectations. What’s more, I would state that you will even need a partner who will consult your plan and give you a new perspective. But how do you find this kind of partner? It is not easy and, the more money it costs, the more serious an impact it will have on your final app success.  There is no such thing as a perfect recipe for choosing a software house. But, in this article, we will give you some essential tips that will help you to find answers to crucial questions, such as: If you are considering building your own internal team, instead of hiring an external one, first make sure that you are aware of the costs and time which you will have to invest. In this article, I am not focusing on this topic or which solution is better (for sure – it depends ;)). This article is a part of the series Mobile & Web App Development – 7 Stages You Need To Know which covers the following topics: 1. HOW CAN I FIND THE BEST COMPANIES IN ONE PLACE? – 8 platforms for B2B buying that it’s good to know For sure, it’s worth starting your search by asking your friends, family, and colleagues if they have any software house they can recommend. The second step, in our opinion, should be looking for a partner (or checking the ones someone recommends to you) on Clutch and other similar platforms. Below, you can find 8 platforms which aggregate information and reviews about companies offering software...

Top ten Web Design Companies in Singapore

As much as the web design & development process is complicated, choosing the right web development company is also very challenging. Hiring the right web development company can be a daunting process, especially if you are not aware of the intricacies of the internet, search engines, browsers, search engine optimization, and web standards. To make this process simpler and easier for you, we have given below the reviews of the best web development companies in Singapore. You can choose the company that suits your budget and requirements the best. 1. Vinova Pte. Ltd.  Vinova focuses on Mobile and Web application development, servicing the startups, SMEs, and enterprises in Singapore with mobile applications and valuable websites. It is one of the best mobile and web app development company in Singapore. Some key points of the company: Foundation year: 2010 Company size: 30-50 Specialty: Mobile and web app development Company name Vinova Year founded 2010 Full-time employee 26–50 Revenue $1 million – $3 million Core practice area Web and Mobile Development Click here 2. Krome Krome is Established in 2010, Krome Design House is a full-service digital agency based in Singapore. Krome is renowned for delivering flexible and cost-effective web solutions. This website not only specializes in creating beautiful websites but also has great expertise in SEO and social media marketing. The other services offered by this company are- advertising and brand identity, business consulting, content management system and translation services. Company name Krome Year founded 2010 Full time employee 26–50 Revenue $1 million – $2,999,999 Core practice area Web Development Click here 3. Novage  Novage is Founded in 2006, Krake Media is a...

openGeeksLab Rewarded by GoodFirms For Their Creative Mobile App Development Services

GoodFirms praises openGeeksLab for providing innovative apps to the app world by ranking them among the top mobile app development companies globally. About openGeeksLab Founded in 2015, openGeeksLab has served more than 30 fortune clients till date. They Proudly call themselves ‘Made in Ukraine’ and are leaders in providing IT services. Being ranked among the starrers of the century, GoodFirms applauds services offered by them in web design and mobile app development in addition to the blockchain. Till date, it has created about 50 apps for its clients and has made a mark in the industry with flying colors. They have proven to be the team of problem solvers and big thinkers. About GoodFirms’ Analysis GoodFirms stands as a reputed research and review platform where several IT service providing agencies are listed. This platform creates a bridge between the service providers and prospects by assisting them with the list of top performers. The prospects can scroll the list and pick a company that best suits its requirements. The core research methodology of GoodFirms takes into account three crucial parameters namely Quality, Reliability and Ability. Based on the evaluation of these parameters, a research scorecard is prepared; the company thereby is ranked based on its research score. GoodFirms also evaluates the services of openGeeksLab. Mobile App Development Services From idea and concept design to production and managing the apps, openGeeksLab does it all. In the planning stage, they heed to the requirements of their clients which leads them to the better market analysis before creation. Hearing these words from the clients make it worth. A client reviews the services of...

Cyber Security Today – Canada’s Trudeau dragged into COVID-19 scam, how not to be victimized by SIM card swaps, NutriBullet hit and more | IT World Canada News

Canada’s Trudeau dragged into COVID-19 scam, how not to be victimized by SIM card swaps, NutriBullet hit and more. Welcome to Cyber Security Today. It’s Friday March 20th. I’m Howard Solomon, contributing reporter on cybersecurity for ITWorldCanada.com. To hear the podcast click on the arrow below: Still more COVID-19 email scams are hitting the internet. One of the latest is aimed at Canadians: The subject line reads COVID-19 Payment. The message says “Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau approved an immediate check of $2,500 for those who choose to stay at home during the Coronavirus crisis. Here is the form for the request. Please fill it out and submit it. The attachment file is called “Covid19 relief.doc.” Well, of course this is a scam because the Prime Minister has not approved that payout. And if you click on that attachment you’ll be infected. Security company Check Point Software reports that since the beginning of March 93 malicious coronavirus websites have been created, and more than 2,000 suspicious ones. Lots of people are searching the internet for coronavirus news. I know I’m being repetitive, but it’s important to rely on trusted sources for information like governments, well-known health agencies and reputable news agencies rather than websites with “coronavirus” that have recently popped up. Beware of people offering COVID-19 discounts on products, especially health products. Know what? Criminals who sell malware to hackers are offering discounts on their products. So scams are multiplying. You’re taking care not to be infected with the COVID-19 virus. Make sure your computer isn’t infected as well by opening attachments. This being Fraud Prevention Month, Canada’s privacy...

A.I. and Big Data Could Power a New War on Poverty

Second, we can bring what is known as differentiated education — based on the idea that students master skills in different ways and at different speeds — to every student in the country. A 2013 study by the National Institutes of Health found that nearly 40 percent of medical students held a strong preference for one mode of learning: Some were listeners; others were visual learners; still others learned best by doing. Our school system effectively assumes precisely the opposite. We bundle students into a room, use the same method of instruction and hope for the best. A.I. can improve this state of affairs. Even within the context of a standardized curriculum, A.I. “tutors” can home in on and correct for each student’s weaknesses, adapt coursework to his or her learning style and keep the student engaged. Today’s dominant type of A.I., also known as machine learning, permits computer programs to become more accurate — to learn, if you will — as they absorb data and correlate it with known examples from other data sets. In this way, the A.I. “tutor” becomes increasingly effective at matching a student’s needs as it spends more time seeing what works to improve performance. Third, a concerted effort to drag education and job training and matching into the 21st century ought to remove the reliance of a substantial portion of the population on government programs designed to assist struggling Americans. With 21st-century technology, we could plausibly reduce the use of government assistance services to levels where they serve the function for which they were originally intended. Big data sets can now be harnessed...

Full-stack Web Developer

JOB DESCRIPTION We require an experienced web developer for work on various development projects on a full-time basis. Projects generally consists of both front-end and back-end, communication with numerous third-party gateways, with a quality user experience focus. Overview of the ideal hire: The successful applicants will be able to work on various client codebases when required and be able to develop new codebases from scratch. The role will require knowledge and experience across the full web stack of NodeJS, PHP 7.x, JavaScript (including frameworks), HTML, and CSS and with strong software development principles. Knowledge of AWS, WordPress, React, ParseJS, and Firebase is essential for this role. You will be required to follow directions based on what work is required. You will be expected to provide advice and support relating to web technology and will liaise with both internal and external stakeholders. Is really passionate about producing quality work, and always wanting to improve. Skills & Experience: 4+ years of experience developing and deploying web-based application code Demonstrated experience in a Lead programmer, Intermediate or Senior developer position Demonstrated experience writing modular backend code in PHP & NodeJS and supporting API integrations Experience in using Parse Server JS and Firebase to create BaaS stacks Experience using git and git workflows in a team environment Demonstrated capabilities in writing HTML/SASS/Javascript, React front-ends, (note: graphic art skills are not required although being capable of producing a reasonable user interface is preferred) Experience with AWS including deploying a new Linux server, setting up SSL certificates, using CircleCI or CodeDeploy to deploy code, and being able to migrate a website from one host to another...

Mobile App Development Trends for 2019 | Applikey

The new year will hardly change our daily lives, but it will definitely open new perspectives and opportunities for growing your business ideas. As business owners and enthusiasts, we all strive to provide the best services and meet clients’ needs whenever it is possible. For that, we need to watch out for new trends. Mobile app development trends for 2019 will be an organic sequel of what things looked like in 2017-2018. But constant evolution is inevitable, and the trends provided by this evolution build up unlimited opportunities for the improvement of your business. We decided to highlight the top mobile app trends for 2019 to help you strengthen your leading positions and join the list of front-runners in the coming year. Top 10 Mobile App Trends You Should Use for Your Business in 2019 Mobile app design development is ceaselessly changing. You can never be sure you are following the latest trends. And even if you are sure that all the cutting-edge practices have been implemented, you have no guarantee that your methods will be still effective on the date of the release. You need to watch out. The first step to following mobile app industry trends is to be prepared beforehand. If you know what the next year will bring you, you can react properly and get the actual value as soon as possible. In a fast-changing industry, it is vital to be the pioneer of innovations. So let’s find out what is coming in 2019: 1. Breaking out Beyond the Screen Augmented and virtual reality tools have won the attention of millions of users worldwide. They...

The Coronavirus is Already Taking Effect on Cyber Security– This is How CISOs Should Prepare | Threatpost

The Coronavirus is hitting hard on the world’s economy, creating a high volume of uncertainty within organizations. Cynet has revealed new data, showing that the Coronavirus now has a significant impact on information security and that the crisis is actively exploited by threat actors. In light of these insights, Cynet has shared a few ways to best prepare for the Coronavirus derived threat landscape and provides a solution (learn more here) to protect employees that are working from home with their personal computers, because of the coronavirus. Cynet identifies two main trends – attacks that aim to steal remote user credentials, and weaponized email attacks: Remote User Credential Theft The direct impact of the Coronavirus is a wide quarantine policy that compels multiple organizations to allow their workforce to work from home in order to maintain business continuity. This inevitably entails shifting a significant portion of the workload to be carried out remotely, introducing an exploitable opportunity for attackers. The opportunity attackers see is the mass use of remote login credentials to organizational resources that far exceed the norm. As a result, remote connections are established by employees and devices that have never done so before, meaning that an attacker could easily conceal a malicious login without being detected by the target organization’s security team. Cynet’s global threat telemetry from the recent three weeks reveals that Italy features a sharp spike in phishing attacks in comparison to other territories, indicating that attackers are hunting in full force for user credentials. In addition, Cynet detects a respective spike both in detected anomalous logins to its customers’ environments, as well as...

Progressive Web Apps — The Next Step in Web App Development

What if I told you that now a web developer can easily build mobile apps? All you need to know is some HTML , CSS , and JavaScript and you are good to go! No need to go through the pain of learning native languages like Java (for Android Apps) or Objective-C and Swift (for iOS Apps).It would be even more awesome if you could publish your apps without having to go through the rules and restrictions placed by Play Store and App Store! If you are a Mobile App Developer, you might have experienced the troubles of following the norms of App Store. The App store also has some very strict rules about when you can update your app or what that update can contain (App Store won’t let you publish the update if it changes the fundamental working of your App).In this post, we will find out about how building Progressive Web Apps lets you do all the things that I mentioned above, and more! ReactFoo Pune 2018 This is a companion post to Neeraj Singh’s talk about Progressive Web Apps, which he gave at ReactFoo Pune 2018 .ReactFoo is a developer conference organized by HasGeek . This conference is full of talks and workshops about the popular web design framework, ReactJS .The conference was held at MCCIA Trade Tower . There were many amazing talks by well-known developers such as Satyajit Sahoo , Siddharth Kshetrapal , Manjula Dube , Preeti Wadhwani , Jaison John Titus , and many more!The event was attended by many React developers and enthusiasts who came from places like Ahmedabad, Surat, Hyderabad,...

How to Implement Microservices Architecture in Mobile App Development?

There is always more than one single way to skin a cat. The world of mobile app development is somewhat similar. Whenever you are about to get cracking on a new project, fixing on the right architecture could be a tough choice. There’s the traditional Monolithic Architecture and then, there are Microservices – the newest way to write and ship codes. According to Red Hat, 69% of clients choose Microservices to work on new as well as existing mobile apps. We have also heard from Camuda how 63% of companies are using the latter. Their survey conducted across 354 enterprises reveals the top benefits to be as follows: Despite all that, it is ‘decisions, decisions!’ So, how are Microservices better than Monolithic Architecture? Let’s talk about it. What is Microservices Architecture? When mobile app developers create discrete parts of the application instead of a single one, the concept is known as microservices architecture. The idea is to combine the separate parts to come up with a single outcome. Each component is deployed separately and has its own process to run. Lightweight APIs are implemented for the different components to work together with each other. For large-scale app development projects that are super complicated, this one is a great choice. The components are not dependent on each other; one can be changed without affecting the other. What is Monolithic Architecture? The conventional way of developing mobile apps, Monolithic Architecture is the concept of connecting all parts of the application to each other. The components are interdependent. One goes wrong and affects the function of the others and eventually the end...

Use This Framework to Predict the Success of Your Big Data Project

Gerasimov174/Getty Images Big data projects that revolve around exploiting data for business optimization and business development are top of mind for most executives. However, up to 85% of big data projects fail, often because executives cannot accurately assess project risks at the outset. We argue that the success of data projects is largely determined by four important components — data, autonomy, technology, and accountability — or, simply put, by the four D.A.T.A. questions. These questions originate from our four-year research project on big data commercialization. The components needed for success with big data can be positioned along two dimensions: (1) the focus of the activities (the project’s ideation or implementation — such as coming up with an idea for a big data project versus actually implementing the project) and (2) the focus of the transformation (digital backbone or getting people’s support — such as building the IT-architecture needed to create a sufficient digital backbone or making sure that employees can and will apply data and that this application is in line with societal opinions on what should and should not be done with data). These two dimensions create a matrix of D.A.T.A. components and the key questions executives need to ask when contemplating new big data projects, as seen below. The D.A.T.A. Questions You Need to Ask The figures below provide an overview of the D.A.T.A. components, the related questions, and the rationale behind them as well as examples. Moreover, the table demonstrates the sequence in which the different aspects should be considered in data projects. In the following, we provide an in-depth outline of each component. Harnessing the...

Pentest Tools Framework – A Database Of Exploits, Scanners And Tools For Penetration Testing

Pentest Tools Framework is a database of exploits, Scanners and tools for penetration testing. Pentest is a powerful framework includes a lot of tools for beginners. You can explore kernel vulnerabilities, network vulnerabilities. NEWS Modules PTF UPDATE PTF OPtions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Global Option | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Command Description | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | show modules | Look this modules | | show options | Show Current Options Of Selected Module | | ipconfig | Network Informasion | | shell | Execution Command Shell >[ctrl+C exit shell ] | | use | Select Tipe Module For Use | | set | Select Modules For Use | | run | Excute modules | | update | Update Pentest Framework | | banner | PTF Banner | | about | Informasion Tools | | credits | Credits && Thanks | | clear | Clean Pentest input/output | | exit | Exit the progam | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Modules +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | EXPLOITS | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | COMMANDS Rank Description | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | exploit/abrt_privilege_escalation | normal | ABRT - sosreport Privilege Escalation | | exploit/web_delivery | good | Script Web Delivery | | exploit/apache | good | Apache exploit | | exploit/shellshock | good | cgi-bin/vulnerable shellshock | | exploit/davtest | good | Testing tool for webdav server | | exploit/auto_sql | good | auto with sqlmap | | exploit/ldap_buffer_overflow | normal | Apache module mod_rewrite LDAP protocol Buffer Overflow | | exploit/vbulletin_rce | good | vBulletin 5.x 0day pre-quth RCE exploit | | exploit/cmsms_showtime2_rce | normal | CMS Made Simple (CM SMS) Showtime2 File Upload RCE | | exploit/awind_snmp_exec | good | AwindInc SNMP Service Command Injection |...
Malcare WordPress Security

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