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Apple director of machine learning quits because of the company’s return-to-work policy, report says

Tim Cook in November 2021. Mario Tama/Getty Images An Apple director told staff he was leaving because of the company’s strict return-to-work policy. Apple is making employees work in the office twice a week and will require three days on May 23. The company has taken a strong stance against continued remote work.  A machine learning director at Apple is leaving because of the company’s return-to-work policy, according to The Verge reporter Zoë Schiffer. Ian Goodfellow, who has been with Apple since early 2019 according to his LinkedIn profile, wrote to his staff to break the news. “I believe strongly that more flexibility would have been the best policy for my team,” Goodfellow said, according to Schiffer. Neither Apple nor Goodfellow immediately responded to a request for comment. Apple started requiring its workforce to return to the office at least one day a week beginning on April 11. Apple CEO Tim Cook told staff in a memo reported by Bloomberg that three weeks after that date, employees would then be required to work in the office two days a week. By May 23, they’ll need to work in the office three times a week on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays, he said.  “In the coming weeks and months, we have an opportunity to combine the best of what we have learned about working remotely with the irreplaceable benefits of in-person collaboration,” Cook said in the memo, according to Bloomberg. “It is as important as ever that we support each other through this transition, through the challenges we face as a team and around the world.” Like the rest of Silicon Valley, Apple...

eCommerce Mobile App Development Guide: Explained In Brief

Table of Contents hide The flourishing eCommerce area brings new open doors for new businesses and energetic retailers the same. However, at that point, escalating rivalry and consistently changing prerequisites of clients can indulge the party. There, a component-rich eCommerce mobile app loans some assistance. Retailers need to bridle the force of mobile apps to address these difficulties in a savvy and effective way. Nonetheless, it is fundamental for them to know the expense of eCommerce mobile app development solutions. Nowadays individuals like to provide orders progressing or with the solace of their home. The reliance on the mobile app is, subsequently, expanding step by step. Shopping in a hurry with a broad hunt including secure internet-based payment is the most pervasive pattern. As an eCommerce business proprietor, you can give these offices to your clients through an eCommerce app for iOS or Android. We should go through the conspicuous business advantages of an element-rich eCommerce mobile app. Compelling marketing eCommerce mobile app development solutions go about as a practical and exceptionally productive marketing device. It meets your clients’ shopping prerequisites as well as empowers you to concoct app-based limits and continuous warnings for special offers. As it were, an eCommerce app for Android and iOS can support client dependability. Even the best Android application development company can help you with your eCommerce mobile app development solutions. Information Collection-An eCommerce app needs the client’s email ID and social media account data alongside their contact numbers. Therefore, eCommerce companies can get important information from their current and forthcoming clients. Further developed Interactions-altered work with hearty and constant associations between your...

Cyber Security: Tips and Tricks for Small Businesses

In the age of technology and cloud computing, cyber security is more important than ever. Even as a small business or start-up, you should be concerned about potential cyberattacks. Here’s why: So, what should you be doing to keep your business safe and secure when it comes to the internet world? Simple – just follow the tips and tricks in this article that are specifically for small businesses that might be on a budget and have limited resources. 1. Outsource your cyber security management Here’s the good news: you don’t have to take care of cyber security all by yourself. For business owners that aren’t tech-savvy, this should be music to your ears. Instead, all you need to do is outsource your cyber security management to an expert company, such as Haycor Computer Solutions. They’ll protect all of your data from cyber-criminals while providing you with modern security software that will help to detect any suspicious behaviors or threats on your network. According to Security Magazine, 83% of IT leaders are currently looking to outsource their cyber security to Managed Service Providers (MSPs). This highlights that the future of security in IT is almost certainly going to be based around outsourcing, which is something for you to bear in mind. Essentially, it’s best to join the outsourcing trend now before it becomes an industry norm! 2. Train your employees Whether you employ 5, 10, or 15 employees, it’s a good idea to provide them with training surrounding cyber security. Online, there are lots of low-cost (and sometimes free) courses and certificate programs for staff to enroll in. Usually, these...

Passage: Ruby on Rails Engineer

Headquarters: Detroit, Michigan, United States URL: https://gopassage.com About Passage Passage is a fast-growing, venture-backed tech startup company based in Detroit, MI. The Passage Ticketing platform works with thousands of events around the world every year, powering their ticket, merchandise, and concession sales both online and at-the-door. Our combination of powerful web and mobile technology, omni-channel payments, and world-class customer support help events everywhere reach more fans and sell more tickets. Find out more at About the Job As an engineer at Passage you’ll join our small team of two other developers in building one of the most feature rich and user friendly event ticketing platforms in the industry. Your day-to-day may consist of fixing bugs, updating user interfaces and performance tuning PostgreSQL database calls. However, you’ll probably spend most of your time building exciting new features. We pride ourselves on how quickly we’re able to ship awesome new functionality for our clients. We try to do things “The Rails Way.” While we got sucked into the React world several years back, these days we prefer to render HTML on the server. Any front-end interaction we need comes from StimulusJS, StimulusReflex, and CableReady via ActionCable. We’re also planing on utilizing Hotwire where applicable. Here are some actual projects you might work on at Passage: An embeddable widget so clients can sell tickets through our platform directly from their own website ViewComponent components for our revamped admin UI and ticket checkout UI A mobile concession stand order queuing system Group Ticket Sales – Offering special ticket packages to organizations Expanding upon our already powerful promo code engine A “custom fields” engine...

Restructuring a Laravel Controller using Services, Events, Jobs, Actions, and more | Laravel News

One of the top Laravel questions I hear is “How to structure the project”. If we narrow it down, the largest part of it sounds like “If the logic shouldn’t be in Controllers, then where should we put it?” The problem is there is no single correct answer to such questions. Laravel gives you the flexibility to choose the structure yourself, which is both a blessing and a curse. You won’t find any recommendations in the official Laravel docs, so let’s try to discuss various options, based on one specific example. Notice: as there’s no one way to structure the project, this article will be full of side-notes, “what if” and similar paragraphs. I advise you don’t skip them, and read the article in full, to be aware of all the exceptions to the best practices. Imagine you have a Controller method for registering users that does a lot of things: 1public function store(Request $request) 6 ’email’ => [‘required’, ‘string’, ’email’, ‘max:255’, ‘unique:users’], 7 ‘password’ => [‘required’, ‘confirmed’, Rules\Password::defaults()], 14 ‘password’ => Hash::make($request->password), 17 // 3. Upload the avatar file and update the user 20 $user->update([‘avatar’ => $avatar]); 26 // 5. Generate a personal voucher 33 // 6. Send that voucher with a welcome email 34 $user->notify(new NewUserWelcomeNotification($voucher->code)); 36 // 7. Notify administrators about the new user 37 foreach (config(‘app.admin_emails’) as $adminEmail) { 39 ->notify(new NewUserAdminNotification($user)); 42 return redirect()->route(‘dashboard’); 43} Seven things, to be precise. You will all probably agree that it’s too much for one controller method, we need to separate the logic and move the parts somewhere. But where exactly? The trickiest part is that all of...

Does Laravel Scale?

In this blog post, I will explore whether you can use Laravel at hyper-scale and whether it could be used to power something like Twitter, Facebook or various other huge applications. What brought me here We’re all getting tired of the “Does Laravel scale?” questions. Not because people are asking questions but because of the ignorant responses to the question. It has happened numerous times now, and the storyline is always the same. In this post, I’m going to address this question once and for all: Does Laravel scale? Why are you worried? Before we get into details about whether Laravel can scale, you must understand that most people are worried about a situation they will never experience. You are not building the next Google, Facebook or YouTube. I don’t write that as an insult, and I’m not a pessimist (I’m an entrepreneur who quit his job to work on a startup!), but it’s mentally healthy for us to keep our expectations based on reality. So when people ask the question, “Does Laravel scale?” because they’re starting a company or about to build an application for a multi-billion dollar company, they need to realize that they just won’t hit the scale of Facebook. How many requests does Wikipedia handle? Wikipedia is one of the biggest websites in the world, and, guess what, it runs on PHP. According to a TechCrunch article from 2020, Wikipedia was processing 255 million pageviews per day on average. So how does that look per second and per month? Do we consider Wikipedia to be a big website? How many requests does Facebook handle? They...

5 essential concepts for mobile app development

The concept of creating a mobile app has the potential to scale over time because it entails various changes as it evolves. A mobile app development concept could become a remedy to some of the most pressing issues that your potential end-user is encountering. MVP app creation requires caution because the early stages of planning require an app to decrease before it can grow large. And it’s for this reason that your plan to create a killer app should start with a feature set. In this article, will present the 5 essential concepts for mobile app development. 1. App development requires an understanding of the feature set. A feature set is a high-level summary of all the features you want to include in your programme. This contains all of the “must have” features and data that consumers require to solve their problems. A list of such features might help you compare user expectations to what the app has to offer. 2. Finding and targeting your app audience You can’t move further without first defining your intended audience as mobile apps. This action also aids in mobile development and the development of new ideas. Search around among groups and segments who truly require a mobile app to solve their problems during the stage when you’re building an app idea. Actually ask how your thoughts for creating a mobile app may help them in their daily lives. If you can’t answer this question, you’ll most likely have to start over and figure out how and for whom your app concept will function. An excellent strategy to launch a mobile application is...

Cyber Security in the Context of International Security

Organization: Geneva Centre for Security Policy Start date: 5 Sep 2022 End date: 3 Oct 2022 Registration deadline: 22 Aug 2022 LOCATION: Virtual Cyber security is everyone’s responsibility. What are the current trends in threats, risks, and vulnerabilities? How do threat actors exploit vulnerabilities to conduct ransomware attacks? Participate to understand Cyberspace as an operational environment and what to do about threats, risks, and vulnerabilities. Cyberspace: hardware, and software which are used to create, process, store, retrieve and disseminate information in different types of interconnected networks that build a large, global network, built, and used by people, has transformed all aspects of human life. It enables information flows at speeds that never existed before; it creates value through e-commerce; it streamlines processes generating value to businesses, and it enables command and control of capabilities for crisis management or to conduct joint operations. However, threat actors identify and exploit vulnerabilities to conduct cyber attacks targeting organisations in academia, and the public and private sectors. The motive can be to steal intellectual property (knowledge), espionage, destruction, or for cybercriminal reasons. Many cases supporting this notion exist: WannaCry, NotPetya, and REvil. Therefore, with an understanding of Cyberspace as the operational environment, participants will get an understanding of threats, risks, vulnerabilities, and what to do about them. Learning Objectives on this Journey Our unique learning approach means that you will participate in interactive virtual workshops while taking advantage of both self-paced and social learning opportunities. On this learning journey you will explore new resources and engage with your peers through an interactive online platform, enjoy discussion fora with participants and experts and take...

Web App Development in 2022: Everything You Need to Know – Trio

Web app development empowers web-based projects to perform and act similarly to a mobile app. Web applications engage users, prioritizing responsive interactions, but are still delivered through the internet over a network.  You can say that web app development is more or less the cool little brother of web development. Web development is why you’re on this very web page, but web app development is how all this got written in the first place.  Both are important, but knowing the difference will help you understand what web app development is as well as whether or not it sounds like a good idea for your business.  To find out more about web applications — from their advantages and disadvantages to the frameworks you should use to put them together — keep reading! What Is a Web Application? A web application is an interactive app built using technologies that users can access from their browser.  Web apps have the typical front-end and back-end web development technologies. In theory, web apps are closely related to websites, thus web app development and web development share many characteristics. On the front-end, for instance, , CSS, and HTML. The back-end for web apps might similarly use the same server-side languages developers use to build websites such as Ruby or Python.  However, web apps operate on any device in a mode that is distinctly different than that of a traditional website.  What’s the Difference Between a Web App and a Wesbite? Web apps are designed to be interactive whereas a website’s primary purpose is to present information.  Distinguishing one from the other is admittedly nit-picky, but...

How to Build a Full-Stack Single Page Application with Laravel 9, MySQL, Vue.js, Inertia, Jetstream and Docker

In this tutorial, you will learn how to build a single page application. I’ll take you through the process step by step, using cutting edge technologies like Laravel 9, Jetstream, Vuejs, Inertiajs, MySQL, Tailwind CSS, and Docker. Let’s get started. What you need to follow this guide: To follow along you will need: This guide is organized into 10 chapters and is based off a live coding series that I record. The live coding series is completely unscripted, so there will be bugs and gotchas there that you won’t find in this guide. You can find the complete playlist at the end of this article. Everything here should just work, but if it doesn’t feel free to ask for help by joining my community on Slack. There you can share code snippets and chat with me directly. What Tech Are We Using? First, let’s go over the different tools we’ll be using in this project. Docker is a set of platform as a service products that use OS-level virtualization to deliver software in packages called containers. To simplify this concept, Docker lets you package applications and dependencies in a container. A containerized application allows you to have a flexible development environment so that you can run different applications without worrying about dependencies, their requirements, and conflicts between different versions. You can easily run applications that, for instance, require two different versions of PHP and MySQL. Each team member can quickly reproduce the same environment of your application by simply running the same container’s configuration. If you want to learn more about Docker, its Documentation is a great place to...

5 Reasons To Choose React Native Training for Mobile App Development

Nothing can be better than React Native if you want to build a mobile app quickly. It is a smart approach that enables mobile app developers to save time and produce apps faster. Combining many uses alongside speeding up and deftness of a given stage, React Native training is an exceptionally practical choice. We as a whole know about the way that to build the client base, organizations need to foster mixture applications. In addition, in the journey of making versatile applications for both Android and iOS, organizations sometimes think twice about the quality. This turns into a significant obstacle to the application’s prosperity over the long haul. Its application improvement comes as a one-step answer for this multitude of issues. As a result of such astonishing characteristics, it has become one of the top versatile application advancement dialects. 5 Reasons to choose React Native for A Smooth Process- Reusable Code – Save Time and Money: Developers shouldn’t have to write unique code for different platforms (iOS or Android) while using React Native because Javascript can be used on both. For instance, The ability to reuse code leads to higher productivity, super-fast development, and lowers costs. Additionally, the mobile application advancement process impressively accelerates because of the current open-source libraries, including UI ones. Additionally, assuming that an organization as of now has a web application on React, a portion of this code can be reused to make a versatile application. Local Area Support and Industry Popularity: It has the largest local area among every cross-stage which is a plus advantage for the developers who are opting for the React-Native...

Organisational culture as the last line of defence in cyber security | ITWeb

Anna Collard, SVP Content Strategy & Evangelist KnowBe4 Africa. Organisational culture and behaviour change are crucial to underpin cyber security in organisations, according to Anna Collard, SVP of Content Strategy & Evangelist for KnowBe4 Africa. Speaking during a webinar on cyber security awareness and culture in South Africa, Collard said there was room for improvement in cyber security culture, and that organisations needed to focus on inspiring behavioural change within their ranks. Collard said the ITWeb KnowBe4 South African cyber security culture survey found that cyber security culture is important to most respondents. In the study, 72% of respondents said they currently run a security awareness and culture programme, and 28% do not. Just over a third (35%) do not measure their security culture programme. Those who do measure it, look mainly at metrics such as phishing simulations and incidents reported by end users. Half had experienced an increase in social engineering attacks in the past 12 months, and 55% said they were getting more reports of users being targeted on mobile phones and chat applications. “This aligns with a larger survey by Forrester two years ago, in which 94% of respondents said security culture is good for business. But in that survey, we asked how they would define security culture, and found there were a variety of perceptions around what security culture means. Responders’ views of what constitutes security culture ranged from levels of compliance through to user behaviour and awareness of security.” The definition of security culture remains a challenge, said Collard. “If our perceptions vary, it is very difficult to measure and monitor security culture.”  A...

CoreWCF 1.0 has been Released, WCF for .NET Core and .NET 5+

The CoreWCF Project team has released the 1.0 version of CoreWCF, a port of WCF to the .NET Core platform. It provides a compatible implementation of SOAP, NetTCP, and WSDL. Usage in code is similar to WCF, but updated to use ASP.NET Core as the service host, and to work with .NET Core. This is the first major release of the project, and provides WCF functionality for .NET Core, .NET Framework, and .NET 5+. The 1.0 release of CoreWCF is compatible with .NET Standard 2.0 so that it will work with: .NET Framework 4.6.2 (and above) .NET Core 3.1 .NET 5 & 6 Support for .NET Framework will enable an easier modernization path to .NET Core. Applications with WCF dependencies can be updated to use CoreWCF in-place on .NET framework, which then will work the same when updated to use .NET Core or .NET 5+. The assemblies are available on Nuget.org, as described in the Release Notes. Community Project CoreWCF was announced as a community project in June of 2019, and has had many contributors during the last 3 years. As a community project, CoreWCF has had more commits from other contributors than Microsoft employees, and regular contributions from AWS and other organizations. A special thanks to all those who have contributed code, issues or suggestions. The community support has been critical to getting the project to this point, and we hope it will continue for subsequent versions. I’d be remiss if I didn’t make a special callout to @mconnew who has been the backbone of the project and contributed most of the code. As a community project, the...

Now Hiring: Web Developer

Brew is a branding and advertising agency in Baton Rouge, LA looking to add a web developer with 3+ years of experience to our team. The ideal candidate has the ability to combine strong programming skills with an eye for aesthetics and a mind for usability and experience. REQUIREMENTS 3+ years of experience in professional web development with a focus on custom WordPress theme development Solid knowledge of front-end (HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript) and back-end (PHP, mySQL/phpMyAdmin, WPEngine) technologies as applicable to WordPress Experience building responsive user interfaces for websites from layout and design comps and/or wireframes Ability to understand CSS changes and their ramifications to ensure consistent style across platforms and browsers Comfortable working with debugging tools, and the ability to troubleshoot (or prevent) website issues Excellent communication and collaboration skills We are seeking the following characteristics in our next hire: Organized & responsible: Time-efficient, self-motivated and a desire to maintain clean, clear code Disciplined: Self-motivated enough to thrive in our flexible work environment with a strong attention to detail Problem Solver: Willing to tackle any challenge and desire to find the best possible solution Eager to Learn & Share: Forward-thinking and full of fresh ideas to bring to the table; always wanting to learn the next new thing Team player: A positive attitude and willing to work with, help, and learn from others! JOB DESCRIPTION Create and maintain a variety of custom website solutions, with an emphasis on custom WordPress themes and plugins Take concepts, designs, and/or wireframes and translate into fully functional, responsive websites Implement new features and functionality, or troubleshoot as needed Monitor and update websites...

Major Reasons to Invest in Healthcare Mobile App Development 2022

The technological revolution is marking a huge impact on the era of mobile app development. From a basic calculator to complex gaming, smartphones have become the game-changer in today’s competitive era while covering maximum industries. The healthcare industry is greatly influenced by healthcare mobile app development innovation. The introduction of healthcare mobile apps has made the job of healthcare professionals hassle-free while benefitting healthcare businesses. Today, healthcare applications have become an integral part of the industry, and as a result, more healthcare professionals are planning to develop healthcare apps for patients. There are multiple reasons behind investing in healthcare app development for business, and this blog talks about the same. So, let’s discuss! What Is Healthcare Mobile App Development? Healthcare apps keep track of healthcare and wellness that help professionals and patients connect virtually. While using healthcare applications, patients can keep track of their health while connecting with healthcare professionals. On the other hand, doctors can assist the patients & offer them the best treatment through a healthcare app. There are multiple reasons and benefits of healthcare apps for patients & professionals. So, let’s take a look at them one by one. Different Types of Healthcare Apps for Doctors & Patients Nowadays, there are multiple types of healthcare applications available. So, to help you decide on the best type of app before stepping into healthcare mobile app development, here is the data in tabular format. Type Of Healthcare App App’s Description Appointment Scheduling App This app help patients book an appointment online while improving their satisfaction. Diet & Nutrition App This type of app help patients who want to live a healthy life while...

Tech Wonderkind Works to get Other Teens into Cyber Security

Ishan Jadhwani is something of a wizard. He can hack into the networks of major tech companies, circumvent wi-fi restrictions to access his favorite Netflix shows, and write code for his very own apps. And the 16-year-old does it all while balancing two cyber security jobs and his schoolwork at Riverside High School. “It’s a huge passion for me. To be honest the work doesn’t feel like work. If I could work on it every minute, if school wasn’t there, I would do so,” he said.   He’s so highly skilled that he’s led workshops for the IRS, the DIA, the DHS, and CIA employees, teaching about network penetration testing and other cyber security protocols.  “Ishan is a phenom,” his former teacher Jenifer Marden said, recalling him as a freshman in her cyber security class two years ago. “Here’s this 14-year-old kid bringing real-life examples into the classroom, telling us about how he does bug bounties for fun.” Bug bounties are awards given to hackers who ethically find and report vulnerabilities in a company’s networks and programs. Jadhwani said his bounties are confidential, but he’s earned a good chunk of change infiltrating networks of popular companies, spanning from the automobile industry to fast food. There’s a decent chance that the average consumer benefits from Jadhwani’s fixes daily. In 2020, Marden was nominated for the National Cyber Security Teacher of the Year award. Representatives from the White House came to observe Marden’s class. She said they were so blown away by a presentation from Jadhwani on using software to crack passwords, that Marden and Jadhwani were invited to present at the...

Best Business Intelligence Platforms – Top BI Tools for 2022 | Online Sales Guide Tips

Welcome back Jonathan Askew Last updated: 1 April 2022 One of the quickest and most efficient ways of improving the day-to-day running of your business is to use data to gain insights. Given the range of data that you can track through various tools, there are numerous ways in which a business can improve and ultimately, save money. We’re going to look at the best business intelligence platforms that allow businesses to do just that. They work by offering insights and even predictions based on past performances, which are key to running a successful operation. Throughout this article, we will review what are widely regarded as the best BI tools to see how they function, what they are best used for, how they compare to each other, and if they offer good value for money. Our Pick for the Best Business Intelligence Platform for 2022 Microsoft Power BI takes our top spot as the best business intelligence platform. The brand is one of the most recognizable in the world and comes with features that include advanced analysis, huge data logs, a dedicated mobile app, data-driven insights, and stunning visuals. Best Business Intelligence Platform – Top 10 List The list below includes the best business intelligence platforms for 2022. What’s important to note here is that not all the platforms offer the same services and features, so take the time to see which is the best fit for your business. It will be worth bookmarking this page as we continue to change and adapt this list based on ongoing testing and performance results. Best BI Tools – Compared We’ve taken...

How to Validate Your Laravel App’s Config | Laravel News

As your Laravel projects change and grow, it’s likely that you’ll add new config fields and onboard new team members to work alongside you. Especially for junior developers, setting up config and environment variables on your local development machine for the first time for each project can sometimes (but not always) be quite confusing. You can sometimes find yourself scratching your head thinking “have I put the right API key here?“, or “is this the right URL for this environment variable?“, and “what are the different values that this config field can be?“. Of course, these types of issues can be avoided with well written and up-to-date documentation. But, wouldn’t it be better if these questions could be answered, and enforced, programmatically before running your app rather than by eye or waiting until your code fails during runtime? What is Laravel Config Validator? Laravel Config Validator is a package that I built with the aim of trying to solve these issues by providing the ability for developers to define rules that can be used to validate config fields. It allows you to validate your config fields using an Artisan command so that you and other developers can be sure that they have the correct config set up. The main benefit of using this package is that it encourages code-as-documentation, because you can update your config validation rules each time your config changes rather than updating a boring markdown file with your project’s documentation that’s likely hidden away and never looked at. It also allows you to write complex rules relatively easily. For example, let’s say that you had a...
Malcare WordPress Security

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