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Law Firm Mobile Apps | Mobile App Development for Attorneys

In 2018, 52 percent of web pages were accessed by a mobile device, and that number will continue to grow due to the explosion of mobile use. Google has taken notice and has implanted “mobile-first indexing,” meaning that Google indexes the mobile version of sites first. Your mobile website is on the front lines when it comes to search engine rankings, so a mobile presence is necessary. Law firm mobile apps are an excellent way to get in front of this trend. These apps improve the user experience and make it easier to reach the top of Google and other search engines. How Do Mobile Apps Improve Search Rankings? Law firm mobile apps help law firms move up in the search rankings in two different ways. Both ways are critical for making it to the top of Google and other search engines. First, if someone conducts a search that brings up lots of mobile app listings, Google could display your app with other related apps at the top of the search results. Android devices display “app packs” for related searches right under the PPC ads. Users can scroll through the apps and find one to download. If they click on one, they’ll be redirected to Google Play. GAIN A COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE FOR YOUR LAW FIRM IN 2020! ​​Sign Up Below To Receive Our Free Attorney Marketing Guide!  iOS devices go about this a bit differently, but you can still rank with your app. When users conduct a search that’s correlated to applications, iOS devices display a drop-down menu with app recommendations. Some speculate that eventually iOS devices will follow...

[100% OFF] The Django Bible™ | Python for Web Developer | SmartyBro

Have you ever wonder how to create a Web application but didn’t know where to start? Have you previously tried to learn Django but got fed up with impertinent course videos and poorly written tutorials? Then, you ended up on the right course! In this course, I will take you through the basics of python through Django basics and all the way of creating real-world web applications. Wouldn’t it be the craziest experience if you could build any web application after learning this single course? What is Django and Why to use it?  Django is an open-source python web framework used for rapid development, pragmatic, maintainable, clean design, and secures websites. A web application framework is a toolkit of all components need for application development. The main goal of the Django framework is to allow developers to focus on components of the application that are new instead of spending time on already developed components. It is fully featured than many other frameworks on the market. It takes care of a lot of hassle. involved in web development; enables users to focus on developing components needed for their application. Choosing a language and framework because you used it on your last project — or because you are more familiar with it — is not the way to go. Before starting a new software project, you want to evaluate which language and framework is the best fit for your desired outcomes. What matters most to you? Security, rapid development, scalability, versatility, support? It’s better to make an informed choice before you begin your build rather than regretting it later (or worse “hacking”...

Cleanup from Saint John cyberattack could last months, says cyber security expert | CBC News

A cyberattack on a municipality never comes at a good time, but a cyber security expert says the attack on Saint John’s internet infrastructure comes at a particularly bad time. On Sunday, the city announced there’d been a “significant” cyberattack, which forced it to shut down several online services, including payment systems, email and the city’s website. David Shipley, the CEO of Beauceron Security, a New Brunswick-based cybersecurity firm, said the city has a long road ahead of it after the cyberattack, one complicated by the COVID-19 pandemic. “You’ve got to figure out in a pandemic how you’re going to be able to check all these computers and thoroughly assess if they’re safe to go back on the network,” Shipley said Monday. “With a sophisticated attack, and this looks to be among the ranks of very sophisticated attacks, you’re going to have to almost completely reset everything in order to be sure that the system you’re rebuilding from the ground up is trustworthy.” The city has advised people who may have used its online services to check their bank accounts and credit cards for suspicious activity. Russian origins suspected While there has been no official word on who may be behind the attack, Shipley said the modus operandi of the attacks fits similar attacks caused by groups connected to Russian organized crime. This includes groups using a type of the ransomware, Ryuk, which Shipley said is responsible for 30 per cent of similar attacks in recent months. He said the Saint John cyberattack is the first major one on a New Brunswick municipality, but there have been others in Canada. It is unclear whether...

Announcing React Native 0.63 with LogBox · React Native

Today we’re releasing React Native 0.63 that ships with LogBox turned on by default. We’ve heard frequent feedback from the community that errors and warnings are difficult to debug in React Native. To address these issues we took a look at the entire error, warning, and log system in React Native and redesigned it from the ground up. LogBox is a completely redesigned redbox, yellowbox, and logging experience in React Native. In 0.62 we introduced LogBox as an opt-in. In this release, we’re launching LogBox as the default experience in all of React Native. LogBox addresses complaints that errors and warnings were too verbose, poorly formatted, or unactionable by focusing on three primary goals: To achieve these goals, LogBox includes: We’ve wrapped all of these features into an improved visual design that’s consistent between errors and warnings and allows paginating through all logs in one enjoyable UI. With this change we’re also deprecating YellowBox in favor of LogBox APIs: In 0.63, we will warn when using these deprecated modules or methods. Please update your call sites off of these APIs before they are removed in 0.64. For more information on LogBox and debugging react native, see the docs here. React Native is built to enable applications to meet user’s expectations of the platform. This includes avoiding “tells”—little things that give away that the experience was built with React Native. One major source of these tells has been the Touchable components: Button, TouchableWithoutFeedback, TouchableHighlight, TouchableOpacity, TouchableNativeFeedback, and TouchableBounce. These components make your application interactive by allowing you to provide visual feedback to user interactions. However, because they include built-in styles...

Taxi Booking Mobile App Development Cost and Key Features

Introduction of Online Taxi Booking Ecosystem Over the last few years, the concept of traditional taxi services has become almost non-existent. Evolution of incredible has taken over the market by a storm. In a lot of places, especially metropolitan cities, the concept of hiring a taxi has become extremely prevalent. Hiring a taxi not only falls cheaper than owning your car but it also spares you from the troubles of jam-packed roads and car repairs. Moving on, companies like Uber, Ola, Lyft, and more have made getting a ride just one tap away. These apps have dominated the market and are certainly here to stay. So, if you are looking to venture into your taxi booking service app, there is no better time than today. In this article, we will look at the various taxi apps available out there and how they are developed. Finally, we shall also delve into the cost aspect of . Let’s begin. Market Size and Stats The market for taxi booking mobile apps has witnessed significant growth in the past few years. New apps have bourgeoned to enhance people’s experience of hiring a taxi. However, out of the lot, one app that has shown incredible success is Uber. Garnering worldwide recognition, the company has touched the pinnacle of success in less than a decade, commanding a noteworthy global market value of $72 billion. Other Key Uber Statistics are: Besides, the global taxi booking service market was valued at $36,450 million in 2017. This is anticipated to reach $126,521 million by 2025, marking a CAGR of 16.5% from the year 2018-2025. Types of Taxi Booking...

9 Best Web Application Penetration Testing Tools for 2020 | Ethical Hackers Academy

The world of the internet has expanded and has covered almost all aspects of our lives. The Internet of Things has made everyday living genuinely digital. Internet is no longer just confined to random searches of the elusive piece of information, but a means to carry out most of the activities from banking to switching on the bathroom geyser. And with the internet, so has the cybersecurity threats entered almost all aspects of our lives. Thus, it becomes imperative to safeguard ourselves from the loopholes which the hacking faculties might prey upon. The most trusted and foolproof method used by Cyber Security is the use of the Web Application Penetration Testing tools or Web Pen Tools to check the network, server, or web application and in case of an attack identifies and blocks the loopholes; preventing the worse. Web Application Penetration Testing tools To counter the advances in the field of hacking, it is essential to keep abreast of the latest and the best in the Web Pen Tools. Here is the list of some of the top Web Application Penetration Testing tools one can use to test web app penetration if any: This is a web vulnerability scanner that can scan and detect vulnerabilities of over 4500 kinds, including XSS and SQL injections. It is fully automated, thus saving hours and hours of manual testing. It has high accuracy and low false positives rates. Thus it is fast and reliable. With an advanced manual Pen tool and can be easily integrated with other popular WAFs and vulnerability trackers. It can be operated on CMS systems and supports HTML5, JavaScript, and Single page...

ReactJS vs AngularJS

What are we going to compare? As the time goes by, the answer to this question becomes more complicated. If we look at it from the angle of two Javascript libraries, here what we will get: a relatively small ReactJS library for building user interfaces and a comprehensive AngularJS web application development framework. Well, if it was that straightforward, most likely this article wouldn’t exist. Things are more complicated than they may appear at first partly due to the differences between the versions of AngularJS. On the other hand, ReactJS isn’t also as simple as you may suppose. It has acquired such components like React Router and Redux, which altogether with the library itself work as a serious ecosystem. In this article, sometimes I’ll refer to ReactJS itself, while other times I’ll mention ReactJS ecosystem. As for AngularJS, I’ll refer to different versions including new AngularJS 4 (became available on the 23 of March, 2017), which is backward compatible with Angular 2. This is an updated article of the one that was published on the 8 of July, 2016. Therefore, I would like mention the main news that have taken place since the first article. Angular 2 came out with semantic system versioning that was meant to make switch between versions more meaningful. However, later when the time to switch to Angular 3 came, this improvement partly caused the problem. Finally, due to misalignments in Angular versions, package router was unable to find Angular 3. This is how third version had been skipped and after a number of beta-versions, Angular v4 was recently launched. Framework vs Set of Libraries...

Federal system for tracking hospital beds and COVID-19 patients provides questionable data | Science | AAAS

Across the United States, COVID-19 wards like this one at University of Wisconsin Health in Madison are filling up fast, but federal data on their patient numbers and available beds are suspect, which could hinder getting personal protective equipment, other supplies, or medicines to where they are needed most. Federal system for tracking hospital beds and COVID-19 patients provides questionable data By Charles PillerNov. 29, 2020 , 4:30 PM This story was supported by the Science Fund for Investigative Reporting. In mid-November, as the United States set records for newly diagnosed COVID-19 cases day after day, the hospital situation in one hard-hit state, Wisconsin, looked concerning but not yet urgent by one crucial measure. The main pandemic data tracking system run by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), dubbed HHS Protect, reported that on 16 November, 71% of the state’s hospital beds were filled. Wisconsin officials who rely on the data to support and advise their increasingly strained hospitals might have concluded they had some margin left. Yet a different federal COVID-19 data system painted a much more dire picture for the same day, reporting 91% of Wisconsin’s hospital beds were filled. That day was no outlier. A Science examination of HHS Protect and confidential federal documents found the HHS data for three important values in Wisconsin hospitals—beds filled, intensive care unit (ICU) beds filled, and inpatients with COVID-19—often diverge dramatically from those collected by the other federal source, from state-supplied data, and from the apparent reality on the ground. “Our hospitals are struggling,” says Jeffrey Pothof, a physician and chief quality officer for the health system of the...

JavaScript Full-Stack Bootcamp in Barcelona Code School – learn React, React Native, Node, Express, MongoDB

JavaScript Full-Stack in-person Bootcamp in Barcelona Code School Become a developer and find a job, start freelancing or building your own apps! COVID-19 NOTE With restrictions being eased we can get back to in-person format for the bootcamps with all the safety measures implemented at school. The registration is open for all the available dates from the calendar. In case for some reasons or if situation changes you will not be able attend the selected cohort we will find a solution to move you to another starting date at your convinience. Get our awesome curriculum Subscribe to our mailing list and get the curriculum now. Get it! What you’ll learn HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node, Express, MongoDB, React.js, React Native, Git, UX basics How to build fast, modern, dynamic and responsive web apps Server-side rendering to make you React apps SEO friendly Building native mobile apps with React Native Deployment of your apps for web and mobile Best web development practices Programming with JavaScript for front-end, back-end and mobile React library, used by Facebook and Instagram The only school that teaches back-end, front-end and native mobile apps development. Using MongoDB Using external APIs Version control with Git and GitHub Team and pair programming, programming logic, algorithmic approach The outcomes Get hired as a developer. 100% of our bootcamp graduates who finished the bootcamps successfully and were looking for a job got hired in first 1-3 months after the course. Become qualified for a junior developer position and land a job with one of our hiring partners. Start freelancing. Get the practical skills you need to start working remotely in the...

Mobile App Development: Is It Better to Go Native or Build Cross-Platform?

The mobile has become the main content distribution platform for companies, an essential means of accessing work-related data, and a key doorway for completing multiple transactions. When developing mobile apps, there are two options: going native or building cross-platform. How are these two approaches to mobile development different? What are the best use cases for each? Let’s find out. A Bit of History We all consume content galore on our mobile phones. But what truly defines our experience is content presentation. Indeed, we’re all familiar with the smooth transitions of those great apps on our phones, often feeling the urge to come back for more of that good usability. Just a few years ago, that’s exactly how native apps were sifted from the cross-platform wannabes—the quality of the latter simply wasn’t good.‍ The beginnings of cross-platform mobile development were harsh, to say lightly.  But back in the day, there were many players on the scene of mobile operating systems. You had Windows, BlackBerry, iOS, and Android. Building affordable applications that could run on all the platforms was justifiable. The need for a wider reach resulted in a compromise on slow performance, bad usability, and frequent crashes for the small price businesses had to pay for hybrid applications. The cross-platform mobile development tools and frameworks were immature and not really ready for production.  In 2015, things started to change. First, React Native entered the scene, giving the apps built with it a semblance of nativity (React Native binds to native UI components). Then, in 2018, Google released Flutter, which allowed developers to build native-like apps. Still, the two technologies were...

Organizations risk failing cyber security assessments on home networks protection

Organizations risk failing cyber security assessments on home networks protection With various levels of lockdowns in place in many European countries, are smaller companies fighting a losing battle when it comes to renewing cyber security certification? Richard Hughes believes this is the case… With many organizations operating with a majority of employees working from home, many businesses have not considered the fact that their employees’ home networks now fall under the scope of regulatory and certification requirements. If an individual works from home more than 50 percent of their time, their network must be compliant with current regulations. The only exception would be if they have an always on VPN which all traffic passes through, which is highly unlikely, especially for small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). Businesses need to realise that it’s their responsibility to protect their employees’ networks. If they don’t, they’ll fail vital certifications. Part of the issue here is that businesses haven’t received clear guidance on what they need to have in place to achieve or maintain compliance with certification, such as Cyber Essentials in the UK, for example. With the COVID-19 pandemic forcing the majority of the workforce to do their job remotely, workers are no longer protected behind office infrastructure. SMEs are being hit the hardest right now, and the last thing they need is to find out they are falling out of scope of cyber security requirements and increasing their cyber risk. In addition, the pandemic provided cyber criminals with another way of exploiting individuals and the businesses they work for. In its annual review, the NCSC highlighted that more than a quarter...

An iOS Developer on React Native. When I first caught wind of React… | by Chalk + Chisel | iOS App Development | Medium

When I first caught wind of React Native, I thought of it as nothing more than a way for web developers to dip their feet into native mobile apps. The premise that JavaScript developers could write an iPhone app in JavaScript was definitely something that I thought was really cool, but I quickly shrugged off the idea of using it myself. After all, I had already been doing native iOS development as a hobby for many years, and professionally with Chalk + Chisel (formally Bolster) for almost two years at that point. I had already made dozens of iOS apps — good apps that I was proud of. Apps built in Xcode and written in Objective-C, because that’s the way it’s always been. That’s what Apple gave us to make iOS apps, so that’s what I and every other developer used. Then, two years ago when Apple released the Swift programming language, I didn’t hesitate to try it out. It was still in Xcode, and it was still (obviously) Apple-approved for developing iOS apps, so I dove right in and picked it up pretty — ahem — swiftly. I was content in my Apple ecosystem bubble. React Native seemed like a fun little experiment, but in my mind any real native app would still need to be written the real native way. It seemed like a waste of time for me to not only learn JavaScript (I had no experience), but an entirely new way of building apps when I was already beginning to master building them the “real” way. Fast-forward a couple of months, and I’m confident enough...

You don’t have to be a web developer to be a programmer

When I first started out coding, I was sickened with impostor syndrome. All these great web developers with their fancy portfolios. But I’m not them. I can’t design anything at all. I can’t make things look beautiful or elegant. But, the world is rifled with “learn to program by becoming a web developer”. I felt like I was destined to be a bad programmer as I couldn’t do web development no matter how much I tried. As I grew up, I realised that I don’t have to be a web developer. Backend developers are just as cool, and even cooler to me personally. I feel like this is because: Web developers have more to show off The vast majority of people becoming programmers go into web development (likely due to the fact that the web developers know how to build a well designed course / website) Websites like Dev.to are predominantly about web development (sort by top posts of all time, it’s all web dev 😎) Soo if you’re a beginner programmer, I wanted to let you know that you don’t have to be a web developer to be a good programmer. You don’t even have to touch HTML if you like! There are thousands of programmers not involved in web development. You don’t even have to be a backend developer (that develops server-side applications). There are thousands of jobs where you develop internal tooling, databases, security and more. Remember. Web development is not the only goal. You can become a great programmer without touching HTML or CSS. While I’m not the best example, my projects have around ~9k...

ASP.Net Training Course | ASP.Net Training Course In Lahore

ASP.NET DEVELOPMENT 1. AN INTRODUCTION TO C# 1.1 What is .NET, C# and the correlation between C# & .NET? 1.2 What is CLR, what is JIT? & What are FCL? 1.3 Primitive Types, Namespaces & Statements 1.4 What are Expressions & Operators. 1.5 What are Loops, Conditional Statements 1.6 Demo: Console Application 2. EVENTS, PROPERTIES METHODS AND FUNCTIONS 2.1 Methods, Method Overloading, Fields, Properties & Events 2.2 What is Event Based Development 2.3 Demo: Windows Form   3. ADO.NET 3.1 Creating database 3.2 SQLQueries 3.3 Connectivity 3.4 What is CRUD and the concept of transactions? 3.5 Demo: SQL Management Studio   4. WINDOWS WITH ADO.NET 4.1 Establishing connection & Performing CRUD operation 4.2 Final Project Allotment. 4.3 Demo: Creating a small windows application. ASP.NET DEVELOPMENT 5. OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING CONCEPTS 5.1 Inheritance, Generalization, Specialization, Encapsulation, & Abstraction 5.2 Polymorphism, Overloading, Overriding, Interfaces, Enumerations & Structures 5.3 Demo: Creating an ERDiagram for a live project 6. OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING CONCEPTS (CONT.) 6.1 Reference Type, Classes,Objects, Instances & Constructors 6.2 Attributes, Properties and Methods 6.3 AbstractClasses, Virtual Members, Static Class, SealedClass & Partial Class 6.4 Demo: Creating the C# project for ER Diagram 7. EXPLORING THE FRONTEND DESIGN 7.1 HTMLTags & Attributes 7.2 CSS & types of implementation & Integrating CSS to HTML 7.3 Introduction to JavaScript, jQuery and DOM 7.4 Frontend programming demo 8. ASP.NET 8.1 What is ASP.NET? 8.2 ASP.NET Architecture & Control-based Programming 8.3 Ul Elements & Web Sites/Applications? 8.4 Performing CURD operations 8.5 Demo: Creating the ASP.NET Application ASP.NET DEVELOPMENT 9. ASP.NET MVC 9.1 What is MVC architecture? 9.2 How does it work? 9.3 What are models,...

Factors That Affect the Success of Mobile App Development

Mobile app development has multiple stages before the features are put in an application, some factors are examined to ensure the success of the app. Now, UI UX design and are so trending in the field of the IT market, and such enterprises are having a big time. The number of users of mobile applications is growing fast day-by-day. As various mobile applications are uploaded every month the success charge is low. If you have a great mobile app idea and experience in developing a mobile application, it is quite tricky it went wrong while . Mobile apps have grown a go-to for enterprises. Ever since mobile apps were identified for their expertise to improve businesses, everyone needs to work for it. If you are a well-established business with huge supplies for an app then you can simply hire a mobile app development company and get started with your mobile app. The main purpose of a mobile application development company is to develop an interface that even inexperienced users will understand without cutting any of the features. We have already discussed the latest mobile app trends in our previous blogs so today we will discuss what are the key features of a successful mobile application development – features that should satisfy the user’s needs. User-friendly app All the screens in the app should be clean and nice, and not look distorted. The app should include a few generic and specific valuable features rather than having a truckload of unwanted features. These should be above the crimp and enlightenment to use. While designing and developing the android app development or...

NYT Endorsed Leading Cyber-Crimes Expert Concludes Election 2020 Data Were Altered in Battleground States – Geller Report News

2020 ELECTION.Ballot box with ballot “I conclude with high confidence that the election 2020 data were altered in all battleground states”… US Intelligence Expert with PhD. in computer systems management & DIA/CIA/FBI/NSA/DHS advanced training *SHREDS* claims 2020 election was free & fair. 1/10 1. “I have previously discovered major exploitable vulnerabilities in DVS and ES&S that permit a nefarious operator to perform sensitive functions via its built-in covert backdoor… such as shifting votes, deleting votes, or adding votes in real-time.” 2. “In 2018, NY Times conducted an investigation and concluded that DVS machines can be easily hacked. Subsequently, security experts… discovered innumerable exploitable vulnerabilities that do not require extensive technical skill to breach.” 3. “In my expert opinion, the combination of DVS, Scytl/SOE Software/eClarity and Smartmatic are vulnerable to data manipulation by unauthorized means… electronic voting machines, including DVS have glaring security weaknesses that have remained unresolved.” 4. “I have conducted detailed analysis of the NY Times data sets and have discovered significant anomalies are caused by fraudulent manipulation of the results. In my expert judgment, the evidence is widespread and throughout all battleground states.” 5. “The DVS Democracy Suite’s ImageCast Central optical scanner failed to correctly verify and validate absentee ballots… This indicates that the DVS system configuration was modified to accept invalid ballots when they should have been rejected.” 6. “[It] is required to tabulate and store the results in a cast vote record along with a human-readable image of the ballot that has been scanned… [it] failed to properly verify absentee ballots… [and] to maintain records… necessary to conduct an audit.” 7. “The cryptographic key store...

Why the Future of ETL Is Not ELT, but EL(T) – DZone Big Data

How we store and manage data has completely changed over the last decade. We moved from an ETL world to an ELT world, with companies like Fivetran pushing the trend. However, we don’t think it is going to stop there; ELT is a transition in our mind towards EL(T) (with EL decoupled from T). And to understand this, we need to discern the underlying reasons for this trend, as they might show what’s in store for the future.  This is what we will be doing in this article. I’m the co-founder of Airbyte, the new upcoming open-source standard for data integrations. What Are the Problems With ETL? Historically, the data pipeline process consisted of extracting, transforming, and loading data into a warehouse or a data lake. There are serious disadvantages to this sequence. ETL is inherently rigid. It forces data analysts to know beforehand every way they are going to use the data, every report they are going to produce. Any change they make can be costly. It can potentially affect data consumers downstream of the initial extraction.  Lack of Visibility Every transformation performed on the data obscures some of the underlying information. Analysts won’t see all the data in the warehouse, only the one that was kept during the transformation phase. This is risky, as conclusions might be drawn based on data that hasn’t been properly sliced. Lack of Autonomy for Analysts Last but not least, building an ETL-based data pipeline is often beyond the technical capabilities of analysts. It typically requires the close involvement of engineering talent, along with additional code to extract and transform each source...

Laravel 8 is Now Released! – Laravel News

September 08, 2020 / Paul Redmond Laravel 8 is now released and includes many new features including Laravel Jetstream, a models directory, model factory classes, migration squashing, rate-limiting improvements, time testing helpers, dynamic blade components, and many more features. Before we jump into the new features, we’d like to point out that starting with version 6, Laravel now follows semver and will release a new major version every six months. You can see how the release process works here. Laravel Jetstream Laravel Jetstream improves upon the existing Laravel UI scaffolding found in previous versions. It provides a starting point for new projects, including login, registration, email verification, two-factor authentication, session management, API support via Laravel, and team management. Models Directory Laravel 8’s application skeleton includes an app/Models directory. All generator commands assume models exist in app/Models; however if this directory doesn’t exist, the framework will assume the application keeps models within the app/ folder. Model Factory Classes Eloquent model factories are now class-based starting in Laravel 8, with improved support for relationships between factories (i.e., a user has many posts). I think you’ll agree how awesome the new syntax is for generating records via the new and improved model factories: Migration Squashing If your application contains many migration files, you can now squash them into a single SQL file. This file will be executed first when running migrations, followed by any remaining migration files that are not part of the squashed schema file. Squashing existing migrations can decrease migration file bloat and possibly improve performance while running tests. Improved Rate Limiting Laravel 8 brings improvements to existing rate limiting...
Malcare WordPress Security

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