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Mobile Apps Development (FREE Workshop) tutorial || by Mr. Srini Yadav on 12-09-2020 @10AM

Mobile Apps Development (FREE Workshop) tutorial || by Mr. Srini Yadav on 12-09-2020 @10AM ===================================================================== You an see more Java videos following link: Java tutorial by durga sir https://goo.gl/XWb4RL Java 9 by durga sir https://goo.gl/hXGyBWA Java 1.8 Version New Features by Durga sir https://goo.gl/iHXXYU Adv Java JDBC Tutorial by Durga sir https://goo.gl/8q16Eo OCJA 1.8 Java SE 8 Programmer – I (1Z0 – 808 ) By Durga sir https://goo.gl/gC6R7f Core Java by NagoorBabu sir https://goo.gl/s6Nvj1 Advenced Java by Nagoorbabu sir https://goo.gl/ZZonzJ CoreJava by Ratan https://goo.gl/3VM19v Advanced Java jdbc by Ratan https://goo.gl/Rn2UXr Advjava tutorials – JSP by Ratan https://goo.gl/Z6ytxm Adv java servlets tutorial by ratan https://goo.gl/zTwi9y Servlet and JSP Tutorial by anji reddy https://goo.gl/jZMRUv Advanced Java Jdbc by Anjireddy https://goo.gl/16CGzX Hibernate byAnjireddy https://goo.gl/qQojvZ Struts by Anjireddy https://goo.gl/nE1Eof Spring by Mr.AnjiReddy https://goo.gl/NfN14R ADV JAVA by Naveen https://goo.gl/bhSsXF Spring by Mr.Naveen https://goo.gl/huVwFN Hibernate by Mr. Naveen https://goo.gl/TY3Wpd Struts by Mr.Naveen https://goo.gl/Vkmiw7 #DURGASOFTWARE #IOS #MobileAppsDevelopment This content was originally published...

Rapid Mobile App Development Tools Market Comprehensive Study

https://pixeledapps.com/ The global “ Rapid Mobile App Development Tools Market” report provided a deep analysis of the seller landscape to provide you an entire picture of current and future competitive scenarios of the worldwide market. The Rapid Mobile App Development Tools market report elaborates on the assorted affecting factors like market share, competitive intelligence, and growth opportunity. Rapid Mobile App Development Tools market study was conducted using an objective combination of primary and secondary information including inputs from key participants within the industry. ☆ Follow us on all our social media platforms :- • Instagram: https://instagram.com/pixeledapps/ • Twitter: https://twitter.com/appspixeled • LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/pixeled-apps-369b921a3 • Facebook : https://m.facebook.com/Pixeled-Apps-100459354905390/ This content was originally published...

Mobile App Development Guide For Insurance & Technology Sector

https://pixeledapps.com/ Insurance, by tradition, has been powered by middlemen. Although taking them entirely out of the image might not be plausible, mitigating their involvement will grow profit margins, naturally. Mobile apps allow real-time B2C interaction, without intermediaries. The positivity also flows all the way down to the customer experience, which may never be exaggerated. And insurtech would be too smart for its own good, to not explore this selection. There are three main components that play an important role in formulating the proverbial pyramid of an underwriter. The pyramid. which had played a serious role in helping Wefox raise $110M in 2019. This includes first the insurer that includes and markets financial products. Second, are the third-party entities that provide the services covered by the insurer. And also the third is that the end-user, the customer who has opted in to be insured. ☆ Follow us on all our social media platforms :- • Instagram: https://instagram.com/pixeledapps/ • Twitter: https://twitter.com/appspixeled • LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/pixeled-apps-369b921a3 • Facebook : https://m.facebook.com/Pixeled-Apps-100459354905390/ This content was originally published...

How Blockchain and JavaScript Best Suited in Mobile App Development?

Blockchain and JavaScript Suited in Mobile App Development The Blockchain and JavaScript development company together have realized the potential in combining the two technologies in the process of app development. The blend of two techniques offers developers and programmers facility to develop applications with pellucidity, improved security, and at low costs. Technology today is evolving at high-speed and has accelerated the growth of app development at the stake of innovations. One of the promising platforms- Lisk allows users to develop apps using Blockchain using JavaScript code without any expertise in . Being a quite flexible multi-paradigm, JavaScript is an object-oriented programming language that has many functional patterns that people are still keen to learn and work on it. Abecedarian developers can also have benefited from Blockchain technology.  It has restructured the traditional app development processes by enhancing the transactions and efficacy of the application. It has been seen that Blockchain and JavaScript form an unprecedented combination. So what makes the above technologies so better. How has this combination altered the approach of developing a platform for apps? Whatever platform is chosen, there is always a need of authority at the central level to look into the interactions with the user, like for instance it is the case with eBay or messaging portals like Twitter there is a body that takes care of the interactions with the users. Next, it becomes essential to safeguard and manage the data owned by these authorities. With decentralized platforms like Blockchain, there is no need to secure or maintain the data. One is only accountable for its data without depending upon the data provided...

reNgine – An Automated Reconnaissance Framework Meant For Gathering Information During Penetration Testing Of Web Applications

reNgine is an automated reconnaissance framework meant for gathering information during penetration testing of web applications. reNgine has customizable scan engines, which can be used to scan the websites, endpoints, and gather information. The beauty of reNgine is that it gathers everything in one place. It has a pipeline of reconnaissance, which can be customized.reNgine can be very useful when you have a domain, you want to recon the domain, gather endpoints, directory, and file search, performing visual reconnaissance, and gather the results in one place.Suppose, if you have a domain hackerone.com, reNgine can perform the scan based on your defined scan engine, gather all the results in one place. reNgine makes it possible for use cases like, “I want to search the subdomain which has page title “Dashboard” and has page status as 200 and quickly want to have a look at the screenshot”, reNgine makes it possible.Another use-case could be, “I want to list all subdomains that use PHP and the HTTP status is 200!”On the endpoints part, reNgine is capable of gathering the URL endpoints using tools like gau, gathers URL from many sources like common crawl, Wayback engine, etc.reNgine makes it possible for the use case like, “search the URLs that have extension .php and HTTP status is 200!”Also, Suppose if you are looking for open redirection, you can quickly search for =http and look for HTTP status 30X, this will give high accuracy of open redirection with minimal efforts. What it is notreNgine is not a: Vulnerability scanner! Reconnaissance with high accuracy (No! reNgine, uses other open-source tools, to make this pipeline possible. The...

Design Mobile App Template With Bootstrap 4 How to use swiper slider Part 23

Design Mobile App Template With Bootstrap 4 How to use swiper slider Part-23.From In This Tutorial Series, You will learn how to design a mobile app template with bootstrap 4.I hope this tutorial series will so helpful for you to learn about this topic so easily. What You Can Learn From This Channel: ======================================== This Channel will be so helpful for beginner’s friends who will love to learn Web Design and Development. What I Cover In This Videos: ============================== Today I’m trying to explain here so easily, how to use swiper slider. Keep watching and learn more tips and tricks about web design and development. Thank You For Watching And Staying with Zit-Bangla. === Curse Outline === 1. Responsive Website Design – HTML 5 – CSS 3 – javaScript – jQuery – Design Clone – PSD/ JPG/ PNG to HTML – PSD to Bootstrap – Responsive Design 2. Website Development – PHP – MySQL – OOP – PDO – Ajax – Login & Registration System – Facebook Development 3. WordPress customization – WordPress Install – Dashboard full – Free theme Customization – Premium theme Customization – Free Plugins customization – Premium Plugins Customization – client project by wordpress – eCommerce project – membership project 4. WordPress Development – Full Course. *** Freelancing – – – – – – – Full Course. ////Android App Design And Development Tutorial in Bangla is Coming Soon…….. #zit_bangla#bootstrap_4#mobile_app_template_design Stay Connect with Zit-Bangla. ———————————— Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/mahmud.busnies Facebook Page Link:https://www.facebook.com/????-??-2389… Facebook Group Link:https://www.facebook.com/groups/59539… Linkedin:https://www.linkedin.com/in/murshedul… Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/murshedulal… Twitter:https://twitter.com/BanglaZit Magnific Plugin Documentation Link:https://dimsemenov.com/plugins/magnific-popup/documentation.html Click here for download new Project Folder:https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1bTM3nzjmZrrOMSdoUWP9HRVSMbuCce1u?usp=sharing Please Like, Share and Subscribe Us. Previous Tutorials: ================================ 1.Introduction...

13 Laravel Admin Panel Generators – Laravel News

August 29, 2019 / PovilasKorop Developers are lazy. No, I’m not kidding—they work hard to create systems that help them avoid more work in the future. Especially, repetitive work. And there are quite extreme examples now—we don’t need to write code anymore; it is being generated for us. Today we will look at the examples of various admin panel and back-end project builders for the Laravel framework. How much time can they actually save us? Disclaimer: I am a founder of one of these builders, QuickAdminPanel, but for this market review I’m trying to be as honest and unbiased, as possible. There are really great competitors, and they deserve kind words. There are two big groups of admin panel generators: visual builders and console-based. The choice depends on your preference, whether you like to use GUI or type Artisan commands with parameters. Also, an important term to know here is a CRUD—this abbreviation stands for “Create, Read, Update, Delete”—these operations are a base for all admin panels. One CRUD usually represents one model and one menu item to manage that data. Important notice: all the tools below were tested with Laravel 5.3. At the time of writing, it’s still too early to demand official 5.4 version support from them. Visual Admin Panel Builders This product, although being quite new, made the biggest impression on me. It already has a big audience of fans, has been mentioned before on Laravel News, and has its own Youtube series by DevDojo. Voyager stands out with a polished and professional interface, but the main point is that it just works. Clear usage instructions,...

How to Estimate What You Can’t Predict: Web App Development Cost

How much does it cost to build a web app? $33,659. Read the original version of this article about web app development cost on Django Stars blog. This conversation is unlikely to happen but a price could be close to that sum. Important message: one doesn’t simply estimate all the costs with 100% accuracy. But I’m going to help you get as close as possible.So you decided to create a web app . Regardless how many technical details or promoting ideas you have about your product, you first need to understand expenses.Web app cost estimation is something very few know how to approach. Partly, because clients tend to demand to hear an accurate number, like $17,659, while a development team is constantly trying to explain why it’s more tricky than that.In this article, I will explain why cost estimation isn’t that plain, the obstacles you’re going to face during the process, and how to approach the cost estimation so you don’t fool yourself and your client. Python & Django Development Services You don’t estimate the lines of code, you estimate a product When I’m talking about web app development, I mean the development of the whole product, not just some lines of code. It comprises development itself, solution architecture, communication, testing, quality assurance and anything which a project requires. And, oh, somebody has to manage this process. So you got my point.Apart from the development process, there are other reasons why estimates must also cover other parts of the product development: Budget planning. I already briefly described this point: think, analyze, create, test. Plus, there are always different sorts...

Add Swagger to ASP.NET Core 2.0 Web API

Testing WEB APIs is a challenge, and it has a dependency on various third-party tools for proper and efficient testing. But swagger can make it easy. is an UI representation of your RESTful API. Swagger UI allows anyone — be it your development team or your end consumers — to visualize and interact with the API’s resources having none of the implementation logic in place. It’s automatically generated from your Swagger specification, with the visual documentation, making it easy for back-end implementation and client-side consumption. Earlier, I about adding swagger with ASP.NET Core but it no longer works with due to . In this post, we’ll see how to add Swagger to ASP.NET Core 2.0 Web API. Add Swagger to ASP.NET Core 2.0 Web API Create a ASP.NET Core 2.0 WEB API project and install Swashbuckle.AspNetCore nuget package. Swashbuckle comprises three packages – a Swagger generator, middleware to expose the generated Swagger as JSON endpoints and middleware to expose a swagger-ui that’s powered by those endpoints. They can be installed together, via the Swashbuckle.AspNetCore meta-package. Like: PM > Install-Package Swashbuckle.AspNetCore The default template has ValuesContoller with API action method for all HTTP verbs. We’ll use the same for this post for showing Swagger UI. Open Startup.cs file to add swagger service to middleware. Like: And enable the Swagger UI in Configure() method. This is all required to set up Swagger. The one last thing to do is to change the application launch URL so that Swagger UI loads on launch. To set Swagger UI as launch URL, right-click on Project -> select properties -> navigate to debug tab. On...

Brazilian institute head fired after clashing with nation’s president over deforestation data | Science | AAAS

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro (left), here with Environment Minister Ricardo Salles, had attacked the validity of satellite data showing deforestation in Brazil has increased since he took office. Brazilian institute head fired after clashing with nation’s president over deforestation data By Herton EscobarAug. 4, 2019 , 8:45 AM The director of the Brazilian agency that monitors deforestation was sacked Friday, following a public face-off with Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro. Physicist Ricardo Galvãoannounced his ownousting as director ofNational Institute for Space Research (INPE) to reporters in the capital Brasília, saying his altercation with the president had made the situation “unsustainable.” No replacement has been announced. Known for his stout personality, Galvãochallenged Bolsonaro on 20 July, rebutting remarks about deforestation the president had made the day before. Questioned by journalists about the rise of deforestation in the Amazon—as indicated by satellite data from INPE’s Real-Time Deforestation Detection System (DETER)—Bolsonaro called the institute’s data “a lie,” and said Galvãoappeared to be “at the service of some nongovernmental organization.” Galvãoreplied by calling Bolsonaro a “coward”, defended INPE science, and dared Bolsonaro to repeat the accusation to his face.  Bolsonaro didn’t meet with Galvãoand continued to question INPE data in the following 2 weeks, even as deforestation continued. According to the latest DETER numbers, approximately 4500 square kilometers of forest were cleared in the first 7 months of this year, since the beginning of Bolsonaro’s administration–60% more than in the same period of 2018. Scientists and environmentalists were alarmed but not surprised—many had predicted deforestation would increase because of Bolsonaro’s aggressive pro-development, anti-conservation political agenda. Most of the increase that DETER noted came in June and July, when the drier climate makes it easier to destroy the...

Peering into the Future of Sino-Russian Cyber Security Cooperation – War on the Rocks

Editor’s Note: This is the third article in a series on Sino-Russian defense cooperation organized by the Center for a New American Security. Be sure to read to the first and second articles in the series. Beijing and Moscow have long wanted to control their domestic internets. Now they are working together to remake global cyberspace in their own image. The two launch widespread cyber operations that threaten U.S. interests, and they want to reshape the internet to reduce U.S. influence. Chinese hackers have mounted a long campaign to steal intellectual property, as well as military and political secrets, and are a growing threat to U.S. critical infrastructure. Russian hackers pose the threat of cyber espionage, influence operations, and attacks on the infrastructure of the United States and its allies. Moreover, China and Russia have over the past five years worked together to tighten controls on their domestic internet and promoted the idea of cyber sovereignty to diminish U.S. sway over the global governance of cyberspace. Over the next decade, China and Russia are likely to continue close technical and diplomatic cooperation. Beijing now appears more willing to adopt information operations techniques historically associated with Russian actors to shape the narrative on the responsibility for and response to the COVID-19 pandemic, but the two sides are unlikely to coordinate on offensive cyber operations. To counter these efforts, policymakers should revitalize U.S. cyber diplomacy, providing an alternative framing to cyber sovereignty and building a coalition of like-minded partners to define and enforce norms of behavior in cyberspace. Drivers of Cooperation Both Moscow and Beijing perceive the open internet as a...

Tutorial: Building an ASP.NET Web API with ASP.NET Core | Toptal

Several years ago, I got the “Pro ASP.NET Web API” book. This article is the offshoot of ideas from this book, a little CQRS, and my own experience developing client-server systems. In this article, I’ll be covering: Why ASP.NET Core? ASP.NET Core provides many improvements over the ASP.NET MVC/Web API. Firstly, it is now one framework and not two. I really like it because it is convenient and there is less confusion. Secondly, we have logging and DI containers without any additional libraries, which saves me time and allows me to concentrate on writing better code instead of choosing and analyzing the best libraries. What Are Query Processors? A query processor is an approach when all business logic relating to one entity of the system is encapsulated in one service and any access or actions with this entity are performed through this service. This service is usually called {EntityPluralName}QueryProcessor. If necessary, a query processor includes CRUD (create, read, update, delete) methods for this entity. Depending on the requirements, not all methods may be implemented. To give a specific example, let’s take a look at ChangePassword. If the method of a query processor requires input data, then only the required data should be provided. Usually, for each method, a separate query class is created, and in simple cases, it is possible (but not desirable) to reuse the query class. Our Aim In this article, I’ll show you how to make an API for a small cost management system, including basic settings for authentication and access control, but I will not go into the authentication subsystem. I will cover the whole...

Comparing React Native to Cordova | Toptal

As a result of smartphones and mobile applications becoming so popular, web developers have been looking for ways to create mobile applications using JavaScript. This popularity resulted in the development of many JavaScript frameworks capable of running native-like applications on mobile devices. Currently, Cordova and React Native are the most popular choices. Cordova supports iOS, Android, and Windows Phone mobile platforms. With React Native, on the other hand, Android, iOS, and UWP are targets for developers. (UWP stands for Universal Windows Platform, Microsoft’s platform that allows the same application to run on Windows Phone 10 Mobile, XBox One and Windows 10.) From the surface, it appears that React Native and Cordova are occupying the same space. However, as with all technologies, there are aspects where one shines, and the other falls short. So, to get a better picture of each technology, and to learn their advantages and pitfalls, we will dive into details of each and compare them across different disciplines. Differences in Philosophy It’s important to remember that React Native’s tagline, “Learn once, write anywhere” differs from the usual cross-platform mantra, “Write once, run anywhere.” This leads to two things: Firstly, we can’t just take our existing React codebase from our web project and turn it into a mobile application in just a few clicks. However, React and React Native do share a lot of key concepts with one example being their component systems, and as a result, React Native feels instantly familiar. While React shares a lot of similarities with React Native, there are some core differences, which ranges from the way stylesheets are handled to the...

Dealing with Cyber Security Challenges in a Post-COVID World

With Covid-19 hitting the headlines, it has forced most organizations to adapt to new practices and norms such as Social Distancing, Sanitization, and Remote Working. While the world is combating this epidemic, we also have cyber criminals who are indeed capitalizing on this crisis. The Coronavirus epidemic has created a fresh and unlikely cybersecurity challenge for most organizations around the world. Pre-COVID19, employees were accessing their corporate network through secured office laptops and devices. With the rise in employees working from home, enterprises have been forced to migrate to cloud services almost overnight. In this rapid rush, many security best practices have been overlooked. Cloud services like enterprise chat rooms, online office suites, and drives are seeing widespread use nowadays for file sharing and communication. This creates novel problems since there are more unsecured devices being used by workers that are lacking the latest security updates and patches. Therefore, with work from home becoming the new normal, Cyber Security strategies need to get sharper, stronger, and more relevant. Let’s face it, we all know that security bugs and privacy hacking practices are not new. The traditional approach to security has been to look for outsiders who may try to break in and steal confidential data. That dynamic has now changed with the risks coming from within so to speak. Employees who lack training in security best practices may end up causing the leak of sensitive organizational data. Cybersecurity leaders must be willing to look at the bad actors or employees with malicious intent as well. This emerging threat is a serious factor to consider since a sudden influx of unsecured devices...

Facebook Is a Crime Scene: “The Great Hack” Documentary Details Big Data’s Threat to Democracy | Democracy Now!

AMY GOODMAN: This is Democracy Now!, democracynow.org, The War and Peace Report. I’m Amy Goodman. DAVID CARROLL: All of your interactions, your credit card swipes, web searches, locations, likes, they’re all collected, in real time, into a trillion-dollar-a-year industry. CAROLE CADWALLADR: The real game changer was Cambridge Analytica. They worked for the Trump campaign and for the Brexit campaign. They started using information warfare. AMY GOODMAN: New details are emerging about how the shadowy data firm Cambridge Analytica worked to manipulate voters across the globe, from the 2016 election in the United States to the Brexit campaign in Britain. We are continuing our look at the Oscar-shortlisted documentary The Great Hack, which chronicles the rise and fall of Cambridge Analytica. And we’re continuing with our four guests. Jehane Noujaim and Karim Amer are the co-directors of The Great Hack, which was just nominated for a BAFTA — that’s the British equivalent of the Oscars — as well as made it to the Academy Award shortlist for documentaries. Jehane and Karim’s past film include The Square. Jehane was the director of Control Room. Brittany Kaiser is also with us. She’s the Cambridge Analytica whistleblower who’s featured in the film. She has written the book Targeted: The Cambridge Analytica Whistleblower’s Inside Story of How Big Data, Trump, and Facebook Broke Democracy and How It Can Happen Again. She’s joining us in her first interview that she’s done after releasing a trove of documents on Cambridge Analytica’s involvement in elections around the world and other issues. And we’re joined by Emma Briant, a visiting research associate in human rights at Bard College who...

Blockchain Is Part of Australia’s Cyber Security Solution, Say Experts

Australian experts suggest blockchain is an integral part to protecting Australia’s business and government from cyber attacks. A cyber security and blockchain forum with leading Australian experts and government officials has identified blockchain technology as a direct response to an increase in cyber attacks targeting the integrity of systems through manipulating data. Recently appointed Blockchain Australia CEO Steve Vallas held a panel discussion on July 30 regarding blockchain’s use-case in cyber security with experts from various fields being part of the 300+ attendees.  The panel consisted of National Blockchain Lead Chloe White from the Department of Industry and Liberal Senator Andrew Bragg, CEO of cyber security firm CyberCX John Paitaridis, and founder and CTO of blockchain database firm ProvenDB Guy Harrison. The experts, with decades of experience in the cyber security sector, defined the emerging technology as a critical component in protecting Australia from future attacks. They further outlined that blockchain, although not a complete solution, should be considered by businesses across the board as the country works to keep ahead of would-be attackers.  Blockchain is about data integrity During the panel, Paitaridis  explained that attacks are increasing in frequency and severity, suggesting China was behind the major state actor attacks from June that threatened many industries including the Australian government:  “In June this year, the Australian Prime Minister announced an ‘unnamed state actor’, you can read into that — China — as being targeting businesses and government agencies across Australia as part of a large, dedicated, persistent scale attack.” These cybersecurity breaches have increased by almost 80% in the last 12 months with a specific adjustment in their...
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